Saturday 13 April 2024




THEY HAVE GONE TO DOTHAN - Loosed For Purpose Series 007

Genesis 37:15, 17, KJV

"15 And a certain man found him, and, behold, he was wandering in the field: and the man asked him, saying, What seekest thou? 17 And the man said, They are departed hence; for I heard them say, Let us go to Dothan. And Joseph went after his brethren, and found them in Dothan."

You will be saved from wandering about and wasting useful time that should count for you. A hand will point to where destiny will happen for you. God is interested in saving your youth. As such, He'll put materials, persons, institutions and even information where you utmostly need them in order to direct you after your objective in this life while saving your time. 

Jacob sends Joseph on the errand of checking on his brethren and bringing back report to him. Joseph would have wasted much time wandering here and there looking for them if not for the timely appearance of a stranger on the scene who asked him what he was looking for and gave him answer on where they had gone. In his word, he says, " they have departed hence, for I heard them say, let us go to Dothan..." Yet, Joseph keeps merrygorounding around in Sheckem. 

Joseph has an address at hand. It is for Sheckem but relocation and change of a sort had happened without his knowledge. Yet, he needs to connect with his pursuit - his brothers. How will this be possible if not for the sight and voice that appears to interrogate him on what he looks for and to deliver same solution to him?

The date, encounter and meet you're planning for will happen in Dothan. It has been shifted and rescheduled there yet God is still committed to taking you there. At every critical juncture, you'll always encounter those who'll serve as signpost to directing you for safe arrival to your destination. In tracing the biography of the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God through a biographical movie of his that I had watched; it was told how as a young chap he departed in search of his parents in the farm. Yet, he didn't know where specifically. He could have sincerely gotten lost in the jungle. By divine providence however, a strange dog guided him to where they were. The parents themselves were afraid and also shocked receiving this august visitor who they couldn't trace how he made such a journey to the farm he had never been before. However, he tells his story and his parents see a divine hand supervising the events around his life. Even when they requested to see the strange dog, it was nowhere to be found anymore. To an extent, his parents believed that was not an accidental save but something supernatural helping him out and guiding him on his journey. 

The same happened to Joseph here. Don't forget that his time nears when he must be sent ahead of his brothers into Egypt. His ride in the Ishmeelites who'll take him there awaits him. He must not miss them. So, God moves his father to send him on that errand like Jesse was moved to commission and deploy David to the battle field (as we saw yesterday). The answer like David rightly gave was, "is there not a cause?" There's a reason for such deployment. The journey of Joseph to Egypt might not have been possible if he never made it to Dothan but supernaturally to me, God set a landmark signpost to redirect him non stop to Dothan where he'll be thrown in a well and then sold off - that the dreams of destiny he had had might come to pass one day. 

Your ride is here and if it is, nothing shall stop you from taking it. God will put provision and guided hands on your path to guide you on. Until you get to where you'll board the next transport, you'll keep meeting, hearing and seeing a presence saying, "they have gone to Dothan, for I heard them say so." You won't be stranded in Sheckem. What you're looking for is rightly what you'll see. If it is still in your front, God will sponsor you on until you make arrival and meet with destiny. Your years, life and time shall be saved. God will put for you in different places those who'll hasten your steps to destiny. You won't spend your days on a job and in an institution where destiny won't happen for you when there's Dothan in front of you. Providence will make men appear for you that weren't there before. They'll be so well sited that it's when you need help they'll pop up. They'll look like they've been programmed, planned and planted to emerge from the belly of the morning or day to help you that rightly. This timely provision includes angels who will make debut appearances for you when you need a straightaway help to find the way and connect with your goal. Did you not read, "on their hands they'll bear you up lest you dash your foot on a stone" (Psalm 91:12). You'll be saved from fallen down; you'll be saved from all embarrassments. It might have been planned to happen but you'll always witness a great save for your destiny fulfilment purpose. Your time is in God's hands and it shall not be wasted. 

