Monday, 8 April 2024




YOUR WORD TOO WILL COME - Let Loose For Purpose Series 002

Psalms 105:17-20, KJV

"17 He sent a man before them, even Joseph, who was sold for a servant:18 Whose feet they hurt with fetters: he was laid in iron:19 Until the time that his word came: the word of the LORD tried him. 20 The king sent and loosed him; even the ruler of the people, and let him go free."

At 44, Bassirou Diomaye Faye was elected Senegal's new president just barely two weeks after his release from prison. As such, his story relates with Joseph's as he goes from prison to palace. This moment of historical victory came during the March 24th 2024 presidential election held in Senegal, West Africa where night turned into day for this fated politician who contested instead of Ousmane Sonko (the party founder and leader who was disqualified and imprisoned also due to some charges). As such, we can't deny that something unusual pinnacles itself over this just concluded election even as an opposition party beats the incumbent government hands down. What a democratic system conducted in all honesty that other world nations, especially the giant of Africa should learn from.

Today, the Lord has come with bags of words for somebody. You might have been in a strait - a house too narrow to turn to the left or right let alone accommodating you freely by availing you all your intentions and affections. Like Joseph and this political figure brought us, you might have been shut in darkness and left to count the ceiling in loneliness. You probably have no hope of salvation or any form of deliverance from any quarters. Alas, things can change in a twinkle when your word comes! Immediately, your trial will be over and your release will be secured. I declare over you: over a child of destiny preordained for a march to the palace that your word shall not tarry but come. 

In my entire life, I've never faced a moment of darkness and rejection than when I badly needed school fees during my undergraduate days in the university. I would have forfeited my studentship if I had not paid duly on time. This was in 2014 when a repeat of the same event I had somehow survived in 2013 came challenging me again. Everywhere I turned, no salvation was at sight. I called unto those I knew but I was shut out. My mother (the one left of my parents) was helpless. She could only weep and weep while I could only pray and pray; hope and hope. Eventually, I saw the Bearer of light, the Fourth Man in the fire, the One from whom all good gifts and precious gifts stem from coming for me. Unknowingly to me, He had put my case in someone's mind. From this quarters that God solely could have raised help, my help came without reproach or a string ever attached. What a deliverance at an hour when I shivered. I breathed relief and was relaxed. Joseph must have gotten here. Diomaye Faye himself might have gotten here. A place where upon looking at the dark sky, one couldn't even see a star heralding hope. Such a moment teaches us to put our trust in God who alone surpasses all odds and could do exceedingly beyond expectation or imagination.

I'll like you to know that my help just didn't arrive that day. Before the physical help arrived, my word came first of all. A word was issued concerning me in the spirit realm that this one must not be let down. He must rather be borne up on angels' hands/wings. It is this same word that first found release and operation in the spirit realm that moved Pharaoh to loose Joseph from the prison. His time came for a forward match and no devil could hold him back in jail! Don't forget that Naphtali is a hind let loose: bearing goodly words, fawns or products fitting the liberty availed him. In the same manner, when Joseph's word arrives and was sent for and loosed from where he was bound, it means a season has ended over him while another of a new chapter and clean slate is starting for him. If Joseph was never loosen and brought to the palace, who would have tasted of his giftedness and be indebted to God for the extents to which he brought deliverance to Egypt. We wouldn't have known that 'slave boy' was loaded with ingenuity to save a nation. 

Verse 19 says, "until the time that his word came: the word of the Lord tried him." I pray that you won't fail tests before your word comes. Some fell apart, made a shipwreck of their faith, morals, belief and value system before their word came. They couldn't exercise enough patience to inherit the promise and let prophecy find rest on them. You too like Joseph, Diomaye or myself may need to experience a season in ward before your word comes. You may need to be chained in darkness, forgotten and forsaken by others until your salvation arrives. Some are there right now. They can relate. God has a purpose for that trial or test. It's to process you and turn you out rightly so that you'll learn mercy and know how to behave in humility when you gain the scepter of office. But if anyone still despises this discipline and moulding work of God but to live in defiance to justice and fairness once chosen, God shall surely humble him.

