Monday 17 July 2023





READ Gen.48

Genesis 48:1, KJV

"And it came to pass after these things, that one told Joseph, Behold, thy father is sick: and he took with him his two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim".

What makes you a partaker of blessings is that you're not insensitive even on ordinary days. Great things happen on ordinary days. Special announcements of what might eventually be won't always go before you but you must be a discerner of seasons and times. Apart from this, I also pray that you will be on time and be guided by the Almighty's hands to where the carcasses has fallen. You won't miss any provision you should be its partaker in Jesus' name. Rather, you'll feel like visiting or being somewhere. Until you experience why you've felt being there, you wouldn't testify that's where you should be. If you won't miss heaven's provision however, you must lock up into the blessings specifically allotted for release and distribution at such period. You must smell that something is about happening and then you must seize that time. 

After arrival from the compulsory one year National Service to my fatherland - Nigeria, I got a call from my mother to visit my paternal grandmother. I had a special tie with her. She adopted me for being my father's first born male and one with his resemblance. I didn't have much at hand then. I had only secured a job in a primary school. I felt indebted to her and so went in the company of my immediate younger brother to see her. She had relocated from her great estate in Balogun (near Ibeshe in Yewa South where her sawmill was located to the farm house in Yewa North (not even to her house in Sawonjo, Yewa North, Ogun State). I took the advice of my mother and bought some beverages as present. We met her that day. We talked a lot and from what we shared, I could tell if the time of somebody is up for departure. She blessed us that day and I was satiated that I had visited her (though unhappy) with some decisions she took concerning some properties. She probably did so any won't fight us later. It was the week following my mother called me she had passed on. I can bear witness that somebody could hold his breath until he or she sees a beloved child who he wants to custody something to. It happens that way. 

That passage above says, "and it came to pass after these things that one told Joseph, behold thy father is sick...". That is what God owes you. He'll give you information that you must latch unto. He'll let a chariot pass before you but He'll leave you to take it. One told Joseph that his father is sick. We don't know whether that one was specifically sent to bear to him that special message or he just got wind of it and thought it wise to tell him. However, one (an uncertain and undesignated) fellow availed Joseph the opportunity that he took. Now, what did he do when one told him his father was sick? The Bible records that upon hearing that, he took his two children: Manasseh and Ephraim with him to behold his father. Should this be the response of Joseph to his father being sick? Are those two kids medicines to bring healing to Israel? One might think this is a vain effort. You may begin to wonder why Joseph would take two minors with him to see an aged old man - someone whose world is far distant from those two upcomers. However, Joseph has ears to hear. He has learnt the wisdom of the aged. He knew that the time might be near. He knew that Jacob might be seeking safe passage to depart from this shore in peace for arrival in the next in love. At least, we know he's already an aged man. On that note, he not only went, he carried his own down-lines and representatives (after himself) with him. He wants to seek to establish a connection and a link between today (in his children) and yesterday (in his father).

While I was a campus president and I was to handover in all the three places I was a president, there were special visitations made to personalities (fathers of the land/alumni) just like there were handing over of documents and other necessary information to the newly elected president for continuity. This is what ensures the flow is not broken. What Joseph does here is to bring his children and connect them with a man significant enough as a generation. Israel is a direct heir to the covenant God cut with Abraham. He's a partaker of flows from his own father, Isaac as inherited and given to him by his own father, Abraham. No wonder, in blessing these lads, Israel says, "the Angel which redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads; and let my name be named on them, and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac; and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth" (Genesis 48:16, KJV).

That's what Joseph got in return for that act of taking his children with himself to visit a dying grandpa. 

Genesis 48:8-9, KJV

"8 And Israel beheld Joseph's sons, and said, Who are these?  

9 And Joseph said unto his father, They are my sons, whom God hath given me in this place. And he said, Bring them, I pray thee, unto me, and I will bless them".

Israel collected these two children for himself and then blessed them. Something significant do happen on people's death bed that you must be aware of. Fathers want to divide inheritance and give the final blessings. And at times, the best is reserved for the end. It's then secrets are muttered and prophecies are delivered. Heaven do open then. The sensation is always strong. If you'll be sensitive as well and watch life's events unfold even after their death, you'd see that some of what they said are prophecies coming to pass. When the time of your own elders are up, it's a blessing being with such flames to hear their journeys and receive their blessings. It is also a good thing going with your kids. It must be the endeavour of all fathers or parents to connect tomorrow with its yesterday. How we do that is by creating a bridge by which our children could connect with their grandparents. Never dissociate your children from your parents. When you visit home, do make endeavour to go with your kids (especially he or she you've discovered by ordination of God as your heir). Begin to take them on journeys of understanding and relation with elders and those that matters. Let some of your children even do service to your parents. Let them trigger their blessings. Begin to develop in them the importance of having in their arsenal and as a backup spiritual people. Such exposure would train their faculty to respect elders and crave to have the blessings that could only be imparted by them. You know, one major experience hasn't left me. My father once took me somewhere to visit an elder one time. While he was on his belly prostrating to that man, I was on my feet watching. I was just amazed and carried away by other things. So, he told me to greet by prostration as well. Then, the man blessed me. Elders know that their times are up. They have a gun pointed at their heads. What they seek to do is to continue living through/in other people. They know they can't live for ever. For this reason, they raise those who could have their spirit and continue after them. What a blessing to hear one father say to me one day that, "I am his seal and the proof of his ministry". I was warned not to make a mess of that.

