Wednesday, 21 February 2024





CROWD FREAKED! - Separated Unto Purpose Series 003

Luke 2:43-44, KJV

"43 And when they had fulfilled the days, as they returned, the child Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem; and Joseph and his mother knew not of it. 44 But they, supposing him to have been in the company, went a day's journey; and they sought him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance."

Do you know the fear of many? Loneliness! It's true that a journey becomes easier when you aren't the only wayfarer. However on calling or who you should be, there's a solitude that you'll have to embrace. No one, not even God will deliver you from it. The earlier you accept it - entering into the right frame of mind, the better. 

Many people are crowd freaked. In 2018, I was accused by some concerned colleagues at the workplace for not being ever present at the public front. It was as if they had held a meeting and talked it through before coming to chide me for embracing constant solitude. Over the years, I have also discovered people who thought I was egoistic by wanting to be by myself. Some had said I was antisocial and many had formulated mysteries round my personality. I just wondered when I became all the labels  they had put on me so far. 

When these people accused me of not socializing enough and flocking with them, they basically had been caught up with a mystery they sought to demystify. They wanted to be able to explain me and nobody knows to explain another without enough familiarity with him. What prompted their approach was that. However, I have discovered that when you are too available, you risk losing value. It's better to maintain a step away so that some details about your outworking are shrouded. Though I didn't intentionally chose to operate solitude for that purpose; however, it serves that well also. People crave to demystify what they don't know enough. They'll leave ninety-nine people who have been unravelled for one that's proving hard to judge, measure or predict. In this way, you become an object of desire and unending probes. 

Don't be crowd freaked! Why couldn't you survive without being associated with the populace? Do you need to be with them always to find your identity or realize yourself? What sort of life is that which is crowded with people and distraction always? While God wants us to build smooth relationships and network, that doesn't mean you should cultivate social life to the peril of your calling.  The truth is, "until you discover your calling, frivolities will continue to use your time and life". However, once you do, you become Lord over frivolities like Jesus was Lord over the Sabbath (Matt.12:8). People, you're a unique person who needs a ground to germinate in. You need time with yourself, your Creator, those books, those videos and lectures. You need time to press in commitment until a visible product comes out of your habit of solitude. Imagine if Jesus had followed his family, kinsfolk and acquaintances that sooner they all left for Nazareth. What will he have gained? Nothing, except for the noise and family chatter on the way. Many people can't smother their emotions to be separated from friends, family and even their devices/social media (the greatest distraction there be now) in order to give attention and sow seeds where it'll matter sooner or later. Rather, they want to be submerged, flooded and impressed by the noise making on-line and on-site. Occasionally when I check out of solitude to spend time with people, I'm always shocked on hearing what the discussion is about. Petty gossip and matters that aren't different from fables and unprofitable tales that Paul warned Timothy about (I Tim. 1:4, I Tim. 4:7). If they weren't feasting on the flaws of someone or discussing about a leadership that has gone wrong; it'll be on some exotic and ephemeral desires of the heart they wanted to fulfill which often would go unfulfilled. Yet, time waits for no one. According to Andrew Marvell, "But at my back I always hear/ time's winged chariot hurrying near."

Jesus at twelve had learnt how not to be crowd freaked. He successfully separated himself from the crowd or company of people journeying home to give attention to a more excellent find. It means he'll successfully cope with a boarding school if he were driven off to one. Nowadays, we have children under 12 who are separated to their callings in different academies and getting prepared for their days of manifestation. Meanwhile, here are adults pursuing food to the exclusion of destiny training and manifestation. Jesus separated himself at twelve! It means he's as well hinting at being independent. If he could stay focus on educating his mind for three days without going to watch a show at the market place, then I present to you a disciplined soul. That proved him to have become a man. No wonder, he knows there's something called the Father's business (higher than petty things of life that others are lost in) which he must give attention to (Lk 2:49). Indeed, he did. 

