Sunday, 4 July 2021





READ Nehemiah 1, 2:1-5

Nehemiah 1:4, KJV

"And it came to pass, when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept, and mourned certain days, and fasted, and prayed before the God of heaven."

There are some that it won't concern. In every place and at every time an event happens, some people would be touched while some others would wonder at why people give attention. They'll even mock those who hear and are moved. Today, God wants you to have emotion and be moved with whatsoever happens to your homeland. This is Nehemiah today serving Artaxerxes. Hanani and some other Jews came around to diaspora where he was. He requested after the welfare of the left-behind Jews. Suddenly, Nehemiah was soon in a mourning state. He was soon in a state of fasting and request for mercy for Jerusalem over the saddened report. You should ask, "over what?"

Nehemiah 1:3, KJV

"And they said unto me, The remnant that are left of the captivity there in the province are in great affliction and reproach: the wall of Jerusalem also is broken down, and the gates thereof are burned with fire."

That was what Nehemiah couldn't recover from. It so much affected him that he was observed by the king whom he ought not to serve in unhappiness. But because the king saw this was not his habit, he also concluded it can only be one thing, sorrow of heart. At the king's request, he made it known how he'll love to return to Jerusalem to build the place of his fathers' sepulchres. When you hear uncomfortable things about your country, do you remain indifferent? Do you curse it the more or you bless and turn to the Lord in prayer? The scattering with which the Jews were scattered was linked to their forsaking Yahweh. God had promised to sell them out if they follow after other gods. So, we can say it was what they caused. Yet, Nehemiah never blamed anyone nor reign curses on his city. He just took it up. He was just a server at the king's palace but his influence was like that of a king as given favour by God.

God wants you to be patriotic and consumed with jealousy and zeal for your fatherland. Nehemiah kept repeating something, "it is the land of my father's sepulchre." That is, monuments are there. That's my origin. Things that can't be let go are there. So, there's only one option: to rise and repair it for dwelling again because if we fail to do so, we would lose all these sepulchres that bear references to us and which we bear references to. Look at how a child of the soil spoke good of his country before strangers even when the country is in its weakened and diminished state. If you take sample, many are not patriotic. They've forgotten that life and death is in the power of the tongue. They've forgotten a city is overthrown by the mouth of the wicked and built by the blessings of the righteous.  Should you hear atrocities, war, political instability etc in your country with a fast response of hauling abuses at her leaders and cursing the land? Is it because you're in diaspora that makes you so comfortable and unconcerned? That shouldn't be. Your curses won't turn anything. It would only sink it. Be the change you want to see by beginning to pull rank with your country or continent as if it is lacking in nothing even when it has its shortcomings. We all have biological families and each of us in it have our mess yet we celebrate and say one another well in public. Many haven't changed families but have changed their nationalities. 

You must know that if your country is no more, you're somehow no more because there wouldn't be a place you can be traced to as origin. You'll just be a refugee or expatriate in another man's nation. Today, be Nehemiahic. Let the beat of your country's happenings collect positive responses from you while you serve her in your capacity either at home or in diaspora. We identify patriotic citizens at their countries embarrassing moments. 

PRAYER: I vow to stand in gap for my fatherland in love, strength and patriotism. I shall defend it in truth and pray for it in fervency.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Kings 22:3-23:30, Acts 21:37-22:16, Psalm 1:1-6, Proverbs 18:11-12

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Saturday, 3 July 2021





Psalms 139:12, KJV

"Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but THE NIGHT SHINETH AS THE DAY: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee."

Don't we know that it's adversely out of order for night to shine as the day?

Is this not why we all require illumination when night falls? Night ushers in darkness. Even when awake with open eyes, yet vision is always impaired at night.

However, the reverse is the case in this revelational Psalm of today. I'm already  apprehended, rooting for Yahweh because His ways are past finding. Night couldn't become night to Him. What a fellow!

For God, when people are saying, "I can't see"; He sees. He does because of the spiritual faculty that makes the physical night as day to Him. This matter has gotten to the head as it has hit the crescendo of all seriousness which necessitates you to enter into this realm of activity also.

When other professionals, artisans or people are saying "off season" in your field; because of this medicine that will become a reality in your life, you will stand akimbo with mouth agape and wonder aloud in sincerity "you don't mean it?" 

They'll say, "aren't you experiencing same? Who don't know our business is seasonal? You're not an apprentice but a master in this profession, yet you're asking why sale has not been forthcoming."

Those ones are category A and that's the album they release often. But what is yours as one that Christ is his hope of glory? 


