Wednesday, 12 February 2025





I Timothy 3:1-4, KJV

"1 This is a true saying, if a man desires the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. 4 One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity"

I began to press on a matter based solely on the called and calling on my ministry's platform. It is that, "in the calling of the called, you're called" or let me say if you're a close affinity of a calling, there are expectations and demands waiting on you.

I have heard ministers' children say they were not allowed to live their lives - the bohemian flamboyant life they see others live. They meant a life of rebellion and secularity like other children whose parents didn't carry the call. When they speak like this, they do with a sense of pride, accusing their parents of pretense for planning them up for a hypocritical living. 

Their parents didn't intend to. Those children became so because at first they didn't want to be "tied" like their parents. We all know the story of the tied colt which Jesus rode into Jerusalem. While others were free rangers because no expectation was on them, this one was tied and consecrated for a life and a purpose. All her life, it awaits that purpose to be fulfilled.

Such children's parents who are called into ministry are clearly tied for the Lord's use. Upon heeding the call to ministry, they know this and live in its light. However, their young chaps might want to show an exception, saying, "it is daddy or mummy God called and not us".

You might not have been called truly but that you're a spouse or child of the called places obligation and expectations on you also. You're not different from your father or mother who are tied colts and can't do whatever they like because their calling places restrictions and certain demands on them. 

So, stop justifying sin and your wanting to rebel but being curtailed from doing so. Does the Bible not say any who desires the office of a bishop must have his children in subjection with all gravity. Imagine that! So, why did you want to pull yourself out of God's order and process which he specifically called for because your parents have yielded to Him in ministry?

That's the special task upon your parents who are called. God and the Bible made that demand on them and on yourself. They are only enforcing it. So, stop seeing your parents as callous and dull - ones who don't want you to enjoy your adolescence. Every right enjoyment should be within certain confines. If not, you can drink poison and harmful substances and call it feasting. 

Does everybody not know that if your father is a political figure, business mogul or famed person that it places a responsibility on you like never before to act in consonance to protect that name and hard earned reputation. There's a way such people are viewed. Certain behaviours are expected from them and those connected with them. ...and I tell you the truth, they school their kids on that except for the rebellious amidst them. Have you seen children or spouses of the political figures of your country act anyhow like other human beings even if they are amoral? Do you see them walk the streets all around? Would you just catch their glimpses like that? No! They're classified and "tied" according to the demands of the office of their parents. 

Listen, once again, if your father or mother is called, that calling affects you. No one lives in denial of that. Even when Jesus heeded His call and started His ministry, her mother was affected as Jesus was not always at home. One time, Mary and other children had to come seek Jesus out (Matt.12:46-47). So, stop fighting with what is your blessedness and peculiarity. Your heritage is good. Don't let anyone demonize it. What sort of life do you want? One that is pruned of acts that cut life short or that prolongs it?

May you see this and bathe proudly in your consecration and heritage!

PRAYER: Lord, help our young ones to submit to your righteous process. Teach them the importance of consecration.


Leviticus 3-4

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Tuesday, 11 February 2025





Ephesians 4:28, KJV

"Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth."

As you grow, you'll get to a place where you're weaned from selfishness. You'll get to a place where you identify needs and thirst being a vessel through which they could be met. If there's a need, let us say an announced need and you have nothing to give especially when you desire to do so and are filled with compassion for the needy, you'll resolve that it isn't good seeing needs and being limited or hindered from attending to it because of personal lack or want. 

In many places in the Bible, we're encouraged on the virtue of work and thorough hardwork. Anyone who's praying for the Lord's blessing is a man who should be ready to work. By the time God's blessings (a spiritual substance) comes upon you, it'll need physical manifestation of hard work to manifest realistically to everyone. Joseph carried the blessing though a slave but he still had to work. Only that at working, everything he touches results in midas' touch. 

