Monday, 14 August 2023





READ Gen.14:1-24

Genesis 14:22-24, KJV

"22 And Abram said to the king of Sodom, I have lift up mine hand unto the LORD, the most high God, the possessor of heaven and earth, 23 That I will not take from a thread even to a shoelatchet, and that I will not take any thing that is thine, lest thou shouldest say, I have made Abram rich; 24 Save only that...

The hills (also known as mount) are known for one thing - they can't be shifted (removed or relocated). The Bible says, "they that trust in the LORD shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth for ever". (Psalms 125:1, KJV). "Abides for ever" means stabilized and stayed in one place. What an assurance of immovability! Today's devotional title says, "resolution like the hills". Yes, like the hills that cannot be removed. It means, "taking a stand and then standing indeed". It means agreeing with one self on what to do and then doing same. Until you do same, you'll be deemed to have not effected your stand". Look, promises can be made but lost!

In today's reading, Abraham goes in the rescue of Lot, his nephew. He not only recovers Lot but all that the raided party had taken away from Sodom. At his conquest and return, the King of Sodom in anxiety snapped at Abraham, signalling what he would prefer of the spoil - the humans. Abraham however displays a kind of contentment and aloofness from same thing that he exercises much energy and covetousness after that he must have been silenced, rebuked and cautioned inwardly. This is what attitude Christians should cultivate. God should be able to use you to puncture lust of the flesh, of the eyes and pride of life in people. By our lives, they should be judged and brought to repentance even if they don't tell us. I know that the King of Sodom must have been seriously shocked at how Abraham had promised not to take anything apart from what his confederates have eaten and which should rightly belong to them. Another moral that we must owe no man anything! Don't crucify any man to your sacrifice and personal chastisement unless they're born by the same revelation and so come into agreement.

However, our flashlight should be on Abraham and how he bound himself with an oath on taking nothing extra. You see, those who take such precaution before hand shall be saved from the hour of temptation because they'll have successfully gated against it by their having already taken a stand. 

Abraham swore with the name of the Lord God Almighty, the Maker of heaven and earth and all that's in them. It becomes difficult or impossible for him breaking his commitment. When he takes that oath (signified by a lift of hand), he decides and comes to a resolution on what he'll do and not do (no matter how tempted he might be). And indeed, Abraham could have been tempted but he resolutely affirm to this king that he had lifted his hand (in an oath) to the God that cannot be disappointed or violated that he'll neither take the least of the booty except what by properness should be given as payment and wages to his confederates. What a resolution! He said it and he fulfilled it. This is a resolution like the hills - that cannot be shifted, removed or relocated!

Brethren, God is calling you to hold unto that which is good and jettison that which is evil. You need to be resolute on that if you won't be moved or removed. Many a people are those who have secretly affirm that they'll save, give up a habit or cultivate another. At day's end when they're confronted with the practicality of that subject, off they went. They were knocked down and shadow boxed by what they'd promised themselves in  front of [heaven's cloud of witnesses] that they'll do. But we have a man in Abraham to learn from. A man who was not swayed, swept or suddenly discouraged from following through. Brethren, learn following through! When you agree with yourself to do something, heaven is your witness though no man be there. You have their backing and God's grace is your sufficient aid. Don't disappoint because heaven won't let go if you'll hold on still. You too, you can lift your hand today and say, "I shall not back down until I see God's will fulfilled in me and through me. His righteousness and knowledge must fill everywhere like the water covers the sea". Since He Himself has no pleasure in violators of vow [either the one made to Him or before Him], this assures us that He'll give His own commitment to fulfill your undertaking [Eccl.5:4-5). Did He not say, "I'm with you till the end of the world (Matt. 28:20)?" Look, you can go about His assignment and believe indeed that nothing shall by any means hurt you. 

PRAYER: Lord, You're the same yesterday, today and forever. I believe in Your unchanging/immovable nature. Impact me with such strength. I shall not move or be removed. I shall say it and I shall do it.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Nehemiah 5:14-7:73a; 1 Corinthians 8:1-13; Psalm 33:1-11; Proverbs 21:8-10

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Sunday, 13 August 2023





Acts 14:11-12, KJV

"11 And when the people saw what Paul had done, they lifted up their voices, saying in the speech of Lycaonia, The gods are come down to us in the likeness of men. 12 And they called Barnabas, Jupiter; and Paul, Mercurius, because he was the chief speaker.

