Monday 14 March 2022





READ I Samuel 13

I Samuel 13:8-10, KJV

"8 And he tarried seven days, according to the set time that Samuel had appointed: but Samuel came not to Gilgal; and the people were scattered from him. 9 And Saul said, Bring hither a burnt offering to me, and peace offerings. And he offered the burnt offering. 10 And it came to pass, that as soon as he had made an end of offering the burnt offering, behold, Samuel came; and Saul went out to meet him, that he might salute him".

God doesn't use the untested. We have the tested, failed and rejected. Then, we have the tested, passed and trusted. I had said sometimes ago that you shouldn't think disobedience is voluntary. Something prompts it. If you've not being pressed before, you may not know what it means.

In today's passage, Saul took initiative in order that the people's faith might be increased and their arms strengthened. In such strait and distresses of the people, they needed God on the scene: they needed to hear God. What strategy would He give? At least, let God talk even if it will be "don't move".

The warriors were already disheartened looking at such evil that may befall them by the Philistines they've dared. Samuel had promised Saul his appearance at the seventh day but somehow Samuel tarries. That's where Saul got under pressure. Please, when you fix a schedule or an appointment, do well to meet up with it. If there's a shift, do well to communicate earlier. It is not good to have risen someone's expectation without meeting it or doing so early. You make them worry and begin to think of what might have happened to you even when they should have been the object of concern. Worry shift takes place. Some may conclude "as for this Moses, we know not what has happened to him" and then proceed with life until they discover they're outside God's will (Exodus 32:23). That evil also happened because of someone's delay. Inevitably, delay will happen. When it does to you, may you just scale it somehow.

I knew what Saul felt here that moved him to improvise. Somebody could say "God was testing him..." That may not be under emphasised. Only that you'll have pleaded and not badgered Saul very much for having taken that step if you put yourself in his shoe. When the warriors (your very resources) you wants to fight the enemy with begin to leave; the centre can't hold and you seem to be losing your authority and control over your own people yet with an option of what could be done to win them and have them stay, I think the best of mind would opt for that. No one wants to be left alone in moments when  there's need for human support. But for Saul, it wasn't a blessing. That's why I said, may your improvisations be ones that will delight God. God may not tell you to take that step when there's no voice or sound from Him but when there is an understanding of what should be done that collides with the acceptable that God wanted or might have instructed, you'll be vindicated. Instead of God's wrath, you'll attract His favour. Just like the children of Issachar, you can understand the time.

I Chronicles 12:32, KJV "And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment".

What became the curse of Saul was that he didn't know the acceptable to do here. He knows what to do but not the acceptable and pleasing.

Samuel delayed - no voice nor sound for those seven days. Saul improvised and as soon as the improvisation ends, Samuel appears. This is where my fear ignites. Why didn't Samuel appear almost at the beginning of the sacrifice? Why immediately after Saul finished and things couldn't be reversed. To me, it's as if it has been appointed for Saul to just be unfortunate. Though he thrusts into another's office which is a trespass like Uzziah did (and is punishable if not anointed for such duties) but I wonder why God couldn't have gone ahead to prevent him from this mistake just by moving Samuel to come on time. We didn't know if it was God that delayed Samuel intentionally. All I pray is that when things are not answering when you needed answers, you'll exercise patience the more. After going the miles, you'll add extra again. You'll keep adding until you fulfill both the requirements you know and do not know. When God's voice delays to appear, may you go to sleep even if the situation is contradictory. May you not violate any known principle or command. When your boss at work isn't showing up and the clients are pressing, may you not act independently without doing his mind. May you not sign a deal that will throw you in jail.

PRAYER: Lord, after doing all, may I learn to put extra on it. When delay is inevitable, may I meet the demands of heaven known and unknown. If it remains a minute to my disgrace, appear and rebuke me. Patience, endurance and longsuffering will be put to work.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Numbers 15:17-16:40; Mark 15:1-47; Psalm 54:1-7; Proverbs 11:5-6

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Friday 11 March 2022





Read Job 1:1-12

Deuteronomy 28:13, KJV

"And the LORD shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath; IF THAT THOU HEARKEN UNTO THE COMMANDMENTS OF THE LORD THY GOD, WHICH I COMMAND THEE THIS DAY, TO OBSERVE AND TO DO THEM"

That place says, "You shall be above only". "Above only" could also read, "Upward only". If you say a thing is above, it stands to reason that something or things are underneath. A thing that is above is marked by being superior and being clearly demarcated by a line of separation from things below. Above only! It means you'll sail. It means you won't sink. Now, if you want to maintain this covenant position, you must not break the hedge. No matter how excellently built a ship is, its undoing begins when water starts to gain entrance into it through any damaged part. Yet, if you ask, "was that ship built to sail?" The engineers would say "yes". Any ship is built to sail and any Christian is by covenant designed to tend upward only but we know what damage, loss and destruction sin and offence could bring. Now, if the ship built to sail sinks (when it was not built to sink), we should find out why what the engineers designed to stay afloat all through its life is doing the exact opposite of its calling. Have we not read that there may be manifestations at the present that deviates from the intentions of the originator at the beginning. 