Nothing changes for bad for you though seasons, times, periods be altered. Your day experience however is translated into the night of world's affairs for you. By an invention in the laboratory of spirituality, we're causing a replication of your day experiences even in the night. We have captured the night and subdued it for you. It is now your slave and you will rejoice in every moment men hollers, "something has suddenly gone wrong!"

This remedy worked for Joshua, for he cheated the night by the agreement of the Almighty and went on operating when the whole world knew it should be out of season for him.

Joshua 10:13, KJV

"And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day."

Look, when others are lacking in spiritual strength, what is night to them will be day to you.

By the Spirit of prophecy on me, I call you to begin to have distinct results. Your outcome will deviate from that of the great congregation at the outer court of life. In war, you will know peace. In recession, you will know abundance because of grace, mercy, power of preparation and the anointing that empties supernatural outcome into your container.

PRAYER: Thick darkness will cover the earth but the Lord will arise on me.  When people's confession is "it is night/bad, I'll testify it's day/good.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Kings 20:1-22:2, Acts 21:18-36, Psalm 150:1-6, Proverbs 18:9-10

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Friday, 2 July 2021





Acts 12:15-16, KJV

"15 And they said unto her, Thou art mad. But she constantly affirmed that it was even so. Then said they, It is his angel. 16 But Peter continued knocking: and when they had opened the door, and saw him, they were astonished."

One of the things that shows to humans he is feeble, frail and of dust are circumstances that lords it over him. In today's passage, Peter also had been arrested by Herod and if not for the timely intervention of God through His angel, Herod could have killed him to put smile on the faces of the people. 

The church didn't take his own matter with levity. They learnt after the event that happened to James, the brother of John. So, they prayed unceasing. It was this prayer like incense that stirred up an angel that came for his deliverance up. Don't think your prayers are turning nothing. Keep praying until manifestation is tangible. 

When Peter knocked the gate of Mary, John Mark mother's home, Rhoda for joy didn't open to him immediately but went to share the news of having Peter at the gate. What did the disciples, full-of-faith and praying saints say? They said Rhoda was mad and that she must not have seen Peter himself but his angel. Mind you, it didn't read "ghost" but angel - Peter's guardian Spirit  (Matthew 18:10). You and I also have guardian angels. 

How easy is it to be praying for one thing yet not exercising faith? How can the church pray unceasing yet when the answer manifests still doubts it. They doubted because they had seriously thought all hope was gone for Peter. They said it was his angel because they were believing he had been dead by then. However, it was Peter himself. God did it. It was not a representation of Peter they received back but the man in flesh and blood.

Who am I sent to today? I heard God saying, "I'll surpass your expectation, work beyond your thinking and shock your doubt!" All they were expecting was a dead man. It shows in what they said Rhoda might have seen but it was Peter in figure. Have you not read this concerning Abraham?

Hebrews 11:19, KJV 

"Accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead; from whence also he received him in a figure."

God told Abraham, "in Isaac shall thy seed be blessed." So, standing on this promise, he agreed to slaughter Isaac, accounting God would raise Isaac from the dead after he might have done so. However, God surpassed his expectation also. He rather received Isaac in a figure on the spot. Isaac didn't have to die and be resurrected back before he had him. Look, the General we served is the One that can do this verse below:

Ephesians 3:20, KJV

"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us."

Do you need resources, help or favour that seems hard to receive? My God will shame all those requests and desires that are mountains to you.

Today, the work of the Lord will appear to you. I heard a Psalm in my inner thoughts. 

Psalms 90:16, KJV

"Let thy work appear unto thy servants, and thy glory unto their children."

When God's work appears, that is God's miracles and the manifestation of only what He can do. Receive those works today!

PRAYER: Lord, let Your work appear unto me and heritage. Father, surpass what I ask or think. You're the transcendental God!

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Kings 20:1-22:2, Acts 21:18-36, Psalm 150:1-6, Proverbs 18:9-10

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Thursday, 1 July 2021






Psalms 30:5, KJV

"...Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning."

What do you see? I'll like you prophesy to yourself and say, "I see a new phase!"

God does one thing. He rolls away the former and ushers in the new. Do you ask how that is possible? No argument as we have the fulfilment and even prophecies of such in the Bible. Here is one:

Revelation 21:1, KJV

"And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea."

I prophesy over you, "the first experience of yours shall be no more like the corrupted and not-longer-desired first heaven and earth passed away! If there was no more sea, it means you'll search for some experiences in your life this month and you'll no longer find them again.