The Bible says, "a good man lives inheritance for his children's children" (Prov.13:22). Jacob did just that when he adopted and made his own these two children of Joseph. This adoption made them to be honoured so even with inheritances later in time (Joshua 16:4). Be full of discernment. Ensure you collect from the past what the future could run with before its departure. Bring your children to the hole from which you're dug and from the rock from which you're hewn and let them belove them with blessings. May the prophet prophesy over them. May they not lose their inheritances. May you have yours as you position to be a beneficiary of what fathers carry. Something happen at departure, deportment of blessing it is called. May it fall on you all. 

PRAYER: Lord, bless all fathers to bless all fathers. We receive awareness to be present at moment of blessings. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Chronicles 24:1-26:11; Romans 4:1-12; Psalm 13:1-6; Proverbs 19:15-16

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Saturday 15 July 2023





II Timothy 1:6, KJV  

"Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands".

"Once a soldier is always a soldier", is what I said and used as a short admonishment on a platform for one of our past excos with whom I served. It's not that she backslided. That's not our prayer for anyone. But I said that to put her in remembrance of God's grace on her. Many are likely to forget how God started with them and so despise their little days of beginning instead of stretching it further. The Bible recorded how Samson in his beginning began to be stirred by the Spirit of the Lord. It began somewhere in Mahaneh-dan, which is located between the towns of Zorah and Eshtaol (Judges 13:25). Also, Paul had to put Timothy in remembrance of what he had received in the very beginning.

II Timothy 1:6, KJV  

"Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands".

When do you think he received the gift being spoken of here? In his beginning. Not at the time this was coming from Paul to him. Never! He had already received. So, I just found myself saying that under the anointing. After saying that, I found the anointing hit me and stirring a teaching in me. So, I set pen to paper. 

One thing that you must not let die is the former things in your life which you have received from God or started this spiritual journey with. Spiritual gifts, calling and God's doing with which He started in your life should not decrease but daily and often seek expression and glow in flying colours. 

Jesus speaking to one of the seven churches says, "4 Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. 5 Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent" (Revelation 2:4-5, KJV). 

Look at what Jesus said to this church. That it has left its first love. Let me ask you, especially those who used to be something on campus and at their very beginning if you're still that thing or now still continues and grows in the spirit of that thing. If not, you have left your first love. But did you hear what the Lord said there? "That he should remember where he has fallen and repent."

Whenever you have a thing like that said about you, God is trying to call you into account of your life and He wants you to go back in retrospect to search and locate what the point of entry is in your life when you begin to leak God's investment, grace and so begin to diminish in content - spirit and anointing. You must remember where you have fallen. Repent and do your first works. Not doing so is very consequential. You must not despise this call of God to grace, replenishment and restoration. Currently, God is coming for people who have been wasted. Looking at them, they are the carcasses of themselves. They look like a desolate or wasted land. They no longer resemble who they were or what they started with in those former days. As a matter of fact, the story they now tell and what they have to boast is just the old wine of those old days. God is saying, strengthen what's left!" Something is still left. Once a soldier is always a soldier. That's our saying on campus and it's indeed true. Those of you God has enlisted long time ago into His army but who have gone back, God is saying I have not withdrawn that call on you. It is still there. The calling and gifts of God are without repentance (Rom.11:29). Kick-start in the things of God again. Let the Holy Spirit hook you up to a divine assignment and you shall see those buried, latent and hurt virtues rise and speak great things. At the scent of water, it shall bud up again. So says the Bible (Job 14:9). 

I am sensing, there are those who are weak, too weak to stand up on their own which is why God has brought this grace to help them stand and regain their stamina by first finding their foot in the things of God. The grace to take them by the hands and lift them up from where Satan, sin and all sorts of disobedience have reduced them to a crumb of bread is what God has brought now. If especially you're a victim of witchcraft but used to be something before, God is concerned about your restoration also.

Do you know the passage of the Bible that occurs to my mind? It's the images of Peter and John at the beautiful gate. It is written that they took him by the hand and lifted him up. Who?

"2 And a certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms of them that entered into the temple; 

6 Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.  

7 And he took him by the right hand, and lifted him up: and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength.  

8 And he leaping up stood, and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God." 

Immediately, there's a testimony that his feet and ankle bones received strength but that's because he was aided or assisted by a supernatural deposit. You must know that the touch of Peter helped established a contact and so he received the anointing to help him over that particular deficient area of his life. You're receiving such help but supernaturally now in JESUS' name. You, you'll be aided to rise, stand up and walk in your grace, office and anointing again. You shall see visions like those days again. Your flow is flowing again. 