You can earn yourself a name. Name is very powerful as a means of identity. Paul and Barnabas earned themselves names. Not that they were intentionally driven at that but that was one of the honours of their being used by God. 

After the healing of that lame from his mother's womb, everybody in surprise of what was done couldn't keep shut but rather say, "the gods have come down to us in the likeness of men". Why would they say that? Why would they compare them to the gods? That's obviously because of the great miracle wrought by their hands. They are privy to how long that lame must have been there. They'd repeatedly seen him. They knew it was not a scam that he therefore rose up and walked. Seeing that, they accord it as only what the gods could have done. And indeed, a miracle is not what any human could do. Christians only do it because the Holy Spirit (a God) enables him. So, they're correct to an extent when they said, "the gods are come down to us in the likeness of men". Only that they were corrupt in their understanding of who to give credit and glory to. It wasn't the gods Jupiter or Mercury or any other but God almighty who don't live in houses made by human hands.

On that note, seeing there are two speakers, they named Barnabas, Jupiter and Paul, Mercurius. Who's Jupiter and who's Mercurius and why would they name these two apostles after them (in their own understanding and as a means of venerating them - the apostles).

Briefly, Jupiter is the god of the sky and thunder, and king of the gods in ancient Roman religion and mythology. Jupiter was the chief deity of Roman state religion throughout the Republican and Imperial eras, until Christianity became the dominant religion of the Empire. Meanwhile, Mercurius is a major god in Roman religion and mythology, being one of the 12 Dii Consentes within the ancient Roman pantheon. He is the god of financial gain, commerce, eloquence, messages, communication (including divination), travelers, boundaries, luck, trickery, and thieves; he also serves as the guide of souls to the underworld. 

We may begin to gather insights into why Paul especially was given the name Mercurius. Mercurius is the god of eloquence, messages and communication. No wonder Paul was given that name on the basis that he was the chief speaker. Chief speaker immediately reminds you of high school debates where there's a main and supporting speakers. For the orality of Paul, he earned a name after a god whose characteristics he displayed. 

Now, you may wonder and rebuke Satan for these two apostles. You may be jealous for their sakes and do not want them be joined to idols. However, you ought see that it is the life they already have and which they lived out that earned them that name. They're not trying to mimick those gods in attitudes. If it were possible, it's the gods and their people who are looking unto them. They didn't give that name to them from expectation. They did from experience and contact of having known them to be supernatural men - the likes of the gods. On that note, they have those names. The truth is that you can earn a name by what you do, how you live or what you're reputed for. This same name, "Barnabas" was a surname given to Joses. Barnabas means "the son of consolation" (Acts 4:36). As we all know, consolation or comfort is the byproduct of a prophet's or exhorter's offices. Having observed he has such gift, they recognized it by naming him after a life he lives and the task he does. So, he earns Barnabas. 

Christians are in this world to be light and sweet perfume spreading the fragrance of Christ. The testimony concerning us should be so blessed that we'll be reputed for a healer, lover, giver, comforter, helper, encourager, blesser etc. Watch it if you've been misnamed due to unrighteousness and misbehaviour. 

PRAYER: Teach me holily and power packed living that I may be answers to all in needs. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Nehemiah 3:15-5:13; 1 Corinthians 7:25-40; Psalm 32:1-11; Proverbs 21:5-7

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Saturday, 12 August 2023





Luke 1:13, KJV

"But the angel said unto him, Fear not, Zacharias: for thy prayer is heard; and thy wife Elisabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name John".

So far, we have looked at naming after experience (s) or even expectation (s). We still want to push this untitled series further. 

The angel that met Zacharias told him, he shall name the son that'll be born to him, John. This is a revelation to him. Receiving by revelation is possible and it could be either ways. Either you pray to God for it or God voluntarily for a reason of His own gives you such disclosure.

The name John is a strange name. You may not know it is strange until you read witnesses from those who called it so. 

Luke 1:59-61, KJV

"59 And it came to pass, that on the eighth day they came to circumcise the child; and they called him Zacharias, after the name of his father. 60 And his mother answered and said, Not so; but he shall be called John. 61 And they said unto her, There is none of thy kindred that is called by this name".

