Thursday, 4 August 2022





Psalms 23:1, KJV 

"The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want."

Who does, "the Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want" really works for? Drivers on the highways who aren't even born again but inscribe it on their vehicles or the heathen and Christians who have not even made the Lord their shepherd? Who does it really work for? It is high time we began seeing "the Lord is my shepherd" as an instruction and not a confession first of all. The only category of people who are permitted to confess Psalm 23 are those who are disciples. I mean those who are so meek as to enquire and receive daily instructions on how they should live their lives. Whenever such Christians say, "the Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want", he's only affirming his position and what he already had subscribed to. Already, he's born again. Yet, this man would pray to find out what God wants of him per time. He doesn't go to school because others are going. He won't marry because he's of age and has money. God must give him a "ram" to prompt him to action. An "Eve" must be brought him at the observation of God that he shouldn't be lonely again. So, he does each act at the command of God. God must first be his eyes. He must watch out for him. It is then the whispers of God to him whether he could launch or not will now become the instruction that guides him and which people will see his body acting out. A Christian isn't an impulsive actor but a guided actor. Many are today and they have accidents and several breakdowns for it. "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want." Think it well. Don't accuse God and claim Him to be a role player of what you haven't relinquished your position to make Him. If your whole time and life is not in God's hands, every time you confess this, you lie and accuse God. 

Psalms 31:15, KJV  

"My times are in thy hand."

That becomes sin since He isn't the administrator of your life - One from Who your acts stem from . When you say somebody is not who he is in your life, you lie and lying is sin. So, refrain from vain confession. I'll like you know that one thousand confessions of Psalm 23 won't offer you leading except you work it practically first of all. I laugh at what Christianity  has become and how idiotic so many people are. They're using heads instead of their hearts. Everything that could glorify God is what they're substituting because it rhymes and fit with what they naturally want. Is it not easy to profess? But, how easy it is to submit to another man's will for one's life? Don't we know how many calls Him "Lord, Lord" yet who He didn't know and would deny at day's end? How many people are so meek enough like the arrested and broken Saul as to ask, "what will you have me do?" Once you get here, you're beginning to make God your Shepherd. He knows what you should do and the path you should take, He'll show and direct you in there. This is where you say, "not my will but Yours." However, how many Christians operate this? That's why their lives are full of mockery and it seems unbelievers are proving biblical principles wrong that could have given them the good life and made them a testimony to the world. 

If I say "the Lord is my Shepherd", the Shepherd will hear. Why? I have esteemed Him first as that role player in my life. We wait until we hear him on matters. If he's not speaking, then we pray more. So, the confession of  "the Lord is my Shepherd" is just an ignite or a prayer of remembrance to call God to the task and responsibilities of who I have taken Him to be in my life. You have not submitted to Him as Shepherd yet you want the deliveries of a Shepherd? You've not submitted to Him as Lord yet you call Him same. What a mockery! Is that how by force you father and impose yourself on those children who do not receive you as a mentor first of all? Won't you be infringing on their rights? If you're married and you say, "Alice is my wife", that confession isn't vague or vain. She is because both of you have exchanged vows. You're only reaffirming what is known because you want Alice show off or answer like a wife. And she will because she owes you an obligation of a wife. She'll come around and greet her in-laws and they'll relate as one. You aren't confessing publicly what you don't know existed first of all but there's a madness I have seen, "it is calling God Who people have not allowed Him to be first of all in their lives." Who will make Him Lord and Shepherd? You. Be a doer and not he who looks his face in the mirror now and forgets what he looks like in a second. Let it be known that God is your shepherd by how you rely on Him to guide you. Act it before speaking it. He'll indeed take over.  

The relationship between couples make them answer to each other, so also is "the Lord is my Shepherd" a triggering device to seeing the acts of the good Shepherd. We only use that to summon Him since we've been obedient and submissive to Him as our Shepherd. If you've not, you'll never for once see the good acts of the Shepherd. You'll rather go your own way and experience what it means to be a wanderer. The Lord is my Shepherd is first an instruction that must be binding on any who don't want to be in want. If you indeed submit to God as your guide and you take Him  for same indeed, you obligate Him to see to your wants. Honour God that way first and see Him honour your wants. Lips honour isn't honour at all. Pay it with acts. 

PRAYER: The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. I trigger the pact that's between us. Remember Lord. Come on scene and meet my needs.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Chronicles 35:1-36:23; 1 Corinthians 1:1-17; Psalm 27:1-6; Proverbs 20:20-21

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