Thursday 13 January 2022





READ ACTS 10:1-48

Acts 10:5, KJV

"And now send men to Joppa, and call for one Simon, whose surname is Peter:"

God knows the need of people. Cornelius gives much alms and prays to God often but he has one need in his life - to be born again. That's the prevention from winding up in hell. One day, an angel appears to him telling him to send men to Joppa to bring Peter and that Peter would tell him what to do. There are those who know what to do and those who don't. Those who know what to do have come to believe in the light and must show others the true light because that's their call. Look at the compensation for the alms and prayers of Cornelius which the angel said has risen as a memorial before God.

What happens? Peter was sent to this Gentile household/nation out of his cherished, long standing observant of the law of "don't eat anything unclean". God responds to all Cornelius' prayer by giving him a preacher. A preacher is a compensation or one of God's best gifts to a needy world. So, count yourself very privileged being one or for listening to one.

You see, I want to believe just like it happened to Cornelius that there are people who are or have been praying fervently for God's will to be done in their lives and need just little instructions to get such done. Their hearts pants after God. If it should be opened, you'll see how much their hearts have been rent to receive Jesus and what He might instruct. There may even be those who have prayed that God will raise a minister to come into their settlement, plant a church and start great work for God. They know there is wickedness but they seem not enough to end it and so intercedes for God to send a man. There are places that missionaries have stepped on and laboured. These missionaries prayed for a substitute of themselves so the work might continue but all was to no avail until their death. Meanwhile, their voices are still heard on such land and before God. Suddenly, if their prayers should rise as a memorial before God, God would quickly send a minister to such area. Your prayer today should be, "God, make me an answer to the current and pending prayers of people". If the prayers of some people won't be in vain, God must send you like He sent Peter. How can they hear except there is a preacher?

Romans 10:14, KJV

"How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?"

Hearing or believing actually takes the road of being preached to first of all. As salvation's process of believing and confessing Jesus as Lord is very simple, yet no one can come to believe in one he is not first told about or has afore heard before confessing the acceptance and lordship of same. Look at yourself. Did you just get born again? It takes a kind of being led into it right? To reach a soul especially one that's desperate, God can do anything. He cares for souls because that's His heart beat. As the year goes on, God wants you to begin to think as a missionary and one whom evangelism would be his core this year. God wants you to be an answer to people's prayers which calls for readiness to drop your cherished values or practices which could hinder His work. This may be traditions of men or that of God which He Himself will be stirring you to let go for a bigger purpose to relocate into places He might be sending you. The world needs God because it's dying. If the world should die, it's not because Jesus didn't die but because there is no man to send.

PRAYER: Lord, make me an answer and response to ongoing and generational prayers. Lord, send me where there's need to address.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 26:17-27:46, Matthew 9:1-17, Psalm 10:16-18, Proverbs 3:9-10

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Wednesday 12 January 2022





I Chronicles 4:9-10, KJV

"9 And Jabez was more honourable than his brethren: and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, Because I bare him with sorrow. 10 And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested."

There is the conventional crying or action while there's the unconventional. Jabez cried! He cried! Why did Jabez call on God? He cried because he wanted to change his situation. The situation Jabez met himself was not his creation. Whether it was however his creation or not isn't the ultimate. Where the matter is is changing the situation. You can't forever mourn the past when you should take responsibility for the future. Jabez had been cursed subtly at birth and he needed to break off from this pronouncement that has been moulded into a yoke which yielded to him undesirables.

On that note, he called on the God of Israel. He attacked and addressed a particular quarters. He knows every good and perfect gift comes from above. Now, before he cried, he came to the discovery of something not good. He got to a place where having spoken with himself, he decided not to continue that way again. He must off course have seen a lot of disgraces and embarrassments which brought him to himself to say, "enough!" He wanted freedom and he set his mind on it and not any other thing. If you had met Jabez at this time and had asked him what he wanted, he would have mentioned one thing, "change." Jabez knew what to address and then who to address. It was God he called unto. He didn't cry to the mother and say, "make another pronouncement." You must know where to face, who to appeal and draw your requests on.