If you forever want to be around people, I can as well predict your future that you'll never be above average or achieve mastery in your calling. You need time and privacy to incubate eggs that once hatched will give the world quality and satisfaction. A mother hen stays for 21 days in solitude incubating and bringing energy on her eggs that she might be able to present to the world chicks. Do you think a bird should be more strategic than you do? No, no! A mind teeming with ideas is better and more resourcesful than a body adorned with clothes. One can invent and produce those clothes while the other will only consume them. The witty mind offcourse is a derivative from solitude. If you'll calve (bring forth), you'll need to get pregnant first. As far as all great souls have discovered, pregnancy comes about in the secret place. Find yours and frequent it. If you're a sanguine, carefully discipline yourself until you could enjoy solitude like melancholies do.  If you see one who can't endure solitude, they'll seek to even use their spouses to cure loneliness. This way, they'll put them in bondages in marriage. They'll always be there desiring their presences which proves they personally aren't whole and unique individual beings. Please, be different.

PRAYER: I accept responsibility and commit to detach from all time and energy sapping relationships. I am unique and whole.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Leviticus 9:7-10:20, Mark 4:26-5:20, Psalm 37:30-40, Proverbs 10:6-7

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Tuesday, 20 February 2024




SEPARATED UNTO SOLITUDE - Separated Unto Purpose Series 002

Luke 2:42-43, KJV

"42 And when he was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem after the custom of the feast. 43 And when they had fulfilled the days, as they returned, the child Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem; and Joseph and his mother knew not of it."

If you have not discovered solitude, you can't make discoveries. Those who ever drag something from the world of ideas to that of realities are those who have learnt to cultivate and embrace intentional solitude. You have heard that the animal called sloth sleeps in its entirety for 18 hours out of 24 daily. If it ever wakes up, it'll be to nimble at its food.. While the sloth wastes time and wastes away (because it does nothing significant with its solitude than sleeping), you must arise today as a reasonable man to tear from your busy schedule and hurly-burly life a time for yourself and to be with your calling.

Things develop in solitude without the viewing eyes of the public. That's why a Bible verse like this is written. 

Ecclesiastes 11:5, KJV

"As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child: even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all."

You see, the foetus grows in solitude to become a baby in a woman's womb. It's this that eventually becomes the tangibility or product that we call a child. If you'll ever give birth to tangibilties or products, you'll need to separate yourself from the crowd to begin to fellowship and relate with your calling solitarily or in a close group. Moreso, with things or people that can feed your calling. There's no one who attains mastery who doesn't thrive or leverage solitude. Many times when you read the synoptic gospels, you'll see Jesus being called master or rabbi. It just was not conferred on him. He just didn't become a master through the revelation of things he had effortlessly from God but through things he acquired and became by time through the intentionality of cultivating solitude. One of such story is still what I narrate now. 

Did you observe that it was solitude Jesus was operating when he tarried back at Jerusalem instead of going home with his family, kinsfolk and acquaintances. I wished you were there when the return to Jerusalem was being made. People were just chit-chatting, making comedy and coasting along. Much of those people looked like lost souls who don't have aim or destination. They just flooded the road, flocked together and laughed together. However, here's a twelve year old boy who not only dare to dream to become a minister but who begins to take action towards becoming that man God uses by staying with or hanging around places and people who would inspire and groom him for same. The separation from the crowd into an enclosure with doctors or teachers of the law is his own solitude. That was his time to service his calling. Also, it was his refusal to company with the general masses who have no vision of what says the time. Jesus understood time. Despite just being twelve years old, he saw the reason for a separation to train and acquire from the best of his days. No one just arrives. It's the accumulation he has gathered over the years that'll raise him up - making him distinct or known. Don't let anybody deceive you about learning and training your calling. Even Jesus trained his as we saw here. If not, he need not ask questions or listen to doctors of the law speak. Though he impressed them with his responses, he yet learnt and was impacted by what they taught. 

