Friday, 6 May 2022


FRIDAY - 6TH MAY, 2022


THE WAY HE SHOULD GO - Vow Series 010

Proverbs 22:6, KJV

"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."

There's a way he should go. "Should" is a verb showing by necessity what your child is obligated to. It has been concluded before his arrival. Your child is not being consulted which way to go because you already have learnt what the way is, why it is good and the best and how to order him in that (God's) way, so much more that he'll be a man or woman of character and charisma on the earth. 

"The way he should go" also reveals a way amidst many ways. Despite the many options, alternatives etc that's available, there's a way he should go. It means while he's obligated to being godly, he's freed from being ungodly. While he's obligated to being groomed a responsible citizen, he's freed from being a ruckus causer and disturber of community peace. 

That's why the Bible says, "there's a way that seems right to man but the end thereof is destruction."

What way is the Bible speaking of here? The other way! The way your child should not go and must not go. It is the road that God believes your child should not be obligated to and is not obligated to as long as you have being a fan and disciple of the way "he should go" from your own childhood (as taught you by your own parents) while same that you were taught and have known is now what you're teaching and ordering him into follow. That's the safety valve God Almighty is relying on.  

Also, God has not left us unguided. He has left us with a pareklotos, a map, compass and guide to quickly arrive at our destination without doing trial and error. The way they should go was a found, tested and approved way. No one goes that path that regrets. It is His mercy to show us the way amidst many and it's our responsibility and to our saving to take same. That's why that place says, "the way they should go." He has shown us what to cling to in order to have a quick arrival at destination that would shock the world. 

"The path that child should go" if he's consulted may not be the one he wants to go. The child may not even see sense in it if you leave him to get another education and experience before kick starting the training of the way he should go by "adolescent." But God is putting all rights of path discovery in the hands of the parents who should have known better in God's will now as to order their child in the way he should go. 

Jesus says, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes unto the Father except by me." To get unto the Father, you must pass through Him. To reach, achieve or fulfill the part of that verse that says, "and he will not depart from it when he's old", you must first of all fulfill A which is, " train up a child in the way he should go." Parents, do you know the way? The way should be clear to you so that a remnant could be preserved for the Lord in this our world. So that when God wants to disclose a matter that concerns all on the earth, He'll find your children qualified like Abraham whom God couldn't hide what he was about to do from and Noah, the righteous (last man standing) whom God disclosed the coming destruction to. On the earth, your children should be the ones receiving direct signal and catching same young from the Lord. They should be the preachers and spreaders of same and not another telling them what the Lord is doing, might do or will do. It shows they're not in tune. It shows they've not known God neither have they being brought up in any relationship with Him. This is a loss. "A loss" the spirit of the Lord is putting in my mouth to call it!

It is the desire of parents, all parents it should be that their children would follow the way they pointed them to. They have discerned the way though some parents also discovered very late. On that basis, they do not want their children experiment with life and be burnt before choosing the way they "should follow." So, they'll point them to that already worked for way (one they discovered) so that their years and life would be saved only for purposeful living on earth. No one has lived who lived his life in sin. Any life outside Christ is a loss.  

God also wants to replicate the process and so he's counting on you to know the way so that when you train up your child in the way they should go and do not depart from it, they might be able as well to train their own wards in the way they should go without those ones also departing from it. Now, may I ask? What sort of process is set in motion? A chain process. This is how God intends we multiply and populate the earth with Himself so that the knowledge of God would cover the earth like waters cover the sea. Any family that fails in training up a child in the way he should go has lost to Satan a particular number of souls now or in the future. Except there's intervention, the loss may continue from generation to generation. This is why the cry and emphasis of God is that you'll try, endeavour, give all attention to details to train your child in the way he should go. That "way" is not hidden. It is in the Bible (the revealed will of God to man). It is what we go to church to hear. It is what the preachers of doctrine and God's revelation preach often. This way is not hidden. You know it. Live it and let it be lived by your wards.

PRAYER: Lord, I have endeavour to train my child in the way they should go. Hold their arms to walk the road consistently. I have a revelation of this way fully. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Judges 19:1-20:48; John 3:22-4:3; Psalm 104:24-35; Proverbs 14:22-24

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