Do you know what is fighting a lot of people? It is not the multitude of people contesting what God has told them but the fact that they themselves can't take a stand. Many people have feet but they can't still stand let alone take a stand. They are too feeble and are easily persuaded out of God's will. If need be, let me warn you that if you're easily persuaded out of God's will and you aren't bold and strong will on what the Holy Spirit has told you to do, you'll grieve Him many times and be at loggerheads with God. 

The name John is a revelatory communicated name to Zacharias, the father of John. Thank God he carried his wife along on what the baby would be named. On his naming ceremony, the just born baby is named Zacharias after his father. To the masses of relatives and crowd there, nothing is wrong in that. It is a good thing for a child to bear even his father's name in our dispensation. The many "juniors" you'd find comes as a derivation from the name of their father. For instance, you know we have Martin Luther King (the father) and then we have Martin Luther King (Junior). That idea still runs today. They'd almost named the new born baby Zacharias when the mother protested that he shall be named John. When she said that, everybody becomes sorely surprised at the strangeness of her utterance because no one in their family cycle, household or let's say lineage bears that name. 

Let me quickly tell you that you can name your child after your own desires. Some in the process of wanting to carve such uniqueness for their children have gone into the Greek or Hellenist and the Roman Cultures to name after gods and exotic beings. They want to appear impressing, civil and special. You'd better be careful to seek the will of God and let it be done. Or else, you'd called somebody a name that'll grieve and frustrate them in the spirit so much more that it'll be evidenced they're being frustrated and gagged on earth and in their day to day living. 

Parents must learn to stay with the will of God like Elizabeth protested and demanded that the baby be named John. We know that the name is strange but that's what God said he should be called. We should not be afraid of doing contrary to age long traditions or dispensational practices when it's the Lord calling for their being set aside. When do we become shivering kittens that are controlled by the spirit of the age instead of the Spirit of truth? I don't care whether it is strange to do or not, if I know it's the Lord and I can prove that, I'd take the step. Elisabeth could have been sidelined and the boy eventually named after his father but for the timely confirmation from his father. Seeing that it is not the authoring of Elizabeth alone that the baby be named such unfamiliar name, they all succumb to the will of the parents. The boy became known as John and so the will of God is effected over him. 

This drama reveals the contest against God's will and it has just told me one thing. Every God's will, thought and breathing shall be contested and fought against. The devil will hide his thoughts in fighting them under expressions like, "none of your kindred bear this name". What he's seeking to do is to have you embarassed and portrayed as a breaker of age long tradition (an unruly and disobedient fellow). Once he can make you afraid of being a first timer on such divine ground God is solely calling you to, you'll be finished. So, learn not to be afraid. Learn to be called to do the unpopular and if it be God, you shall prove Him so in years to come. We all know how great and greatly to be praised John became in the will of God. He was a very critical messenger. Except he appears, Jesus couldn't have appeared. He was meant to identify Jesus through his baptism (John 1:33) and even to give Jesus' ministry the needed public approval it needs to be floated (John 1:29-38). But according to God's revealed will, he shall be called John and not Zacharias. Many a children bearing Zacharias after their parents, grandparents and many noble people who God didn't ordain that they'll wear the hides or skin of those men. By wearing their hides or skins, they have now become encroachers into the destinies and lives of others. They are nothing but Jacobs trying to appear as an Esau when God has not called them one (Gen.27:15-16). They're trapped in the lives others have lived and in the assignments others have executed. They're in the world trying to find their feet. They are consequently lost from the onset trying to wear the shoes of another and walk in his steps. They have failed to be adjured to see that God is calling them to take a new land and go on a new path. They are seeking to discover themselves and shake off the garment they've been worn and the lies with which they've been clothed. They become mimicks and in turn mockeries. As God has supremely seen, He rather wants to carve a new path for them. You can allow God, contest Him or distort His plan. You will choose! However, may God's angel meet such and ask them what name they bear in the light of renaming and recalibrating them. May they not go, labour and tarry under the hides and skin of another or a wrong name forever when they're destined for more. 

PRAYER: Lord, give me a new name. I put off every wrong names, hides and skin that have been worn me. I look as you designed and function so.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Nehemiah 1:1-3:14; 1 Corinthians 7:1-24; Psalm 31:19-24; Proverbs 21:4

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Friday, 11 August 2023





Matthew 1:21, KJV

"And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins".