You need solitude - a separation from the chatter box of noise of this world. You need time face to face with your calling to groom your calling. To do that, you must be deliberate to ever seek for time and moment to let the crowd go while you tarry with your calling or what can inflame it. Solitude is where diligence is beginning to be given to make your calling and election sure. You may be called and not be known with your call or felt at all because you have refused to solitarily give attention in solitude to learn the ingredients of your calling or life's task. Dare separate yourself. Don't let the crowd freak you. If you're a scientist, begin to spend some good six hours daily in the laboratory and see if no discovery would come out of that in let's say some ten years to come. Today, tarry behind and be separated unto solitude. Let family loose, let kinsfolk go and desire not to see acquaintances around until you've daily fulfilled your obligation as your calling demands.  

PRAYER: I overcome the daily temptation of wasting time. I give priority to what matters. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Leviticus 7:28-9:6, Mark 3:31-4:25, Psalm 37:12-29, Proverbs 10:5

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Monday, 19 February 2024




THE BOY WHO WON'T FELLOW WITH THE CROWD - Separated Unto Purpose Series 001

Read Luke 2:41- 52

Luke 2:42 - 43, KJV

"42 And when he was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem after the custom of the feast. 43 And when they had fulfilled the days, as they returned, the child Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem; and Joseph and his mother knew not of it."

Today, God wants to address the issue of calling. When you have a calling, it chooses you and chooses your life for you as well. Calling determines what sort of life each of us lives and what sorts of sacrifices we make also. While some have such time to socialize; others are tucked into solitude maybe due to their callings and its difference. Today, God wants to show us the boy who won't fellow with the crowd. Through His life, we'll learn the power of the calling, the demands the calling make on us and how important it is to heed the dictates or directives of one's calling. The truth is this, your calling will speak, seeking to direct you into the path you should take in life. All of us can't and won't end up doing or being the same thing. What assures this is the different calling which we heed and follow its directives as it seeks to turn us to choices of life's tasks, obligations and services to humanity that are most suitable to our creation/ordination. 

Having visited Jerusalem for the Passover, Jesus' family returns but without him. The Bible records, "and the child Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem..." Why would a twelve year old boy tarry behind in Jerusalem? Why would a child of that age decide to stay back at the temple where religious activities are being done? Why wasn't boy Jesus eager to return home so that he might have rest and indulge in funs? Why didn't he act like his age mates who returned home with their parents and didn't seek to tarry at Jerusalem? We know that because the Bible says, "they travelled in the company of their kinsfolk" (Lk. 2:44). So, there would have been children of Jesus' age who visited Jerusalem with their parents too. 

Meanwhile, I actually found answer to why Jesus tarried behind. Jesus at this time has felt the string of his calling appealing and pulling him to ministry. Though he didn't take the decision of coming to Jerusalem himself, he did took that of tarrying or staying back himself. That's because he has realized it as, "his Father's business which he must be about or be occupied with" (Lk. 2:49). "Why would he do that", you might ask? It's because he has found his delight. And your delight is what becomes your meditation, affection and even craving day and night. Psalm 1:2 puts it this way. "But his delight is in the law of the Lord and in His law doth he meditate day and night". What am I trying to establish? The fact that anyone who has found his calling has found a delight to spend time with, on or around. Immediately a man discovers his calling, that thing becomes his or her delight. It impresses, infatuates, delights and urges him on. It becomes what he spends his greatest time on. No wonder, Jesus didn't go home that immediately! Little wonder he forgot Nazareth in order to stay back at Jerusalem. For sure, he let the familiar faces of his parents and acquaintances vanish in order to stay with the doctors of the law who are nothing but total strangers to him. Why would a twelve year old child be this odd yet unique amidst a congregation of many wayfarers? Why would a twelve year old separate Himself so distinctly from the crowd - choosing so differently?