Currently, strength is aiding you. I say, stand up. Receive Spirit's aid. Let strength rush to your area of weakness and superiorly superimpose itself over your weakness. Your weakness shall no longer backstab you because today, God is coming to lift you from that place you are dropped, forgotten and have been relegated to - cringing like a beggar though you're a spiritual warlord. I say, rise. I call you forth from the dead. Whereever your prince has been walking on foot, I declare, "be reinstated." God's supernatural power is doing it. What I hear is that, "the zeal of the Lord God of hosts is doing it" (Isa.9:7). It is now and not tomorrow. Let your graves open. Fly out of every prison. Let your shackles be broken. Be collected from the holes and every dry wells. Receive a new donation of strength to run and serve with. Be glad and jubilant like that man. Run and not be weary. Mount up with wings like an eagle. Go in the strength of today's ministration and fulfill your destiny by going full length like Elijah went in the strength of those meals all the way to Mount Horeb, the mount of God. So shall it be. It's the hands of the Lord that has caused it. Receive your great revival, the opening of your graves, your setting on your feet a great army from nothingness and the spoil of the enemy. Never forget but always be put in remembrance.

PRAYER: Thank You Lord for the restoration.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Chronicles 9:1-10:14; Acts 27:21-44; Psalm 8:1-9; Proverbs 18:23-24

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Friday 14 July 2023


 FRIDAY - 14TH JULY, 2023


HE WILL PROVIDE FOR HIMSELF - The Commanded Series 009

Genesis 22:7, KJV

"7 And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering? 8 And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together". 

Do you know that He provides for what He commands? This is key to receiving divine provision. If you're seeking to do a thing and the fund is not coming, you should hold on and ask why the witholding of fund. I believe God must take you to a place where when you're out of tune and you're beginning to run the errand that He didn't commission, things would just fold up. If this be the signal or has been the signal in your own life and ministry, it may mean God didn't author that thing you're doing and He's seeking to align you. If anyone however thinks it wise to dabble into a self authored assignment, God is gentle enough to respect his choice and let him provide for himself. What He has not commanded, He's not in anyway liable to provide for it. You may then go ahead to bear the expense of sacrificing. You can spend your long gathered and accumulated salary. Kill your Isaac and let us see how many you'll kill as other assignments unfold. Let us see whether you can win by your strength and will and not be weary or dabble into wrong means of raising funds.

If you still want to do the will of God and you've currently began something that the Word of the Lord didn't commission, it'll be God's mercy to you starving it to death. And please, let it die of starvation. Don't seek to resurrect it. Trying to do so will be wanting to set up Jericho again. The cost is not always interesting. Wanting it to thrive is wanting to have flourish what God will visit and seek to scatter. Tower of Babels don't interest God! Any such work that His mouth didn't utter shall ultimately be scattered by Him. 

God asked Abraham for meat. God asked him to go and sacrifice his only son. Isaac not being a novice to the processes and preparation of sacrifices ask why there's no lamb on the scene. At least, he could see other ingredients. Abraham didn't stretch the matter. He only said, "the Lord will provide for Himself". Are you a husband and father over a family, leader of an entity and it seems there's scarce or limited resources, you can sure put your faith in God that if you and what you're doing be His works, He'll provide for Himself. Mark the usage of the expression, "...for Himself". Imagine God providing for Himself. Many times when God asks people to do something, novices or versatile men may begin to run around seeking to provide for God. This place however says, the correct way to service to God is that He'll provide for Himself. If He has placed a demand on you i.e. calling you into ministry, it's His to gift you the anointing by which you can function and fulfill this assignment. All of us always want to wait patiently for the provision of God for Himself here. The disciples even waited for empowering at the Upper Room (Acts 2). They've been called and sent but God must provide for Himself (what He called them to do), so that they might discharge. 

Meanwhile, when it comes to resources to do ministry, people no longer wait for God to provide for Himself. They immediately will take shield and buckler and take laws into their hands. They'll immediately sound the trumpet and begin to do fund raise. This ain't the way God said ministry should be done. Except He commands that you take an offering from God's people for a particular task, don't. However, you ought ask Him when He tells you of what you'll do for Him how He'll meet it knowing you're a worm without backbone. 

I don't have much questions for any who said God has called him or has given him an assignment to do. Okay, if God tells you to call a gathering of His own people, will He that tells you to go to war let you do that at your own charges? No! Will He not provide? However, did you seek Him for provision? Did you even know you have to ask or wait on Him for that? Or you think writing a couple of letters out is what will settle it. From this act, I found out many assignments may be legit (in that God authors them) but they are bastardized works because the process of acquiring provision embarasses God and belittles Him from being the One who had commanded the work to be done. The mark that somebody asks you to do something is that He meets your needs in doing it. Check from Genesis to Revelation. Have you seen someone God calls that He's trying to preach by his own strength before? He always enable them. I couldn't have lifted a finger before but by calling, I now preach. It's not because I studied English. I know I still make a lot of mistakes with grammar. However, we have colonized resources. We believe we can save our salaries to do ministry and that will be all. Did God ask for it? Did He tells you to use your salary? How much of your salary or that of others could you collect for assignments often? That's a mark that God didn't call you or calls you and you're bastardizing the work. The mark that He calls you to go and do sacrifice also means He'll provide for Himself and at the end He sure gave Abraham a ram. Meanwhile, God will like us obey and accept His assignment. If we do, as we follow the Lord on and trust Him, He shall provide. And that will be marvellous in our sight. That's what will surprise us because He'll do His thing unconventionally.