While some people's names is a bundle of parents' or their pre, at or post births experiences, others' names clearly give an inkling into an expectation over them. As such, we have Noah, a child who's awaited to bring rest and relief to the people concerning the ground God has cursed. He's a type of Christ. A man ordained for the salvation of the world. A man raised to help people escape the wrath to come and this was the intent to building the ark. 

While Joseph thinks of how to secretly put Mary away, an angel occured to him in his sleep telling him some things. He was told to take Mary because she was not at fault because "that which is in her is of the Holy Ghost". It's not what any man did there as Joseph had been thinking it to be (and so made jealous and corrupted in view) but what God Himself sovereignly wrought. On that basis, Joseph was comforted. Meanwhile, the disclosure goes further. The angel also said, Mary shall bring forth a son which Joseph shall call his name "Jesus" and that'll be because that son (who will be named Jesus) shall be the one to deliver his people from their sins". 

This name of Jesus is an expectation and foreknowledge of His destiny or if you will, calling on earth. He has not even been born at this time. It is not a calling chosen for Him by the will of any man but one revealed of Him by God. God must sure have a reason in mind for having taken such initiative step. 

I had said it that you could name after experiences already experienced or expectations being awaited. However, it is another thing naming after an expectation that is a revelation from God Himself to you. I'll say this is the highest form of naming. When God gives a disclosure and you name after that. Often, God has a purpose in mind and if we'll let all things originate from Him, we shall witness and be privy to His works and praise Him later for them. Until then however, we may believe we know better.

Names of people is therefore a coding, programming or capsule containing their destinies, assignments or life's task. By the sin of one man death comes into the world (Rom. 5:12). But we know that for this purpose the son of God appears that He might destroy the works of the devil (I John 3:8). Jesus brought us redemption from sin, death and all that are by products of sin so much more that if any man will believe in Him, such will not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). 

We've had people who have named their children Jesus. The first ask is what purpose would that child be fulfilling. Will he be delivering anybody from their sins? We may love some personalities or figures for their morals, righteous standing or what they became but that shouldn't make us confer on our babies their names just like that. Our babies are personally unique and may be different in assignment from those personalities. Something was in the mind of God and their parents before they were named that. Did you ask what was in the mind of God and search your own heart as well before naming yours? Many names are null and void on many people simply because that aren't their destiny names. Parents did not enquire. As such, many are bearing names that are irritating or contrary to their spirit names. What we don't know is that the spirit of every baby or child exists and lives before God even before birth. When did God say He had knew Jeremiah?

Jeremiah 1:5, KJV

"Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations".

Imagine, "before God formed him in the belly". So, where was he before that formation? Obviously before God! If that be that we are like already manufactured products awaiting dispatch in heaven, I want to believe there may be a tag with names put on each of us to identify, call or send us on errand into the womb of our mothers. As such, that's what we ought find and put in the mouth of every soul as they call that boy or girl. 

"And His name shall be called Jesus because He shall deliver His people from their sins". You'd agree with me Jesus lived to that. He died on the cross of Calvary to buy us salvation. The free gift we have came at the price of His life. That's because that's His own assignment or destiny. So, He had to die. Some people's destinies may be magnificent and they may not need to die. What matters is to live out yours even if you have been misnamed. A found and lived out purpose can correct your wrong naming. I pray, may you know that the intent to your being born is to live for a purpose. The day you were born, you consciously have a task placed before you. In all your walks, you must walk that path and fulfill that purpose. If you walk other paths to the neglect of that, you'll have been esteemed as having visited the earth with no impact. I tell you, "you'll give account to God". Since the name of Jesus saves from sin and its effects therefore, say this short prayer to be saved. 

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, thanks for coming and dying for me. I believe in Your works of salvation and I confess You as my Lord and Saviour.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezra 10:1-44; 1 Corinthians 6:1-20; Psalm 31:9-18; Proverbs 21:3

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Thursday, 10 August 2023





Genesis 5:28-29, KJV

"28 And Lamech lived an hundred eighty and two years, and begat a son: 29 And he called his name Noah, saying, This same shall comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands, because of the ground which the LORD hath cursed".

He called his name what? "Noah!" That is because he'll be the one who will comfort them concerning the work and toil of their hands, because of the ground which the Lord has cursed. 