When we work, we do so to fulfill a commandment that gets us armed with potential to meet our personal obligations and that of others. God is always making us our brother's keeper. How many of you had wanted to give help somewhere before only to find out that you are powerless economically or materially? Towards eliminating this reason, we're commanded to work. We're to work so that instead of being at the receiving end (the one everybody helps), we're at the giving end. This way, we'll fulfill Jesus' word that says it's better to give than receive (Acts 20:35). 

If you don't work, you won't be empowered to meet your needs and that of others. More so, don't think God will rain manna down from heaven for you. The means through which God provides for anyone including those working in His vineyard full time is through the body called work. Even the Bible says concerning those ones, "let he who is taught spiritual things share or communicate physical things with he who teaches him" (I Cor. 9:11, Gal. 6:6). As one labour at the ministry of the Word, his supplies are meant to come through those who are being ministered to and blessed by those words. 

God's target is not to make you the blessed only but a blessing. It's to the end, "that you may be able to give to him that needs." He wants to make you a channel and pass resources through you to those in earnest needs. Have you not read the verse which says, "and God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work" (II Cor.  9:8). 

God's intent is to pass resources to you. He wants to use you to eradicate physical needs and even spiritual. Just because of that, He'll go the extra mile of blessing you and ensuring you're independent, buoyant and having all sufficiency so you could minister to others. It is sufficiency in all things! See, you're blessed for others' sake. Don't hoard it.

PRAYER: I have all sufficiency in all things as to be able to give.


Leviticus 1-2

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John 4:46-47, KJV

"46 So Jesus came again into Cana of Galilee, where he made the water wine. And there was a certain nobleman, whose son was sick at Capernaum. 47 When he heard that Jesus was come out of Judaea into Galilee, he went unto him, and besought him that he would come down, and heal his son: for he was at the point of death."

The care of parents goes beyond the ordinary for their children. Oftentimes, you'll see parents wish that the evil that would befall their little ones befall them. As it lies in their power, they want to do all to protect them from pain and any form of suffering. The thoughts are even high if the child is a baby. 

Indeed, if you have seen a little child endure pain before, you might wish the same. Thinking that way isn't at all wrong. It shows love - sacrificial love that wants to bear the burdens and sufferings of another as his. Jesus borne our griefs and even carried our sorrows (Isa.53:4). Everything was laid upon him just for our sake. 

To hear that one child is at the point of death and there's a solution somewhere is a solution already found. No matter your ego or hatred for that quarters where your solution is, just for the sake of your kid, you'll tread that road to receive that solution for him. Anyone can get to a place where his effort, money or worldly assets cannot give him the breakthroughs he's looking for. At such moments, we learn the vanity in those things and come to put our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the healer and doer and giver of all good things. 

Considering the man in this passage, you'll see that he has no shame in begging for help from Jesus. He didn't say, "Jesus is a man who's no different from him!" If he holds unto that, his son would die because of his ego. Rather, he leaves all, meets Jesus and asks him for help. He tells him, "my son is sick, come and heal him." Many times when we find ourselves in unpleasant situations, we don't ask. We only worry or complain. At times, we get angry at God who we'll accuse of watching when things went wrong. That shouldn't be our attitude. Such an attitude blames the Creator instead of understanding the message in the situation that has come upon us. Not this man however. He asked! The Bible says, "till now, ye have not asked. Ask that your joy may be complete" (John 16:24). This man asked. To ask another for help takes some sort of humility. It is asking for what you don't have. It is the acknowledging of the power of he who has. This man asked and he received. Jesus tells him, "go, your son is healed."

No bargaining! It comes to pass just that way. His son was healed and I could imagine the happiness. You won't lose your issue. Irrespective of the condition surrounding their birth or existence, they shall be made whole. Beyond what medical science can attend to, God will also have mercy on them. He'll touch them and be their healer. Your love and desire to see them whole shall come to pass and your labour over them shall not be futile. Amen!

PRAYER: Call God into your critical situation. Tell Him to come and amend it. Tell Him the criticality of it. Don't withhold anything from Him. You'll see His hands.


Exodus 39-40

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I Kings 1:1, KJV

"Now king David was old and stricken in years; and they covered him with clothes, but he gat no heat."