He has found his delight. He has found something to spend day and night with/on. This made him spent three days in the temple hearing and asking questions of the doctors. Look at how Jesus got Himself educated in his calling by relating with masters of the vocation. In like manner, you too must be commanded or attracted by your calling. In all truthfulness, we won't all share the same calling. You might have been called as a sportsman, creative artist, musician or even an inventor. As such, this calling of yours will pull you in a direction. It'll choose for you mentors and role models. 

You see, one of the creatures I like watching at play and at work are young chaps. By observing children, I begin to decipher what their likes are. Their likes and what they are specially attracted to and would like to tarry with in others absence may be a big witness to what their calling could be. I have the same experience growing up. So far, I have discovered calling, purpose and destiny by navigating these processes. I can only get better in it and take to the greatest height what I've discovered. The process is just the same. 

Mark those who find it easier to be separated, given to something or tarry with something; that thing might be their very calling. As a matter of fact, that's their calling calling them to come and stay forever with what ordainment said they should do. While others didn't see any good in staying further at the temple to savour the things of God, Jesus did. He waited behind. He spent three more days. He worried less about food or where to lay his head. Nowadays, it takes effort persuading adults to attend conferences and seminars away from home. Complaint is always on where to lay their heads and what to eat. But I tell you, if you ever find your calling, it'll rouse you, command you and drive you to responsibility You'll give your eyes no rest until you've actualized it. 

Brethren, it's time for separation unto greatness. Stop journeying with the crowd but rather be separated unto your calling. Feed what can feed you and you'll be known with that difference. I see many purposeful people rising up and tarrying with their callings. I'm seeing scientists in the laboratory, sportsmen in training and writers at their desks Such are the future. 

PRAYER: Lord, I tap my calling and its uniqueness. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Leviticus 6:1-7:27, Mark 3:7-30, Psalm 37:1-11, Proverbs 10:3-4

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Saturday, 17 February 2024





Read Luke 15:11-32

Luke 15:14, KJV

"And when he had spent all, there arose a mighty famine in that land; and he began to be in want."

"What is man that thou art mindful of him and the son of man that thou visits him" (Psalm 8:4). Put that somewhere. God is never unjust. He'll sure visit you, as well your neighbour. What you do with His visitation is all that matters. If hundred visitations or blessings of God are not trapped or maximized, it will surely look as if God had not visited. If it rains and you do not collect the descending water, in a matter of time, you won't have evidence that it once rained. Do you know why? The ground would have dried up. That's what Joseph was telling Pharaoh. After those seven years of plenty come severe seven years of famine (Gen. 41:29-31). It'll be worst if the abundance is not trapped at all; because by then, the seven years of plenty will not be traceable?

The story of the prodigal son serves to teach us that. This young man arose and asked his father for a fair share of his estate. The father obliged him. Gathering all together, he travels into a far country. There, the Bible records he wastes his substance on riotous or wild living. In the statement of his elder brother to their father, we have more specifics on what riotous living was. It included spending on harlots and all sorts of debauchery (Luke 15:30). However, after this wastage of resources comes what the Bible calls, "a mighty famine." 

"And when he had spent all, there arose a mighty famine in that land..."

Believe it, that famine didn't spare him because we have testimony that "he began to be in want." Now, we ought ask some purposeful questions. Did God plan that this young man would be in any want on the long run? Obviously no. As far as God is concerned, he has not been forlorned but visited. He was succinctly equipped by the substance his father shared with him. It was that substance God intended would be his means of survival. However, what did he do with it? He wasted it in riotous living. He went about on a spending spree as a ragamuffin. This way, he lost what could have been his potent key of survival at a hard time.

