Sunday, 8 January 2023




WHEN THE BIG TENDER COMES - Seek Right Series 003

Mark 6:22-23, KJV 

"22 And when the daughter of the said Herodias came in, and danced, and pleased Herod and them that sat with him, the king said unto the damsel, Ask of me whatsoever thou wilt, and I will give it thee. 23 And he sware unto her, Whatsoever thou shalt ask of me, I will give it thee, unto the half of my kingdom."

The big tender will come. I already said that during the beginning of this year that opportunities will come your way but will you be sensitive, well placed and readied to catch it? Your tender will come. Your time will come. An open cheque shall hit your table but then, you must be ready to catch it. It is Herod who has it to give who organizes an in-house party for many guests on his birthday. They eat and drink. The partying is loud. To top it all, a guest artiste is invited. She is known for her graceful and impressive dancing. She has one thousand turnings and twists in her custody. Such is she who's fit to dance and perform before royalty who no man should disappoint. Until any is sure of himself and his calling, such is not brought into the chamber and made to appear before kings. Or else, those who bring them and the fellow brought may both incur his wrath. A moral that we all must prove to be sound professionals in what we profess is our thing. That's when our gift could make a room for us in truth. 

The guest artiste dances and shakes all to their foundations. The applause in the house is full of revival and the whisper is, "she deserves to be praised." The King having being impressed brought out his cheque book in the spirit of that celebration. He's ready to prove how great he is. He said in the full glare of all. "Ask of me anything even to the half of my kingdom and I shall do it."

Since this guest minister has been going for shows, this is likely the first time somebody says, "determine what you'll get. Name your price!" She was confused right away. She never prepared for this. Immediately, she withdraw to seek counsel of a forerunner on how to utilize this opportunity and draw on this tender. And she proved having been taught. How did we know? We were told what she asked almost empty the king's account to the extent that he wasn't pleased (Mark 6:26). Kai! This lady couldn't have sounded that depth on her own. 

Solomon's opportune time came and this lady's also arrive, this is a pointer that God will come for you too. Your blank cheque is coming. However, how ready are you? Are you prepared? Do you know what to pray and ask for at such tender? Do you know what to draw from the well even if you're presented with opportunity to draw? Do you have those guiding you and teaching you on what next to do after an occurrence of an event? If you don't, you'll always be shortchanged and you might not utilize the biggy tenders that'll come your way this year. God is saying, "be ready and then have a support system by your side." The Bible tells me of a tree whose leaves never wither and which brings out his fruit in his season (Psalm 1:3)." Don't think this tree achieves this on his own. It's basically because of its siting. We were again told that, "it's a tree planted by the riverside." That means what keeps it running, productive and never dry in all seasons (including dry or drought) is the availability of water and consequent his sucking of it. This year, I see you being prospered by counsel and counsellors by your side. They shall do you good and not harm and in them you shall safely trust to maximize all your tenders. Don't rely on your own understanding only. It's always in the multitude of counselors, there's safety (Prov.11:14).

PRAYER: Lord, teach me on the usage of the wisdom of others. May I open to what experience, professionalism and revelation of others could teach me. May you always come to my aid through men. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 18:16-19:38; Matthew 6:25-7:14; Psalm 8:1-9; Proverbs 2:6-15

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Saturday, 7 January 2023




MOTHER, TEACH ME HOW TO HUNT! - Seek Right Series 002

Read Mark 6:12-29

Mark 6:24, KJV  

"And she went forth, and said unto her mother, What shall I ask? And she said, The head of John the Baptist."

You actually don't know how to hunt but you need learn how to hunt. Your prayer should be, "Lord, show and teach me how to hunt." Did we not know that at least David said  "He teacheth my hands to war, so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms (Psalms 18:34)." So, it's a reality and not a denial that the Lord do teach and could tailor His teaching to your own specific need. 

Herod in the spirit of hilarity promised the daughter of Herodias to make any request upon him. How much more God whose is the earth and all that's in them? How I wish Herod had seen the end before now however but he was too impressed. Not wanting to disgrace and reduce his own words to nothingness, he orders with bravery that the head of a prophet - John the Baptist be given to Herodias' daughter. But this girl is too young. She knows not what to pray or how to pray it. That's why she immediately flings to her mother with the cry, "mummy, teach me what to pray. I know not what to ask." The mother must have smiled and said, "thanks you didn't waste this rare privilege and open door. I will now teach you daughter and you shall come home with a baffling profit. You shall fish big from the waters and all that hears shall be surprised." Immediately, this woman taught her to ask for the head of John the Baptist. This was the girl that didn't know what to afore ask for. She could have asked for some petty gifts if left alone but the mother put her right and aided her in her asking so much more that her ask reveals maturity beyond her age. I'm hearing a loud echo in my spirit saying, "likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God (Romans 8:26-27, KJV).