The character in the above verse team-worked with God by seeing rightly and saying rightly. He said, "and I saw a new heaven and a new earth..."

Now, you must trust God for two things. The passing away of moments of weeping and the ushering in of days of joy. Weeping may tarry for a night isn't something that anyone enjoys. It's a phase all of us wants to pass. If God allows us choose, nobody would willingly desire weeping days. That it tarries or draws longer before it is exchanged for what each of us is trusting God for is another discouragement for not wanting it. If it were a phase that comes and quickly goes, we might easily be comforted. However, weeping is said to tarry for the night. As if weeping wants us to feel its pain to the fullest, it doesn't go on time until it accomplishes all the intended purpose God might use to work things for our good. "Tarrying" denotes elongation or continuity over a long period of time.

Meanwhile, I have good news for you today. Despite the fact that you've known constant sickness, delay, postponement of a joy etc and have tarried long in this status, God is saying, "this is a time for the weeping season to handover the baton to a new phase of joy." Has it not been said that no condition is permanent? That's a spiritual reality secular men are trying to capture its reality in words that they deem fit. The fact that "joy that comes in the morning" do substitutes the "weeping that has tarried for a night" hints me of a change in your circumstances too.

It is the day that collects duty from the night. So, I pray because of this law sets in motion by God that every night shall break into the day for you. Let the day take over from your night, light from your darkness and joy from your weeping. Have a different experience this month. Have a testimony of an old heaven and old earth you could say has passed away and a sea that is no more.

PRAYER: What I see is a new phase. If the old heaven and old earth would be no more; then, this experience (mention it) shall be no more in my life. I lay hold on the new today. New experiences, revelation, health, economic, marital etc status.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Kings 18:13-19:37, Acts 21:1-17, Psalm 149:1-9, Proverbs 18:8

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Wednesday, 30 June 2021





Read Mathew 17:24-27

Matthew 17:25, KJV

"He saith, Yes. And when he was come into the house, Jesus prevented him, saying, What thinkest thou, Simon? of whom do the kings of the earth take custom or tribute? of their own children, or of strangers?"

Where we should meet wisdom at times, it is unfortunate if what we meet there is foolishness. 

Obviously, out of a readiness to trap Jesus, He was visited for the necessary temple tax. When the collectors met Peter, they had said, "so, your own master is exempted from tax payment?" Their statement reveals that they were ready for trouble if Peter or Jesus had responded otherwise. That's why Jesus who might have seen into what the matter could likely become told Peter to go cast a hook and pay them so that they might not be offended. 

If Jesus should work with the knowledge He had at hand: of children not paying tribute but strangers, a ruckus would have been stirred. In essence, Jesus was calling for a revisiting of the act that said citizens should pay tributes. He was merely challenging it and pointing to the fact that such has expired.

Let us ask ourselves the question Jesus asked Peter. If you want to inconvenient anyone, is it your own family members or those outside? Even kings don't collect tributes from their own citizens but other kingdoms. They spare their citizens and let them enjoy some freedom of gathering wealth and not working for another to feed on. 

Jesus knew something was abnormal which was why he asked which was fit for practice. To collect from children of the soil or from strangers? Those that should be under tributes as Peter relayed ought to be all these conquered cities or nationalities. However, it was not so. It was children that tributes was being demanded of. If you're a leader, you must seek to make your citizens or your own enjoy certain privileges that others (especially strangers) won't enjoy. If you don't, children won't feel like children. It's of no use when the same fate that totally befalls strangers are those that befalls citizens. 

When leaders should exercise jealousy over their own national citizens and seek to protect their lives and properties, it's these same leaders that are rather doing all to make life difficult for those they should make it easy for. Citizens trusted their being into their leaders hands but what if the leaders become the thorns in their flesh? Why should there be extortion of your own children even if you want to extort? Extortion is wrong but it seems unwise if the fellow doing it chooses his own as the victims. Why should you levy them this much? Why should you enact policies that won't make your very citizens flourish? These were the questions Jesus was asking Peter. Jesus was so concerned that He blocked Peter from having entrance into the house until he had shared in that matter occupying His mind up.

Foreigners are the ones easily discriminated against but if any should begin to discriminate against his own citizens, then we should worry. 

So, reserve your jealousy for children while you treat everybody well. Under any circumstance must you treat citizens like any other. If you give birth to children and have adopted ones, you can't but still do at times to your biological children what would tell them you are their parents. It is not partiality. It is jealousy of a father. Even Jesus said to a woman, "children's bread aren't given to dogs! (Mathew 15:26).