Brethren, I am sent to make an announcement. Currently with open eyes, I'm seeing myself on a tower or let's say a hill. From there I'm proclaiming the word of the Lord over you that says, "your word will come!" When it does eventually, wherever you have been tied even at the backside of the desert, soonest you'll see a hand move you from oblivion into public gaze. Your word will come. I know that's what you've been waiting for. God Himself knows that you can do nothing or manifest nothing except this word comes. As such, standing on Christ the solid Rock, I declare, let your word come. Wherever your salvation, provision, time and chance, seasonal help or joy might have been suspended and hung, let it be loosen now to supply you its glory and strength. I declare, receive your word. Let this dark season pass over you. You're receiving deliverance and troops of help for your manifestation now. A transition is taking place. I'm seeing a change of seat. The palace and its grandeur are calling you to come. The night is over; the day is here. Weeping which has for long besets you is being exchanged for dancing now. Here's your joy. I say, receive it under this heavy anointing. You're freed! You're loosen to go into the distance and take your place amidst the great and strong. Welcome to the palace of honourable life, responsibility and expectation.

PRAYER: Father, thank you for my moment of darkness that you've rolled away. Joy has come with this morning. I'm in a new day.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Deuteronomy 31:1-32:27, Luke 12:8-34, Psalm 78:32-55, Proverbs 12:21-23

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Sunday, 7 April 2024





Genesis 49:21, KJV

"Naphtali is a hind let loose: he giveth goodly words."

"If eternity is spent making plans, when will the plan be implemented" says a Yoruba proverb? We can talk all the talks there be but if we refuse to work the works there be, our talks - all of them in their multitude will be regarded as nothing but vain. For that reason, God is coming in power to enable you make your plans realizations. One of the things that shakes the human mind is launching out and starting that which the heart has ruminated on and for long desired. We always tend to see one thousand reasons why it may not work. People around may not act differently but rather fill us with fear of its not succeeding. As such, the inspiration of your heart may be mortified and hanged from coming to pass. On some occasions, some would witness hell unleashed against them. "I will start the building of my house", he has said many times. Only that an invisible force or power is hindering him from ever starting or getting it done. As such, there's constant postponement of heart desire, plan and aspiration. It therefore becomes "tomorrow after tomorrow event and so it goes." Such a vicious cycle is what the Lord is breaking from your life today. You'll therefore receive the power to say it and to fulfill it; the power to start it and even to lay the capstone on its head and see such prospective projects to an end. The Anointing (Holy Spirit) has come to aid you today where personal strength or determination has failed (Zech.4:6-7). 

The Bible verse for teaching says, "Naphtali is a hind let loose..." May I declare on someone that you'll find release at this hour. This is the hour of breakthrough, freedom and release. Anything that has hindered you from living the life of God which your heart so desires are being shattered right now. You're finding release now. Heaven says, "your time is now." Are there chains holding you down and boundaries set for you not to go past? Are you tied somewhere and ordered by a supernatural power not to move forward or know progress? Such are broken through today. I vex your vexation by the authority in the blood of Jesus. Receive your freedom. Catch your liberty. Receive a free flow of the affections of your heart now! Be at peace and be set free from the captivity of hell hindering such.

Captivity may be sickness. Look at Peter's mother-in-law. She has service to give. However, fever wouldn't allow her. Just one declaration of Jesus sets her free. Immediately she was loosened; she was able to give service that immediately. Her usefulness - her heart desire to be useful in God's service immediately found expression (Luke 4:38-39). You too will be loosened from every infirmity, sickness and disease. I cast out any demon strengthening such captivity in your life. I release you by the order of heaven even from addictions tying you down and pulling you into shame that you may not be useful. You must be loosened so that you'll be able to pursue and do what gives you joy, thereby having fulfillment on your heart desires.

Naphtali is a hind let loose. Today, you're finding allowance and free hand to fulfill your affections and heart desires. When Naphtali is set loose, he gives goodly words. If he was never set loose or freed, he couldn't and wouldn't have been able to perform his heart desire or speak words so freely as expected of someone in his liberty and with liberty. God is not loosening you to purposelessness. He is loosening and freeing you for a purpose in mind. That you may be able to live out your purpose and give your own goodly value or service also. What do you believe God sent you here to do that you have been incapacitated till now from getting done? God is getting you through that hindrance. God is setting you free and carrying you through. Today, all children of destiny with mandates and expectations to burst forth shall indeed burst forth. No more restrictions. Your hands shall no longer be tied. You'll no longer be confused. You'll be shown the way and you'll walk in it. A voice is speaking to you right now. You're knowing what next as I speak. Holy Spirit is on your water vibrating and readying it for what is next which has been delayed till hitherto. I declare, "in the name of Jesus, be set loose to give your goodly words, products, essence, value." The world awaits you and your value. You'll give it without any restriction. Receive such liberty, ground, space and occupation to pass your value to the ends of the earth. 