PRAYER. I shall be sponsored on and on by the invisible hand of God until I arrive at destination. I shall go on every journey and become everything in God's mind.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Joshua 5:1-7:15, Luke 15:1-32, Psalm 81:1-16, Proverbs 13:1

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Friday 12 April 2024




POSTING LETTER IS OUT! - Loosed For Purpose Series 006

Read I Sam. 17

I Samuel 17:20, KJV 

"And David rose up early in the morning, and left the sheep with a keeper, and took, and went, as Jesse had commanded him; and he came to the trench, as the host was going forth to the fight, and shouted for the battle."

Say with me, "posting letter is out!" Repeat it like five times. Then, go ahead and burst into laughter. 

Listen, posting letter is out. You have been DEPLOYED! The General has given the go ahead for you to proceed after much wait. You shall no longer be landlocked here but you'll be brought into national attention and recognition. Where you are is too small for you. It's not an enough room. God knows as the One who gives man enough room. He can take you to Rehoboth and that's where your posting letter is designated for. I bear good news, you've been DEPLOYED and it is to a good end. 

David, the shepherd could have remained a shepherd forever if his posting letter didn't come out rightly on time. From going back and forth from Saul and to tending the sheep of his father, David could just have remained in total obscurity without anyone ever tasting of the value, bravery, might, leadership skills etc that he carries. Thank God, the Almighty reached for him. He stretched out his arm and drew him out of per time obscurity and the land of no fruit. God closed a chapter of obscurity in his life and made him a national hero. I'm seeing you at the State House. You have something to do there. The King will soon owe you gratitude. Yes, so shall it be. 

For forty days and forty nights, things are at a stand still at the battle front. No one ever dare proceed to take the Goliath Challenge. At such a time that Israel has been defeated at heart for the fear of the enemy, God raises a rod - it buds rightly and its branch extends to the battle field. God whispers to Jesse and Jesse for a reason he might not be able to verbalize properly sent David to the battle field to check on the welfare of his brethren. Who does that? You gave children away as soldiers, should you not know they have signed their deaths? Why should you yet send another who should dwell safely with you to go and check on the welfare of such who should live in no fear of harm or death? Things seem not to be adding up but it all makes sense to God. David has been deployed by an invisible hand to take away the shame that Goliath the uncircumcised Philistine has brought on God's people and God Himself. 

We know the rest as it is history. Without David's word arriving first, without his season having opened up first of all, He could not have been remembered. But when remembrance came, he was rightly and immediately deployed to the place where he should be exalted, becoming the obsession of everyone even to the enquiring of the king when he says, "whose son is this youth?" David enters immediately into the annals of national records. Musicians of his day immediately rolled out albums singing, "Saul has killed his thousands but David has killed his ten thousands" (I Sam.18:7).

Today, you shall be called to where the carcass is gathered for you. Today, you'll experience destiny meet. You'll go on an errand that'll be a link to the beginning of your destiny manifestation. A hand will point to you where destiny is slated to happen for you. You shall not be late. You'll be on time and so collide with destiny and climb up irrevocably through that open door to become all in God's mind for you. Your journey has begun! Believe!

PRAYER: Father, my journey has begun. I ask for a destiny meet - the intent of every deployment letter.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Joshua 3:1-4:24, Luke 14:7-35, Psalm 80:1-19, Proverbs 12:27-28

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Thursday 11 April 2024




LOOSED AND RECOVERED TO REIGN - Loosed For Purpose Series 005

Psalms 105:20-22, KJV

"20 The king sent and loosed him; even the ruler of the people, and let him go free. 21 He made him lord of his house, and ruler of all his substance: 22 To bind his princes at his pleasure; and teach his senators wisdom."

I told you in yesterday devotional why the Lord looses people from sin or obscurity. He doesn't loose them so that they'll give their lives to the pursuit of material things and what passes away soonest. God doesn't loose people so that they'll become materialistic, sensual and narcissistic - not willing to share, lose or give themselves as ministration to others. God is not loosing people from prison houses and oppression of hell those who'll love their lives more than purpose. He's not freeing into liberty and sonship manifestation those who'll say, "thank God I escaped and was recovered. Now is the time to bury my head and hide. No! He's not raising such bunch of cowards who wouldn't be able to advocate for justice in the society again. He's raising those who'll rather take their lives in their hands and speak up for what is right; matching on to dare the devil and crusade against him in Commerce/Business, Arts/Entertainment, Politics/Government, Education etc. 