How many people are tired of where they are, who they are and the repeating happenings in their lives? Until you are tired and wanted a turn of event, you can't take a corresponding action. Jabez got to this brink. He got where he knew nobody would turn things for him except he does it himself. Therefore, like Jephthah, he took his life into his hands and advocated for his cause from the Father. He petitioned God. Like an angry man, he refused to leave God alone nor be comforted. God saw the desperation and signed his demands.  

Come and see contention in the spirit. When Jabez cried to God, it is equal to fighting that curse or label put on him in the spirit. There was a violent reaction. Things shook in the spirit and what was the result eventually? Jabez then became a new being. One who could be described as being honourable than the children of his mother. But that was not Jabez before. A new Jabez now walks the town. Hallelujah! Today, may your identity change. May you be known otherwise from the past. May there be a turning and a wide distance from how you're negatively described to how you'll begin to be positively described. But before any of these will happen, you must come to the realization of your condition. You must be pained. You must be angry to have a new life. When you are, then you'll see new ideas, actions etc flooding you as practical steps by which your life, status etc would change. Jabez prayed. You may not necessarily pray but rather may take actions which you've never taken before that will bring that new dawn on you.

PRAYER: Sensitize me to what I should resist. Let my awareness lead to unconventional acts to desire change. I receive a distinction that deviates from past's reputation.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 24:52-26:16, Matthew 8:18-34, Psalm 10:1-15, Proverbs 3:7-8

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Monday 10 January 2022





Job 14:7-9, KJV

"7 For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease. 14:8 Though the root thereof wax old in the earth, and the stock thereof die in the ground;  14:9 Yet through the scent of water it will bud, and bring forth boughs like a plant".

I read of a man that committed suicide during the great stock crash. He lost his wealth and then took his life which could have gotten all he lost back. No matter how extreme you've been hit, if you still have life, you can still make a reappearance. Boxers in the ring do make a come back you know. In warfare, it is very much understood that if you don't want the revenge of an enemy, you exterminate and crush him totally. The devil often make this mistake of not touching life while touching things round people's lives. God Himself understood this and so warned the devil not to touch Job's life [Job 2:6]. Job's life that was spared eventually got all back abundantly [Job 42:10]. If you still have life retained, I announce to you, you retain all. 

In today's Bible reading, the Israelites have been subjugated by the consequent Pharaohs and Israel which was once loved because of the labour of Joseph now suffers in a strange land. God on seeing their affliction plans their rescue and sent them Moses. 

Exodus 4:29-31, KJV

"29 And Moses and Aaron went and gathered together all the elders of the children of Israel: 30 And Aaron spake all the words which the LORD had spoken unto Moses, and did the signs in the sight of the people. 31 And the people believed: and when they heard that the LORD had visited the children of Israel, and that he had looked upon their affliction, then they bowed their heads and worshipped".

Did you read there that when they heard that the Lord had visited them, "they bowed their heads and worshipped?"Do you know the essence of that "bowing" and "worshipping"? Why did they do it? What calls them to bow and worship? These are people who have spent years of years in slavery that announcement of rescue has come for. Don't you think they had sigh and say, "Thank you Lord. Last, last!". They've been expecting. They've been peeping on tiptoes. At least they've heard of a land promised their patriarchs. They've heard it told them how even Joseph said the Lord would visit them and when he does, they should carry his bones hence [Gen. 50:24-25]. So, it was a sure concretized thing that they were in anticipation for a day when they'll receive an announcement of God's visitation to initiate their cropping into that land. At the announcement of Moses that the Lord has met them, they breathed a sigh of relieve. They shouted hallelujah. They rested from their work and gossiped about the visitation of God in great jubilation. They were delighted and so much grateful that at the reception of that news, they bowed and worshipped. They worshipped doing homage to Him, thanking Him for the hope, the chopper which has come to bear them out of slavery where evil bosses of life has held them. 

Have you seen people who received good news before? May I ask you what behaviour they give off? Surely it may vary but it is not always devoid of thanksgiving. At the place of reception, you'll see some right away singing, dancing, closing their eyes in worship and prayer for the good news. Israel till this news' reception was like the dead but when that news of God having looked on their affliction came, they bowed in gratefulness and worshipped in adoration. They revived. But that was at the scent of water. What's the water? News of God's visitation.