PRAYER: Thank you Lord for making me a hind set loose. I keep my victory and I will forever walk in it. I act on this victory and live out my desires without restrictions.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Deuteronomy 29:1-30:20, Luke 11:37-12:7, Psalm 78:1-31, Proverbs 12:19-20

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Saturday, 6 April 2024





Romans 12:11, KJV

"Not slothful in business..."

It's your responsibility to ensure you're not underutilized. You will be underutilized if you don't use up to your installed capacity. Every human has an allocated capacity in them. God measures it into us all and it is God's will that what that capacity should carry will not be lesser than intended.

I authored a write-up for Christian Executives and former campus leaders over four years ago. In this write-up, I pointed out straight up why they should continually hold themselves accountable to the highest standards of the offices they once occupied. Their offices stretched them and made leaders (not of title but of lifestyle) out of them. There were students in leadership who while on campus were seeing to hundreds and even thousands of people! Imagine that. Yet, he has not been ordained a pastor. Even without the title, he has the leadership life because he is discharging all the responsibilities of a leader which is necessary to grooming anyone and hooking him up to living up to God's installed capacity in him. Will it be good if such once effective leaders now depreciate to nonentities who can't point to any leadership role or such tasky lifestyle now making demands on them like they had on campus? The reason why some people backslided and depreciated is because they did lesser than they were made for, started with or had been trained for. God never planned that you'll not be effective in delivering up to the maximum capacity He gave you or has blown into you by training.

As such, let it be your pursuit to be used up wholly. Don't run away from responsibilities that'll hook you up to the manifesting of your installed capacity. This installed capacity will include the gifts, graces, inclination, patience and all sorts of nature and ability given you by God well lived out. What will bring them to fore and human appreciation is that you have enough work to do or engage in that could let each of your ability or capacity find function.

Somebody may have an installed capacity from heaven to speak or write. However, he may refuse the work or duty that'll necessitate him to doing so. In this way, he won't live out that capacity or ability in him. That won't be because God doesn't intend he becomes known with oratory or writing but because he chooses to underwork. When you underwork, you yourself can't know  your elasticity. However, if you become a workaholic (which isn't bad as portrayed), you will come to the recognition of God's total endowment in you and how each of them could find expression through one work or the other. Let me advise you. Seek for more responsibility. More responsibility will sharpen you for more effectiveness and discovery of yourself, potentials and gifting. As such, there won't be any fallow ground in your life that's not being cultivated or a stone left unturned. Rather, all your gifts, graces, inclinations, flairs would find expression through the hook up of the handle called work.

As I round off this teaching, I'll leave you with the quote of Henry Ward Beecher which says, "hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you. Never excuse yourself. Never pity yourself. Be a hard master to yourself and be lenient to everybody else." Please, don't do the opposite.

If you do this, you'll find yourself entirely used up with no ability in you  idle or for which you'll need to be chastised by God at judgement. Work is a good thing instituted by God Himself to help us realize ourselves, find satisfaction and live to worship Him. If you see work as a burden instead of what you should enjoy, I can say boldly that you can never be fully developed or realized. You will just observe that there's an angle in your life that's lacking. Something will seem to be missing and incomplete. You'll therefore dovetail into sluggishness, depreciation, depression and even unproductivity. God Almighty who worked, created work and gave Adam work to do didn't intend so ((Genesis 1; 2:15, 19-20). See for yourself and hold yourself accountable that you may live up to your calling and election with the total discharge of the virtues, graces, endowments, talents, perseverance level etc created with you as a person. Don't be underutilized. Work fully and give no room to sluggishness. Find expression rather for the variety of the goodies in you to the praise of God and blessedness of men. 

PRAYER: Teach me how to bind myself with serious discipline as not to be loose. May I demand much of myself than anyone. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Deuteronomy 28:1-68, Luke 11:14-36, Psalm 77:1-20, Proverbs 12:18

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Friday, 5 April 2024





Read John 7:1-7

John 7:6, KJV

"Then Jesus said unto them, My time is not yet come: but your time is alway ready."

