Sunday, 29 January 2023




WHO WILL I DEPUTIZE TO? - Helpmate Series 001

Read II Samuel 15:1-6

2 Samuel 15:3-4, KJV 

"3 And Absalom said unto him, See, thy matters are good and right; but there is no man deputed of the king to hear thee. 4 Absalom said moreover, Oh that I were made judge in the land, that every man which hath any suit or cause might come unto me, and I would do him justice!"

It's a blessing to have who to deputize to. I found out that the complex world has called for a complex man yet no man is ever complex as to take more than he should take. Except he will break down or take more than he can swallow until his inefficiency is revealed to all to see, no one will therefore dare going beyond their breaking point. For indeed, there's a 'lawful breaking point' for all creatures where if they stretch or stress themselves, they might be extincted or bring the reputation of inefficiency on themselves. You should seek not to exercise or stress yourself beyond this breaking point. This is no message to condone laziness but rather a teaching on how to save, conserve and utilize humanity (in their concentration and field) to the highest - so they could ever be useful to themselves, world and be ever remembered to have lived a landmark life. Nobody ever lives a landmark life where he doesn't have time to service. It's your dedication to it that'll make you be the rare producer or revealer of what your world would celebrate. So, you need men to ease you of other things that are important but could become distraction to you when it's your work time. A woman may have a baby but necessity may bear on her to let nannies take responsibility on her behalf for the fulfilment of certain obligations. It doesn't mean she'll forever be an absentee mother. It's always for a meanwhile.

When a fellow marries, he immediately has one to deputize to. A bachelor who does cooking before may not do so often but rather begin to use that time being saved by his wife for other things that could profit their family. It may be spent on more reading, studying and work (of career or calling). The wife is assured that she's not being cheated and made a slave of anywhere because it isn't that the husband is idle with the time being saved for him. She knows that any prosperity from the calling or career the man is pouring himself to and has ample time to give himself to (because she's accepting some responsibility for him) would be both theirs to benefit. In this way, there won't be fear or any railing accusation that, "I am working but you're watching. Monkey dey work, baboon dey chop."

It's therefore a great blessing if you have someone to deputize to. They'll help your life and elongate it for you. They'll ensure you're effective on what you should stay on because you're not taking on too much that'll reduce your effectiveness. Why many ministers or career people suddenly collapse, fall sick or die is because they overwork themselves or take more than they should. You're not made of steel and so should know your extent. While laziness should be frowned at, yet you must learn how to save, conserve and preserve yourself so that on what you're allocated or given to, you may be efficient and not suffer reduction in efficiency because you've spread yourself so thin to every place and everywhere. I'll rebuke laziness for it's written that "cursed be he that doeth the work of the LORD deceitfully, and cursed be he that keepeth back his sword from blood" especially in the ministry. Yet I'll encourage a total release of each of us to what we say God sent us here for. 

I believe there's a thing called calling. It becomes your "specialization" once found. It's what you have found to do for life. Ensure your greatest time is saved and used for that. So, it's good if you find others to accept responsibility for you in other areas outside that so your benefit could be revealed to all men while doing that calling. The Bible admonishes us to give diligence to make our calling and election sure (II Pet.1:10). On what are you called to give diligence? On what you've found to be your life's job. If you ever know what diligence is, you'll agree it's hardwork, focus, concentration and sacrifice. It also means spending one's best time and effort on that thing and in that thing. So, I ask, where will one find time for other 'trivial' things except you have someone to accept responsibility for you there? While this has made some push all their responsibilities on people because they are seeking to fulfill a side, yet we shouldn't be like the unturned cake (Hosea 7:8). I'll never neglect child training because of my calling. While my wife may be available more than I do (save me by being my representative to them where I can't extend at a definite time), yet it won't be because of my inattention they'll be turned to become debauched children. Paul says this to Timothy.

I Timothy 4:15, KJV

"Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all."

It means your profiting may not appear to all unless you give yourself wholly to your calling too. And how can you give yourself wholly, fully, completely (in hundred percent so to say) to your calling if not to find men to cover you and accept responsibility for you so that you might concentrate and work on your calling - what the world would know you with? May you always find deputies when it matters!