We are still considering names, naming and what event or experience culminates into the eventual name given to individuals. Lamech was 182 years old when he gave birth to Noah. This is typical of all parents as they're usually of a particular, definite and certain age when they give birth to their children. That of their first born always write itself strongly in their memories. He names him, "Noah". Noah means "relief". According to that verse, there's an expectation over Noah and that'll be to bring relieve to Lamech, the household and the entire human world from the curse that was set in motion from the disobedience of Adam and Eve. Lamech hopes that something will happen through Noah. He hopes that Noah won't be an ordinary child but one who will bring expectation to pass. On that note, the long desired craving of Lamech reveals itself in the naming of his child, Noah. Lamech like any other human being is a victim of the cursed ground. They eat in the sweat of their brows and all they work for is to keep their bodies together yet without a break. That being too much, they all hope that there'll be salvation and relief through Noah. Should we say Lamech is having the vision of God or prefiguring what can't but come to pass? Has he seen something divine and extraordinary about Noah and his journey so much more that he now latches unto him as same that'll comfort them from their toil. That verse reads like this: "this same (that is Noah, the just born) shall comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands..."

Mark, "this same". This same means it is Noah who will fulfill that call of a comforter and relief giver. It means it shall no longer be postponed but that Noah as a type of Christ (who by His death and sacrifices erase all curses, thereby redeeming us from them) shall be the one to relieve the entire household and consequently his generation. Lamech by seeing into Noah's future could reackon that Noah is a type of the Messiah. Indeed, it was he God called to come into the ark, he and all his household (Genesis 7:1). In this way, a remnant was saved for the world just by his righteousness and obedience. Noah is a type of Christ because he provided a salvation (in the ark) for the world.  

So, Lamech in naming Noah named him from a heart full of vision and expectation. He looked into the future having seen what they all desired a change over and agitates in petition that, "this same (Noah) shall be our relief, comforter and rest". There are children who by their callings and who they'll amount to will be the ones who will wipe the tears of their parents, household and the entire ancestry. Do you think the Bible says, "they shall raise the former desolations" for nothing (Isa.61:4)? No! God was prophesying concerning such people whose call is to bring relief and holiday to people in their toil and stress. May you be that to your parents. May you wipe their tears. May you be same that'll comfort them, and that on all sides. 

The bellies of parents are deep. God says, "I know the thoughts that I have towards you and that they are thoughts of good and not of evil but to give you a hope and a future (Jer.29:11). Parents also have same kind thoughts towards their children and it reveals in what smooth and meaningful names with which they're named. From the naming and name of Noah, he has both hope and a future. His life immediately contrasts with Jabez, a man named in the midst of multitude of sorrow. That day when Noah was named, he was set in motion and his call hovers over him seeking fulfilment. 

If I ask how many of you know Lamech as such, you'd say, just little. But I'm sure you know Noah pretty much and that's because of the landmark things God used him to achieve in his generation. He was found righteous before God. Imagine that! By him therefore, a remnant was preserved for the human race. May your name which is an encoded prophecy find fulfilment in your latter days for good. May you meet and surpass expectations. May you not disappoint it. May you be the one who will relieve the longing eyes and expectant feet of their toil. May we no longer seek another having seen you. John's disciples were sent to ask Jesus if he was the one to come or they should expect another. Jesus immediately provided them with testimonies and proofs that he was he to be expected and who has arrived (Matt.11:2-6). It was case closed that day. 

People, a name can carry an expectation. Noah's is an example. As if it were afore written of him or already prefigured, Lamech grips the revelation for the moment and declares, "this same (not another I'll give birth to after him or that may come from any other person after him) but this same Noah that shall be the one to comfort and relief us from all our toil. May you be this the expected without missing one detail of your calling. You're as well called with the saviour's call and anointed with his oil. 

PRAYER: Lord, what are Your expectations over me? What are those good thoughts of parents? Let them all find fulfilment altogether.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezra 10:1-44; 1 Corinthians 6:1-20; Psalm 31:9-18; Proverbs 21:3

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Wednesday, 9 August 2023





Genesis 48:8-9, KJV

"8 And Israel beheld Joseph's sons, and said, Who are these? 9 And Joseph said unto his father, They are my sons, whom God hath given me in this place. And he said, Bring them, I pray thee, unto me, and I will bless them".

As typical of aged people, Jacob asked (as if he was never privy of them), "who are these?" Joseph replied, "they are my sons whom God has given me in this place". "In this place' means "here in Egypt". 