If it was my frame that was looked upon when men were being called into Christian leadership on campus, I would have been definitely jumped over. I thank God and I thank the honest Spirit led people who would stay by what God told them. This especially goes to Anglican Students' Fellowship, Tai Solarin University of Education which opened me to other leadership appointments on campus. If I was never a president at fellowship level first of all, I wouldn't have been nominated or qualified for other offices (especially of presidency) that I occupied at the State Chapter of my fellowship or at Christian Union on my campus. I reminisced that road, gave God the glory while asking Him to fulfill the rest that He has preordained. 

Many parents are seriously worried over their children. There is this desire in parents for their children - especially those from their bowels to do well.  They want to see them fly and that right early. This expectation of success and achievement is so paramount that even when a baby delays to walk, the mum especially might slip into worry. Yes, big time worry! Such heart that cares and wants the best for the child isn't bad. We all got that feeling of special concern and care from God. It's what makes a parent indeed. 

However, in the process of wanting them to fly, you might push them too much while seeking for performance. If they respect you, they'll continue to trudge under the burden of your pressure. However, when pushed to the wall, they might defy you or chart another cause stubbornly for themselves as suited their nature and the way of life they're feeling bubbling inside them. You'd just be thrown into the surprise of your life. As such, I'll say, "let the young grow." There's nothing as blessed as coming of age without being ripened immaturely. There's always a disaster that follows immature ripening. However, confidence and preparedness of the soul that money can't buy will flow from inside your ward when you allow time to grow them into what you're expecting of them. Instead of comparing A with B who had climbed and scaled faster, it'll be good if you rather provide support and all the necessary encouragement that will grow the other. The path of A may not be B's. What they're called to become also might necessitate a call on what they'll give attention to. As such, the difference in lifestyle.

Jesus' brethren told Him to go up to Jerusalem and be revealed to the world (though said that out of unbelief). However, that's actually the concern of many parents. They want their wards revealed to the world. If Segun, the son of the neighbour plays the saxophone in church and receives applause, why can't our own get into something worthy of such public attention since they're of the same age. Parents force their wards into unreadied actions this way. Jesus' brethren sought to prompt Jesus Himself into action by pressuring Him to reveal Himself to the world by going into Judea. Whereas, Jesus recognizes that His time is not yet. Your child may also have the recognition that the time is not yet while you are caught up with his making an appearance or a debut. You might make the mistake of pushing harder until you irritate him or even force the less bold out of their convictions. This will birth a lot of heartaches that will cause you regret later in the future. Most times, melancholy children are usually not ready when they're predicted for readiness. Not that they don't have the substance; only that they want to manifest at their own sensed time. As such, they may be waiting for the cloud to gather. Due to their reluctance and love of indoor (being introverts), parents might fret over them or force them to be revealed to the world.  Children won't be all the same. Some at times may show rareness or slowness of progress in something but to catch up later. If you'll let them alone, if you'll let practice and time have its full effect on them, they shall come out majestically in performance than you could ever have predicted. Narrating my campus journey earlier reminded me of myself and how anyone could have thought I was slow. I never sought the public view until the time of my showing forth on campus. I might have even been derided as incapable because I didn't exhume obvious or extraordinary graces. However, I was ready and prepared on the inside - just waiting for the right time to be revealed. When such time avails itself in the offices that were availed me, I came forth to show my worth through Christ who strengthened me. That eventual delivery of mine could have been someone's expectation of me. They could have looked forward to it and be surprised at such graces eventually displayed by me in leadership. However, if they had hurried it or hurried me, they probably might not have seen it in its best.  I thank God my family, especially my parents allowed me to find my path also. They didn't choose or seek to even pressure me into finding my foot once. All happened as one event led to another as ordained to happen.  

There's a time of manifestation. Naturally, God created everyone to know this time. If purpose or calling is in you, you'll always have a sense of fate directing you. You'll have an awareness of what next and what's not and so will be able to resist it firmly. That's why Jesus could say "His time is not yet" amidst acting in wisdom as to be protected from the Jews who sought to kill Him. Brethren, don't be worried over that child of yours? He'll walk! She'll catch up! He'll sure deliver...only that his or her time may seem not to be yet. He's shock full of potentials and though it looks as though he's crowd intimidated now, he shall all overcome all to manifest very big. Your kid may be showing reluctance somewhere, that doesn't eliminate his being gifted or useful. Reluctance may be a pointer to unreadiness or the untimeliness of an event. When the time is ripe and he launches, he won't disgrace you but God shall be praised through and through.  