God is merciful. You are meant to leverage His mercy. Like I said, He does well by visiting man beforehand with what he needs for life and godliness. He seeks to impart to us a stay or strength before the days of adversity come on us. What matters is to be aware of your visitation so you won't be caught unawares in unpreparedness in hard times like a fish taken in an evil net. The problem of this young man is the problem of many. They aren't futuristic at all. They are sensual and ephemeral. They are people of the now - eat-it-all people. As such, they suffer when the season of life changes. God came for the prodigal son. He was equipped with wealth that could make him laugh at famine. However, it was not invested. It was wasted. So, he suffered. 

Therefore, no man should accuse God of unfairness when their poverty comes like an armed men. God will give to you. What you do with such released blessing is what that matters? Take note also, that "mighty famine" didn't arise before or when he still had empowerment or equipping to handle it. If it came before he spent it all, he could have exercised caution and be warned. Rather, it came after he had spent all, after all has been squandered and nothing is left to survive on. This goes in line with the predictive dreams of Pharaoh. There shall be seven years of abundance after which there will be seven years of staunch scarcity. The famine always follow your abundance season and God intentionally makes it so that no man may gain say over Him. He does it in order to have you equipped and ready for what will come upon the earth. Even in the temptation or test, there's always a way of escape - something to give God the glory for. 

The Bible has spoken well of us in Job 5:19 saying, "He shall deliver thee in six troubles: yea, in seven there shall no evil touch thee." Now, one of those troubles is famine. The Bible confesses that, "At destruction and famine thou shalt laugh..." (Job 5:22, KJV). Now, if you'll laugh at famine, is it by just confessing that Bible verse or by acting upon it and putting structures on ground to contain famine at appearance? Some people have repeatedly made that mistake. They only confessed thinking manna or bread would fall from the sky on them. No! Not like that. God wants common sense to be common today. What He's advocating for is to put your susbtance to work. The prodigal boy got his own but he didn't put it to work by investing or multiplying it. Rather, he spent it all until it finished. 

God isn't unjust I repeat. He always give seeds to the sower and bread to the eater (II Cor.9:10). Once He gives you seed which you must sow, you'll be wise not to eat it at all. Not doing so is wanting to reap poverty plentifully. You might soon find yourself in the situation of this boy. At the peak of his want, the Bible comments that, "and he would fain have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat but no man gave him" (Luke 15:16, KJV). 

Once you blow up your opportunity, you're literally left to yourself. You'll look at the ceiling, at the sky, at the hills and even when help comes, it'll be as an oasis in the desert. It won't appear until you have reaped some consequences for your unreasonableness. For this purpose, let us ask again, "what is the purpose of the susbtance in my hands at this time?" Should I gather it to squander or should I use it to build a system that can endure and give more yields? Do answer. 

PRAYER: Give me financial wisdom. Teach me how to build and put structures on ground. Teach my mind business and profiting.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Leviticus 4:1-5:19, Mark 2:13-3:6, Psalm 36:1-12, Proverbs 10:1-2

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Read Gen. 41

Genesis 41:36, KJV

"And that food shall be for store to the land against the seven years of famine, which shall be in the land of Egypt; that the land perish not through the famine."

When God is at work, may you see Him. The truth is, there's none God won't come for. He's never unjust. He gives to all His blessings and appears to each of us at a certain time or season of life. God came for Egypt to prepare them for the hard times ahead of them. There'll be famine in the land but for them to cope, God first brought their solution hidden in the seven years of plenty. These seven years of plenty was an intentional orchestration of God so that Egypt might not be consumed or thrown into extinction. That is God's plan for them. However, they might have failed in implementing it by wasting away grains and not storing it. Human foolishness and carelessness could have caught up with them. 

According to the interpretation Joseph brought on Pharaoh's dreams, there come seven years of abundance and seven years of famine after them. The famine would be so severe that the seven years of abundance would never be seen to have occured. On this note, Joseph gave a reason why God is visiting Egypt with abundance. Don't forget that according to the right interpretation of the dreams, those seven years of abundance are predicted to be years in which the land would bring forth plentifully. Should it therefore be wasted? Will that be the very purpose for which God was giving it? No!