One landmark and unforgettable experience in Joseph's life is his travelling to a foreign land. It defined a lot about him and was even the heart of the fulfilment of his call (which he saw in dreams afore time). However, our deliberation is on how these two sons derived their names. 

Genesis 41:50-52, KJV

"50 And unto Joseph were born two sons before the years of famine came, which Asenath the daughter of Potipherah priest of On bare unto him. 51 And Joseph called the name of the firstborn Manasseh: For God, said he, hath made me forget all my toil, and all my father's house. 52 And the name of the second called he Ephraim: For God hath caused me to be fruitful in the land of my affliction".

He called the first, "Manasseh" and thereby attached the purpose of his calling to it. He said, "because God has made me forget my toil and all of my father's house". That is necessary! All of us know Joseph is Jacob's most beloved. Joseph knows what the father's love is and if there's ever one thing he misses while in servitude, it'll be his father's house, the comfort and shelter it has to give. Now, he's nothing but a slave. He's exposed to every form of inhumanity which makes him remember and reminisce in often flashbacks to the comfort with which his father comforted him. However, God who reigns supreme over all creations made him forget his father's house and whatsoever care it has had to offer. God compensated Joseph by the promotion and blessing of favour which culminates in his becoming a governor over the entire Egypt. A man who every knee bows to. On that note of having being comforted and greatly recompensed, he opens his mouth and calls forth his first born as "Manasseh". It means God has made me forget my father's house and all my servitude toils". Now is compensation and recompense time and I have been blessed and over blessed until I'm now swallowed up by blessing itself. May God supremely let the better swallow the bitter in your life. God is a payer. He's a restorer and He could pay you back according to the days you have wept or mourn. No loss in God. He'll so much recompense you that you'll forget all your toils and esteem less what used to give joy compared to what God would now give you. 

The second name of Joseph's son is Ephraim and he as well attached a purpose to that. He said, "because God has made me fruitful in the land of my affliction". It's not everybody who survives the lands of their affliction. The Blacks all over the world survived their different lands of affliction either in Brazil, U.S.A or the Caribbean. They rose from having endured much diminishing to growing into great people who owns businesses and does their things. Yet, despite all the hindrances. The same could be said of the Jews worldwide. They're always thriving people irrespective of the soil you plant them into. So, Joseph in reminisce named his second born Ephraim because God has multiplied, increased and given him a bounty even in the land of affliction. What I quickly want you see is that the expression, "affliction' contradicts "fruitfulness". In affliction, fruitfulness is stunted or all together exterminated but there's a testimony that can follow you which is to multiply and give your increase even in affliction and when strictly curtailed. The Israelites did and that's the Christian's experience if interpreted. Even when you're pressed on all sides, you're destined to still bring forth your best and rarest of wine. See.

Exodus 1:12, KJV

"But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew. And they were grieved because of the children of Israel".

Did you read, "the more they afflicted them; the more they multiplied". That's very oxymoronic! It so much contrasts itself. No one naturally grows under affliction. They're pressed, choked and left to die but these ones survived. Joseph did also. He not only survived but he was fruitful or floral with initiative, wisdom and nuggets for nation/economy building and even in the fruits of his body. It's in Egypt he acquired a family and got satisfied with every good thing any longing soul desires. So, he names his second born "Ephraim". 

God will do two things for you this morning. He wants you to forget your toil and be comforted over having lost your greatest source of happiness. God does this by raising a better fountain for us. If you have lost something that should comfort you yet you have experienced much toil in this life, first you'll receive a restoration that's better, so much more that you'll forget your toil. Hear me, you can forget your toil. When people forget their toils, it is experiencial experienced in the fact that even though they've once been inside the furnace, the furnace will not in any way be smelt on them anymore. They'll be all cured and recovered from the power and harm of their hardships. 

Secondly, God wants to make you a fruitful vine. Jacob identified Joseph as that when he says, "Joseph is a fruitful bough, even a fruitful bough by a well; whose branches run over the wall" (Gen.49:22). Did you see that? Imagine a plant whose branches runs over the wall. He also identifies he has been grieved and worried by archers but sustained and made strong by God's mighty hand (23-24). All these are God's acts which you'll receive today. You'll forget that evil past because a good tomorrow shall supplant it! I see you spreading your tentacles - a great manifestation of florallness. 