PRAYER: Lord, may I be a good deputy where I serve and a succourer of many.  

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Exodus 4:1-5:21; Matthew 18:1-20; Psalm 22:19-31; Proverbs 5:15-21

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Tuesday, 24 January 2023




AND WHEN HE HAD SPENT ALL - Violator Series 006

Luke 15:14, KJV

"And when he had spent all, there arose a mighty famine in that land; and he began to be in want."

"And when he had spent all", the Bible records concerning the prodigal son, "there arise a mighty famine in that land." Poverty or need feasts on lack and continuous lack. 

Money or resources is the fuel that the natural man survives on. Our transaction in this world is based on the money you have and the goods you could exchange with it. There are so many earth goodies that could lure your money away from you. That happens to the prodigal son until it's said of him to have spent all. My concern is that he forgets tomorrow. God is however very concerned with your remembering that living continues after today. Many times, we humans do comfortably hope that "as it has been is how it'll be. If I have, I'll always have." No law assures that if you're foolish with what you have currently. No two season is the same also. The truth is that you should ever be anticipating the future. This is what makes the wise to give thought to the carrying of extra oil. It's not every time that extra oil would be needed because the bridegroom might not always delay everytime but you should ask, "what if he does?" It's this "unforseen contingency" which could be unleashed on the world in form of sack, accident, inflation e.t.c. that should make you arm yourself with an extra oil and take caution on how you admnister your resources.

When the "bridegroom" tarries somewhere one time, the foolish virgins couldn't help it any longer. Since salary has delay to drop at its usual time, they're already spent and needed help (Matthew 25:5,8). Their not having prepared ahead of time by anticipating what time could come on them made them go in search of oil at the late hour. While it's necessary to help yet the wise won't share their own resources with them because they yet don't know if it'll be sufficient for both of them.

Matthew 25:9, KJV

"But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves."

And I'll say, the future I can't predict, I won't live it boastfully or carelessly. It also sounds wise to minimize the casualty if there'll be any at all instead of rendering everybody a victim of a bad decision or lack of foresight that there might be delay. Until you have an assurance that what you have with you would take you through, don't freely disburse. Herein is not where to live by faith because you afore time didn't earn same by faith and if you do, you're not under obligation to throw it away. Unless you're constrained by the Holy Ghost, you don't have to sacrificially give. The woman of Zarephath gave to Elijah when he said, "make me first." Though it was her last meal, she made first for Elijah because of the heart pulling she might have had. There's a propelling and an assurance that she had that this would be a worthy sowing (that would yield a return). Did God not afore tell Elijah that he'll send him to Zarephath where he has commanded a widow woman to sustain him (I Kings 17:9). So, you should ask, "when did God command this woman to open up to Elijah." And I hope you know what a command is. A command is a decree. It's forceful and lives you with no obligation. That's the voice this woman heard before acting despite knowing, "that's her last meal." Now, let me ask you, "having known what you have could only be sufficient for you, why should you make for another when you're not being instructed." That ain't that you're stingy or that you've sinned if you couldn't accommodate a neighbour. God will look pass your action to seeing the purpose of it. You don't want to be stranded. Why each is told to prepare for his own house is so that each would survive on their own but if there's need to lean on another, you should bear that they're not under obligation except they're commanded or naturally deems it fit. So, I'll say stop giving emotionally. Somebody could have defrauded me if I were looking at his look and outlook to determining giving to him. Rather, submit to being led. The Holy Ghost knows where needs are and those who have needs. He'll lead you to give to those places as Jesus would have things administrated. Some who were being restrained from giving have also gave where they shouldn't and so begin to witness mix ups that are only the works of the devil. 