Thank God for discernment and discretion of someone like Joseph. The solution to not be stranded in the seven years of famine is to gather food like the sand of the sea shore to await and cater for those years of hard times to come. The purpose of that God given abundance to Egypt is therefore to elongate their living and make them beat the famine on the match. 

Look, God has a purpose for all He does. He just didn't bring seven years of abundance to Egypt that they might eat and rejoice. He intends it would be conserved and saved against the hardship that'll come their way. Same way, God expects that a Christian would not eat all his grains but save and then invest his resources for multiplication so he'll be rich/wealthy enough to survive all famines and thirst. Look, God will equate you with what is coming upon the earth. He prepares Christians and even gives us notifications. You might have been insensitive to your preparation! If you observe rightly, you'll see that it was seven years of abundance God gave to cater and absorb the anticipated seven years of famine. It wasn't lesser or higher in comparison. God is very just. Everything is done by equity, having been measured in a balance of fairness. One time, I once took a three units course that was taught for three hours on each contact with a scheduling of its exam for three hours also. The lecturer while commenting said, "that was done to create a balance. It's all fairness. It's a three units course that'll be taught for three hours and then done for three hours." Everything was measured rightly. Also, God measured the seven years of abundance to rightly meet and drown the seven years of famine if only Egypt would be wise to take advantage of the abundance. Thank God they did. Thank God for the wise manager God gave them. 

Brethren, the Bible says, "there hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it (I Corinthians 10:13, KJV). Believe that. When God was to bring the seven years of famine, He first brought the seven years of plenty by which handle Egypt and her people could find their feet and way to escape. What matters is not to waste your "way of/to escape" when God brings it to you. There are many who are complaining now of God's unfaithfulness to them yet God had appeared to them severally. However, they didn't trap His blessings like Egypt. Could Egypt have blamed God Almighty for not doing good to her if she had not stored grains? Yet, that's what we do. We blame God over our own financial unreasonableness, careless spending and wastefulness during the years our lands brought forth abundantly yet expecting a kind of miracle from heaven after this failure. Look, the miracle already came. You mismanaged it. God has already appeared to you. How you maximize what He brings is simply your salvation. To those still arguing, saying God never prepared them for the hard times they're now experiencing, you probably need to read this. 

Job 33:14, KJV

"For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not."

You see, that verse says God has repeatedly revealed or manifested Himself to man, however, he didn't recognize God's visitation for what it is. In same way, when God visited you with your grains, you didn't know it was meant for saving for a future of hard times to come. That's why you became the prodigal son in those days/years. You blew it all to put blames on God now. That'll be wickedness. Repent having learnt the purpose of abundance and await God to visit you again. 

PRAYER: Lord, I receive reason and understanding to trap and conserve my blessings. I become a wise manager of resources.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Leviticus 1:1-3:17, Mark 1:29-2:12, Psalm 35:17-28, Proverbs 9:13-18

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Thursday, 15 February 2024





Genesis 41:29-30, KJV

"29 Behold, there come seven years of great plenty throughout all the land of Egypt: 30 And there shall arise after them seven years of famine; and all the plenty shall be forgotten in the land of Egypt; and the famine shall consume the land."

Guard against, "I used-to-be." God has spoken good of you when He says, "but the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day" (Proverbs 4:18, KJV). The Bible also says, "the glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the LORD of hosts... (Haggai 2:9, KJV). It simply means what you were known for yesterday; you should be known for the same today while continuing to be known for the same tomorrow. However, in a better and improved condition. What your life should resemble is that of continuous growth, improvement and progress; not diminishment. If the glory of your future years would surpass those of your yester years, then you ought not to resign from the good and the fire with which you have started and taken off afore time. You should continue until your tomorrow is clearly noticed, noted and appraised to have been better off than your yesterday when you took off. However, I used-to-be people don't always have this testimony. You'll only hear, "I was once fervent in God; was once a writer; a great athlete or a business tycoon etc." Life has happened to them. They've been cut off and discontinued. That way, nobody sees their futures  or better days. I pray for you however, "you won't be an I used-to-be person. God will raise any from such a position. Receive the anointing and enablement to break your shackles, stand upright and make a reappearance." You will rather go all the way until you have the praises of witnesses to have surpassed your former days. You'll outdo yourself!