When you don't wait for the Lord to provide, your meeting is either enlarged more than God desires or is diminished and relatively tied to what you have at hand. Let the prove of genuine assignment be, "He that the Lord provides for". Elijah said the proof will be, "the God which answers by fire" is the Lord. If he manufactures his own fire, it would have been visibly seen but He let God proves Himself. I also believe if all of us will settle ministry this way, there will be a reduction in the number of people who says God has called them or are doing unrecognized assignments around. That you have fund at hand which you don't know what to do with it does not mean you should go on television. Did He command you is the ultimate? Stop saying, "I can fund it, so I'll do it". Let it be, "I can do it because He said I should do it". 

PRAYER: I wait on you. Do provide for Yourself.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Kings 18:13-19:37; Acts 21:1-17; Psalm 149:1-9; Proverbs 18:8

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Thursday 13 July 2023




WHEN WILL HE ASK YOU BIG THINGS? - The Commanded Series 008

Genesis 22:1-2, KJV

"1 And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham, and said unto him, Abraham: and he said, Behold, here I am. 2 And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of".

When the Bible says, "there's no temptation as taken you that's not common to man", it's actually true. That place again emphasizes that "God is faithful. He will not allow us to be tempted or tested beyond what we can bear. He also says but with every temptation/test, He will provide a way of escape" (I Cor.10:13). Mark the fact that "He will provide a way of escape". We shall deal with it in another issue or devotional. 

Will you tell your three year old to go and lift a weight which by reason of understanding you know it's a seven year old who could lift such. Nobody does that. Not one. All of us have learnt how to give good gifts to our children and that's even revealed in the commesurate measure with which we measure unto them. Even that, as only as they could bear. However, if you're a task master like the Egyptians and those at hand are not your own, springing from your bowel, you may under that condition which is void of pity explore them by a great exploit. However, we're all reasonable human beings. Thank God we are. Hallelujah. 

One day, God wanted to have a good laugh and teach us lessons on faith too. So, He beckoned unto a particular called man (Gen.12:1) who has been walking with Him and has learnt Him to a good degree to go give his only child to Him. Now, the way God came to instruct towards that act plainly reveals God as being mischievous though driving at a point too. You too may not be able to hold on but rather laugh by the time I expose to you how God delivered His message to him. God said, "take now thy son, your only son Isaac, whom you love and get you to the land of Moriah and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell you of". 

This is a strange request but before we go there, let's raise some questions. Is it not enough to say, "take now thy son, Isaac and offer him as a burnt offering?" Will that not be clear to Abraham? It will be. So, why the repeated emphasis? Look at how God intentionally speaks to Abraham. God does in a way that He wants him to feel the entire import of that message. God wants him to have the full shiver; God wants him to bring forth all the sweat. The level God is calling Abraham to for which He is using this test must not be spared Abraham. He'll have the blessing right? Let him pass the test also. All in all, God just does not want to spare him from discipleship at all. So, the communication came point blank and even with a sort of hardness and a rubbing of gun powder into his wound. Imagine God saying, "your only son, Isaac whom thou lovest". Why would God have to be counting and deliberately choosing His words. This demand and emphasis shows how far Abraham has walked with God and how much God could ask of him or request him to submit to. What you're to sacrifice or what God demands of you to spare at times is a function of your secret growth and journey with Him. I know God won't say you should again go and offer your own child now. Jesus has become the better and final sacrifice but let's say you have an only child and God tells you to give it away to another parents to raise, just like Samuel was given away and Moses was adopted. Meanwhile, while Hannah had hope of giving birth and actually gave birth to more children, let's say, "you and God knows you will have none again". You haven't seen that? That instruction is not because you're poor and you're begging for life. As a matter of fact, you're enough and even have multitude of adopted children you're sponsoring to school as a well to do couple. But now that you have yours after years of waiting, will you turn your only child to another parents (whom God off course would have spoken to and settle matters with) to take the boy from you and nurse for Him (God). What will you do? You know that under such circumstance, those you're sent to can't come to tell you what God has said you should do. They're only waiting to confirm it. Let's quantify Abraham's sacrifice with that example I gave. Won't it be difficult doing that especially knowing that this is your only son? As in, somebody who came after all the fights of faith as a result of God's promise. It's such instance Abraham found himself. That's what God told him to go and give. Some of us may even pity him. Obviously we have many times but what God demands of Abraham is actually what he could bear. That's because God has afore matured him to that place where such instruction won't be too heavy for him. We didn't have any record that Abraham contests that demand.  We should also ask, why didn't God ask Sarah of same? While Sarah isn't the man with the call to become a nation, I'm sure she may not be able to do it because the relationship of Abraham with God is not the same Sarah has with God. She knows God no doubt but Abraham has walked with God and grown in faith superiorly. Abraham also obeyed God and not because he knew (by saying) God will provide for Himself. No! The writer of Hebrews says, knowing that God can wake Isaac up to a better ressurection, he does it in faith.

Hebrews 11:17-19, KJV

"17 By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son, 18 Of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called: 19 Accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead; from whence also he received him in a figure".