Who is there who needs to revive? Who has stiffed? Who has given up? Who has thought the slavery would continue? Today, you receive a break. Behold your vacation! What good news were you anticipating? Angels move things for you to have it. Israel bowed and worshipped in revival of soul and thanksgiving. You'll do same. I say revive. Anything that can call you back from the position of death, let it happen and snap you awake to a glorious future and expected end.

PRAYER: Shepherd of Israel, He Who leads Joseph like a flock, I invoke You to give me a break from slavery. I want a break that good news brings. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 23:1-24:51, Matthew 8:1-17, Psalm 9:13-20, Proverbs 3:1-6

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Sunday 9 January 2022





READ Exodus 5:1-9

Exodus 5:7-9, KJV

"7 Ye shall no more give the people straw to make brick, as heretofore: let them go and gather straw for themselves. 8 And the tale of the bricks, which they did make heretofore, ye shall lay upon them; ye shall not diminish ought thereof: for they be idle; therefore they cry, saying, Let us go and sacrifice to our God.  9 Let there more work be laid upon the men, that they may labour therein; and let them not regard vain words".

There's a saying that, "an idle hand is the devil's workshop". Today's reading alludes to it very much. The appearance of Moses and Aaron and the relation of God's plan of deliverance to Israel made Israel worship God [Exodus 4:31]. The voices of the people, Moses and Aaron now appears before Pharaoh to tell him of the need to "let Israel go" because God has met with them and is asking for same. Pharaoh wouldn't bulge. He said, "He knew not the Lord". The spreading of God's news of deliverance to Israel is enough to awaken a dead soul. To this end, people rested from their work which Pharaoh through slavery makes them do.  In Pharaoh's word, "why do Moses and Aaron make the people rest from their burdens?" Pharaoh could only resolve on the fact that Israel gave heed to Moses and Aaron's 'fable' because they had no enough work to do. So, that same day, he ordered that their work be made more bitter and that they shouldn't be given straw again for bricks but rather search for it themselves. To complicate the matter, he also said the number of daily output must not diminish. 

"Straw" usually do serve as fodder for herbivorous animals. This straw is usually threshed and mixed with clay for plastering or to make sun dry bricks. Now, instead of being given already threshed straw for brick making, they're required to go find straw and then process it themselves. Is it not obvious that Israel would need more time to meet with his daily task if output must not decrease and their working hours increased?

This year, God wants you maintain focus. Indeed, lack of enough work makes people pay attention to tales, fables and news they shouldn't have paid attention to. It was the principle of enough work that makes a man busy all day that Pharaoh employs here. If you do know you have much in your front, you won't want to allow distraction. When Pharaoh increased the Israelites' daily task and the slave drivers demanded of them to catch up, you know all of them sat up though they still couldn't catch up. An increase in work means a reconsideration of what you give attention to. 

Be hard on yourself. Humans by our make up have tendencies to be lazy, sloppy or sluggish. That's where the setting of hard laws over yourself comes in. That's the essence of the task masters and slave drivers set over Israel. When they're not meeting up, they're beaten to catch up. You too must put yourself under some hard and righteous restrictions if you won't be behind schedule in what is lined in front of you to do. Work is important and you must immediately find a job to engage in and give it all it takes to accomplish the day's task daily. As it concerns you, maintain your focus. Be busy enough so that you won't have spare time to be tempted or seduced into petty matters that are not life or concern to you just as Pharaoh considered here for the Israelites though he was wrong. May the hands bruised for your sake grant you great economic breakthrough as you work this year in Jesus name.

PRAYER: I receive wisdom to be disciplined and task myself for achievement.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 20:1-22:24, Matthew 7:15-29, Psalm 9:1-12, Proverbs 2:16-22

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Saturday 8 January 2022





READ Genesis 48

Genesis 48:12, KJV

"And Joseph brought them out from between his knees, and he bowed himself with his face to the earth".

While the great desire to have one's issue still reclines in many people's hearts, some don't see the need for it and the population is on the increase. This is very much an act in developed nations of the world where the embracing of pet is even taking the place of a child. Despite this, we can't rule out the joy of being a parent. Those who don't want it are neither sinning nor should they be ostracized. As a matter of fact, in the kind of society they live in, nobody sees it a strange practice. They may have their reasons and it is thus respected. 