He rather looses men from death, distraction, evil, sickness, all hindrances and encumbrances so that they would live out their destiny. This is the sole purpose of "loose him and let him go." He doesn't loose into vanity or nothingness. Loose him and let him go is to an intent and we shall see this intent once more in the life of Joseph - our admirable character of today. 

Psalms 105:21-22 has spoken good of such purpose. When Pharaoh freed Joseph, he loosed him into what?

"21 He made him lord of his house, and ruler of all his substance: 22 To bind his princes at his pleasure; and teach his senators wisdom."

Have you seen the intents for which God looses people from bonds? To deliver them generally into the destiny and the glory they're predestined for. When Joseph was loosed from the prison, he immediately was promoted into leadership. Pharaoh speaking says, "can we find a man like this in whom is the Spirit of God (Gen.41:48)?" To this end of having given exceptional solution on the way forward on the national frustration at hand, the king - Pharaoh promotes him into leadership to "head or oversee his house and govern his substance also. First of all, Pharaoh would suffer no personal loss for that. So, he sets witty Joseph over what is his. Further on, Joseph for his exceptional solution was promoted into second place after Pharaoh to hold sway over all other leaders and institutions in Egypt. While Pharaoh makes this clear, he says, "without Him no one shall lift hand or foot" (Gen.41:40-44). It means until Joseph blows the whistle, no one could run. What he says is what they'll do and that'll be final. He's the repository of knowledge that could be trusted to teach, mentor and model for others to follow. Summarily, Joseph was delivered from prison and brought to the palace to live out purpose and prediction. Don't forget his dreams of 13 years ago (Gen.37:7-9). Those dreams point to a future in leadership so much more that people shall bow - including his household to him. 

Consequently, God loosed him and let him go that he might save many people alive in Israel by the reason of being loosed into the glory of his destiny (Gen.50:20). He himself hinted at this when his brethren asks for his forgiveness again. This is the bottom line of the great office he has come into. So, his being loosed from physical prison and obscurity therefore isn't to disservice him but to make him of service to Egypt as a nation and to Israel as a nation (by preserving them during those seven years of famine). Your being loosed and saved from the prison house called sin or from nothingness is for a purpose. It's so that you'll walk in the predictions that have ran ahead of you and live it out. You carry a prophecy even if you're unaware. The earnest expectation of the creature waits for the manifestation of the sons of God (Rom.8:19). May you deliver as one.

PRAYER: Lord, I understood why you set free from prison houses and nothingness. May I live up to those reasons and finish them all.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Deuteronomy 34:1-Joshua 2:24, Luke 13:22-14:6, Psalm 79:1-13, Proverbs 12:26

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Wednesday 10 April 2024





John 11:43-44, KJV

"43 And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth. 44 And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with graveclothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. Jesus saith unto them, Loose him, and let him go."

What a popular and incredible story of the Bible we have at hand to start with this morning! Even your boy is familiar with the narration of events here. Jesus calls forth Lazarus from the dead and he hearkens. He rose to the voice of the Ressurection and the Life : Jesus Himself (John 11:25-26). However, he rose being fettered and being in bonds as grave clothes are all scattered over him according to the Jewish system of burial. These stripes or clothes by which he's bandaged therefore hinder his proper activity and activeness. Though he walks by himself yet he walks restrictedly. So, he needs to be freed. He needs to be put in a condition where he could use his arm, extend it to grab things freely and his legs for speedy race. For that purpose, Jesus gives an instruction that is humanly carried out. It is to loose him and let him go. 

