Sunday, 12 September 2021





READ II Kings 5

Judges 5:28, KJV

"The mother of Sisera looked out at a window, and cried through the lattice, Why is his chariot so long in coming? why tarry the wheels of his chariots?"

If no one concerns himself with you, there is a person who should do. When I look at how big the world is; how challenging the affairs of this world are; how easily man can be defeated to give up, I recon one must have his own. There's need to have one or those who would take thought of one. This may be spouse, parents, friends, relatives e.t.c.

There's no one that's absolutely alone. If no one takes thought of you, God does. Be consoled!

Psalms 8:4, KJV

"What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?"

"Being mindful" is to take thought for someone. It is to concern yourself with such and all his affairs. Whenever you're under attack to think no one cares, always remember there's One who says "you're of more value than many sparrows" (Matthew 10:31). If He sees you so, He can't but dedicate time to muse over you and what concerns you. If it were not so, it shouldn't have been, "He who watches over Israel never sleeps nor slumbers." Everyday and every night, He thinks of you. You're the one He busies Himself with.

Sisera that was an enemy to Barak and Israel was the beloved of a mother and some people. There were people that were praying that Sisera must not die. His mother who waited in suspense to have him back was one. The maids who waited on his family were one. He was their master and unto him they looked for bread. Many others that derived their source from him were others also. Just bear it in mind that if nobody cares for you, you will always have an allocation of at least a person who will do. Sisera didn't lack his own lovers though he was God's enemy. All men can't look away from your direction. Yours will be measured to you.

When we marry, what we do is to acquire or arrogate the commitment of somebody to ourselves only. We personalize them. Your spouse is committed to you and you only in this world. He/she is made and given to you. Not another man or woman.  They're your possessions. Your personal thing. If the struggle for commitment rises even from his or her family, his or her loyalty should prioritize you. It can never be first and foremost to his parents e.t.c.

When Sisera went on the journey of no return and should have been back according to the time they were watching for him, somebody went into frenzy and became disturbed over him. Look at me. I say it again, "if nobody takes thought over you, someone at least would do." Out of all the people in Sisera's world, somebody took notice of him. No one can be absolutely bad and not have his own people. We all have received an allotment of men from God. You have your fan even if you don't acknowledge them or discern they are.

One of the cries of human beings in this our world is identification. All of us desire to be sought after. We desire to be in the memory of people. There's no woman that doesn't pray for a husband who will go all his way to take thought of her. Someone who will call while she's at work. Someone she won't have to remind of her birthday. Someone who won't need a teaching to discern an occasional gift do touch the hearts of females and make them open up. Yea, that's the kind of person we all desire. Marriage amidst all other relationships is the greatest of all that calls the attention of the other on you completely. Marriage focuses your spouse on you. Once you're married, if the whole world is against you, your spouse should still be for you because his calling is to be your cover.

There's a heart that goes with you. Motherhood in this passage found full expression in the act of Sisera's mother. Like our mothers would ascertain if their children have reached their destinations or not, so did this woman. She must have prayed for Sisera before going to battle. While Sisera was at battle, she was also interceding. Only that God was not siding with Sisera but Barak. So, if you want to excel in life, always look for someone that God is with currently and join such. You'll always be preserved and blessed. If God has left a Saul for a David but you're still with a Saul, you are an endangered fellow. You're not different from a man with head knowledge who lacks grace that can appeal people.

Elisha, the man of God told Gehazi, "went not my heart with you when the man alight from his chariot to meet thee? (II Kings 5:26)." In essence, as Gehazi ran after Naaman to collect those things, Elisha in the Spirit was following. It's like watching a live football match. As it is being played, you're seeing all as it happens. It's not that it had happened and they're replaying it for you. It's rather live and direct.

This heart of Elisha was the same Sisera's mother had for Sisera. As Sisera that day left in his chariot which is typical of an armoured or bullet proof vehicle today, the mother kept following him. A heart went after him because that heart was concerned with anything that concerns him. May you find your men. May God give you the specie that would take thought over you. Not all men care. Like sheep, they've gone astray and off to their own things. Selfishness is what rules the world now. But if you have anyone that can be pestering you with calls to ascertain whether you've eaten, gotten home, alighted at the bus stop, boarded a taxi or had had rest e.t.c, just know you're lucky because there are many who are fantasizing and catching cold for someone to show them this loyalty of "I BELONG TO YOU" without seeing one.

The cord that binds a child with his mother is so strong that many mothers might not want to relinquish their office to hand over to their son's wife at marriage. They may still want to continue to superintend in care for him like before. Mothers should hear this. Once your son marries, you must step down from the throne of his life and receive his wife as his queen. You rather will become a queen mother that they'll be checking on once in a while but your son's wife is the queen that will daily see this king. So, let the areas of specialization be well defined. Your contribution should be much in prayers for them. It shouldn't be to compete or outcompete his wife. Never stir the jealousy of your son's wife. Never incur her wrath or else a coup could be planned against you and your son might forever not visit home or only does reluctantly. Rather, do handing over. Hint your son's wife the weaknesses of your son, what he likes best and how by your observation over the years, she can enjoy him or have him totally for herself. Afterward, withdraw and watch at a distance.

I pray for you, you won't be taken away to punish the heart that takes thought of you. The Bible says, "your law is my meditation all day long" (Psalm 119:97). There is one at least unto whom you have become a meditation. At least, you are to your beloved and your beloved is to you. If such loses one, do you think it would go well with such? That's why you must be preserved for such to enjoy. I pray, you won't be suddenly taken away when your purpose is still being felt. You'll rather tarry and grow more useful.

PRAYER: Lord, preserve the fellow that has become my meditation. I shall not be snatched away from my lovers (family e.t.c) and my lovers from me.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1 Samuel 10:1-11:15, John 6:43-71, Psalm 107:1-43, Proverbs 15:1-3

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