Paul is saying that our failure to know God’s will and consequent inability to petition God specifically and assuredly is met by God’s Spirit, who himself expresses to God those intercessory petitions that perfectly match the will of God. When we do not know what to pray for—yes, even when we pray for things that are not best for us—we need not despair, for we can depend on the Spirit’s ministry of perfect intercession “on our behalf.” Where our profit is is that we're not forlorn. Even in our weakness, God's Spirit intercedes for us succinctly as fit and meet with what's the will of God (the mark that should not be missed). This is where all petitioners who don't know what to ask or how to ask it can be made perfect. Herodias'daughter knows not how to pray nor know what to ask for, but she was aided. The difference is only that those words were put in her own mouth. Apart from the importance of mentoring that I'm seeing there, being full of yourself will rob you and make you request for less where you could have carried the 'head of John the Baptist" or make the greatest tender that'll leave God's account with sigh. You really don't know what to ask or pray. So, we ought to often pray that we'll be led in prayer to hit on the mind of God. There are Spirit led prayers. I call it dictates. It's what you hear bubbling from your inside when you pray. Some call it prophetic prayer. This is the mind of God per time apart from all His explicitly revealed will already stated in the Bible. At times, scriptures will float to your mind time after time. 

Today, God wants you to be humble and acknowledge you know not how to pray. Apart from the Spirit's intercessory work of aiding our weaknesses, take the yoke and responsibility of the Spirit praying through you upon yourself and you shall always hunt big. Yield to him if you sense a move in your spirit. Quit yourself, be quiet and know He's Lord. The Spirit knows what's the will of the Father and He'll help you ask the important, major, big and impressive delightful things.

PRAYER: Thank you for the intercessory role of the Holy Ghost for me. Teach me to ask Lord. Equip me to ask according to Your will.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 8:1-10:32; Matthew 4:12-25; Psalm 4:1-8; Proverbs 1:20-23

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WHEN YOU IMPRESS GOD - Seek Right Series 001

Read I Kings 3:1-10

I Kings 3:9-10, KJV

"9 Give therefore thy servant an understanding heart to judge thy people, that I may discern between good and bad: for who is able to judge this thy so great a people? 10 And the speech pleased the Lord, that Solomon had asked this thing."

Only few ever impress God. So few a people. How do we impress God? By seeking of Him what will impress Him? Many times, people ask or seek frivolously but God wants you to be weaned and be saved from the selfishness revealed in your search and prayer.

God appeared to Solomon in Gibeon and in his dream. He made him a tender, "ask of me anything." This is probably after the first impression he made on God. Solomon was said to have sacrificed a thousand burnt offerings. Imagine slaughtering an animal at every step and inch (I Kings 3:4). Solomon having just being crowned king therefore requested for an understanding and discerning heart as to be able to judge the people. He touched God because the Bible recorded that, "his speech pleased Him." Many a speech that didn't even persuade God. These are prayers and thoughts that didn't bypass the ceiling to the heavens. At such impression, God couldn't hold it but express His delight. He told him, "because you have not asked for what men prioritize and what concerns many, I have given thee an understanding heart that never existed before thee or after thee (I Kings 3:11)." To now prove that Solomon indeed impinged on God's heart, God told him, "I've also given you what you didn't ask for: riches and honour so that there'll not be any like you in your day (v.12). Look at how Solomon caught what he didn't even ask for!

That's it. Solomon impressed God. He asked for what should be the ingredient of his ministry as a king and one who will often judge the people. God sees that the love to excel in kingship and never be partial or misjudge exists in him. What did God respond with? He saluted him for such good choice, compared his choice with many frivolous choices (God must have seen and experienced of other men) and then gave him his request while blessing him with what he didn't ask for in his prayer. Many times, we humans are so parochial that we miss the mark. There's a chief blessing that command others. If you seek that chief blessing, it'll attract to you other minor blessings. But many times, we pursue the lesser instead of the greater. When Solomon went for gold, God gave him other trophies with it. 