However, we ought to ask, "to go where?" To what end did Jesus call forth Lazarus from the dead and commanded that he be loosed to have unrestricted movement or be loosed to let go? It's to the end that he might continue to live and live purposefully. God didn't bring Lazarus back from the dead to be idle or live frivolously. What makes him Jesus' friend is what Jesus restores him unto to continue to do. And that is the living out of purpose. Listen to me, if you're redeemed from death, accident, food poisoning, difficult child labour etc, don't be deceived that your life from thence forth should be spent only on food, clothing and the ephemerals of this world. God spares us for more than this! Jesus says, "is life not more than meat (food) and the body more than raiment (clothing) - Matt.6:25? It means the purpose for which life was given each of us is to live life and use it to serve the will of God in our specific generation. David did (Acts 13:36). God doesn't give life or restore it to you again to be gallivanting, clubbing, fornicating and wining all around. Jesus Himself asked if the life given us at creation or restored to somebody like Lazarus isn't more important than giving it only to the pursuit of bread, clothes and all sorts of human comfort. You must reorder your priority and let your life be given to purpose - why you were created. So, this is the reason why Jesus commanded that Lazarus be loosed. It's so that he could live life and live it more abundantly. If he were not loosed, he'll still be tied up and restricted somewhere. He'll seek expression even of movement and it wouldn't be fully possible for him. Even in his face, he'd be blinded by those cloth pieces or napkin and so would have knocked himself on things all around. But he was loosed so he'll have vision and unrestricted choice to pursue his purpose and that's the purpose of any "loose him or her to go." It is not to go to commence living in sin but to glorify God with one's life. It's to transit you into purpose. Have you been delivered from death or spared to continue to live somewhere? Then, don't only live but go and live more abundantly (by pursuing and living out your purpose). 

PRAYER: Wherever I've not fulfilled the reason for carrying the breath of life or my being loosed to let go, kindly grant me an open sight and reordering of my life.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Deuteronomy 33:1-29, Luke 13:1-21, Psalm 78:65-72, Proverbs 12:25

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Tuesday 9 April 2024




THE KING SENT AND LOOSED HIM - Loosed For Purpose Series 003

Psalms 105:20, KJV

"The king sent and loosed him; even the ruler of the people, and let him go free."

You're lucky. Yes, you are. Meanwhile, you ought ask why I said you were lucky. That's because it's HIM calling you. Who's the "Him" you might ask again? It is Jesus! Blind Bartimeaus was given no chance. As soon as he cried out for mercy, he was shut down by the crowd. However, the Master Himself called him to Himself. "And Jesus stood still, and commanded him to be called. And they call the blind man, saying unto him, Be of good comfort, rise; he calleth thee" (Mark 10:49, KJV). That was why I said you were lucky. Your matter has reached the headquarters and it's been attended to right away. So fortunate are you that the order given concerning you comes directly from the Master Himself. It isn't a disciple that Jesus sent to heal blind Bartimeaus or attend to him. Rather, He did Himself. Your vindication, justification, deliverance is from nowhere but from the King straightforward. The Psalmist captures this succinctly when He says, "1 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. 2 My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth" (Psalms 121:1-2, KJV). Your help and the order for your release comes from none other but the King. It is coming from the Lord.  Rejoice! He's the cure it all and the end of all your worries. 

This reminds me of a time in time when a tribal warlord decreed that a servant be beheaded. At the point of action, the Emperor's messenger arrives demanding that the servant be retrieved to the capital. This is how a decree by a lesser authority is overtaken and overruled by the greater. This isn't different from the case study we have at hand today. Potiphar puts Joseph in ward and if ever Joseph would be saved, his salvation can't come from a lesser officer than Potiphar who had commanded to jail him. To that end, the Bible says, "the king sent and loosed him..." It has to be the King! Say, "my matter has gotten to heaven. I'm now in the King's hands." Shout aloud, "judgement is overruled by mercy for me! I am spared. Thank you Jesus."