PRAYER: Lord, sensitize me to the time of destiny and manifestation over my children. May I not cause their death, harm, withdrawal by forcing manifestation on them when their season is not. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Deuteronomy 26:1-27:26, Luke 10:38-11:13, Psalm 76:1-12, Proverbs 12:15-17

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Wednesday, 27 March 2024





Read Psalm 129

Psalms 129:6, KJV

"Let them be as the grass upon the housetops, which withereth afore it groweth up."

Very well, you must have seen the grass on the house top before. Eastern houses are built in such a way that grasses do grow on them. However, they lack root. It is difficult for grasses on the house top to send their roots into a cemented or concreted block for instance. As such, they only make do with the little sandy portion on which they're existed. 

Lacking root, they therefore have one destiny - to wither sooner and as soon as they grow out. That's why that place says, "let them be as the grass upon the house top which withers before it grows up." The grass on the house top has therefore become synonymous with holding hope and not manifesting it. It may grow out but it doesn't grow up. It may be born but it doesn't mature. 

In the Yoruba culture of the people of Nigeria, the word "abiku" reveals this. Two Nigerian poets in Wole Soyinka and J.P. Clark Bekederemo have written poems with the same title though different thematic preoccupation. "Abiku" which is translated "born to die" reveals what a grass on the house top is. It might delight anyone that grasses are growing out here; however, it soon shrinks and dwindles for lack of depth as soon as it grows out. Then it dies. The grass on the housetop is therefore a type of 'born to die' that analogizes how many started with a hope of great success yet only to be stopped, eradicated from the race by a circumstance or equation unexplainable and to the termination of their destiny. They therefore become like this proverbial verse of the Bible that says, "having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof" (II Tim.3:5). 

The grass on the house top if it be a child isn't one that'll tarry with his parents till old age. The family might rejoice having him but he will swallow up or cave in even before the eight day. You see, he's such who gave a hope of gigantic future but to still and seal it without looking back. Though because of being born many rejoice and smile; yet by his soon departure, many shall also be put off. That's why the Psalmist having this revelation prays that the wicked shall be like a grass growing upon the house top which, "the mower filleth not his hand; nor he that bindeth sheaves his bosom" (Psalm 129:7). What does that mean? No matter how promising the grass upon the house top may hold promises, it'll never manifest it. This is therefore a very strong revelation and prayer point. May this revelation not play out in your life. As soon as you start your life at birth, may you go all the way into adulthood and maturity to actualize your being born. The mower is he who weeds grasses away while he that binds the sheaves is an harvester. As for the grass on the house top, their destiny is that they don't grow to give joy of harvest to any of these. They may start the race but they don't always complete the cycle. They don't even grow to the extent where passers-by would see such farm of wheat to envy or bless it. If you remember, Jesus while living His ordained life was blessed from the crowd but they don't (Lk.11:27). They're taken out before then. They're therefore like the proverbial gourd plant which the Lord planted in a night and died out in a night after which it had accomplished its purpose of creation (Jonah 4:10). Nothing different from the seed that Jesus alludes to which when sown falls on the rock but for lack of depth withers after quickly springing up (Mark 4:5-6). They're also not different from what Lenrie Peters, the Gambian poet described in these lines.

"At twenty stilled by hope of gigantic success, time and exploration/ At thirty... Copy book bisected with red ink and failures - nothing to show the world."

That poet was saying, at the age of twenty, one is robust with hope and expectation of a bright future. But about thirty thereabout or upward when one checks, one realizes there's nothing to show for his life."

Today, I'm anointed of God to separate you from such end. This is not what the Bible says about the path of the just that shines more and more unto the perfect day (Prov.4:18). The Bible acknowledges in Job  8:7 that "though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase." On this note, I proclaim on you a difference in life and experience. Where people in your ancestry have shown hope without manifestation, you won't walk same road. You're delivered from every born to die experience. As you rise as a youth, you'll go all the way to fulfill your calling or purpose. Your parents who are metaphoric of the mowers and harvesters will reap your benefit at their old age. You're preserved in destiny and for purpose. Anything awaiting like a time bomb to take you out now or later, I detonate it in your life by the anointing. Whereever you're already marked and appointed to death like a sheep led to the slaughter, I request for your life in Jesus' name and call you back. I'm hearing, "the Lord has need of you." God has need of you. This is the claim on that donkey Jesus rode. For that reason, you're preserved and sealed. So shall it be. 

