Monday 27 June 2022


GRACE NOT IN VAIN! - God's Aid And Enablement To Each Man For Fulfillment Of Destiny. 

You can receive the grace of God in vain. However, God is sensitizing you not to receive same in vain. If it rains and you don't collect the water in any way possible; on the longer run, you won't have any evidence that it rained especially if the ground dries and you have no water in reservation. If you're then inspected for water or asked to give a drink to anyone without being able to fulfill this demand, the fault won't be because it didn't rain but because you didn't collect and reserve for use the water that could have served good purposes for you or others. Rain water can be wasted even when given as God's blessing. This is how some waste grace plus other heavenly releases by which they should amount because:

1. They're not in what grace is being released for. These are the class of people labouring outside their circle while trusting that they'll breakthrough, be known all over and be rewarded in life in that same wrong field that God must amend them on.

2. They're not maximizing grace in what they're really made for and are already doing. It is either they're working less or not adding diligence to make their calling and election show and sure.

3. They're deceived that they're alone and have no supernatural backup in what they have been called to or have found doing. So, they never succumbed to the call in the first place let alone recon, believe or leverage grace after being called. So, they become timid individuals who can't dare stepping on the waters because they have no receipt of being called out like Peter or because they invalidated their evidence of being called by doubt to becoming the hindered, the stopped and the stagnant remaining people. 

God is the God of all grace. For offices, functions and to persons are grace given. You currently have grace released to aid you somewhere even if you don't know where or you're not taking advantage of the grace. Grace is the willingness of God to use His power on your behalf. I'll speak in the direction of who God has said you should become. Grace has been given you to become that entity. Yes, even that global phenomenon. I'll use this analogy of myself and another. An elderly brother I knew right from his campus days had been in league with lecturers. As a student, lecturers trusted him with the scripts of Junior Levels to mark. When he passed out as well, he continued doing same and would as well supervise or teach on their behalf. Many lecturers especially those of his field just found him so available and useful to use. Now, the brother is in the academic field. He lectures on per term basis in two public tertiary institutions and on full term in a private one. But I see beyond that. Grace is what has made a space for him there. God is using His own power to make space for him somewhere though he also has his good conducts that sustain such relationships. You may call it unmerited favour. This extent to which he went deep and found acceptance from these lecturers at an early time proves that his given space in the academic was God granted. It's like the door of utterance, if God does not fling it open, an exhorter can't prophesy (that is forth speak or exhort). God must have given that brother a flair to be interested in anything academic and instructed those older lecturers to be favourably disposed towards him without their discerning that God was behind their acceptance of his person. Did God not instruct the Widow of Zarephath to receive Elijah even under such situation he ought to be refused? When God speaks to people on your behalf, contention ceases and no one argues. God seeing what his destiny was quickly brought him into agreement with fathers in that field on whose shoulders he rose. 

Now, if I compare this my brother whom I was still with this weekend with myself, you'll see that we're engraced and offered space or privileges differently. While on campus, God rose me to the highest office in Christendom. So much more that I was brought face to face with many indigenous and international ministers that we know today. I have hot contacts of head of ministries and General Overseers. I not only know them but we have working relationships together. If I have questions or enquiries about anything and I drop a message for them, you'll see them reply me. Now, let's ask, "was it my effort that made me come in contact with them?" No!  God orchestrated our meetings while I have agreed or team mated with why He brought me in contact with them till date. I've never violated my own part of the bargain. I give them honour and do offer myself for their services when needed. When I thought of how I came in contact with one apostle and prophet that is not a man of mean status before God and men, I do wonder how. I spent nothing less than 3 years aggregately learning from this minister, living with him and eating his food on full term basis. Till now, he's a man I still have his hearing. This morning, I still spoke with him on what his take was on a spiritual matter. He gave me his interpretation and I was made strong on what I had afore deemed it to be. I told someone of being in contact and relationship with another major minister and General Overseer in Nigeria, the fellow was just so surprised after seeing the evidences of our relationship.

I found out by having gone this road of destiny or the called that if God wants you rise somewhere, He'll raise you there and make men there open up to you, receive you as someone to agree with and be raised into a future in that thing. That's just where you'll achieve bumper results as you work. When you push in that direction, things will answer you to your surprise and even at a greater outcome than your result. That will make you wonder if it is by your effort you've finally become somebody in there. 

