Monday, 12 December 2022





Acts 5:37, KJV  

"After this man rose up Judas of Galilee in the days of the taxing, and drew away much people after him: he also perished; and all, even as many as obeyed him, were dispersed."

Before we overturn to the characteristics of rabble rousers, it pleases me to have you let into who a rabble rouser is. He is a stirrer of trouble, a creator of one and a breaker and disturber of peace and tranquility. He's a breaker of law and rejoices in the free reign and rule of anarchy - a state of lawlessness. They thrive on this so that they might afford their followers the privilege to loot, steal, kill and destroy. Every leadership starting from the family setup must be careful of rabble rousers. Who's the one who often or is almost causing a rift between you and your spouse? Identify same and come in agreement and terms on him or her. There are things one must not treat with levity so that the centre could hold; so that one could have praise of God as an Abraham who will command his household and children after him (Gen.18:19). This is why there's a general perception from my campus days that I'm a hard leader, difficult to please and one who won't settle for less. I called people to the highest standard of God for them though they were inconvenienced. It may be this bitterness of training and discipline to their souls that might have made some resist me and vomit me as one who stresses too much. But for those who submitted, they're testimonies themselves. I didn't allow the disorder of the system. I stood as anointed or called to affirm, bore the sword concentrated in my hands and ensured there was compliance to all that God is well pleased with. If after doing all these, I became your enemy because I didn't allow you to flower in disorganization and flattery disobedience, God is the One we both and all have to do with. Therefore, these are the characteristics of a rabble rouser: the Theudases and Judases. 

1. They have leadership giftedness or charisma

There's no head of a revolution who lacks charisma. There's something about charisma, it is charm and you rarely see the human world surviving it. That's why all of us collapse at the sight of stars, icons and those who perform the miraculous. They tend to awe us or strike us with something that we lack or don't have. In this way, we submit to them as God and swallow them hook, line and sinker. Why? They've charmed us and we can't but submit. What you must know is this: it is not wrong to submit, admire or be a follower of another. We all are. My Timothy has a Paul in ministry he follows as he also follows Christ. But, what belief does your mentor embrace and who is he is what we should question? If you follow what is not God's ordainment - one who doesn't caress God and His will daily, it will soon be revealed that you've succumbed to falsehood and so come to nought as said by Gamaliel and be punished with your model. That means, there's one leader not to follow. He who has charisma yet is not God's ordainment. How will you know? The Bible says, "your anointing teaches you all things (I John 2:27). You can't but have a witness concerning the fellow on your inside if you have the Holy Ghost. Over the years, I knew who to follow, listen to or collect from through that. While in 200 level when I got connected to my ministry father, it was a unity of spirit and soul and a great drawing and liking after who he is and what he says that proves he's the one. And as I follow, I was anointed by his anointing and begin to do his work. I began to be borne on his eagle wings: what he has researched and proved to work that I just absorb and welcome into my life. My ministry father teaches strongly in series. He once taught a series on "Following the Faith of Abraham" that lasted a year and entered into a new year. Yet, on radio. Same I am replicating not to talk of the gifts and his miracles that I do. And if Jesus tarries, "greater works than his I'll do" if I won't reward God and him badly but rather fulfill Jesus' words to His disciples at His departure (John 14:12).

You must also know that man is made to naturally submit or feel transported in front of what's greater than him. If a false minister shows charisma, he will naturally win some over (especially those without  discernment and yet lacking in Holy Ghost witnessing). This is because man is looking for a model, a teacher and is at the same time filled with aspirations to be part of something that's big, full of population or recognition at his time. Such things are usually commanded by charismatic people. Go from industry to industry and you'll see that natural leaders are easily marked out by charisma or giftedness. Since they naturally shine and draw attention, they'll easily have men attributed to themselves and if they be vain, vague, light, worldly, occultic or satanically possessed without the Anchor which holds the soul, they shall plunge themselves and whatsoever crowd they command into the abyss of destruction. The days are upon us. False ministers are on the increase but you have the anointing that teaches you all things so much more that you'll automatically have discernment on who to regard and follow vice versa. I John 2:20 also corroborates the first quote saying, "but ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things." If you're my Father's and many saints', you can't but be led like they are. Be careful of natural charisma that sways the natural man but which lacks the deep conviction of the Spirit. What is chaff to the wheat is the question this morning? One shall fade away. 

PRAYER: Lord, grant me discernment in the choice of who to follow or model after. Give me your ordainment and let my anointing teach me all things. Your leading is sure. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 6:1-28; 2 Peter 3:1-18; Psalm 119:129-152; Proverbs 28:21-22

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