PRAYER: Lord, I thank you because you have made me forgotten my toil and my past. I see and receive a new future. I grow like a fruitful bough.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezra 8:21-9:15; 1 Corinthians 5:1-13; Psalm 31:1-8; Proverbs 21:1-2

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Tuesday, 8 August 2023





Exodus 2:10, KJV

"And the child grew, and she brought him unto Pharaoh's daughter, and he became her son. And she called his name Moses: and she said, Because I drew him out of the water".

Generally and irrespective of race, ethnicity or language, one major influecing way of naming children is through the circumstance (s) that surround their births. Circumstances that surround birth may be pre-birth, at birth or post birth experiences. All these could shape what name a child would be called. You're familiar with the name Jabez. The mother named him so because of the much pangs she experienced at his birth (I Chro. 4:9). You've heard of Benoni. Rachael named the Benjamin you know so because of similar reason (Gen.35:17-18). It seems birth experiences for these two women were so overwhelming and killing. Over and over again, experiences tend to influece parents in naming their children. 

Some would say, "I got a good job like my soul desired when he was born and so I named her Joy". That's an experience shaping what sort of name we call, impose and confer on a child. For Moses, it wasn't different. Moses was at the Nile as a baby because of the king's hostile command that says the Hebrew males must not live. He has been catered for just for three months but that couldn't be done further. On that note, the parents had to reluctantly cast him out but trusting that God's hands would bear him up. 

As it fits the God of miracles to do, Pharaoh's daughter appears to bathe at the Nile. She rescues the basket in which Moses was coached. This is how Moses was saved and drew out of the water. It is this that influeced his naming. So, when Moses' mother and nurse finally presents him to this princess, she names him "Moses" and alludes to why she's doing that. She said, "because I drew him out of the water". Drawn out of the water means Moses could have died by the same water someway somehow but prompt rescue came for him while at/on the Nile. It is this salvation that the Lord gave to Moses that became the programming and coding from which his name was woven and declared. That's an experience. It won't be difficult for Moses to trace his background or some situations around his birth. As he grows and he learns the meaning of Moses - his name, he ought ask why it was the name Moses he was given and not another. He should ask, "did I have to do with the water? Who rescued me from the water? Why was I at the water?" It is this that'll start a cycle of interaction that'll become an eye opener to the fact that he was only an adopted child; not an Egyptian but a Hebrew. This would make him see God as the miracle worker and sparer of his life who disallowed him from having the experience of many children. It'll also allow him see the Egyptians as the oppressor they are who care less for other people and their welfare.

We do know that Moses finally esteemed the reproach of Christ above the treasures of Egypt but we have no insight into the very act that could have prompted him into discarding his adopted ancestry (to the throne) and sticking with the Hebrews in their servitude. Here's it. 

Hebrews 11:24-26, KJV

"24 By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter; 25 Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; 26 Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompence of the reward".

Only a reason stands. "Moses when he was come of age refused to be called Pharaoh's daughter". He might have discovered something about his birth experience, proper ethnicity and ancestry. That informs why Moses had to identify and sympathize with the Hebrews even by going the extent of killing an Egyptian - an oppressor. 

All in all, your name is a coding or a capsule that houses an experience (s) that has happened or which your parents desire would be prophecy finding fulfilment on you in this life. I pray for you, you'll live out your good names. I terminate and cut from the root the springing and reaping originating from a wrong name you've been called. Those of you drawn out of water (thereby given a chance to live) won't find yourself in such terrible and difficult situations again. The salvation and escape God gave to you at birth will be extended salvation to you all the days of your life. And I declare that God shall be present help to those who need urgent help and are asking to be drawn out of their many waters or the miry clay. Whereever you have tried without progress, the Lord's mighty hand shall draw you out. Today, you have the Moses' experience. You're drawn out of many water (Psalm 18:16) and that's because God will send a rescue party from above. In any encounter or difficulty, you'll be drawn out of it unhurt. Escape is your testimony. 

PRAYER: Lord, I am named by Your name. I have been adopted into  Your ancestry. My lot and my portion is good. I only manifest good experiences in Jesus' name. My name is an encoding and capsule carrying favour and remembrance before heaven and men. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezra 7:1-8:20; 1 Corinthians 4:1-21; Psalm 30:1-12; Proverbs 20:28-30

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