Matthew 6:33 says, "but seek first His kingdom and his righteousness and all these things shall be yours as well." You see, knowing what to seek is actually not so hidden. The Bible keeps helping us focus on what our pursuit should be. But many there be who run helter skelter after what can't bring them the ultimate in life. If you seek after God's will, seeking to make heaven a reality on earth for humans wherever you are, you can't but possess other things like fame, riches and honour. In the service you've committed yourself to, other attractions will by it come.  But, what people pursue are "these things - food, clothing, shelter (Matt.6:31)" to the neglect of His kingdom and God's ways of doing things. 

Today and this early, God wants you to prioritize what to seek and pray for in prayer. Don't waste your bullets. Focus your target and it'll have a mark. There are blessings that command other blessings. The mark that Solomon asked right and that God was impressed with him is giving him other things many covet and do die for but which he acquired by pursuing "the only one thing that matters." The mark that "seeking God's kingdom and His righteousness" is chief also comes with sub blessings. It therefore tells me that whenever a man seeks right, he's rewarded beyond his search. Please, seek right this year. 

PRAYER: Lord, open my eyes to the utmost need in my life and of my ministry, vocation or assignment. May I seek and impress God.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Job 16:1-19:29; 1 Corinthians 16:1-24; Psalm 40:1-10; Proverbs 22:1

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Wednesday, 4 January 2023





Read Matthew 7:13-14

Matthew 7:13, KJV

"Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:"

I'll say we've all be forewarned and as it is rightly put, "to be forewarned is to be forearmed." When God - the Lover of our souls and our caring Father says, "enter ye in by the strait gate", what propels that? Love! You're shocked? He's simply telling us what choice He wants us pick. God says in Deuteronomy 30:19, "I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:"

What sort of teacher is God who sets exam questions yet helps His students to pass? Have you seen a teacher who sets the questions and yet suggests the answers to the students? That's what God voluntarily does in those words of Joshua and whenever you see such, it's because we're beloved and we're earnestly being protected from getting lost. God admonished us to "enter in by the strait gate" and then gives us a reason for that. He said, "for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction." Imagine that, imagine what God wants you to escape. Though you've not yet reached where the consequence would speak yet God is helping you determine your eternal home and what reward you'll have by giving you an expo on which gate to enter in or through. It is not the wide gate but the strait. Has God not by Himself given us the answer and what choice to make? If He blatantly tells us to "enter by the narrow gate", is that not a clear instruction enough to jettison the wide gate/broad way?

One man by the name Joshua lived this subtly out also. He said "if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD (Joshua 24:15, KJV). 

If the high leader, Joshua himself who received direct communication from the Lord could say, "He'll serve the Lord with his household", does it not become a mandate and a necessity on anyone to make the choice of serving the Lord. He has subtly shown others what choice to make and the wise would follow and escape any consequence of doing otherwise. God has finished His love for us by showing us what choice to make. He warned us this early as to arm us against the consequences that follow neglect of the way. I pray that this instruction of the Lord that says, "enter ye in by the strait gate" will be obeyed by you so that you may escape the wide door (that allows anything and places no restriction on you) but which at day's end leads to destruction of a man's life here on earth and later his soul. Shalom.

PRAYER: I make the choice to live. I choose the strait gate. I receive Christ and embrace His ways..

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 8:1-10:32; Matthew 4:12-25; Psalm 4:1-8; Proverbs 1:20-23

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Tuesday, 3 January 2023





Read Gen. 18:1-10

Genesis 18:1-2, KJV  

"1 And the LORD appeared unto him in the plains of Mamre: and he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day; 2 And he lift up his eyes and looked, and, lo, three men stood by him: and when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door, and bowed himself toward the ground..."

Today, it is, "while by others Thou art passing, do not pass me by." I said it yesterday, one could be passed by. God will come and He'll same way go because He's not noticed and detained. Visitation has begun however. Some have begun to recount God's visitation to them already but while by others He's passing, will you allow Him pass you by?

You've read of how Abraham entertained angels here unawares. Whether it's by divine revelation or it is his habitual practice of generosity to others, Abraham was able to arrest that which could have passed by his front gate just like that. Opportunity could be so near you that you could even miss it. It could be so lowered down to you yet you're not attuned to it because you've been conditioned to a way of living which you're not ready to give up to acquire it. What should we say of Peter that a sheet was intentionally lowered or descended for with the cry, "rise, kill and eat." Despite how lowly descended it was, he only debated and never took part in this opportunity or great feast. It was this he does until he grieves them and it was withdrawn (Acts 10:13,16). Tradition was fighting him from tapping it. What a bad news I don't want to hear! 