This is why I started by saying you were lucky. Your matter reached the headquarters before it was ever sealed. His Royal Majesty, King of Kings and Lord of Lords is the One presiding over your matter now. He's taking it out of the jurisdiction of your oppressor and is advocating for your life by His blood as we speak. As such, Satan and his cohort have no choice but to hiss reluctantly and let you go. A greater authority has spoken and He must be obeyed. It is a King who has sent to loose you...not any other. No one dare trivialize with the King's order. 

Who sent to free Joseph where the authority of Potiphar has sealed his fate? Pharaoh! Pharaoh is a king that potiphar dare not question. Pharaoh is a god in Egypt and as an absolute monarch. He is law and judge at the same time. He has given the decree, who will contest it? Likewise, God has sent to loose you and bring you out of many waters into His banqueting hall where His banner over you will be love (SOS 2:4). Who'll contest it? No one dare to but submit rather. Today, I want you to be confident that you will always fall into His hands. And as far as we have proven Him, He is merciful. After David's misbehaviour and sin, God gives him choices of his punishment. Out of three hot options - to be visited by famine for seven years; to be slaughtered by the enemy for three months or to fall by pestilence for three days, he was admonished to choose one. Knowing the mercy of God and how God's anger doesn't burn for long, He chooses to fall into God's hands. "And David said unto Gad, I am in a great strait: let us fall now into the hand of the LORD; for his mercies are great: and let me not fall into the hand of man" (II Sam. 24:14). Though the judgement of pestilence burns against Israel that day very quickly yet the Lord stays His hands in mercy on David and the nation. 

When you're in many waters, besetted and surrounded with no hope (but with thoughts that'll you'll never make it out let alone to the palace), be assured of falling into God's hands. He's your advocate. His eyes goes throughout the earth watching the righteous from the unrighteous. As such, He'll deliver you in six troubles. Even in seven, no harm shall come to you. Your case has been transferred. The King is calling for you and you can be sure what message His messenger has brought. It is to loose you and let you go. It is to free you and let you live. No one exercises this right in your life but God Himself. If it were man, his word could have been contested. However, it is God who has said, "loose him and let him go." So, men will surrender, situation will yield and Satan himself shall flee. "Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, What doest thou?" (Ecclesiastes  8:4, KJV). He has given the Word (of your freedom) and great is the company of those who publish it. Who are those publishers? They're the gospel preachers and oracles of the Lord. Therefore as one of the horde He has given this oracle of liberty to, I declare over you, "be loosed. If indeed you're in bonds somewhere anticipating deliverance from further agitations, be loosed. Let your chains fall off; let your bonds be broken. Be brought out to see the light of the day. Celebrate a new life in God's banqueting hall." 

PRAYER: Lord, I thank You for the word of your power sent to loose me. Be it unto me according to Your word. Thank You for coming for me rightly.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Deuteronomy 33:1-29, Luke 13:1-21, Psalm 78:65-72, Proverbs 12:25

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Monday 8 April 2024




YOUR WORD TOO WILL COME - Let Loose For Purpose Series 002

Psalms 105:17-20, KJV

"17 He sent a man before them, even Joseph, who was sold for a servant:18 Whose feet they hurt with fetters: he was laid in iron:19 Until the time that his word came: the word of the LORD tried him. 20 The king sent and loosed him; even the ruler of the people, and let him go free."

At 44, Bassirou Diomaye Faye was elected Senegal's new president just barely two weeks after his release from prison. As such, his story relates with Joseph's as he goes from prison to palace. This moment of historical victory came during the March 24th 2024 presidential election held in Senegal, West Africa where night turned into day for this fated politician who contested instead of Ousmane Sonko (the party founder and leader who was disqualified and imprisoned also due to some charges). As such, we can't deny that something unusual pinnacles itself over this just concluded election even as an opposition party beats the incumbent government hands down. What a democratic system conducted in all honesty that other world nations, especially the giant of Africa should learn from.

Today, the Lord has come with bags of words for somebody. You might have been in a strait - a house too narrow to turn to the left or right let alone accommodating you freely by availing you all your intentions and affections. Like Joseph and this political figure brought us, you might have been shut in darkness and left to count the ceiling in loneliness. You probably have no hope of salvation or any form of deliverance from any quarters. Alas, things can change in a twinkle when your word comes! Immediately, your trial will be over and your release will be secured. I declare over you: over a child of destiny preordained for a march to the palace that your word shall not tarry but come. 