The record is, "and when he had spent all..." When and how did he get here? It's actually a long process down the line but eventually he got there because of continuous spending. Let's not ask what he spends money on. As long as it isn't what could generate him more resources, he had wasted it all. If he bought a thing that's good, not criminal or sinful to own but yet couldn't put it to work at such hard time, then he didn't spend well. Those that'll be in want or those that'll begin to cry out to others to help meet their needs are those who have spent all and have no choice but to seek the hands of others. Meanwhile, by being a discrete manager of resources, by sending money where he should go and by reproducing it, you can continually wax valiant in "fight" and not have the testimony to have run down before the  appointed time. Those who will survive the financial armageddon or famine on the way are those who haven't spent all but have a witness against that day. 

PRAYER: Teach me to reserve, invest and reproduce some.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 42:18-43:34; Matthew 13:47-14:12; Psalm 18:16-36; Proverbs 4:7-10

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Sunday, 22 January 2023




YOU HAVE! - Violator Series 004

Read Luke 15:1-12

Luke 15:12, KJV 

"And the younger of them said to his father, Father, give me the portion of goods that falleth to me. And he divided unto them his living."

Today, the Lord is heavy on me. I'm currently experiencing Him and He's only saying one thing through my mouth and that's that, "you have." God is advocating through my mouth and shutting the mouths of many who might, are or will soon accuse Him of "not having or having been given." If you say, "you don't have", it means, "God hasn't given." However, God is hollering that you have because "you've been given."

The younger son of the father here does not step out empty. He is empowered. At his request, he is kindly furnished and filled to the brim. His ask is, "father, give me the portion of goods that falleth to me." And he was given because we have report that the father, "divided unto them his living."

This boy has enough sense to know that there's a portion of goods that falls to him. If his ask was incorrect, the father wouldn't have honoured his ask. And then, the Lord spoke to me. He said, "there's a portion of Me and my things that fall for individuals and I've given it to them." The Bible says , "the LORD is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup: thou maintainest my lot. The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage (Psalms 16:5-6, KJV).

At your coming here (to the earth), God took time to dress and load you with some provision. It may manifest as calling or gifts. It's not physical food but it can ever supply you food. God is saying, "for your journey and living on earth", you're never without a comforter for your journey. You have it in you or with you. Discover it. He's saying, "I have given you bread. I created bread with you. If you'll pull on your calling and gifts and let them so shine before men, so much more that men would see it and give glory to your Father who's in heaven (while their needs are being met), in no time, you shall see the physical provision that are children of this original and intentional deposit of God. Your gift or calling shall be acknowledged and you'll never come to begin to be in want. 

Some are also shouting and disputing a fact with God. They're saying, my lot is not good." It may be because you don't know your lot or the fullness of time hasn't come for you to break into your lot by discovery and knowledgeable rising (that can't be contested). So, it looks like you don't have. But did the Bible not says, "the lines have fallen to you in pleasant places and that you have a good heritage." Look, God has filled you. You're full on this journey with goods that good. You're so loaded that if you were tossed, you'll land and bounce. Much of God is in you. Don't waste this resources. I heard they've been there awaiting an unlocking and an unleashing so that you yourself might be satisfied - have a sense of fulfilment and live well. May you see all that's your provision. May you see that your inside is full of them, that your mountain is full of them and that provision, endowment (sparkling) surrounds you about waiting for exploration and what you'll use them to do.

PRAYER: May I come to the discovery of my gift and calling. I confess, "I'm full of them."

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 41:17-42:17; Matthew 13:24-46; Psalm 18:1-15; Proverbs 4:1-6

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Saturday, 21 January 2023




ONCE FULL BUT NOW EMPTY - Violator Series 003

Read Ruth 1

Ruth 1:20-21, KJV 

"20 And she said unto them, Call me not Naomi, call me Mara: for the Almighty hath dealt very bitterly with me. 21 I went out full, and the LORD hath brought me home again empty: why then call ye me Naomi, seeing the LORD hath testified against me, and the Almighty hath afflicted me?"

Once people begin to suffer the consequences of their actions, they do seek to deflect or deny being the causes at times. Who dealt bitterly with Naomi? God? Or it was the vulnerable steps they took that gave them over to the devil? Watch your steps this year as you go. You can travel wherever for residence, business e.t.c. but discern when and where not to travel.