So, his reason for taking that step of faith is that stated in Hebrews above. He must have believed it can't but still be unto me according to God's Word (that says I'll give birth by Sarah and of that, He'll make me a multitude of nation). Nothing less. That could have informed why He accounted that even if he slaughters Isaac, God will raise him up from the dead since a promise has gone over him as the predicted child of promise. And I'll say that's even a greater faith than ultimately having known by fact that God will provide a ram from the start. 

Listen to me. What God will request of you will correspond with your growth and journey with Him. If He ever asks anything bigger before He matures you to that extent, it's because He's seeking to make you change levels with Him into the next. So, He's teaching practical to you as a way of introducing the next level to you. If you have a house and you hear God clearly and truly telling you to give it to a particular family, you will easily hearken if over the years you have walked with God in faith to such an extent that He could now lay the burden of big things on you. Mind you, chronological age is different from spirit or spiritual maturity. Someone who has witnessed God and seen His almightiness; who has known His terror and the joy of obeying Him also will not count it much to give. He'll know God has His own back too and will supply his needs according to His riches in glory also. Even if you have same house and could give same, your first problem will be seeking to settle who has spoken to you. So, God doesn't just come to novices to begin to ask them things. That's why even when God came to Samuel the first time, he was confused as to who was giving him instruction (I Sam.3:4-5). God's will is that you'll have settled hearing and be assured of who speaks to you before demands ever begins to come. If not, and a big request comes, you will just be limp and not have faith for it. You'll be flat on the inside. For Christ's sake, it is only in a night dream, just one appearance of God that an angel of God told Joseph to take as wife Mary and receive responsibility over an equation in her womb that the angel said was the Holy Ghost (Matt.1:20). Do you know why that man didn't argue it? He has grown to that extent, has faith for that extent and has received grace for such extent. Joseph isn't a small boy spiritually. Your wife was caught in adultery, you said you'll put her away (though you'll be justified for that); what if you discovered you've been raising a bastard and God is saying, "receive him as a son" and "take the mother as a wife also?" What if God says keep shut about it? Now you know but let it be between you, your wife and I. What would you do? Do you have grace and faith for that? Have you grown to this extent? And I believe there are many unspeakables we won't learn about until we get to heaven. 

You see, His dealings with us is in phases. Just like He knows we are dust and so bears with us (like we bear with our own kids), God also knows what and what not to communicate or command you to do. Everything will be commensurate to your faith (either the one you have now or that could be stirred at the demand). When the Bible says, "take my yoke upon you, for my burden is light" (Matt.11:29-30), do you think Jesus was speaking gibberish? Part of His yoke is what He will command as a revealed will for individuals occasionally. It will be a bitter cup but won't be too much of a bitter cup that you can't drink. When the sins of the whole world was laid on Jesus in Gethsemane, Jesus could feel the weight. He said, "let this cup pass over me but He submits when He says, "but as You will" (Matt.26:29). He drank it under grace. Jesus had grace, faith and help for that. God doesn't seek to break people's backbone. Christian, you must continue to flip and ascend the staircases of growth with God. If He tells you to forgive someone who has deeply hurt you and you eventually do because God persuades you to, you can proceed further to be more refined under greater demands and tasks until you get where without a revelation or request of the Holy Ghost, you forgive greater hurts (as already requested of you to do by God's Word). Many times, those who hears God expressly on a matter are those who have refused to be consoled or settled by God's revealed will as already stated in the Bible. If the Spirit places demands of little things on you in this your little days and you submit, you'll have grown much over the years that He could place the burden of great things on you. Even in your poverty or stringency, you'll meet it but with an assurance and revelation that He who ministers seeds to the sower will minister bread to your eater. For every bitter cup, there's an accompanying grace. Seek it. Take it!

PRAYER: May I grow in faith. I receive the grace, help and faith of acting and bearing it all.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Chronicles 9:1-10:14; Acts 27:21-44; Psalm 8:1-9; Proverbs 18:23-24

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Wednesday 12 July 2023




PUT UNDER COMMAND - The Commanded Series 007

I Kings 17:8-9, KJV

"8 And the word of the LORD came unto him, saying 9 Arise, get thee to Zarephath, which belongeth to Zidon, and dwell there: behold, I have commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee".

Kai! God has vessels for use everywhere. He one time told Paul that He has a lot of people in this city. 

Acts 18:10, KJV

"For I am with thee, and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee: for I have much people in this city"

Even if we don't know whether God has much people in Zarephath, we can bear witness that there's a vessel who God can send to and put under command for the sake of Elijah - a son. 

God's Word by which we should live came to Elijah instructing him to get himself to Zarephath (it was for an intent and that it might be fulfilled that Elijah didn't go hungry) and that He has commanded a widow woman to feed him there. You see, we don't have a black and white record or report of God visiting this woman and instructing her about Elijah but from what God expressed here, we should know God actually visited that widow of Zarephath before Elijah ever knew about her from God, knew her in person or even arrived in her place. God's Word reads, "for I have commanded a widow woman to feed you there". 