Matthew 19:8, KJV

"He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so".

I pray for you that you'll manifest and manifest continually the intention of the Originator. If a ship sinks, it may lead to the questioning of its builder but we ought to trace why and at the discovery, we can't but say, "this current manifestation isn't the intended because at the beginning, it was not intended so." If all laws of sailing aren't compromised, it should sail. 

A Christian who's above only is one who's undefeatable in the battles of life. He can't but win. But tell that Christian that for any to be above only and maintain the winning position, he has terms to keep with God. The hedge is what God built round any Christian to protect his success and victories. You can't break terms of your covenant with the Maker and not be vulnerable to the enemy to touch. Grace may last you for awhile like it did to Samson but a voice would always ask, "Can we continue in sin and say grace should abide?". Job didn't sin before he was touched but we saw the reality of being vulnerable when the hedge is removed for any reason - but on the occasion we're treating, by sin. Brethren, tell that ship not to boast of how excellently built it is or of what quality material it was built of. Just like a breaking of the hedge gives a handle to Satan to come in to steal, kill and destroy, so shall the damaging of the ship invite water that could sink the ship. And so, we have a shocking saying that "a ship could sail on water but do also sink in it". However, we ought learn on what conditions it floats and on what conditions such sinks. This would help us know what to abide with and clear off from. The covenant position of being above only is known to hinge on "if thou obey the commandments of the Lord thy God to do all that He has commanded you". Crested on this, no shaking even if the earth be removed and planted in the oceans. 

PRAYER: Teach me the faithfulness of the Faithful. Reconstruct Your hedge round me. I'm forgiven and the covenant reactivated.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Numbers 15:17-16:40; Mark 15:1-47; Psalm 54:1-7; Proverbs 11:5-6

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Thursday 10 March 2022





Deuteronomy 28:13,KJV

"And the LORD shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath; if that thou hearken unto the commandments of the LORD thy God, which I command thee this day, to observe and to do them:"

There's a charm I want to introduce you to and to you introduce. It is a sure charm. Those who are of the way that Saul of Tarsus persecuted testified of it as the charm that answers. Even in persecution, they blossomed. We of the way in this our time has this same witness given. Personally, I have experienced the outworking of this charm on different fronts and occasions by which I know that "I shall only tend upward only". Come what may, I say. 

That place says, "You shall be the head and not the tail". It is the head that bears rule but the tail comes under tribute. Then it added some other information to qualify your headship, status and God's expectation of you. It says, "And you shall be above only and not beneath". When the Bible says, "above only", the ability that makes the aeroplane and all aerospace inventions remain in the air is what that place is hinting at. "Above only" means, "Come what may, you must still continue to tend upward". Coming down, tending downward or decreasing is not permitted for you. If you puncture a balloon, that deflation is expected to result into an expectation - the balloon coming down from its position of soaring in the air. However, when you are punctured, attacked, assaulted, conspired against, libelled, slandered etc, the Lord says, "your decided outcome is that whatsoever they do or that happens to you would be to further you". Only one thing has been permitted to happen to you, that is that you might be above only or tend upward only. Anything else apart from "above only", even as far as the Old Testament, God said it is not permissible for you. "Above only" means other happenings contrary to it are not permitted to happen to you.

While I was in meditation, the Spirit of buoyancy painted an illustration in my mind. He brought me an image of a ship on water which if a hole is created in its strategic unwanted place would lead to inflow of water and eventually its sinking. That's what's expected of the natural ship. It is a law but if a hole in form of any assault of life or the devil comes at you, it would be to tend you upward only even where you should tend downward. 

Don't forget the Spirit's emphasis. It is not that you'll be above but that you'll be above ONLY. It is that "only" that dictates the sole one thing that the senate of heaven permits to happen to you or be your outcome in any life's encounter. 

...and today, I have been anointed to call you to tend upward only. God says, "He is choosing for you a dwelling in the upstairs and that place only". As long as you listen to the voice of the Lord your God and pleases Him, He'll ensure all done to you makes you tend upward only. That's the charm. That's the experience. That's the mandate. That's the dictate. Receive it now in the name of Christ Jesus our Lord. 

PRAYER: They said you said, "It is above ONLY" and I have confirmed same again. Then, let it be unto me according to Your word since I'm a keeper of Your testimony.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Numbers 14:1-15:16; Mark 14:53-72; Psalm 53:1-6; Proverbs 11:4

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Read Genesis 39:1-10

Genesis 39:9, KJV

"There is none greater in this house than I; neither hath he kept back any thing from me but thee, because thou art his wife: how then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?"

"I love You Lord; I'm for You Lord" etc would be indeed true when occasions present themselves and you fear, love and keep being the Lord's. Confession is not the peak of being, it is deed. Situations would arise to test who you respect and who you respect more. Yours may be that of your fiance or fiancĂ©e pressurizing you for sex like Joseph was often pressurized by this pressed woman. Some would say, "I don't want to hurt her!" Probably you're even at the market place but you've been facing persuasions from those who wants to have their ways but who are bent on your collecting bribe? At junctures like these ones described, we shall know whether you'll stand a witness for God or you'll fold up. 

Many times, when evil is first time proposed to Christians and they reject it, don't yet praise him or her. He that should be praised is he that same temptation besets over time but takes his stand and refuses to leave his duty post. Many Christians are being watched by God's eyes which roams the earth. Applause will be made over them or regret. God is watching if he'll cave in under pressure that keeps coming daily to come around and be like they are or he would refuse and refuse entirely. There are those who wants you to join their bands. Those who wants you to become covenant partners in evil with them. Those who wants you to cast your lot with them [Prov. 1:10-16].

Such people are those God is watching to see whether you'll give your respect to. Potiphar's wife isn't an ordinary fellow in that household. Joseph knew she's the key to many doors. However, "how can I do this evil thing and sin against God" won't let Joseph alone. On this note, he fears God the more and refuses to have respect unto the wife of his boss who has power to do and undo. 

There are powers that be. We know them. On this earth, they could wreck you if you don't do their bidding. However, we were admonished not to fear those who could kill the body but not the soul [Matt. 10:28]. Herein is our comfort. Despite all the hurdles madam puts on Joseph's way to cross, he still crossed all to be vindicated. God said I should ask you, "Who will you respect the more" when you have the choice to choose one and despise the other. He said, "That's actually who you fear. That's actually who you want to serve and same is your master".

Those of you that they've been laying pressures on and besieging with great offers and high promises of gifts and vacations in islands like never before, you'll get to the juncture of choice where you'll be required to pick God and contentment or sweet daddy, mummy and pseudo offers that makes you guilty on the inside and makes you bleed at heart to God for mercy.

PRAYER: When at junctures like these, may I remain a witness. Grace for aiding, I receive.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Numbers 11:24-13:33; Mark 14:22-52; Psalm 52:1-9; Proverbs 11:1-3

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Psalms 68:2,KJV

"As smoke is driven away, so drive them away: as wax melteth before the fire,so let the wicked perish at the presence of God.

When I said "it's a matter of time", do you know it is indeed. I want to bring to your consciousness the need to be guaranteed and steadfastly assured that what you profess doing is first of all an initiative from the Lord. Why I'm I laying repeated emphasis on this truth?

I'm very sure that tests of life will arise that will prove whether that thing is genuinely from God or not. Both things called into being by God and  those self instituted will face this coming challenge. Like the house built on the rock retains its integrity, initiatives from God shall endure while those carved by humans and not directly ordained by God to be shall have the destiny of the house built on sand. The flood will carry it away. It shall no longer be noticed that it once exists. It shall be erased to the ground and disappeared out of observation.

That Bible portion says "as wax melts before fire..." What is wax? Let me give you a quick example? Take your shoe polish as an example. If you bring it near fire, what happens to it? It melts. From its firm position, it dissolves into liquid that could begin to pour off. 

Before the fire, wax melts. That is, wax can't continue as wax. It has no endurance to continue as wax. From wax, it becomes another thing. The formation of wax makes it impossible for it to endure fire. Even far away from fire, it melts let alone being brought very near fire. The remedy for wax therefore not to be melted is for it to be prevented from having an encounter with fire. This however is impossible. You can keep hiding your wax initiative and protecting it. Meanwhile, test will expose its origin and content.  Life will attract tests and challenges to it. 

Anything not called into existence by God will be terrified of being consumed in this life and that fear of its being consumed shall eventually be fulfilled on it.

Take for instance a nylon when brought near fire, it melts away as well. Just like wax, that nylon is melted into a kind of drops of liquid that can solidify again when it cools off. Meanwhile, it will be liquid as long as it remains near the heat or the pressure of fire.

God is saying I should tell you "that there are things that won't maintain their forms as time goes on." Those things shall see and flee! They shall sight from afar and shiver. What are those things? Anything that He doesn't inspire. Things that He doesn't cause to existence. Things His own very breath doesn't give life to. Things the words of His mouth doesn't call to manifestation. These  things could be systems/institutions, ideas, slogans, brands etc. As long as they are not divinely implanted things by God in the human mind, they'll one day melt away like wax melts before fire. We shall no longer hear of them surprisingly!

What is God saying? He's saying "you'll just wake up and hear that something has ended it." Something from the blues, from where you least expect, something striking will just force it into extinction.

I have waited on God and I have heard Him speak very clearly that many things shall be tested with fire these last days. Only few will survive. The handiwork of many ministers will be burnt. To escape this, let your initiative and moves be inspired by the Lord. What wins the approval of God and His rewards is what He has called to being and what He tells you to do in a manner He desires it done. Any concept outside this will be counted as dead work. It will attract no reward. It's 100% vain labour.

So, know that whatsoever does not stem from Him can't continue on the long run. Such will fall sick, fall out and eventually fall by the road side. However, if it originates from Him, it will endure from this time forth till evermore.

I therefore prophesy by the anointing of 'continue' with which God has creamed my head that time will not chisel you away. The works of your hands shall endure. It shall persist. It shall not be eroded or washed away. I pray that it shall still be speaking in Jesus' name.

PRAYER: Father of all ages, Ancient One of all centuries,let me outlast time with the works of my hands.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Numbers 8:1-9:23; Mark 13:14-37; Psalm 50:1-23; Proverbs 10:29-30

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READ Judges 15

Judges 15:6, KJV

"Then the Philistines said, Who hath done this? And they answered, Samson, the son in law of the Timnite, because he had taken his wife, and given her to his companion. And the Philistines came up, and burnt her and her father with fire."

I heard, "we have done much harm to the enemy, we can't at this time repent or prove innocent of such acts." For all these harms that you and I have done our arch enemy, Satan, a retaliating band is on the outlook for us. We shouldn't be scared. Though He pursues after us, Christ is our strong tower. By Him, we'll continue to dare and dip fingers in his face yet go scot-free in Jesus' name.

Like somebody who has sinned deeply to the extent that he convinces himself in error that he can't be accepted again (though he still has a chance and God won't in any wise cast him away), so seems our own case. Since you and I agreed to do ministry and go on that path, you can't but be followed after for your many offensive works. If you want peace with Satan, you wouldn't be born again at all let alone heeding God's call to ministry. That you enroll as a Christian who faithfully does the will of God means you'll be followed after. 

In today's passage, we see Samson avenging the giving of his wife to his best man. He destroys the farms of the Philistines and this touches them to the core. This is typical of our spiritual exploits as Christians and ministers. How we set the captives free from the clutches of  hell. Didn't the Bible say, Satan specializes in not opening the prison door for his prisoners to go home (Isaiah 14:17).

Such man is He who we have robbed by might of the anointing and collected his prey from his mouth as we preach, crusade all around, do deliverance, counsel etc. Don't think you're not making impact. These quotes you're sending out is affecting hell. By that only, you've attracted his attention like Samson attracted that of the Philistines. When the anointing rests on a man, it does not only become an announcement and make headline in heaven but in hell. You're therefore in sight!

Satan will respond. Don't think he doesn't know who has collected his prey from his mouth. The Philistines asked, "who has done this (exploit)?" It was fed them, "Samson." In retaliation, they went to burn down his wife and her father. If Satan can't immediately get you (which is his core target), he'll launch attacks at your associations. 

When Jesus says no one says yes and looks back, it is very valid. 

Luke 9:62, KJV

"...No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God."

You have signed in O man of God. You have done much havoc and already have enough records for which Satan will pursue you. You can't say you don't mean all you were doing. You can't go on vacation spiritually now. You can't afford to backslide now. Doing any of these is actually making yourself a cheap meat for the devil who has you in mind to hurt for the blows you've dealt him. Only Satan can chronicle how much hurt you've done him. No Samson knows actually. 

The tracts you thought no one read has brought loss of souls to hell. Why won't he seek you to pay for that damage? You may be shouting hallelujah that you're bringing profit to God. However, you've also brought losses to the devil. No business person wants losses. God and Satan are business men. They trade in the souls of men and rival to have them. You have by your works accrued many enemies. Don't pedal down now for you've been declared wanted: dead or alive by hell. 

Despite this unleashing of hell at you, behold your resources. 

II Kings 6:16, KJV

"And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them."

As long as you don't make provision for the flesh or give the enemy an occasion to blaspheme God like David mistakenly did, you can't be reproached by Satan nor anything of his found in you (II Samuel 12:14). So, continue to bring losses to Satan while not forgetting for once that each of your hurt to him makes you more wanted.

PRAYER: Lord, may no unrighteousness be found in me that Satan can accuse me of. I repent of all hidden and unconfessed sins. I purge myself of all weapons of hell that are alive in me. May I avenge the Lord daily.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Numbers 8:1-9:23; Mark 13:14-37; Psalm 50:1-23; Proverbs 10:29-30

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READ Luke 16:1-9

Luke 16:3, KJV

"Then the steward said within himself, What shall I do? for my lord taketh away from me the stewardship: I cannot dig; to beg I am ashamed."

When you cannot dig or beg, poverty will enter. A man that begs and lives by that to a degree is a poor fellow but in comparison, a man that can't beg (when he has no other source of income) will radiate to poverty faster and deeply than one who begs to survive (he will still have a thing to live on). It is either you belong to one of the categories.

Work brings out the full installed capacity of God in you. We do not work to earn money first of all but to learn something. What you work to learn and become a master in can then begin to give you money. If you work as an employee somewhere, ensure you master what they're doing there. If you're a teacher in a school and you carefully consider daily, you can be mentored by how things are done in your employer's institution in order to start your own one day. Why attention is not being paid is because people haven't seen reasons of starting something of their own one day. The confidence to start something doesn't fall on people like that. It takes a man that has followed to a degree to start something either in the secular or in the Lord. Confidence level which assures one of success in what one wants to found is increased by the level of one's following which might have been accumulated as experience. You must work. There is dignity of labour. When you work and money comes back as reward for instance, irrespective of how little  it is, you feel happy about it. Any who don't work can't know the joy of the reaper. There is a joy that comes as a recompense of what one has worked for.

Psalms 4:7, KJV

"Thou hast put gladness in my heart, more than in the time that their corn and their wine increased."

From here, there is a gladness that comes with increment of corn and wine. When what you're doing yields, produces or brings increase, what it brought is your profit for engaging in such business the very first time. 

Now, what if you can't work? You shouldn't be dignified (too high) to beg. Dignity is not pride but it can become pride. All of us must have dignity. It is out of sense to become habitual on somebody's door step. We may all need occasional help. You may even need to borrow for investment but mind you, don't let it be said of you that you survive by begging. Doing that will cost you estimation. When you're a beggar, you will feel accountable to those sponsoring you. They can call you to do any kind of job for them. You will feel like a tool in their hands that they can weave in any direction. That's one of the things the Jews fight against. They don't want to be owned and because of that, they rally round to help themselves so that a non-Jew would not buy them over.

When you beg, you have intentionally by yourself made useless all in you by deposit or acquisition. If you have gifts, skill, education or calling, it all becomes irrelevant because none of such in you is being deployed. If you're dignified to beg (which is what God wants), you'll lower yourself to work. Do you know it's hard disrobing from one's honour to putting on the servants' sleeves or labourer's garments to work? When you're a beggar, you'll always be owing people. Christianity has never encouraged living habitually as a beggar. It encourages entrepreneurship rather. No matter how belittling what you do is, there is honour there. It gives you the sense of an owner and not somebody casting down his golden crowns before another. Don't turn out like this man that pride has riddled. If not pride, shouldn't a man that can't work beg? That's the consequent option. If you feel too big to disrobe, you should feel humble to plead for life. When you beg, some people limits you by deciding what they give you. When you work, you have a wider space to earn and you're the only one who could limit yourself. If I become limited by working and not rely on proceeds from another's work, that's preferable than putting my limitation in another's hands. Wherever you're tied habitually to people's aprons, may you be helped to break free as you work.

PRAYER: Beautify work to me. Lead me into a work that satisfies and fills gulf inside me.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Numbers 2:1-3:51; Mark 11:27-12:17; Psalm 47:1-9; Proverbs 10:24-25.

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