ACTION: Anoint yourself and children with oil and claim a new lot. Confess Psalm 16:5-6.

PRAYER: I claim the path of the just. I'm separated and sanctified from the manifestation of ancestral curses in my lineage. I shall not be vexed, frustrated or gagged by curses. I breakthrough. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Deuteronomy 4:1-49, Luke 6:39-7:10, Psalm 68:1-18, Proverbs 11:28

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Tuesday, 26 March 2024





Confess Psalm 139

Psalms 147:4, KJV

"He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names."

Today, God is bringing you the cure to a sluggish mind or even memory. Praise God! There's a remedy which the Lord has made ready which if taken today, you'll see its results. 

This Psalm above has been making me smile. May the Spirit dissect it for us. It says, "He tells the number of the stars, He calls them all by their names." Who is the "He" being referred to there? Who's the fellow who by all capacity possible knows extraordinarily as to tell the number of the stars and then go further to call them all by their names? Who? Who is that one empowered with such capacity?

It is God - the Creator of heaven and earth. No information is outside Him. He's so brilliant that He knows the exact number of hairs on our heads individually though they vary (Matt.10:30). Psalm 139:1- 6 talk of his astounding brilliance and comprehension. He knows all things that was, is and will be. God is the all brilliant One. It is this special gift and intelligence which sits at the core centrality of who God is that enables Him to be able to tell the number of the stars (which are so numerous that we doubt if science has discovered them all let alone give names to them all). Does God not deserve our applause as the all brilliant One then?

The truth is this brilliance could become yours. Prophets and those who koinonia with God to have His mind revealed to them also do have this knowledge and exercise such brilliance. They could not only know the past, present or future but things do become revelatory and lucid (clear) to them. At such time, codes are broken and all mysteries are demystified to them. Anyone who's anointed to do anything or fulfill a purpose on earth would always hit on and exercise such intelligence where He is called to subdue also. At times, they're taught by their anointing (the anointing of their fields) and so knows all things. To this end, they may not require a teacher. They'll just know and keep knowing what next to do. As a matter of fact, A could lead into B for them. Insights and such breakthroughs they have into Science, Fiction Writing, Economics, History or Spirituality would make outsiders wonder if these are really men like themselves. I tell you (repeating after the psalmist himself), "ye are gods" (Psalm 82:6). You're meant to showcase and reveal the extraordinary to the praise of He Who calls and loves you.

Oh, what a thing that God could tell the number of the stars yet still call them each by name. It means information or much of it couldn't and can't bug down His mind. It means God is never confused by information overload. His mind is so active and so should yours. Like a sponge, He has soaked all in, does retain it all and yet can still reproduce it all. What a thing! According to discovery, there are approximately 200 billion trillion stars in the universe. Another way, 200 sextillion stars which in figure is 200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000! This may be amidst many undiscovered yet. Now, that place says, "God knows the number of stars." That's top mastery in its class for Him knowing that much number. Being able to know and dictate out the number of something that exists individually by its unit or course is a brilliance depicted and on top of the world supremely. However, His brilliance didn't stop there. Part B of that verse says, "...He calls them all by their names." This is where I think God should experience difficulty and meet a stumbling block in discharging His motive and assignment of calling them all by their names. Yet, He could not only call them by their names; if prompted, He could go on to tell us about each of them - their features and purposes. What a God! He has a very comprehensive incomprehensible mind! I'm basking for you and wagging my tail in your praise. You're too much. If God doesn't confuse the name of one for another considering their number, it means He's extraordinarily brilliant. 

Now, I said your child - boy or girl could have this kind of mind. That aren't a joke. He could become that brilliant, intelligent and of much understanding! The Bible already promises us having more understanding than all our teachers (Psalm 119:99). So, it's possible.