In my country, there's a transport system with the motto, "the young shall grow." Only that today's teaching's title is the exact opposite of that. Brethren, the strong shall become weak. Even in the wild, the lion eventually does become prey to other animals. When strength fades and agility disappears, only those who are still youthful and renewed would preside over the weak and faded. This way, even the supposed king of the jungle becomes prey. 

Would you believe that it is the image of David the Bible paints here? How could you say David is old, well stricken in years and cannot keep warm by himself even when covered with clothes? That's just the reality and experience of anyone who is praying for long life. You might get to a place where you cannot keep warm by yourself again. This kind of inability first of all comes from your inside before it manifests as cold outside. That's the fate of any human being but to think of someone as valiant, heroic and brave as David needing the help of another to keep warm shocks me. 

However, the Bible says, "when David is old and stricken in years, he could not keep warm by himself." Tell the strong that they'll be weak tomorrow and that to be revived or made strong, they might need the strength of another. 

When you are young, there's no height you cannot climb and there's no gulf you cannot cross, but these end when you're old. I saw a funny quote somewhere. "When you're young, you sneak out of your home to go to parties but when you're old, you sneak out of parties to return to your home! How true this is! No wonder, the preacher in Ecclesiastes opens us to the fears of old age and the inabilities of aged people. He tells us that a time comes when we'll all say, "I have no pleasure in them" (Eccl.12:1). At such times, what used to work would have become deficient. The grinders (teeth) cease because they are few and those who look through the windows (the eyes) are dimmed (Eccl.12:3). At that time, desire fails because man is going to his eternal home. 

Things just automatically take turns for the opposite. It may be unimaginable if someone like David tells you he was a great warrior in his youth. You might not be able to match that feat of killing a giant with his need to keep warm - needing fresh blood in Abishag to help do that. You might be filled with contempt for him and despise him. However, you also are coming here. It is the road each and everyone of us would take. This is why it is important to be giant slayers in our youth. Make great accomplishments when you can. At old age, you tend to take bed rest even when you don't want to and sip tea. You'll be confined by one inability or the other and like David release the throne you've gained to a Solomon to continue. 

I pray for you that you won't be wasted. Before the days come on you when you cannot keep warm by yourself, may you have used yourself and realize your purpose to the fullest. 

PRAYER/CONFESSION: I will not lament my youth at old age. I seize the moment and fulfill all on me.


Exodus 37-38

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NOT A HAIR! - Not Even One Series 006

I Kings 1:52, KJV

"And Solomon said, If he will shew himself a worthy man, there shall not an hair of him fall to the earth: but if wickedness shall be found in him, he shall die."

May your testimony be, "not a hair falls!" That's God's plan for you - that in all your encounters, you incur no loss. May you however not incur any out of stubbornness especially when God is giving you another chance to live a better life than before. 

This is the story of Adonijah, one who sought to force his way to the throne even when the Lord had not chosen him. Having conspired with Joab, Abiathar and some notable officials in the kingdom, he went on to offer animals and pass through the rites of kings. However, he was cornered as soon as Solomon, son of Bathsheba was favourably announced as king over Israel. He was therefore scared and ran to catch and hold the horns of the altar - an event signifying his repentance and request for mercy or forgiveness. 

On the condition that if he'll show himself a worthy man, the king let him live and promises that no hair of his head would fall to the earth. It means no single harm would happen to him if he doesn't continually show evidence of competing for the throne. Though this promise is effective yet Absalom broke it to his peril after he asked for Abishag for a wife. 

Abishag is a woman who ministered to David in his old age but who David didn't have sexual relations with. She's a special commodity and only another king could have her. Adonijah's show of interest in Abishag secretly shows how tactical he has become in seeking the throne and wanting to defy the king. However, a messenger of death was sent after him to bring him down. 

May you live a worthy man. May you fulfill the conditions surrounding the forgiveness you've received. May you not defy God to suffer dangerous consequences. Indeed, may the hair of your head not fall.

PRAYER: Lord, where I am forgiven, I'll not go back to my vomit.