Do you know what it means to "command" or "put under command"? It actually means to put under oath. When you're commanded, it becomes inevitably your responsibility to discharge. It means there's a word that has gone over your head; a word that is binding on you and which God will like you to live up to.  God says, "I have commanded a widow woman to feed you there". It means irrespective of how it goes, Elijah of a surety must be fed. A yoke is on that woman. God therefore puts this widow woman under obligation. It may not be convenient but she is open to it and will obey it. Note, it wasn't Elijah who went to tell himself to this woman. God did. Only that when Elijah arrives and propose what God had earlier notified this woman, she affirms it by opening to it and judging there's a space for him even in her stringency. Let God first tell you He has commanded men for your sake. Stop speaking to uncommanded men.  Don't place a request on those God has not commanded for you. Let that be how you live your life. They're simply not worthy if God has not called them for you. Those who are will be those God qualifies for you. They won't treat you less than they'll treat God - in honour and reference (knowing God is their Father and Lord). Whenever it's God who tells them you'll be coming and God thus becomes their fear, they'll relate well with you. They don't want to disappoint God. As for you or I or any human, we don't worth much before others except for God with us. 

I have an incident to explain what it means to "have commanded someone for another fellow's sake or put under command or obligation".

Genesis 24:2, KJV

"2 And Abraham said unto his eldest servant of his house, that ruled over all that he had, Put, I pray thee, thy hand under my thigh: 9 And the servant put his hand under the thigh of Abraham his master, and sware to him concerning that matter".

This servant of Abraham comes under that oath that instant he takes it. He becomes the commanded that moment he places his hand under Abraham's thigh to swear. It means if he has his own will to do before, taking that oath has eliminated doing as he wills now. You become the commanded the moment God speaks to you and you consent. You come under a sort of oath having signed an accord or having given your consent to God. That woman actually consented to God. If there were no agreement between herself and God, Elijah would never have been welcomed. Once you're commanded, you're put under oath and a sort of demand to have something fulfilled. This is who this woman becomes because of Elijah. A woman who has a commanded tag or label on her just for the sake of one man - one man like that who must not go hungry. I don't know if you've travelled out before. If you've been out and you're particularly a honourable fellow, you'll have a pick up driver waiting for you with a display of your name. Imagine arriving somewhere and you being awaited to be taken to the next place. You see, such pick up driver is there for your sake. He's carrying a label because he's under command for your sake. How important Christians are to God. He cares for His own family and He could travail the ends of the earth to meet their needs. He puts things on ground for them. Should Elijah get to Zarephath to begin to appeal his way into the heart of that widow? No! He'll just reduce and useless God. God didn't intend that we ministers beg and go around trying to find what to eat especially if you're in the full time. He'll rather command and compel men for your sake. I prefer that than saying, "help me, please, help me". The world will laugh at you, you will see. How obedient His children should also be in being prompt to come under command and give to the sent anything that God has instructed them to give in a no less or more manner. Father, I pray for these ones that you'll put them under command for men and men under command for them. Whenever it is dark and it's famine, may you always find an abode and escape for them. May we not stray to any who God has not put under oath for our treatments. May we not walk by sight and say it's one Eliab that the Lord has chosen for Himself (and consequently for us) when our help which comes from the Lord is hidden in a widow woman. A widow woman who's needy herself with the testimony of a little oil and a little meal but one who the Lord has spoken to and shall enlarge for our sake. Yes, for your sake, the Lord will bless the obedient! You just don't collect, your arrival brings returns also. God made it so. 

PRAYER: Lord, put me under command for men and vice versa. I obey!

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Chronicles 9:1-10:14; Acts 27:21-44; Psalm 8:1-9; Proverbs 18:23-24

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Tuesday 11 July 2023


 TUESDAY - 11TH JULY, 2023



Read I Kings 17:9-16

I Kings 17:8-9, KJV

"8 And the word of the LORD came unto him, saying, 9 Arise, get thee to Zarephath, which belongeth to Zidon, and dwell there: behold, I have commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee".

Brethren, you're welcome to another faith request and growth of faith. You see, we are disciples and we're called to be instant in and out seasons (II Timothy 4:2). The acknowledgement of "in and out seasons" affirm that man would share in both bad and good weathers. However, when it's our stringent days - moment when we have numerous needs ourselves yet God (solely God) is making demands on us, it becomes of us to have it released. There's joy in a Christianity that is practiced and allowed to flower though there'll truly without falsity be many hindrances to this. Good news is that you are an overcomer because God knows you can overcome. So, He has slated you for this outcome. 

It's such a shock that God didn't send Elijah to any who could boast of a store of food. Rather, He sent him to a fellow described as a widow woman. Do you know who a widow is? A widow has no husband. It means that woman lacks the needed support and so is not in anyway to be described as affluent. She's a pauper and even if she was not one before, she is now at the herald of this prominent famine. It reveals in her own statement when she says, "... and, behold, I am gathering two sticks, that I may go in and dress it for me and my son, that we may eat it, and die (I Kings  17:12, KJV). As in, what quantity of food could two sticks cook? That tells you even if she were well to do before, the famine has now dissolved and equated her to a pauper. But we can assuredly gather that she's like a worm without backbone. She's a widow woman!

When Elijah arrives at the gate of Zarephath, he must have received a witness of who the widow is actually. To prove that, he makes a demand to test if this is the commanded widow. I believe the sign would be that the commanded widow would come under command and the uncommanded will refuse the request. Though the woman confessed her own need and inadequacy also yet she opens up. Her reply to Elijah proves that she's the commanded widow.