When you see a brilliant student, information doesn't puzzle him no matter the quantity. As a matter of fact, he could act absent mindedly but don't think he didn't get all taught him. He does. Let's say he were to talk about Nations, Tongues and Tribes for instance. He would start by telling you the seven continents that be. He'll then zero in on a particular continent - let's say Africa. After telling you about the geography and details on Africa, he'll proceed to the countries that make up Africa. He'll then endeavour to tell us about these countries individually - about each of the tribes that make them up - their qualities, unique culture, history etc. Imagine him picking Nigeria and wanting to explain on the over 200 tribes we have in the country. That's great work right yet that's not quarter of one-tenth of God's erudity of knowledge and accuracy! As tedious as that info of tracing it down to the least or minute unit is or may be, such student won't become confused or find it discouraging. Why? Like the Spirit vibrated on the waters in Genesis 1:2, a vibration and walkover of his mind has been done by God's Spirit. Because His mind is this cultivated, impressed, intimated and imprinted on by God's, he'll retain whatsoever is sown in it even to its least detail and would be able to reproduce it even in larger and unbelievable details than taught him. This is the brilliant student. He can't but become an exception. If He's a Biologist, he'll know all the names of the plants that be like Solomon (I Kings 4:33). That'll include the birds. If you ask him to talk about birds to you, he could spend a year dwelling and talking only on their feathers/wings and the types or differences they have. Specimens would be clearly labelled and called by what they are by him. For short, he'll excel Darwin in collection of natural life and identification of it.

God wants to vibrate on your child's mind today. He wants to strengthen his mind for adult's business and professional's erudity. As such, let's give handle for that just by confessing in strong believe that Psalm 147:4. Let's say your ward's name is "Ipadeola." Confess this way: "Ipadeola tells the number of the stars and calls them all by their names." You may repeatedly do it. That ain't an ordinary act. It'll bring the power, potency and desire of that psalm and this revelation I'm sharing with you into his life. A replication of what God does and is capable of doing will immediately transfer in fast transient into your ward's life. As God's vessel, appointed and anointed for different occasions and demands (Isa.61:2), I declare that your ward receives such elastic mind that knows the number of the stars and that could proceed to call them by names or label them rightly as they are. No confusion but proper mastery, remembrance and reproduction in grander style and better fashion than he was taught. Here, your child knows it all. His mind is strong. I'm seeing a line of thread being strengthened so much more that as it is being drawn on either size, it does not break. The feeble mind is made capable. It'll become so enlarged, engraced and empowered that it'll be like the sucker plant trapping into itself whatsoever impinges on it. It'll be, "as soon as your son hears or sees something, he gets and can act it out." So shall it be. I seal it by God's Word which is irreproachable. For those with pregnancies, lay your hand on your belly and make same confession. Parents of toddlers should do same. This revelation counters amnesia or memory loss. Even if you're 92, you'll be quickened to have such mind that knows the number of stars and call them all by their names. This is what the Lord has wrought. Do receive it!

PRAYER: Thank you Lord for this new anointed mind, understanding and comprehension. So it is unto me.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Deuteronomy 4:1-49, Luke 6:39-7:10, Psalm 68:1-18, Proverbs 11:28

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Saturday, 23 March 2024


By Lenrie Peters

The panic

of growing older

spreads fluttering wings

from year to year


At twenty

stilled by hope

of gigantic success

time and exploration


At thirty

a sudden throb of

pain. Laboratory tests

have nothing to show


Legs cribbed

in domesticity allow

no sudden leaps

At the moon now


Copybook bisected

with red ink

and failures –

nothing to show the world

Three children perhaps

the world expects

it of you. No

specialist’s effort there.


But science gives hope

of twice three score

and ten. Hope

is not a grain of sand.


Inner satisfaction

dwindles in sharp

blades of expectation

from now on the world has you.


About the Poem


Being a human being qualified Lenrie Leopold Wilfred Peters to write a poem titled The Panic of Growing Older, especially having gone past his 20s and 30s (he was born in 1932 and wrote the poem in 1967). Every human being starts out life full of hope, believing he’ll take the moon. But disappointment slowly sets in as the years stealthily pass by. Peters who enjoyed the best of two worlds (as a medical doctor and as an artist) knew about youthfulness, exuberance, dreams and the physiological and the psychological processes of growing up.

Only for a few in the world, is life a harvest of satisfaction. Many at the twilight of age, harvest regrets. Religion thrives on this, with the promise of hope and a harvest of satisfaction at the end of life many fling to it looking forward to the utopian place of satisfaction and joy.