A reading of Ruth 1 reveals how the family of Naomi went out in words that could be described as, "nothing missing and nothing broken." All of them were healthy, intact, robust and filled with hope at their setting out. More importantly, none diminished amidst them. At their numbering while launching out, they were all complete. Elimelech, Naomi, Mahlon and Chilion all went out as a pack and in a pack. This is the full squad that Naomi speaks about but which she has failed to take responsibility for after it was broken. Where bread is; security and salvation may not be there for you. No land is fully promising except where God locates you or tells you to stay (even if it were a war zone). If God is against you and you go and find your base in a barracks, you'll still perish. 

Naomi testified, "we went out full - nothing missing, nothing broken." We were a squad but here I am. I'm the only survivor. While today I'm believing the survivor anointing of Naomi would hit you, yet I'll desire you never join the move the Lord has not ordained. If it's only the day the Lord has made we could rejoice and be glad in it, it means, it's only such journey ordained by the Lord that could be benefited from fully. 

Naomi went out full but came back empty. Naomi was given a company. Naomi was not alone. She has a people her heart could safely trust in. I mean, hers. But later, she lost all and was emptied. May you not go on the journey of deception. Do you know what the journey of deception is? It's a journey that'll look bright before your departure but inwardly is like the ravenous wolf in sheep clothing. It'll eventually harm and wreck you. So, while it's good to take opportunities, don't take opportunities after the vision of men. While a fish is harbouring a coin for Peter and Jesus' uses  yet a fish swallows a whole human up. What's blessing to some is the curse of some. Any who goes on their own journey always end being swallowed up like Jonah. They might have experienced gloom even if they'll finally know God's salvation. But if you'll be commissioned, what should swallow you would vomit you bread to eat. You'll live life abundantly.

Naomi's story and life experience reveals again the reality of starting out full but wasted and finished on the way. However, you can learn how to remain, endure with all you are and have by being dictated to by the Spirit. Let people see your body move and mistaken your moves for ordinary moves because they are not there when you were commissioned. That's the better journey. All who goes on them goes in full and comes back fuller. They won't go back as Christians and return as atheists. They won't go out as righteous ones and return with perversions. May you always go out in full and return fuller. May your energy not be sapped as you go out daily. And at arrival back home later in the day, may it be good news you'll bring, hear and contact. May you not record losses. Yes, any sort of losses. I cancel them. May you not business in the morning and be in debt later in the day. You're the spared. May you always experience God's move, a pull in your heart and a reluctance of your feet over all deceptive journeys.

PRAYER: I shall not go on any journey of deception this year. I shall not go out full and incur losses. I shall be fuller. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 42:18-43:34; Matthew 13:47-14:12; Psalm 18:16-36; Proverbs 4:7-10

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Friday, 20 January 2023





Read I Kings 19:1-8

I Kings 19:7-8, KJV  

"7 And the angel of the LORD came again the second time, and touched him, and said, Arise and eat; because the journey is too great for thee. 8 And he arose, and did eat and drink, and went in the strength of that meat forty days and forty nights unto Horeb the mount of God."

Did you know Elijah is invested in just like the prodigal son is invested in? The prodigal son met his dad and said, "father, give me the portion of goods that falls to me" and then we have report that his father divided him. Also, after the Mount Carmel contest and cleansing, Elijah fled having being threatened by Jezebel. In Gloom, darkness and great tiredness, he sleeps. He even requests that he dies. It seems to have reached its apex. 

At this time, an angel wakes him up and offers him food and water. He eats and goes back to sleep. Again, the angel does same but with a warning or encouragement that he should wake and eat because, "the journey is too great for him!" Isn't that shocking? What could be coming that's too great for Elijah that heaven had seen which necessitates his being fed repeatedly and invested in again? The answer is in the next verse. 

I Kings 19:8, KJV  

"And he arose, and did eat and drink, and went in the strength of that meat forty days and forty nights unto Horeb the mount of God."