I Kings 17:10-13, KJV "10 So he arose and went to Zarephath. And when he came to the gate of the city, behold, the widow woman was there gathering of sticks: and he called to her, and said, Fetch me, I pray thee, a little water in a vessel, that I may drink. 11 And as she was going to fetch it, he called to her, and said, Bring me, I pray thee, a morsel of bread in thine hand. 12 And she said, As the LORD thy God liveth, I have not a cake, but an handful of meal in a barrel, and a little oil in a cruse: and, behold, I am gathering two sticks, that I may go in and dress it for me and my son, that we may eat it, and die. 13 And Elijah said unto her, Fear not; go and do as thou hast said: but make me thereof a little cake first, and bring it unto me, and after make for thee and for thy son".

Did you follow the reading? From a simple request of "fetch me water to drink" which the woman succumbs to and goes to fetch, Elijah doubles it up and requests that she fetches him a morsel when returning also. Here, the woman narrates her hindrance in doing so but Elijah reinstates his last and austere demand and with a blessing. Then, the woman unarguably goes to prepare for Elijah first. 

This woman gives under strict stringency. She has not seen the blessing in reality when she already agreed she'll make for Elijah first. What if nothing was multiplied in the process? She didn't even believe it that way. She rather put God first and releases to God who had placed a demand and command on her. That's the truth. Once you prove the demander and commander, you can make a release. That woman in responding to Elijah also dropped hints that proves she knew the God of Elijah somehow. While the holily dressing of Elijah could give him out as a prophet yet this woman under such circumstance of being in want wouldn't have been very much swayed by a mere appearance but the fact that she's living out a command. She identifies Elijah with his God by saying, "as the Lord thy God lives". Christian, once you prove God, once you're sure this is God making this pull on you, it is no lie, you can give under that stringency. However, mind it. Many who came to claim that a prophet collected something from them are always not those who heard God saying they should give in the first instance too. Even if Elijah had lied, this woman wouldn't have released her bread because she knew she was not any commanded for his support. Hearing God on where to administer your money is a thing to receive also. It is not only on who to marry. Covetousness also can't but put many ministers in trouble. They collect from those God has not commanded. So, this blessing can't but backfire. It is the blessing the Lord gives that makes rich and adds no sorrows. Promoted human blessings would land you in many pangs. When you collect from such God didn't ordain for you (who if they were put under command, even if they exercise themselves for your sake) won't say it or reproach you for it, then get ready to be spread all around in shame. Many stories there be of how many supposed church faithfuls have said their pastors swindled them. Agree you were stupid and dubbed by a con artist because you were neither sent to him or he to you by God. Realizing how human deception could make you yield up what you have laboriously gathered (which you didn't do willingly) is what has ressurected revenge in you for what you call, your humiliation. God is committed to all Christians and if each of us will first be a man and woman of the Spirit, He'll lead us to the commanded giver who has our bread with him or her. Even under stringency - when it's only a little meal and a little oil left in their flasks, they'll still give while trusting God who commanded them to give to be faithful to them also. Keep raising the bar. Keep doubling the standard. It would meet at the expected end if indeed God has commanded you to another commanded. He/she won't refuse you. If that fellow is ever the commanded, "he/she will not only give you water to drink but will draw water for your camels until they are done drinking also" (Gen.24:14, 17-20). They'll just be willing to come under austere conditions and sacrifices for your sake. And this won't be because you charmed or sweet tongued them. We should always experiment to find how what works and is truth. Elijah said, "give us bullocks and let us practicalize, the God of he who answers by fire is God". That's not sweet tonguing. Witnesses are all around you. Let them prove which works. Let the process alone to justify itself (I Kings 18:23-24).

I pray that God will put men under command for you. It's a great favour for men to be under command for your sake. It's the mystery of adoption at work for that time. It means God has given them to you to cater for. On each occasion that Elijah was fed, he was a commanded sent to another commanded. May you be this ordered to who is this ordered. 

PRAYER: Lord, may I not be presumptuous in my Christian journey. May I always be led to reap the led's outcome.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Chronicles 9:1-10:14; Acts 27:21-44; Psalm 8:1-9; Proverbs 18:23-24

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Monday 10 July 2023


MONDAY - 10TH JULY, 2023


GET YOURSELF DOWN THERE - The Commanded Series 005

I Kings 17:8-9, KJV

"8 And the word of the LORD came unto him, saying, 9 Arise, get thee to Zarephath, which belongeth to Zidon, and dwell there: behold, I have commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee".

What a thing! God told Elijah to get himself down there. You're asking, "down where?" He says, "get thee to Zarephath..." People of God, may I tell you that we can move any time. We're not tired of packing or relocating? We are nomads not because we lack purpose but because we are administered citizens of God's State. We don't stay back when we have express words on us saying, "get thee to Zarephath". Immediately, we always set sail away from Brook Cherith. We move. Yes, we always move. If He has ordained Zarephath, to Zarephath we will go. 

I pray for you, may you have ears that hear. May you not become so deafened or occupied so much that when God is taking thought for you because of a state of emergency that He has seen, you're yet not moving even when He has said, "get thee to Zarephath". What a shock that God had spoken to Abraham and he still stays back and rested in his native land (Gen.12:1). What an open defiance!