In my entire life, I've never faced a moment of darkness and rejection than when I badly needed school fees during my undergraduate days in the university. I would have forfeited my studentship if I had not paid duly on time. This was in 2014 when a repeat of the same event I had somehow survived in 2013 came challenging me again. Everywhere I turned, no salvation was at sight. I called unto those I knew but I was shut out. My mother (the one left of my parents) was helpless. She could only weep and weep while I could only pray and pray; hope and hope. Eventually, I saw the Bearer of light, the Fourth Man in the fire, the One from whom all good gifts and precious gifts stem from coming for me. Unknowingly to me, He had put my case in someone's mind. From this quarters that God solely could have raised help, my help came without reproach or a string ever attached. What a deliverance at an hour when I shivered. I breathed relief and was relaxed. Joseph must have gotten here. Diomaye Faye himself might have gotten here. A place where upon looking at the dark sky, one couldn't even see a star heralding hope. Such a moment teaches us to put our trust in God who alone surpasses all odds and could do exceedingly beyond expectation or imagination.

I'll like you to know that my help just didn't arrive that day. Before the physical help arrived, my word came first of all. A word was issued concerning me in the spirit realm that this one must not be let down. He must rather be borne up on angels' hands/wings. It is this same word that first found release and operation in the spirit realm that moved Pharaoh to loose Joseph from the prison. His time came for a forward match and no devil could hold him back in jail! Don't forget that Naphtali is a hind let loose: bearing goodly words, fawns or products fitting the liberty availed him. In the same manner, when Joseph's word arrives and was sent for and loosed from where he was bound, it means a season has ended over him while another of a new chapter and clean slate is starting for him. If Joseph was never loosen and brought to the palace, who would have tasted of his giftedness and be indebted to God for the extents to which he brought deliverance to Egypt. We wouldn't have known that 'slave boy' was loaded with ingenuity to save a nation. 

Verse 19 says, "until the time that his word came: the word of the Lord tried him." I pray that you won't fail tests before your word comes. Some fell apart, made a shipwreck of their faith, morals, belief and value system before their word came. They couldn't exercise enough patience to inherit the promise and let prophecy find rest on them. You too like Joseph, Diomaye or myself may need to experience a season in ward before your word comes. You may need to be chained in darkness, forgotten and forsaken by others until your salvation arrives. Some are there right now. They can relate. God has a purpose for that trial or test. It's to process you and turn you out rightly so that you'll learn mercy and know how to behave in humility when you gain the scepter of office. But if anyone still despises this discipline and moulding work of God but to live in defiance to justice and fairness once chosen, God shall surely humble him.

Brethren, I am sent to make an announcement. Currently with open eyes, I'm seeing myself on a tower or let's say a hill. From there I'm proclaiming the word of the Lord over you that says, "your word will come!" When it does eventually, wherever you have been tied even at the backside of the desert, soonest you'll see a hand move you from oblivion into public gaze. Your word will come. I know that's what you've been waiting for. God Himself knows that you can do nothing or manifest nothing except this word comes. As such, standing on Christ the solid Rock, I declare, let your word come. Wherever your salvation, provision, time and chance, seasonal help or joy might have been suspended and hung, let it be loosen now to supply you its glory and strength. I declare, receive your word. Let this dark season pass over you. You're receiving deliverance and troops of help for your manifestation now. A transition is taking place. I'm seeing a change of seat. The palace and its grandeur are calling you to come. The night is over; the day is here. Weeping which has for long besets you is being exchanged for dancing now. Here's your joy. I say, receive it under this heavy anointing. You're freed! You're loosen to go into the distance and take your place amidst the great and strong. Welcome to the palace of honourable life, responsibility and expectation.