That's what brought that encouragement and if you might say warning that he should tidy up and eat because the journey would be too great for him. Imagine somebody trekking to a destination and that for forty days and forty nights. How far is that place? How tedious is that journey? It tells me, God works in our present based on what he has seen in our future. He anticipates the future for us and he wants us to have been concretized to contain it. So, that double investment is to sustain Elijah so he won't faint or die before reaching destination. And we have a testimony that, "he went in the strength of that food forty days and forty nights unto Horeb, the mount of God." He didn't disappoint expectation. He didn't fall by the way side or die in that process. He reached destination. He maximized and fulfilled the reason for his doubly feeding. But what do we have to say about the prodigal son who goes on a journey and is invested seriously in before departure yet finished before what he should use the investment to confront came. We read that, "and when he had spent all, a mighty famine arose and he began to be in want (Luke 15:14, KJV). He had finished before the fight and real journey began. That investment he left home with ought to be his defence against that famine but since he left home without any counsel or anticipation of a future to come, he squandered all only to begin to be shown pepper. 

You see, if you see ahead and know there'll be hard times, you could take caution, act differently and do something that others might even mock because they're not yet seeing the reason for such anticipation. Elijah was told to rise and eat because the journey is too great for him. They hinted him of a danger ahead. So, Elijah ate. He had a choice of not eating or eating sparingly but Elijah fed on that food indeed. He filled himself with bread. Yet, all he heard was that "the journey would be too great for him." He never knew neither was he told it would take forty days until he had undertaken it. God corresponds Elijah with his journey. God will come for everyone like this. Just ensure when you're being warned to "wake and act somehow", you do because that may be your salvation for the future. The disobedient will suffer in the nearest future.  

I pray that you'll fulfill the reason for your being loaded, beloved and fed. Even if the journey of a month would last forty days, it won't be you that'll be looking for money to borrow before the month ends and another comes at its scheduled time to come. What you have will engulf you and be sufficient to take care of the duration and the season you'll enter into.

PRAYER: Lord, equal me with the season to come on me. Hint me of the future and what preparation to enter with. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 39:1-41:16; Matthew 12:46-13:23; Psalm 17:1-15; Proverbs 3:33-35

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Thursday, 19 January 2023




YOU MAY BEGIN TO BE IN WANT - Violator Series 001

Read Luke 15:11-14

Luke 15:14, KJV  

"And when he had spent all, there arose a mighty famine in that land; and he began to be in want."

The truth is that you can actually begin to be in want. You may set out being full but you might have been emptied and so much spent that you arrive at a place (where you shouldn't have gotten to) where you begin to be "in want."

God may not intend that you run down or descend to the valley of want or need but that's not dependent on God but you. Today, my Father - the One who anointed my head with oil and consequently makes my cup run over wants me ask you how good an economic manager you are. God told me, "I will do mine and I have done mine for many people. I will give you this life's investment at a season. Line will fall in place for you in good places and you'll have a good heritage or inheritance. What will be divided you will be tangibilities. You'll have gathered something. I'll indeed make you a caretaker of something." If you read today's passage, you'll see that the father in that parable who's God invested portions to his two sons. It only seems obvious he gave to one but it was his two sons he gave to. However, the Bible recorded that 'last-last' or at the end that the travelling boy began to be in need. 

The question should be "how, why, what road led him there?" Is this not the boy who started out full? Is he not the fellow that asked the father for his portion and was divided his? This was the young man who while leaving home left with much more than he could ever spend or use. So, what could have gone amiss and why did we have an unfortunate report about him that, "and he began to be in want." Though he has been made a financial manager who custodies millions, yet he came to that concluded end and did so hurriedly because he lived riotously. There's a way that seems right to one but whose end is destruction. There's a way to live and a way not to live. Either way you live is living to work some principles or laws that can't but see you to a conclusion - good or bad.  The way this young man chose to live quickly descended and lowered him down to poverty. Hear what the Bible testifies about him. 

Luke 15:13, KJV

"And not many days after the younger son gathered all together, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living."