One of the occasional revealing truths that you're not meant for where you are is that you're constantly being contended with by those who are established there but who should receive you. There's one thing I've tested and found out over and over again, God makes space for people where they should be erected. That's why this special verse in Isaiah refers to space being made for Jesus amidst the strong and the great. 

Isaiah 53:12, KJV

"Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors."

He was given a name greater than any other after He completed His assignment of redemption. That reward is chief and it brought Jesus into the numbering of those we can call "the Greats." In the calling, God can make a space for a little boy that no one knows until he becomes introduced into the body of Christ and get famed all around. Think of how gospel artistes or ministers you know became mightily known. That's how David rose under Saul until he became the king. God at times do raise new shoots to take over old stocks. This is the work that God does. He releases a grace to go with you as you journey on the road He has earmarked for you to take which off course you have discovered, you're living for and has become your sole or chief passion. He'll make people open up to you. He'll just make people accommodate you. They'll just adopt you. Imagine Samuel being adopted by Eli. Elisha being adopted by Elijah. Joshua being adopted by Moses and Jesus adopting the disciples. Whenever you see a relationship like this, that tutelage will one day become like his master and be known for what his master does. Jesus Himself said, the works He did, we'll do and then predicted our doing greater works. We already have an evidence of same in that His disciples did already and many are doing same to our faces in our generation. God who has seen the days of any He calls ahead him is He who in His infinite plan will send such and affiliate him with influences who will make him such vessel as He'll like him become for manifestation. We're pleaded with not to receive God's grace in vain. 

II Corinthians 6:1, KJV

"We then, as workers together with him, beseech you also that ye receive not the grace of God in vain."

It means utilize "grace" for the purpose it is being released even if it is grace for salvation. It means make full proof of being supernaturally aided, called or ordained into something. Your calling, ordaining or receiving of hands aren't ordinary. By the laying on of hands of Moses on Joshua, he received the Spirit of wisdom (Deut. 34:9, KJV). That's an impartation with which he worked. His supernatural equipping that was not an initiative of any man's labour but God's endowment only. He should make full proof of that gift. Paul admonished Timothy to make same full proof of the gifts he received by his putting on of hands on him (II Tim 1:6). He talked of stirring. Ask yourself, that stirring is to what purpose? You think that was ordinary right? No! You'll have received God's grace in vain if you're not utilizing grace into becoming who you should become for which God has offered you same. 

I work in the secular. I know but I need to ask myself if I'm making full proof of my calling by leveraging on grace which God releases to make me into a minister in His records. It is grace with your cooperation - diligence that will make your calling and election sure. God is doing His part in releasing this lubricant that you can't manufacture yourself (it's a donation of God from God) so that in the volumes of books, you'll become God's will and not accuse Him of having never being contributory. Part of His contribution is to open doors to public platforms for you but you must be prepared to enter. At release, you must learn "labouring" or "co-working" with God or grace. 

I Corinthians 15:10, KJV

"But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.

While Paul laboured more than them all, yet He attributed his achievement or having being assisted to have such bumper result to grace or a donation or an enablement that God made available to him. "All glory to God", he said in essence. This should be your story - one that doesn't receive God's grace in vain. So, take hold of the horns of the altar and pray for the full maximization of grace to become all you're destined to be while you daily see to it that you make diligence your motto on what you've been called to do. 

Olusola ADEJUMO,


Morning Wings Ministry, Nigeria. 

+234 81 37 04 68 12.

10:14am - 11:51pm. 



MONDAY - 27TH JUNE, 2022



I Samuel 17:50, KJV

"So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone, and smote the Philistine, and slew him; but there was no sword in the hand of David."

God wants to take all the glory which is why He uses foolish things to trouble the wise. In today's passage, David triumphed absolutely over Goliath but he did without what it takes to secure victory. To fight a Goliath, one's priority should be the sword, javelin, coat of mail and other weapons. They tried wearing him that but he couldn't move in it because he has not been used to it. In his own words, "I have not proved them". That's part of God's work to strip any man of what could have taken the glory of God and reduce the possibility of effortlessness of achievement of big things in simple manner God wanted it achieved.

However, it is recorded so that God might be praised that there was no sword in David's hand. That's the testimony. Goliath was killed but not according to popular public opinion. As soon as the people hears Goliath dies, they'll be interested in how he died. They'll be expecting a fierce battle between him and the fellow that killed him but the testimony is that there was neither a prolonged battle or even a sword in David's hand. The sword is the esteemed instrument of victory but God gave the honour to the sling and the stone, the lesser instrument. How many people will hear, "a sling and a stone" that won't sit well to declare the impossibility of such story?" They'll declare it as non plausible until another confirms its validity. What a surprise and a miracle! Did that trouble you at the reading? A sword should be in his hand but he got the job done without one. You know when you expect a job to have been done some how because of how esteemed the job is but the job that seems that big is rather accomplished almost without effort and with the least instrument (one despised as unable to do the job), shouldn't one wonder at how it has suddenly become easy as to be so cheap to be attempted that way. Those of you that are always putting trust in big things to achieve big things, it doesn't have to be like that. May God lean you down to face all Goliaths with what could really win the awe of men. If Goliath had died by the sword, the shock wouldn't have been much. Many would have predicted a warrior like him dying through such war tool. However, a sling and a stone downplays the almightiness of Goliath and reveals him as no mighty man that a sword should even be drawn at. It's like saying a notorious robber is arrested without charm or a gun. You know he's notorious. His being notorious makes him invincible to any human mind but at last, his arrest just happen like that. God will touch your mind and hands. Henceforth, you'll begin to secure your Goliaths without sword. That will be the testimony. People will come around to question you as to how you won so cheaply. They'll want you explain how the victory took place and the moment you say you recovered without using drugs, birthed without CS despite the complications, they'll wonder and say, "abnormal". This is the kind of awe God wants to command.  Look, the testimony is Goliath dies without a sword in David's hands. May you accomplish in such simplicity what is tough. 

PRAYER: Downplay what is hard before me. If it takes them years to do it, let me accomplish same in a month. Let there always be a place of testimony and the desire to confirm if my testimony is plausible. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Hosea 10:1-14:9, Jude 1:1-25, Psalm 127:1-5, Proverbs 29:15-17

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Sunday 26 June 2022


 SUNDAY - 26TH JUNE, 2022



READ Gen. 50:15-20

Exodus 1:12, KJV

"But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew. And they were grieved because of the children of Israel".

Due to the blessing on you, you'll defy the situation. You can't but burst the wine skin and outperform. As one of the intervening techniques of curtailing Israel from multiplication having noticed they're of great populace and then mightier, Pharaoh made them slaves while making their lives bitter with all sorts of rigorous work. Israel was afflicted but Israel didn't bear the marks of affliction. It ought to be that Israel would diminish, die off and become a minority. However, contrary to that evil curbing technique of Pharaoh, Israel was reported to have grown the more! The way it was reported shows God Himself was fighting silently for Israel to prove a point to Pharaoh that who could have a thing decreed except He the Lord says it. For it was written, the more they were afflicted, the more they multiplied and grew. Isn't that contradictory? If you have two plants, which one should thrive or die out when one is being watered while the other isn't? I think the seed being afflicted by not watering should die off. Reverse is however the case for Israel. Israel thrived, survived and stood straight still. That's why you could hear of an orphan somewhere making it despite the lack of support or favourable condition. If you had seen the frown on Pharaoh's face, you wouldn't doubt that indeed the Egyptians were unhappy because of the Israelites (who kept multiplying).

Do you know that under the harshest conditions, surviving is actually a provision for God's own. Isaac sowed in the land and reaped hundred fold yet that was during famine! [Gen. 26:12]. You know that wasn't right. Something had been reversed and didn't work according to the law of nature there. Spiritual influences and forces working through the covenant - lineage's blessings and the personal promise of God to him to sow in same land were what mastered what should have been into what eventually became testimony. Your case is different son and daughter. When A is being done you in  expectance of B, you'll be manifesting Z to the shock of all. You're redeemed to cause shocks, draw awes and make eyes blink!

Are you in a country where prosperity is far from the common man? It once happened but that was when Elijah was eating balanced diet. Another economy will support you when one withers off. Egypt afflicted Israel but Israel never manifested the outcome of their bitterness towards them. Who are those troubling you? At day's end by the time they measure it, they'll see they have not achieved their aim and would be grieved. They'll be unhappy and say, "despite all". Do you know why? You're like a jeep specially built by its manufacturer to be rugged and survive bad roads and harsh conditions. You have in you, on you and around you things that would strengthen you to withstand and survive where the heathen under the same condition falls and collapses. The fiery burning furnace that the three Hebrew men withstood is what slay those who only drew near it. What preserves those ones? They're of a tribe that God is committed to. Devil, do your worst. Fight madly and in anger act in fury, I'll not look like your desire. Say that, " you won't look like Satan's desire". Like Israel, you'll cause awe of outgrowing restrictions. Disadvantages become advantages for you. It will be said of you that limitations rather and actually furthered you. He who works all things together is at the mill mixing what Satan, life and people are throwing at you to become reasons for which you'll testify. You're a tribe that disappoints the devices of the crafty, so that their hands perform not their craftiness while they're grieved until they're brought to repentance or at absolute refusal - destruction.

PRAYER: Father, let me outgrow boundaries. I break through hedges. Make me the testimony tribe and a testimonial to my world.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Exodus 2:11-3:22, Matthew 17:10-27, Psalm 22:1-18, Proverbs 5:7-14

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Saturday 25 June 2022





Mark 14:13-15, KJV

"13 And he sendeth forth two of his disciples, and saith unto them, Go ye into the city, and there shall meet you a man bearing a pitcher of water: follow him. 14 And wheresoever he shall go in, say ye to the goodman of the house, The Master saith, Where is the guestchamber, where I shall eat the passover with my disciples? 15 And he will shew you a large upper room furnished and prepared: there make ready for us."

One day,  a minister was burdened for ministry and was praying to God to situate him and site his ministry on ground.  As he prayed, he was saying, "God, where have you prepared for us?"  He was saying this and praying this prayer as a thing that occupies all his heart when that passage of the Bible I quoted above was ministered to his heart. 

Are you looking for a place? Are you in search of a house to indwell? Do you want to start something by the Lord's commission and you want a place that will be free of trouble, losses, evil, etc that only God can prepare? You can receive your answer if you'll receive through this teaching. In essence, if you're in anticipation of a thing or person but you want it to be the prepared thing or person, God gives that. Jesus wanted to eat the passover and without keeping appointment with anyone ahead of time, He instructed His disciples to go to a place. He described their meeting a man carrying a pitcher. He told them to follow him into whatsoever house he enters and asks the owner of that house to show them the guest chamber where He'll eat the passover with His disciples. To my surprise, the exotic demand of Jesus was met. Jesus even said the owner of the house will show them a large, furnished and made ready place. The reality is that what is yours from the Lord in the spirit can be seen and received as yours in reality. There's always a place prepared for us all. Now, if Jesus kept no appointment with this people and they did not keep with Him, how did they make preparation of that place ahead of time for use of someone they didn't know? That's God's business and dealing with those Jesus sent His disciples to. Look, may God deal with people on your behalf. If you do, you can't turn things. If He does, even if it is their last bread, like it was in the hands of the widow of Zarephath, they'll prioritise you and make for you first of all even when it concerns matters of life and death.  

Jesus has not gotten there yet he knew and had the assurance that a place has been prepared for him and was speaking like one who has already possessed it with high boast. What a thing! May you find each thing that has been prepared for you. On this journey of faith, if we won't be beaten, battered and turned down, we must ask God to do only one thing for us: lead us where He has prepared for us. I found out that if a thing is prepared, it is made ready and totally made fit for you to come and occupy. Jesus was not turned down because that guest chamber had his name on it in the spirit. He went to where He should go. He made demands on the right person. You too can propose to the right person. That's when they'll say yes. 

Who knows however whether that guest chamber was dirty? Who knows whether they had left it unoccupied for long but something just rose in the mind of the owner of that house to give instructions to clean that forlorn guest chamber? Even his children and the servants might have asked, "daddy, for what reason and he could have said, just clean it. I'm feeling we should and get every place clean." Did you see? There will be moments that the body of people will be doing something unintentional to them because God is moving them to get ready for someone or something. There have been people who went to the market, cooked a special delicacy or acquired a property not because they needed it but because they're just being troubled or persuaded to do so. It was after they did that the fellow whose is it arrives and such is released to him. I heard a scripture. 

Ezekiel 21:27, KJV

"I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him."

If a thing is for you and has been prepared for you, it is one like a material with a name tag on it. No one will touch it. People may not know why they're not picking interest in it. I have heard over and over testimonies of how ministries come to possesses some lands. God will just do something that will make others not to see value in what God has prepared as value for you. For anyone awaiting the prepared of the Lord which includes a spouse, may the Lord continue to over turn until what is yours from the Lord is yours in reality. 

PRAYER: I thank You Lord for taking thought for me ahead. What is mine, none can possess. 

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 2:31-4:18, Colossians 1:1-17, Psalm 76:1-12, Proverbs 24:21-22

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Friday 24 June 2022


FRIDAY - 24TH JUNE, 2022



Read Luke 22:39-43

I Corinthians 10:13, KJV

"There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it."

It is the mercy of God that measures to us what we can each carry. Even in gifting, He gives to us according to our abilities. Do you know gift can kill? The commitment of God if given at a high level that is not pedaled can wear any out and consequently be to his detriment. That's why it's better to grow in your office, grace or anointing because by reason of time, you'll learn how to put it under. But if 80% out of the 100% of oil you'll one day carry should fall on you like that, if pride do not kill you or other perils of the anointed, the demands of the anointing itself will send you home by either wearing out your mortal body or drawing you to minister until it tells on your health. That's one of the reasons God rather allocates to us in measures or droplets. It's God's wisdom but more importantly, that instance shows His mercy. If you have a child that you don't want to send to his early grave, will you not measure to him tasks that you believe he should be able to discharge according to his capability or age? Do you task him and make demands on him like you would do for yourself?

When you're tempted, God is there watching. He does one thing. He will never, never and never allow you to be tempted until you're overwhelmed or say, 'enough is enough' and then proceed into prostitution, robbery or even commit suicide. There's a thing that God always do that interests me. He'll dig a hole. He'll create a space of mercy. He'll make a demand for that thing not to be overstretched so that you won't fall under that weight and get crushed. Many of us have experienced situations that almost broke us before. While we were at the bank or edge of being broken where you could hear groaning and sweat as thick as blood rolling down from us, God orders that situation to a halt. Then, it stops and like a man who's been under torture or training in a military camp, we rise in gratitude from that experience. Meanwhile, we have gathered strength for another day. That space of relieve doesn't mean a stop forever. More will still come. That's why we're assured of redemption. If we were pressed yesterday but survived, tomorrow won't be an exemption. That's why that place says God is faithful. You can always count on His appearance for salvation or deliverance even when it seems you'll be broken and totally shattered now. David while giving assurance to Saul said, "the God that delivered me out of the paws of the lion and the bear will deliver me out of this uncircumcised Philistines [I Samuel 17:37]." That's God's faithfulness he was referencing. He knows that enough that God is faithful and would provide a way of escape. 

Look, in all, God is indeed faithful. He will create a way of escape for you from that situation. Let patience have its time. Afterwards, you'll raise gratitude to Him. As I'm observing, what you're currently passing through can't kill you. You'll be kept and preserved. Why? The Lord still has need of you. Whatsoever the Lord has need of, it is such He preserves from being violated even though stretched. That's how He preserved that colt for Jesus use. It was a brand new colt that no one has never ridden on. Why? Because one day, it will serve purpose. Look, receive escape and your relieve now. 

PRAYER: God of escape, my life is in your hands for escape. Repeat Your being faithful at my temptation and nearing breaking point.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Chronicles 19:1-20:37, Romans 10:14-11:12, Psalm 21:1-13, Proverbs 20:4-6

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Thursday 23 June 2022





Read II Kings 5:1-15

II Kings 5:13, KJV

"And his servants came near, and spake unto him, and said, My father, if the prophet had bid thee do some great thing, wouldest thou not have done it? how much rather then, when he saith to thee, Wash, and be clean?"

To quench a raging fire, you don't start another. You rather seek for water by whose ability the fire can be quenched. In today's reading, the King of Syria will give anything for the recovery of Naaman's leprosy. This shows the significance of Naaman to him. Were we not told he was the one by which victory was brought to Syria? So, what will be too costly to spend on him? On that basis, a letter was sent to the King of Israel to cure Naaman of his leprosy. Finally, the letter got to its rightful address and found Elisha - a prophet in Israel. Naaman came in his almightiness. He came with convoy, with chariots and horses. So many body guards surrounded him that day. He was expecting Elisha to come out and wave his hand over the place, calling on God's name and recovering him. However, God's way is not man's. God must have been bent to humble Naaman and purge him of the dross in him. Elisha, an authority in his own right didn't even show up. He only sent instructions that Naaman should go bathe in the Jordan by dipping himself in there seven times. Naaman wouldn't take this. He flared up and up he went home in his chariot. Imagine the attitude of he who was looking for a cure. Some are expectant mothers but their attitude is the same. Some have terminal sicknesses yet their sense of ego and the deception of riches is still not letting them humble themselves to receive their healing. They're still trying to understand why the prophet will instruct so simply.  They're still contesting it like Naaman. If they were given the choice, they'll prefer to go carry out the given instruction in Abana or Pharpar when the Spirit of the Lord who doesn't lie says Jordan. Is that not with a cause?

On hearing this, the entire household was concerned for Naaman. Now, who will bell the cat? Who will go to change his view and persuade him to give it a try? Just then, some of his household servants who must have rehearsed the matter before presentation walked up to him. They must have taken humble postures to appease the god of the tribe of Syria - Naaman who was offended and angry at Elisha and his humiliating instructions. The servant who served as spokesman for others called him, "My father". That's who he is to them but more importantly, it shows the humble spirit in which that servant came to have his attention and sue for his reconsideration. Then, he presented the matter in a logical way to him. In a manner that if reasoned, any selfish, egoistic man will see that the instruction was actually out to benefit him. Or was it not given to benefit him? It was but he didn't see it because of his disappointed expectation. "If the prophet had bid him to buy fifty oxen for instance, he would have seen it as logical and then bought it. How much more, just taking a bath and getting cleansed?" For the first time like Nebuchadnezzar, his reason came to him [Daniel 4:34,36]. He understood that he shouldn't have been offended at all. Having being persuaded in this manner, he went to carry out the instruction. Behold, the doing of it brought the outcome and he returned with thanksgiving. You see, he was selfish just like we also. When a thing doesn't meet our expectation, we are offended at it.  

However, did you see how to make appeals to a spouse, superior, colleague or friend who's stubborn, selfish, egoistic and proud. Same goes for anyone you want to have do a thing. Such may even be your stubborn child. Appeal to their sense of benefit. Dethrone yourself. Don't count yourself an equal with them. You must be able to say like that servant, "My uncle, my husband: my only darling; Your Excellency sir e.t.c." If you however come around and shout saying, "Look at you. Won't you go? Is it until you die?" He won't though he dies in his pride. He'll rather preserve his honour and ego. So, learn today as a parent, child, spouse, subordinate, leader or whatsoever how to have your way with people. We don't need to fight if we have learnt what fits a particular situation and what each person will open to. May you be taught!

PRAYER: Give me the wisdom to esteem another above me. May you teach me how to cultivate and be a benefit to all my relationships and connections. May I not die in my pride when cure and aid is at hand. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Leviticus 20:22-22:16, Mark 9:1-29, Psalm 43:1-5, Proverbs 10:18

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Hebrews 12:2, KJV

"Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God."

You must know that to be distracted is very easy. The very reason why you must intentionally practice selective looking. In today's verse, we are told to look unto Jesus. Looking unto Him and remembering something about Him can keep us through ours.

Literally, a thing you look unto is a thing you focus your gaze on. Your concentration is on such. Jesus in that verse is said to be taken as our model who endures shame for the joy set before Him. If we take Him as our model and continually remember how He struggled to win, we also will be mindful enough not to let go even when it's tough. We can't say we are alone or have nobody who has passed through the challenges we're passing through. Even if it's not the same challenge or situation, trying or hardship of a sort might be common to it both.

A thing you constantly set before you is what you see. That's why the Psalmist says this.

Psalms 16:8, KJV

"I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved."

The remedy to not being moved in this life is setting the Lord before yourself. Something will come around that's enough reason to be shaken or moved. You'll be tried but those who will remain like hills surrounding Jerusalem which can't be moved will be those that have set the Lord before themselves. When you set God before yourself until He constantly takes the elegant place in your life (your right hand side) - showing importance and priority, you'll see that you can't be moved. Those who can't be moved are people who are constantly meditating and have established a strong belief in God. They've given Him the place of God who's all able. They're those who also creates the mental picture of the Almighty and His almightiness before themselves while putting themselves in constant remembrances of His fearful acts. These are people who like David have not forgotten in a hurry the past works of the Lord but could firmly reminisce and say, "the Lord that delivers me from the paws of the lion and the bear will deliver me from this uncircumcised Philistine also." Those that would remember God's great act in the past are those who can have Him believed to be able to settle future arisings.

Have you set the Lord before yourself? If He's not your focus, your meditation all day till He is giving a place in your life where He reigns as very important in your matters (to the extent that you can't do a thing without consulting Him), you'll easily be lost or give up when the storm arises.

PRAYER: Lord, may my daily practices show I've set you before me and that you're at my right hand. May I not be moved. May I see you as a worthy model to look unto and to.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Exodus 34:1-35:9, Matthew 27:15-31, Psalm 33:12-22, Proverbs 9:1-6

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