PRAYER: Father, thank you for my moment of darkness that you've rolled away. Joy has come with this morning. I'm in a new day.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Deuteronomy 31:1-32:27, Luke 12:8-34, Psalm 78:32-55, Proverbs 12:21-23

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Sunday 7 April 2024





Genesis 49:21, KJV

"Naphtali is a hind let loose: he giveth goodly words."

"If eternity is spent making plans, when will the plan be implemented" says a Yoruba proverb? We can talk all the talks there be but if we refuse to work the works there be, our talks - all of them in their multitude will be regarded as nothing but vain. For that reason, God is coming in power to enable you make your plans realizations. One of the things that shakes the human mind is launching out and starting that which the heart has ruminated on and for long desired. We always tend to see one thousand reasons why it may not work. People around may not act differently but rather fill us with fear of its not succeeding. As such, the inspiration of your heart may be mortified and hanged from coming to pass. On some occasions, some would witness hell unleashed against them. "I will start the building of my house", he has said many times. Only that an invisible force or power is hindering him from ever starting or getting it done. As such, there's constant postponement of heart desire, plan and aspiration. It therefore becomes "tomorrow after tomorrow event and so it goes." Such a vicious cycle is what the Lord is breaking from your life today. You'll therefore receive the power to say it and to fulfill it; the power to start it and even to lay the capstone on its head and see such prospective projects to an end. The Anointing (Holy Spirit) has come to aid you today where personal strength or determination has failed (Zech.4:6-7). 

The Bible verse for teaching says, "Naphtali is a hind let loose..." May I declare on someone that you'll find release at this hour. This is the hour of breakthrough, freedom and release. Anything that has hindered you from living the life of God which your heart so desires are being shattered right now. You're finding release now. Heaven says, "your time is now." Are there chains holding you down and boundaries set for you not to go past? Are you tied somewhere and ordered by a supernatural power not to move forward or know progress? Such are broken through today. I vex your vexation by the authority in the blood of Jesus. Receive your freedom. Catch your liberty. Receive a free flow of the affections of your heart now! Be at peace and be set free from the captivity of hell hindering such.

Captivity may be sickness. Look at Peter's mother-in-law. She has service to give. However, fever wouldn't allow her. Just one declaration of Jesus sets her free. Immediately she was loosened; she was able to give service that immediately. Her usefulness - her heart desire to be useful in God's service immediately found expression (Luke 4:38-39). You too will be loosened from every infirmity, sickness and disease. I cast out any demon strengthening such captivity in your life. I release you by the order of heaven even from addictions tying you down and pulling you into shame that you may not be useful. You must be loosened so that you'll be able to pursue and do what gives you joy, thereby having fulfillment on your heart desires.

Naphtali is a hind let loose. Today, you're finding allowance and free hand to fulfill your affections and heart desires. When Naphtali is set loose, he gives goodly words. If he was never set loose or freed, he couldn't and wouldn't have been able to perform his heart desire or speak words so freely as expected of someone in his liberty and with liberty. God is not loosening you to purposelessness. He is loosening and freeing you for a purpose in mind. That you may be able to live out your purpose and give your own goodly value or service also. What do you believe God sent you here to do that you have been incapacitated till now from getting done? God is getting you through that hindrance. God is setting you free and carrying you through. Today, all children of destiny with mandates and expectations to burst forth shall indeed burst forth. No more restrictions. Your hands shall no longer be tied. You'll no longer be confused. You'll be shown the way and you'll walk in it. A voice is speaking to you right now. You're knowing what next as I speak. Holy Spirit is on your water vibrating and readying it for what is next which has been delayed till hitherto. I declare, "in the name of Jesus, be set loose to give your goodly words, products, essence, value." The world awaits you and your value. You'll give it without any restriction. Receive such liberty, ground, space and occupation to pass your value to the ends of the earth. 

PRAYER: Thank you Lord for making me a hind set loose. I keep my victory and I will forever walk in it. I act on this victory and live out my desires without restrictions.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Deuteronomy 29:1-30:20, Luke 11:37-12:7, Psalm 78:1-31, Proverbs 12:19-20

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