Exodus 35-36

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Friday, 7 February 2025




YOU CAN'T DROP DEAD BY CHANCE! - Not Even One Series 005

Matthew 10:29-30, KJV

" 29 Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. 30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered."

There are many people living but in fear of death. Their fear is that they can randomly die. To them, death happens and just takes away like that. However, a Christian is and should be one out of such fear. A Christian doesn't die anyhow. Our anchor Bible verse says, "but the very hairs of your head are all numbered!" If they are, it means when one falls, the one who knows it all would discern that one fell! As a matter of fact, before it falls, it has to be by His consent. 

Matthew 10:29-30 KJV

"29 Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. 30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered."

Two sparrows are sold for a farthing - an insignificant amount of money. Sparrows could be said to be worthless to the extent that it was two that worth a farthing. That's how insignificant they are. If they were very precious, two wouldn't have sold for a farthing let alone one. However, these birds are so unimportant that two get sold for a farthing. 

God just wants to play out a message through this especially when He says, "and one will not fall on the ground without your father..." It means as worthless and insignificant those birds are, even one can't just drop dead. You see, nothing just happens. God had to consent to it or be in the know before the least harm could befall these worthless birds. 

Here the Bible goes however saying, "but the hairs of your head are all numbered." Does that ring a bell? Does it pass a message? 

It means even the hairs of your head won't fall to the ground without the Lord's knowledge. No sudden fear! No sudden death! You have your time and your time is in God's hands. 

PRAYER: I am weaned of every fear of death. My time is in God's hands. With long Life will be satisfy me and show me his salvation. 


Exodus 33-34

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Thursday, 6 February 2025




DESPITE THE PERIL, NO LOSS - Not Even One Series 004

Acts 27:34, KJV

"Wherefore I pray you to take some meat: for this is for your health: for there shall not an hair fall from the head of any of you."

Harm or loss comes to different men at different times. Paul is on his way to Italy in the custody of a certain centurion. At first, Paul perceives that their journey might be with harm or losses. As such, he advised that they should not travel but the people believed in the professional advice of the sailor and owner of the ship more than Paul's (Acts 27:10-11).

They therefore embark on this journey of peril. Note this, God will come for you. He won't leave you without witness. He'll warn you. He'll tell you which journey to attend or to refrain from. However, popular opinion won over God's voice. That's a danger you must not enter into or find yourself in. Don't let anyone successfully persuade you against God's voice. 

Anyway, the ship sails when it should not. The consequence is the strong wind called euroclydon that hits it. They just couldn't master the wind, thereby losing their goods, the ship and endangering their own lives in a shipwreck. However, before the wreckage, God's word came to Paul for the encouragement of all aboard. Paul speaking to them says in Acts 27, "22 And now I exhort you to be of good cheer: for there shall be no loss of any man's life among you, but of the ship. 23 For there stood by me this night the angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve, 24 Saying, Fear not, Paul; thou must be brought before Caesar: and, lo, God hath given thee all them that sail with thee."

Paul told them, "we shall only be cast on a certain island" but no life shall be taken in the process. Just like Paul predicted or said by the Lord, so it happened. Though they did lose the ship and many had to travel both aboard and on planks to reach the shore of the predicted island, no life was lost as predicted. It turned out to be as Paul had said. 

Acts 27:43, KJV

"43 But the centurion, willing to save Paul, kept them from their purpose; and commanded that they which could swim should cast themselves first into the sea, and get to land: 44 And the rest, some on boards, and some on broken pieces of the ship. And so it came to pass, that they escaped all safe to land."

While encouraging them to eat after 14 days of abstinence from food, Paul said to them again, "I pray you to eat because this is for your health: for there shall not any hair fall from the head of any of you" (Acts 27:34). As predicted, not a strand of their hair fell to the ground. Not a man of their company loses his life except for the ship. I pray for you too, may it be unto you according to God's word!

PRAYER: I have safety in my to and fro. I am hallowed and claim untouched or unthreatened by life's circumstances.


Exodus 31-32

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