In today's reading, Jacob was about to be gathered to his people and he suddenly asks Joseph whose were these? Joseph said of Ephraim and Manasseh as the two God has given him in this place (Egypt). To this, Jacob requested they be brought that he might bless them. From thence, Joseph brought them out from between his knees towards his father. Mark that phrase: "from between his knees". That phrase immediately references this verse.

Psalms 127:5, KJV

"Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate".

When I read that place and saw how Joseph brought out his two children from between his knees, I remembered my father immediately. I'm from a polygamous family and my father had twelve children from two wives. Often times, I have seen my younger ones entering into the in between of my father's knees. How many of you have seen an adult sit, especially men and kids running into their knees even if it is when they're threatened? That knee is a place of embrace, security, love, acceptance and good will. My father was a good man. I love and remember him often. I wish he was alive that we might talk together side by side. I had been inside the in between of  his knees many times also. Watch young boys or girls go somewhere where they are offered a seat with their father, you'll observe they might prefer to be in between their father's knees at times. It is security to them as no one could suddenly snatch them for himself. At times, the father puts them there himself. If they're two or one, they might talk to themselves or play with their toys even in between the father's knees. Still in between their father's knees, they might hit him and call his attention to the candy that should be bought. Whether you have a child or a whole football team, what matters is to be responsible and see that each receives a training that'll make them become in destiny on their own right. Children are not to be wasted and they must not become victims of our reckless decisions.  

Did you read that Psalm? "In between Joseph's knees" goes for the "quiver" in that Psalm also. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them. "In his quiver" to do what? To bring out, to raise until they capture a mountain which becomes pride of parents and the world.

Today, may God visit all those whose joy is to embrace a baby or have them in between their knees. Some have been imagining this image but their knees are still empty. Joseph brought two out. His quiver was not empty. Yours won't. Since you desire a child, none shall be barren in the land shall work for you. For singles who await the joy of being a parent, that joy won't elude you. The relationship between a child and his parent that makes them find fulfilment in hovering round him or taking shelter in between his knees will find you to fulfill on. It is a thing of pride when a fellow asks your children to come and you bring them out from between your knees where they've been housed and tenderly receives the father's reassurance. Look at that! May you find it fit for practice. May your knees not be feeble by sickness or accident. May your legs not be amputated. 

PRAYER: My quiver shall not be empty. I shall have evidences to give at request and always. I receive in my custody children to nurture, train and practice God's fatherhood on. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 11:1-13:4, Matthew 5:1-26, Psalm 5:1-12, Proverbs 1:24-28

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Friday 7 January 2022





Read Genesis 42

Genesis 43:8-10, KJV

"8 And Judah said unto Israel his father, Send the lad with me, and we will arise and go; that we may live, and not die, both we, and thou, and also our little ones. 9 I will be surety for him; of my hand shalt thou require him: if I bring him not unto thee, and set him before thee, then let me bear the blame for ever: 10 For except we had lingered, surely now we had returned this second time".

At the first journey of the sons of Israel to Egypt to buy grain, Joseph knew them to be his brothers and he asked them personal questions. He also accused them of being spies. They did all to prove their innocence which led to their telling the stories of their lives and birth. This led to their saying they still have a brother in the person of Benjamin who didn't take the journey with them. To this end, Joseph requested that Benjamin be brought on their next journey to have them verified as truthful men. So, he took Simeon and bound him in their eyes. 

After the narration of all these things to Jacob, he refused to allow Benjamin take a journey with them. He has been bereaved of Joseph and there is Simeon already detained in Egypt. What a complicated life for this elderly man. This refusal spanned awhile until the bought grain finished and there was need to go back to make a new purchase. Jacob would still not allow Benjamin to go yet Joseph had vowed solemnly not to allow them see his face unless he proves them by seeing Benjamin, his own mother's son. Judah while trying to persuade their father gave surety to Jacob about the safety of Benjamin. While speaking to convince him, he said, "if we had not lingered, we would have returned from the second journey".