PRAYER: Teach me to prioritize my own. Give me love for all but jealousy for my own. May all leaders enact laws that would bring comfort to their citizens.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Kings 17:1-18:12, Acts 20:1-38, Psalm 148:1-14, Proverbs 18:6-7

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Tuesday, 29 June 2021





Job 23:12,NLT

"Neither have I gone back from the commandment of his lips; I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food.

This Bible passage has two things in itself that we must examine. One again is the word of God's mouth while another is the necessary food. We've seen before that we're not saying food is unimportant. It is a thing that we can't do without. The core reason why Job referred to it as necessary. Food has relevance and crucial value. Is there anyone of us who can survive and actually live on without food at all? Men of God, though they're notorious for fasting and going on long one; yet we know it's for a season. Food is called necessary there because it's a thing we can't do without. Elijah was fed twice before his forty days fasting so his health doesn't fail (I Kings 19:5-8). Jesus after His own forty days fast was hungry and though He didn't yield to Satan's temptation to turn stones to bread yet we know would have taken physical food later.

So we don't get in trouble, don't say one man of God says you shouldn't eat. Even Jesus didn't say so. However, He ranked the words from God's mouth above food. That doesn't nullify the truth that food is still a necessary thing. So, if it's necessary, it is. You will need it for energy to go about your daily business. All of us knows that anyone who hasn't eaten can't involve himself in rational thinking. To lift the slightest weight would be impossible when one is thus without food and off course the fellow would soon die off the earth if in that foodless state continues.

If God isn't giving any priority to food, it wouldn't have reflected in these scriptures.

Psalms 34:10,NLT

"Even strong young lions sometimes go hungry, but those who trust in the Lord will lack no good thing.


"Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things,so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's." Psalm 

"The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want." Psalm 23:1,KJV

These portions of the Bible confirmed further how the importance subject of feeding, nutrition and nourishment of oneself is important. God doesn't want us to be unfortunate children who at the end of the day will be disposed to diseases, early death and constant weakness/exhaustion because there is no proper and balanced feeding.

Even when Daniel purposed not to defile himself with the king's rich food, it didn't mean he didn't eat at all. Only that the portion he took was different.

Daniel 1:8,NLT

"But Daniel was determined not to defile himself by eating the food and wine given to them by the king. He asked the chief of staff for permission not to eat these unacceptable foods."

Despite that and with the favour he had with that eunuch, look at what the eunuch insists on.

Daniel 1:10,NLT

"But he responded, “I am afraid of my Lord the king, who has ordered that you eat this food and wine. If you become pale and thin compared to the other youths your age, I am afraid the king will have me beheaded.”

At the end, Daniel reached a compromise of being fed with pulse and ordinary water by him. So, he also ate something. 

Our survival on this earth is based on feeding and adequate feeding though we know that living the kingdom lifestyle will demand we survive on words from God's mouth too which is the  most important feeding.

God is symbolic of Nebuchadnezzar referenced here. He doesn't want us to be worst in stature than even the unbelievers who are our mates. That will deny His being Yahweh Jireh. God is committed to our total wellbeing. He keeps speaking of growth and stature without neglecting wisdom often. (Luke 1:80,2:40, Judges 13:24).

So, no growth happens without feeding. Even John the Baptist was reputed to have fed on locusts and wild honey (Matthew 3:4). If all these men lived on food, then you will too. Our first survival is on that though there's a word from God's mouth you must esteem.

PRAYER: Wisdom and provision to feed well, and for strength, I receive.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Kings 13:1-14:29, Acts 18:23-19:12, Psalm 146:1-10, Proverbs 18:2-3

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Monday, 28 June 2021


MONDAY - 28TH JUNE, 2021



Job 23:12,KJV

"Neither have I gone back from the commandment of His lips; I have esteemed the words of His mouth more than my necessary food."

Whose words do you esteem? Imagine a pupil whose friend keeps asking 'will your dad buy the game for you as he promised?.' That's a question challenging the father's integrity. The boy must have known his father well enough to be persuaded of his father's promise. The word and food are struggling to have the attention of people also. Food has gained many because it comes to us naturally. Hunger reminds us of eating. Not eating reminds us of health failure and death. Meanwhile, we fail to see the many dangers that lack of words from God's mouth could bring. Greater havoc! Many have given their allegiance to what they put in their mouth thinking that real survival comes from it.

Many, many people rank food as being important over instructions from God's mouth. You can't do without eating in a day. Shouldn't you also live with instructions from God per day? Stop deceiving yourself and face reality. When food is graded above what God would have said, you'll soon be in danger. