Saturday, 21 August 2021



Welcome to the hows of turning a situation around or changing a Jabezial life. I am Olusola ADEJUMO, M'Wings. Come with me into the room of secrets and steps. A ladder has steps and if you take each step, you'll reach the summit. That's what my teachings of steps does every time as preached under the anointing. Here we go as you first take your time to read I Chronicles 4:9-10.

1. Come to a Realization

You can't resist what has not first been detected as not good or good enough. Don't condone nonsense. Refuse sickness, poverty, debt, failure, delay, disappointment etc. If you believe your current status is OK, you'll be calm and untroubled to seek to change it. Those that will do something about any aspect of their lives i.e career, economic, marital etc must first see the unkind state in which they are in. It is then they can give a fight. Jabez got here first of all. He saw that what others did and succeeded in, if he does it under the same preparation and conditions, he still fails! Why, despite entering like others entered? It's because a curse in form of a spirit force is superintending over his own affairs. The curse is coached in a bitter pronouncement on him at birth. If it concerns somebody else, it will work but if it is Jabez's, it must just go wrong. Discover that is not ordinary and you're on the way to getting others right. Don't argue or say things are perfectly okay. May you not be self deceived or team mate with the devil over your life and what needs change by emergency. So, check well. 

2. Be Seriously Pained for having been Static

Discovery of your state will then bring you pain, regret, unhappiness and the thought of being fulfilled or having an accomplished life just like many who are displaying their results all around for viewing. This is the stage where you're angry and seriously unhappy with that condition or limitation. You begin to wonder if you were the one that has stayed static for years without a known progress. Once you can see the things you have lost, where your mates or other professionals are that you could have been; then, you will be armed with much determination to fight for your deliverance. This is where inner resolution comes not to settle for anything less again but to seek help and be helped. This is where you're no longer ashamed to open up to a pastor or other helpers that you have problems which for fear, ego, embarrassment etc, you've kept personal. Here, you naked yourself for help to come your way. If it is a secret sin, confess it. Until then, you can't prosper or go forward. Until then, that spirit will still continue to enter through the back door to do his work through that habit you refuse to put in your past and allow to become a yesterday.

3. Picture Your Reality

Here, after being pained and after checking yourself and seeing yourself in a condition that's unwanted coupled with having regretted not having doing much or the right things to change your status all this while; then, the picture of where you should be or what you should have become now becomes a goal or vision set before you. Like a man who's running against time and time is running against, your pursuit and preparation now differs from others. This is where you do away with encumbrances as to be able to run with patience, endurance and focus to possess what you're lagging behind in. The joy in front becomes your motivation here. 

4. Make a Solid Unrepentant Decision

This is where the devil is in trouble. You make a decision to become or pursue that goal and you're resolute. Your resolution is so firm like a mountain which can't be moved or like a man who wants to take vengeance which his mind is set on. Here, you can set people over yourself to monitor and watch your growth. This is where you need a mentor or father or somebody who can continue to check on you to see you don't back down on your resolutions. Here, you need anyone who can hold you accountable.  Encouragement from such as you go also helps. 

5. Pursue & Act Differently from the Past

Here, you begin to follow after your goal. You may enroll for a course, gather fund to travel out of the country, get an extra job to double up in order to catch up. This is where all the four steps taken so far will find fulfillment. You dare not be careless here. This is where your deliverance is really. It may be spiritual, mental, physical, academic, marital or economic work that will be done. Ensure it's well done because that will now determine your result after the yoke has been destroyed by the anointing (Jer.10:27). There's difference between operating under a yoke and operating under an open heaven. If you do the same labour you've always done under the yoke under an open heaven, you'll see that you now have a bumper result where you've been toiling all night yet without still having caught a thing. Do you know why? Regardless of how much one labours under a curse, he'll still not amount. Curses by makeups, engineering, inbuilt and constitution are meant to shortchange, restrict, peg, reduce, demote, waste, make stunted, afflict, frustrate, strain etc their victims. Here, after ministration of impartation, things will become normal for you too.

Now, All Things Are New

Your step 5 well implemented will lead to this new beginning. Here, your breakthrough has finally come. You're happy you've arrived in your little way and you're celebrating it without being forgetful of where you're coming from or where you're still going. If by working some principles you get here, then you should continue the working of these same principles to get there - the ultimate future you're beholding. 

These are the steps Jabez took before he knew a change of status. He came to the realization of a wrong force working and superintending over his results in this life. He looked at where others were, where he was and should be. From that, he was pained and regretted having stood still all this while. He cried to God and He changed his status. Then, he maintained that status.

A changed status is not as important as a maintained status. If you're delivered, you must maintain deliverance. Jesus told one man, "go, sin no more lest something worse befalls you [John 5:14]."

That instruction would keep his victory victorious, continuous, unthreatened or reversed. After becoming successful, maintain being successful. That's where another warfare is and may you win that one too. 

Olusola ADEJUMO, M'Wings.

Morning Wings Ministry, Nigeria.

+234 81 3704 6812

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