But that didn't happen to Abraham. He has ears all over his body even for strangers. Somehow, the water he should partake of didn't flow pass him. His culture of generosity helps him take divine luminaries for who they really are even when they're disguised as common men. The Bible says, "and the Lord appeared to him in the plains of Mamre..." The next question should be, "how did the Lord appear?" He appeared as men - that's why Abraham saw three men stood by him yet he ran to meet them to persuade them to himself. The Lord didn't appear in splendour, light and glory. None of them even appeared as an army general girding a sword by his side yet Abraham trapped and sucked them to himself due to the values he has embraced. So, he could give recognition at last to whom recognition is due. He wouldn't let them pass him by. I wouldn't know whether perception tells him anything about them but we sure know that none of this three men displayed any characteristic that could have hinted Abraham of their divine nature or abilities. God, open my eyes and let me see into all disguises. By the upright principles of life, let me suck to myself those who have keys to bless me. Why am I saying this? This year, many opportunities will be disguised. They're angels but they'll come as men. Big men will camouflage as nonentities in need. Only those who have been afore taught to live soberly while reflecting Christian virtues would trap them. How did Abraham come by his own? Just through the virtue of generosity which means much to him. It was only through that act of being good to all people including strangers that he entertained angels without knowing.

God will pass by your house. You'll come across a job or scholarship you should apply for, people you should befriend but only those with humaness and hooks in their minds could recognize and hook them up. Only those who have humanity in mind will benefit. The selfish who are always enquiring as to what they'll gain would be passed by. May you be awake and aware at such time when greatness is shielded in the levity of humility. May you not delay but rather run to meet such opportunity. May you be propelled to enjoin with what will do you favour. May your Abraham bring home those who have the mouth to say, "I shall return to you according to the time of life." May you entertain angels. For we were told as the manners of some were, they entertained angels without knowing. 

Hebrews 13:2, KJV

"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."

This is the year your seed shall arise for a memorial for you. Your kind gestures shall open to you some doors. So, in your stringency, keep sowing. Today, angels will no longer pass you by again. This year, you'll suck them in by the practice of Christian virtues. You'll show help to those who hold your blessings and could give it to you as from the Lord. But how shall you detect same if you're not good to humanity without discrimination or specially notified by the Spirit inside you?

PRAYER: I shall act like Christ and practice Christian virtues. I receive special attraction and conviction on where my opportunities lie.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 5:1-7:24; Matthew 3:7-4:11; Psalm 3:1-8; Proverbs 1:10-19

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Monday, 2 January 2023





Matthew 4:18-22, KJV

"18 And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers. 19 And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. 20 And they straightway left their nets, and followed him 21 And going on from thence, he saw other two brethren, James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, in a ship with Zebedee their father, mending their nets; and he called them. 22 And they immediately left the ship and their father, and followed him."

Brethren, our prayer, our high prayer this year (this early year) should be, "while on others Thou art calling, do not pass me by." It's a great reality, passage could be made and you'll be there nonchalant and non involved. But while on others Thou (God) art calling, do not pass me by. Jesus begin to call and collect disciples for Himself. First, it was Peter and Andrew. Second, it was James and John. He called them and they heeded. Things of God is set by set. Those four are a set. They began together and at the same time. God is faithful and He will come for you too. May you however recognize your divine moment. Moment do slip but you must recognize your time and latch unto it. 

There's a season that entry into a thing is best. That is, "while on others He is calling." When others are being collected to be groomed somewhere and given a future in a sector, don't be left behind especially if the call as well is extended to you. It is while on others Thou art calling, do not pass me by. You must rather learn how to count yourself in; how to simply take opportunities. Jesus called the two brothers ahead first and then he called some other two. Four of them heeded the call and made use of the opportunity that has appeared to all men (all of them). That call could have been wasted by one or some of them however.

