Tuesday, 2 August 2022





Read Psalm 23

Psalms 23:1,KJV

"The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want."

Brethren, many deceive themselves too much. Many Christians (born again) are not actually being led. The confession of Psalm 23 do not immediately make you he who won't be in want - desire for a particular need to be met over time continuously yet not met. It is the fulfilling of it that will put God under obligation of seeing to it that even if you have needs, it never stays long enough till it'll really be felt that you're in want because your needs are not met. That's disgrace! Many would say, "the Lord is my shepherd." I'll say, 'and so what?" What difference does that makes. Confession doesn't buy you God's commitment like that. There are many who call God good, good names without good, good things to show for it. You may be calling He Who you don't know (as a Shepherd) and He Who doesn't know you (as a sheep). Those who have made God the spearhead of their lives, so much more that He has indeed become their shepherd because they let Him be are those who only have the clear conscience and all necessary qualification to await the coming into manifestation of "I shall not want." God knows the sheep of His pasture!

Who's a shepherd? He's a guide, a leader, feeder and protector. That's why the ministry of a pastor is that of a shepherd. It is the responsibility of any shepherd to ensure that his sheep are led where they'll be fed and by that subsequently stop being in want or need of pasture (grass).  Any reasonable human shepherd cares that much enough for his sheep. So, if you make claim that the Lord is your shepherd, it means you must have become a sheep. A sheep doesn't argue or has its own initiative. That's why sheep have been taken by those who don't really understand their meekness for being the dumbest of animals. They don't take laws into their hands. Until the shepherd says, "that side" and sways them their with his staff, no one goes. They await what He'll say by which they govern their lives, families, careers, ministries and all their wherewithal. They don't run until they hear his shot. That's why Jesus says that His sheep hears his voice (John 10:4). There ought not to be a sheep who won't be able to hear the voice of his shepherd. His communication must be clear to them. Will you have a pet who can't discern you from strangers? 

Now, if indeed you've become a sheep to God, the Shepherd, then you're qualified for feeding. Leading is the first discharge of a shepherd to his sheep. It isn't feeding. Leading is the transportation that will take you to the location where the carcass is. If I may tell you, don't think you know it. Some Christians always love the peripherals. What delights flesh is solely what they want. They desire a "bless me God" and not an "instruct me God." Can we collect one from God and hope not to be served the other? Stop joking. That's why God first of all created a prerequisite to being fed. It is being led. Those who have not submitted to being shepherded are out of plans of ever being fed let alone never being in want. I hope you know there are thirsty wants - where someone will hope and hope yet he's still hoping that the thing will drop and yet it's not dropping until they get disgraced, tired, left behind by the community of other people etc. Have you qualify for His leading? Do you consult Him on all areas of your life? Even without opening your mouth to pray at times, do you carry the consciousness that, "I'll do as He bids or reveals to me on this matter", or you just live your life on your own. The Shepherd is not looking for rude, impatient Christians. He's looking for meek, submissive ones. If you're a child of God, the mark is that you have an inbuilt system of hearing God in you. That means you're opened to God's communication because your spirit has been regenerated (John 1:12, Rom.8:14). But what if He withholds communicating to you at times, do you ask Him perterm how you should go? The job you said yes to, the business you began, the relocation you did, the hospital and school you registered your wife and children in, of whom did you seek consent and who released you to do same? When people don't confirm things, they go into things they'll later become doubtful over and pull out from. Waiting on God until He speaks or begins to make situations work out in your favour which you'll later see and acknowledge as a by product of having sought God is what God is calling you to. If you pray to God, even if you have more than an offer, He can lean them down to the one you should pick for you. God is the One who knows the heart of all men. He differentiates between Mathias and Barsabas at all times. It is not always He'll direct you where they'll pay you less but He solely determines "your still waters" - where you'll have maximal peace and still be useful to Him. Are you saying that God won't know the spouse, location etc that will suit you? Today, God is calling you to humble humility to first of all see reasons why you've continually being indebted, always being in want and entering one trouble or the other. It is because He's actually not your shepherd practically. He's technically since you're born again but how you live, relate and acknowledge Him will show whether He is really or you're just honouring with your mouth.

PRAYER: Father, forgive my having accused you of being my Shepherd when you've not been but I've expected you to provide. Help my dedication to daily let you have your way in my living and choices.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Chronicles 32:1-33:13; Romans 15:23-16:9; Psalm 25:16-22; Proverbs 20:16-18

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