Today's reading avails us a story that portrays the instability in life. Life is seasonal and you'll be wise acknowledging and taking advantage of the same. If not, the change in seasons may hurt you so badly that you may not recover from it. Joseph in the interpretation of Pharaoh's dreams made a disclosure on the dreams being one. More importantly, he emphasises the fact that it means seven years of abundance which would be followed by another seven years of famine. While he speaks, he says, "and there shall arise after them seven years of famine, and all the plenty shall be forgotten in the land of Egypt."

Now, when someone who has doesn't have again, he becomes a used-to-have person. From Joseph's statement here, we also gathered that a nation that has plenty could suddenly because of a change in season enter into penury thereby becoming a used-to-have nation. Indeed, Egypt could have been a used-to-have nation. However, she persisted. So, how can a Christian flourish like a palm tree at all seasons and always? (Psalms 92:12).

It's simple if we'll model after the principle that Joseph recommended for Egypt and its leadership to practice. It's the principle of savings. He told them Egypt would be saved and spared if she could gather a specific percentage of grain for storing during those seven years of abundance against the anticipated seven years of famine (Gen.41:34). Seven years of abundance is symbolic of excesses and wealth. Everyone will have his or her season of abundance when God, life/nature would be favourably disposed towards him. However, what you do with that opportunity that's availed you is what determines whether you'll continue to flourish in the face of famine or you'd fold up when it comes on you like a flood. The economy won't always be the same. Shaking will always come. However, you and I ought flourish. Nothing ought to take us out and make us a glory of the past. Imagine how disrepute it would have been if Egypt had become a used-to-have grain nation. If they had not prepared and conserved grains, they wouldn't have had the testimony of continuing in the face of the famine. It won't be because God didn't visit them with a blessing or abundance but it'll be crested on the fact that it wasn't conserved and utmostly taken advantage of. God has a reason for the abundance in your hand. For Egypt , it was to weather the years to come. Abundance is meant to be preserved and not just spent in wastefulness. Hard days will come - for that is the other side of the coin. As a Christian therefore, create a good savings plan and then proceed to investing rightly in order to multiply your resources. In this way, we will become Joseph in wealth accumulation who gathered grains until he couldn't measure, count or take statistics again (Gen.41:49). It means he got to a place where he had acquired too much to number! We could be that wealthy!

This is your day. It's an opportunity of a lifetime. It was offered to Pharaoh and its leadership and it wasn't rejected. The same is coming to you. Don't trivialize wisdom. Refuse to be a used-to person. Device means of being in existence and in production always - whether in abundance  or famine. Refuse to fold up, get ruined, go into depression or extinction. Your leopard must not miss its spots. I pray for you, nothing will be strong enough to wipe you out and make you a used-to. Egypt didn't cease at famine. Rather, they laughed. You'll laugh in yours. 

PRAYER: Lord, I shall always bring forth my fruit. I shall not be discontinued. I shall be quick in and out of the season.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Exodus 39:1-40:38, Mark 1:1-28, Psalm 35:1-16, Proverbs 9:11-12

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Mark 14:10 - 11, KJV

"10 And Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve, went unto the chief priests, to betray him unto them. 11 And when they heard it, they were glad, and promised to give him money. And he sought how he might conveniently betray him."