Brethren, it's a great blessing to know when God is passing and then latch unto same. When God is passing and you carefully join to Him, in days to come, you shall see its great effect. In destiny, we all know what those four brothers became though James died earlier but entry into calling for all of them came at the same time - at a time it was difficult transiting. If you don't know, it's difficult leaving one job for the other but the call hit them and the report was "straightway, they left all to follow Him." Call may be to different things or aspects. It may be a call to start a thing. One man of God by God's instruction told God's mind to two people in his congregation. One was his wife, whom God told to go on TV at that time and another woman was she who God told to found a school. His own wife received it with faith while the other woman treated it shabbily. Because of the rejoicing and faith that minister's wife received hers with, faith became a force, went into propelling, made demands on God and even the kick-starting money for the programme was provided for by the Lord. It was that time a sister who was once under that pastor in Nigeria but then in Sweden sent some money - just enough required for payment at that broadcasting station. The other woman neither received the seed nor start by faith immediately. And that was it. She never really prospered when she later wanted to start. That's because the grace of beginning or starting passed her by. If God appears by prophecy and says, "someone is here who's sick of A or B, signify and you'll be healed." If the fellow doesn't but later comes to show himself to the minister, there's little or nothing he could do. Do you know why? The anointing was present to deal with that special problem there and then but now the man or minister might have become like any other. God might have lifted on him for the meanwhile. So, the moment none responds to that, such might lose an opportunity of being healed there and then also but rather be passed by. You can't accuse God of being unjust. The words He speaks to the first brothers were the words He speaks to the second brothers. Thank God all of them heeded and Jesus didn't pass them by. You too, you're solely accountable for what you do with your own words, opportunities and the call of God to you. If God calls you, it means He wants to make you. He wants to give you a destiny somewhere. At least we know He made them fishers of men - great apostles of the calling. What if you do not heed? What if God passes by you just like that? What if while others God is calling, you're deaf and nonchalant to the future he has for you? Then, you may reap the reward of Esau who sought it with tears yet receives it not (Heb.12:17). Therefore, make a commitment this year that while others God art calling, you will never for once be passed by. You'll rather make utmost use of the time, call and become great through the words of prophecy, calling and grace of beginning.

PRAYER: Hook my spirit and mind to divine moments and special people of destiny this year. None will pass me by.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 3:1-4:26; Matthew 2:13-3:6; Psalm 2:1-12; Proverbs 1:7-9

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Sunday, 1 January 2023



Brethren, we've been conveyed all through the thick and thin of the waters but now we've been vomited at the shore. 

That reminds me of a shocking narrative in the Bible. Prophet Jonah wouldn't go but after experiencing what it means to battle with the Lord, he willingly had himself offered so that the buffeting wind would stop. And it does stop. 

Meanwhile, as he was arriving into the waters (having been thrown into it), he was as well swallowed up by a waiting vehicle. This whale has been given directives on what to do with him. It's never to squash or eat him up but rather to keep him safe in itself and convey him from where he had dropped to where he should be. 

How many of us knows that in every journey there's always a destination? There is! Jonah had his and that was Nineveh. When his vehicle would drop him, it took him towards his destination and vomited him there. At the vomiting of Jonah, arrival was made. Imagine what the vehicle passed through in the sea before arrival. That submarine ship used three days and three nights before arrival at the shore. No wonder, you and I had to use a whole 365 days before we reached destination 2022 which was the border line and cross over into destination 2023.

God of Last Year is the God of this Year. What I promise you (as from the Lord) is safety. You may note that down. His mouth has spoken it. If today, there's a decree and a change in the counting of days but that 365 days has become 665 days, you'll still be conveyed, transported safely and vomited at the shore. It's not how long or turbulent the year is; it's about He in whose belly and mind you occupy. Have you stopped being the thought in God's mind? No, He's still mindful of you (Psalm 8:4). He watches each of your step to ensure at last, what happens is that you're vomited at the shore and arrival is made. 

Jonah 2:10, KJV

"...and it vomited out Jonah upon the dry land."

What's the shore? Land adjoining a non-flowing body of water, such as an ocean, lake or pond. When a ship arrives at the shore, it sure has ended its journey and I can't but thank God that we've both ended 2022 together and arrive 2023 together. Meanwhile, our being vomited at the shore of the sea means an arrival at a New Year's gate that we have to summon and surmount. When Jonah made arrival at the shore, he didn't wait, sit, sleep or die there. He rather travelled from there into DESTINATION. He immediately went for NINEVEH. He climbed up to it and took it for God. There's a task to accomplish and that's why you've been brought into 2023. Don't die at the shore. From the shore, journey into the city and explore and conquer the numerous in 2023. When the battle line was drawn between the Philistines and Israel and the daring was fierce, we were told this below:

I Samuel 17:48, KJV 

"And it came to pass, when the Philistine arose, and came and drew nigh to meet David, that David hasted, and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine."

You see. David ran to meet the Philistine just the way Jonah didn't delay to go to take Nineveh. Nineveh was three days journey but he began to enter it as one (Jonah 3:3-4). Please, be up to the task. Arise and take 2023. It has drawn near you, draw near it and pick it up and live it out to God's glory and man's benefit. 

Yours in the New Ship,

Olusola ADEJUMO,


Morning Wings Ministry,


+234 81 37 04 68 12.