We should never be comfortable somewhere or be overtaken by inertia. This would be danger that we may not be able to count its cost. If you're settled somewhere now and it seems you're comfortable there and would like to continue there, it should never become your decisive will to stay back the moment you have a command, an issue over you to get out of there. When the brook dried, God knew Elijah may soon become the victim of his own prophecy but God is quick to make distinction between his own and the wicked. Even other prophets were fed fifty fifty by Obadiah (I Kings 18:13). But here's a Christian who must not go hungry. He's solitary but God is with him. By God's word, He's now being given a new command. Though the brook has dried and Elijah could see that yet some Christians would still have told God to find a way round it for them. If God says, get thee out of there, it means no bargaining. It is get thee out of there. Don't become Lot's wife who won't let the past go but rather mourn and behold in reminisce what she is leaving behind. The decision of such people to remain or stay back always lead to their ruin. Lot's wife if investigated didn't want to go. She has become comfortable. You know, they've acquired properties and it seems that's all (Gen.19:19-26). 

Don't stay back at Brook Cherith. Almighty God, save me from myself. May I not be caught dead where you've left. May I not backslide because I've just missed steps with You. May it be that I follow you to the scouted land as you go before me. Never be comforted by any good that you're experiencing now not to continue with God when He's ordaining it. You may have the best of job somewhere, if God is calling you to get yourself out of there, it is for a reason. If you're a disciple, you won't count the cost. You'll know that what will be at stake if you stay will be more than what you'll enjoy. Get thee out of there brings to me a remembrance of war or violence torn area. Even if you're a missionary in such place, God can give you such "get out of there" command before the event start affecting you. No government or system of any nation is as wise as God. Do you know there'll be those that God would have commanded to leave some current war torn areas before the war began? Show me one nation that had such foresight as to send to bring all their citizens out of such places in Europe or Africa (as it's happening) before the events start happening. You see, divine leading makes all the difference. I believe government of nations should be this connected to the Divine so they can protect the interest of their citizens on the surface of the earth. The government must be spiritual. However, the vine from which I'm His branch won't forsake me without notice until the event is at my nose. God forbid!

Some may love losses than benefits anyway but I don't want to be broken or violated (by things God can allow to beat me because I'm in disobedience and out of tune with Him). Did that angel not say He could have killed Balaam (Numb. 22:33)? You see, what should be for his protection now faces him with judgement because he's in violation of God's will. So, if you're reading this and God is saying, get thee out of your country to another or stay where you are, don't refuse in order to protect a stand or vow you've afore taken. There are people who might have seen how the bastardization of travelling abroad has become in their own country and who out of love for their homeland would confess not leaving it to stay elsewhere. Out of such incident, he may confess to be different but this may be his very trap when God calls him out. He'll refuse to acknowledge the call because he won't want to be shamed before those he had said same. Look, if you're of this type, it means you're not humble. Someone who's humble will acknowledge his error to those his friends and obey God who's calling him out. I won't lose my anointing because I'm refusing to acknowledge an error I committed. 

Elijah heard, "get thee to Zarephath". That instruction is a command but a quick command for a quick launch out. Tarrying where God has left is danger. Over the years, I have known and said there's no other safe place except where God tells you to stay. If you go abroad and it's not God's doing, despite their welfare, you'll easily be opened to a ten thousand killer than being in a country where there's massive lawlessness. Natural disasters in their types occur frequently and kill droves there easily than Africa of lawlessness. So, which place is secure? No place actually except where you're told to stay. Look, I'm in Nigeria and in a particular place in Nigeria. I don't covet anyone where they are or another land that may be yielding good. As long as I have clear conscience and testimony that I too haven't missed God and I'm where I should be, I know I can't keep an appointment with what will take me out. Mark that! If you go on an errand for any reason outside the initiate of God or destiny, you can die even in the best of places. So Christian, you're not tied down to any place or any one who has become your temporary means of supply. You're only tied to God. He's the only permanent Father in your life. If He says get thee to somewhere, let me warn you that it's dangerous spending the night again in such place. As far as God is concerned, the glory cloud has moved and once it moves, tell me what would be your shelter. God gives a vision to Paul of where to go after suffering much on where to go. Immediately, they sought to leave behind their comfort zone. 

Acts 16:9, KJV

"9 And a vision appeared to Paul in the night; There stood a man of Macedonia, and prayed him, saying, Come over into Macedonia, and help us.  

10 And after he had seen the vision, immediately we endeavoured to go into Macedonia, assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us for to preach the gospel unto them".

Did you read, "immediately, we endeavoured to go into Macedonia". I will get myself to Zarephath. Where He commands us is where we'll go. You may hear we've changed address tomorrow and that's not because we want to be slippery, mysterious, surprising or unpredictable but because we have an Administrator whose hand is the only thing that moves us. Look, it is not incentive. Green pasture would be the least because we know any land we are can become green for our sake. Why? We're ambassadors. What we spend and live on is not determined by the economy we live in but the one from which we are sent. 

PRAYER: Lord, I submit to Your will on my transportation in life. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Chronicles 4:5-5:17; Acts 25:1-27; Psalm 5:1-12; Proverbs 18:19

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