A general once besieged a very lofty wall. While at the city gate with his soldiers, his captains asked how the city would be captured? Will they just stand there and watch or what? The general replied that he was waiting for his fourth column to do the work. This came as a surprise to his captains of many years and many battles. They asked if this fourth column is made up of a certain special force, military paratroopers that'll descend from the air or those specially trained in intelligence and combat tactics. The general said no to all their enquiries. He rather said the fourth column he's awaiting consisted of his spies, the discontented and internal rebels etc already in the city. He said he's waiting for them to fling the gates open while they'll rush in to slaughter all and capture the city. 

On another occasion, some city guards once pursued some rebels to the sea coast. While they could have been arrested, the leading guard commanded they relent to the shock of all other junior ranked officers. They wondered why he would command that they should give up after such characters that are detrimental to their living and their world. He told them of the hole in their boat. It wasn't long they boarded the boat that they began to sink. Therefore, they were exposed to the peril of a sinking ship right in the middle of the sea. However, all began just with a hole in the boat - a little opening and betrayal of a sort that the rebels didn't know about. This is the point through which water gushed in to wreck its havoc on them. 

In today's reading, it's very clear Jesus is the target of the Pharisees and elders. They sought to lay hands on him to kill him. However, they couldn't find a convenient time or way of getting this done. They feared an uproar of the people (Mark 14:1-2). Later on however, Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve approached these group of conspirators assuring them of delivering Jesus into their hands. The Bible states, "and they were very glad." They were glad that what they wanted to get done is being enhanced and helped by someone from the inside. Nothing guarantees success more than having someone on the inside. What an insider could deliver, it'll take many conspirators from outside to grope in darkness for awhile before they would see what he has seen and know what he has known. For this reason, conspirators always look for an insider. A hole in the boat! A betrayer in any group is one that could open the door from the inside. Through him, unpronounced harm would be wrecked and no life would be spared. This is why the leadership of any institution must ensure that there are no discontented individuals within her structure. Any discontented individual is a potential rebel and betrayer. They'll join forces with your enemy to operate against you. This is what the new Pharaoh in Egypt was hinting at when he said the Israelites should be enslaved lest they join their enemies in time of war to raid or fight them (Exo.1:8-10). You see, he didn't trust them enough. He saw them as discontented individuals that have the potential to wreck the nation. He never knew that they were those who have taken a leaf from Joseph to do well to the land of their sojourn. In truth, there are many countries today suffering from  disloyalty from the mixed multitudes who have penetrated them as illegal immigrants or supposed citizens. 

Also, when David fled from Saul, one of such people who gathered round him are those who are already unhappy with the ongoing government and tenure of Saul (I Sam.22:2). If need be, they wanted a change of leadership. All of them one way or the other have fallen victim of Saul's bad government and so saw sense in gathering to support another leader with whom they hope a fresh day might be started. The discontented easily depart and loses loyalty for you. Ensure your team is solidified by having contented people. Enquire on the welfare of your team. Is any angry? Is any hungry? Is any robbed or cheated? Is any dissatisfied and wants to be heard? Was any shut down or taken for granted? Encourage them to share their views. All these are issues that could inflame discontentment if not looked into. However, make them feel important - having the  shareholder's or owner's mindset. While I can't fault the leadership of Jesus and would say Judas rather was a son of the devil yet we learnt a major lesson that a betrayer comes right from inside you. A betrayer is not always someone who's far fetched. He's usually a friend - someone you dine with. In the case of Jesus, Judas was both a friend and someone he dines with. It's so shocking that a disciple would betray his master. From then until now, it has been proven that the enemy of a man are those of his own house. I therefore pray that God will keep you pact together. No hole shall be opened in your family, team or leadership. None will sell out your strength or weaknesses to rival institutions. More importantly, you'll survive all back stabs and betrayals. It'll be to a greater glory. It'll be for a higher purpose. Like Jesus experienced, it'll lead you to your highest calling. 

PRAYER: Father, may I not be a hole in the boat to anyone. I survive all betrayals.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Exodus 39:1-40:38, Mark 1:1-28, Psalm 35:1-16, Proverbs 9:11-12

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