Did you see the danger of lingering there? Did you see what not taking action when it should be taken could cause? If Jacob had not exercised fear and they had gone on that journey since before their grain finished and were now at strait, they would have returned. There's always a disadvantage of lingering when the time is ripe. Is there an action you should take now that you're postponing for reasons that are not tangible? Is there a journey, schooling, proposal, project etc that you should throw yourself into but which you're refraining from for the sake of fear despite the fact that the time for such is ripe. Nothing stops them from going to Egypt except for Jacob's fear that Benjamin might be lost like his brother Joseph. Yet, at day's end when they needed grain, he agreed by submitting to take a step of wisdom, exercise faith and hanging all on "whatsoever will happen, let it" [Gen.43:11-15].

Don't linger again. Put in for that study now, start that building project, go into that business. Judah's witness was that they were shortchanged not to have returned the second time. Those who linger don't finish on time. Their mates who are early starters would have been ahead of them. By the time they wake to the reality of having lingered because they were forced to a rude awakening by time, regret of, "I could have given birth to my first born, could have finished my, could have laid my house's foundation etc by now" would be visiting and coming out of their mouth. 

Don't linger. Identify your fear and eliminate them. Throw yourself into it in the Spirit of faith. Our fear is just a disguise like Jacob's was. The Lord is with you and that's all that matters. The time is ripe and your time is now. 

PRAYER: Lord, let me be able to take that one important step that will lead to a great unfolding of destiny for me this year.  I resist fear. I launch out. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 16:1-18:15, Matthew 6:1-24, Psalm 7:1-17, Proverbs 2:1-5

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Thursday 6 January 2022





READ Genesis 44:1-13

Genesis 44:4, KJV

"And when they were gone out of the city, and not yet far off, Joseph said unto his steward, Up, follow after the men; and when thou dost overtake them, say unto them, Wherefore have ye rewarded evil for good?"

When the steward of Joseph caught up with the sons of Israel and had them arrested, he said, "Why did you reward evil for good?" What good did Joseph did them? What evil did he accuse them of doing?

Joseph had been generous to them having discovered they are his elder brothers of so many years. To this end, he filled their sacks with food and refunded their money by putting it at their sacks' mouths. It was like this at their first visitation. The second good he did them was to take them into his own house at their second journey to entertain them lavishly with Benjamin his mother's son. He had an animal slaughtered and addressed them like friends. It was after being guests to him they left for Canaan before they were arrested and accused of having rewarded evil for good. They were accused of stealing Joseph's silver cup through which he drinks and by which he divines as his steward falsely said. 

We all know this was just an accusation and a plot devised to sink them. It was never like the witness given by Joseph's steward. Benjamin was innocent of the accusation. Meanwhile, let me call your attention to how the spirit of disfavour or error works and how by it people fall from great height. 

If Benjamin had stolen the cup indeed, what would have been Joseph's treatment of them all? This time around, let's say they aren't family members to Joseph but ones who have just met with the favour and sweetness of kind Joseph. Will they not all fall and be regarded as ungrateful and ones not to show generosity? That's why they themselves were discouraged and speechless when they found the silver cup in Benjamin's sack? They all rented their clothes. 

May God wean you from every spirit of disfavour that may be working against you. When disfavour is programmed into a life, that person must commit an error that will toss him down from favour to disfavour. The like of which Benjamin was accused of having committed here is what they do in reality. I know people who once stole at where they shouldn't steal from.  How can you be robbing your helper? How will he address and see you at the discovery of such? If you see any who acts contrarily where he has been welcomed and received as a son, it is the devil fighting him not to tarry long in favour and the benefits of being a son. I pray for you that you'll be bathed by the blood of Jesus. Wrong decision, act or speech won't proceed from your mouth that will endanger you and prove you're not seeking the peace of he that seeks your peace and does actively. May all inventions of the enemy to make any who is just or has been shown favour to be demoted. Your boss is taken new interest in you, you won't forfeit it. Is it that you're even homeless but you've found parents in some couples with bowels of compassion, may it not be said that you're the one plotting to steal their silver cup which serves a great purpose in their life and gives them joy. May they not take you in and find you harassing their children sexually. I say it won't be you. I stop bewitchment, enchantment and all incantations to send you back to the dunghill after finding favour to be raised up.

PRAYER: Lord, where I have found favour, may I not reap disfavour. I refuse to go back to the dunghill after promotion.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 13:5-15:21, Matthew 5:27-48, Psalm 6:1-10, Proverbs 1:29-33

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