Monday, 18 April 2022




WHAT SORT OF DEAL IS THIS? - Don't Downgrade Yourself Series 003

Judges 4:8-9, KJV

"8 And Barak said unto her, If thou wilt go with me, then I will go: but if thou wilt not go with me, then I will not go. 9 And she said, I will surely go with thee: notwithstanding the journey that thou takest shall not be for thine honour; for the LORD shall sell Sisera into the hand of a woman. And Deborah arose, and went with Barak to Kedesh."

God said, "Barak will go to war and lead the battle". Barak says, "Deborah must go and take her position even when God is not offering her any position as a warrior or war lord." Was God stupid for calling a man to that office of warrior and soldier? Could he not have chosen Deborah? That she's a Judge who discerns matters for people doesn't make her a warrior and leader of an all male's task that God has not even given. God recognizes specialization and individual's limitation. However, as we all know, what was not so from the beginning (as God instructed) was made so by what Barak insisted on. Look at how much Barak sees Deborah as Almighty. He was speaking with frankness of not going as if God was not enough for him. By so doing, he sold himself and his honour out. He changed God's move and handed the trophy to the women's clique. 

There's no man that would hear of the deal Barak made with his mouth here that won't say, "what sort of deal is this? By the time all the warriors of Barak get to link the killing of Sisera to the prophecy and deal made, they'll live to disdain Barak. Why? He bargained so low. He bargained so cheaply. He needed assurance and he relied on a human for it who won't give one without a demand. God acknowledges that. If you labour, you must reap the reward. It is those that don't work that are told not to eat or reap the benefit of labouring. 

Deborah said, "God has spoken. The God of hosts has said you'll lead the army". Uncle said, "Sister, unless you partner with me in this task, I can't do it alone". It sounded innocent but this is how demands that one's generation may live to regret do crawl in. This is how some sportsmen do sign themselves off to a wrong deal. This is how people do dig a well of future regret for themselves. They don't know that a foothold you give to Satan is an opportunity he always maximises well. Am I calling Deborah or women Satan? No! Do get my analogy. Deborah didn't slack. The devil also don't slack. The Bible says he prowls around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. A thing that "seeks" what to eat is already and always at alert. 

Deborah! Deborah who understood spiritual things. She knew a task like this is always followed by a honour. Do you know what she went for? The jugular. The island in the waters. She said, "I agree but the reward or honour is not going to be yours. It is going to be ours." Who are the "ours?" All females, girls, women, mothers in the generation of Deborah and those to come. Till tomorrow, any female given birth to will share in this honour. Whether you like it or not, that's what Deborah's sensitivity, care, courage and responsibility bought for them. However, all males were robbed of that. It was collected from the males here and given to the females and God consented. But don't make mistake that God for once intended or planned that it would be a female that would stamp the head of Sisera. No! He gave the honour to a male (even if it won't be Sisera) who would achieve it but Sisera didn't understand how to deal well on the business table. He didn't understand the offer given him and what great honour it would bring him. Please, don't let anything make you to bargain less at the bargaining table. Also, don't let anything force you to succumb to wrong bargaining. Do you know what I was expecting Barak to do when Deborah presented that offer? What offer? "The honour won't be to men." He should say, "Noo. We have to be the one to carry the head of Sisera." He should shame her with the fact that though she's a prophet and a judge yet she has a husband at home. A husband who lays on her. One who stays on top. One who she answers sir to and to whom her desire is unto. Immediately, she'll set another price. She'll be forced by shame into it. Today, are you in business or whatever? God is giving you the mouth of Deborah that no one can refuse. What you set is what they'll agree on. You'll always win contract. Meanwhile, take cognizance not to lose what you already have like Barak by being tempered and giving consideration to the reward and honour of the deal. Be a man of careful meditation and not emotion.

PRAYER: Lord, I refuse to exchange gold for brass. I'll not let go of my good rewards. I'll not bargain or demand of life lesser than You gave me. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Joshua 9:3-10:43; Luke 16:19-17:10; Psalm 83:1-18; Proverbs 13:4

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