"and WHERE wasted his substance with riotous living?" And there (the far country he had travelled to) wasted his substance with riotous living. What ended him and let him down isn't that he was not bestowed with ensuring wealth. He was well bestowed and furnished for the journey and any life he might chooses to live thereafter. What ended him was that, "he was not a good economic manager." He spent riotously. He spent as a spendthrift. He spent with the notion, "it'll always reproduce itself and I'll always have another" This ain't strategic sowing or investment he did that would have made him see his meat upon the waters even after many days. This is spending on harlots and pretending friends who get attracted because of his vast wealth. That's why after he has made an end of spending all he set out with, he was left alone. If they were right friends, they'll raise him up. But he was left to raise himself up. 

Brethren, don't complain of ever going down or ending like this waster if when you're in your abundant season, you take no thought on how to commission money to serve you for the days you don't yet know. If you're an eat-it-all like this prodigal son, even if you've been invested with much, you may soon feel empty, run on low battery economically and begin to be in want. "To begin to be in want" is just to have begun to taste poverty. I pray for you that God will open your reason and make you understand dangers of riotous living so that you'll be jolted out of wastage and consequences of wastage. 

PRAYER: I receive a fresh baptism and skillfulness in wealth management and administration.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 39:1-41:16; Matthew 12:46-13:23; Psalm 17:1-15; Proverbs 3:33-35

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Sunday, 15 January 2023





Read Galatians 5:19-23

I Samuel 17:40, KJV

"And he took his staff in his hand, and chose him five smooth stones out of the brook, and put them in a shepherd's bag which he had, even in a scrip; and his sling was in his hand: and he drew near to the Philistine."

These rounded stones were not at first rounded. They didn't have a beginning of smoothness. They were all jagged and rough edged. Their reputation and antecedent contradicts whatsover you see and now know of them. But, how did they become smooth? How did they turn into such Christians that any hand and sight could choose to send on an errand of appointment anytime without fear of disappoinment or disgrace?

These stones when they were cut into the brook began as rough edged unruly stones. They're not stones you'll covet to handpick but as they were transported and carried here and there on a long journey of swimming in the brook, they began to be smoothened. As they hit, rub and grind other stones, all their rough edges began to disappear because they're beginning to be beaten into fine stones. It's then any who sees them found them attractive to pick. But their smoothening process wasn't easy. You'll agree it takes patience and obedience in developing character in anyone. You might even think these stones have never had an antecedent of roughness before due to how they appear now in beauty. Until you hear their testimonies, you don't fear or empathize with how much they've been through before becoming rounded stones that attract men. 

You see, on our Christian journey, we're promised and could have the destination of the rounded stones but we all began being rough edged, rebellious sinners. Then, we were converted. It was at that point our journey of smoothness began. As we were discipled, as we renewed out minds daily; we began to shed the much weight of sin and unrighteousness we have accumulated and trained ourselves in. Discipleship purged us. Though we didn't find it funny yet as we related with God and the saints, we learnt what's the acceptable will of God to practice and now, here we are. We've made an arrival. There's no Christian who will behold or relate with us who won't desire to be in our company. They call us sweet and gracious Christians. We're useful for the kingdom and valuable to the society. Like Dorcas, we've been succourers of many as our secret works testify (Acts 9:36,39). But they might not know that we were once rough stones - full of selfishness, lust, rivalry, envy and all works of the flesh. Now, we only sparkle the fruits of the spirit.

Mature Christians are interesting to have or relate with but they never began as graceful Christians. They began as stones anyone would bypass and wouldn't want to have to do. But now, they have a new testimony. If you ever have around you as a leader people who are not yet filled with Christian virtues, don't be tired working on them. They shall arrive at a place where they'll become your joy and God's. They shall arrive where you won't have any fear or shame presenting them. They'll be the choice amidst many others for assignments and missions. But before they'll find usefulness in the hands of David and appearance outside their quarry, they must have been tiredlessly worked on to earn a new name. 

PRAYER: Lord, fine tune me. Give me the forbearance to let patience have its full effect on me as You work on me. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 31:17-32:12; Matthew 10:24-11:6; Psalm 13:1-6; Proverbs 3:16-18

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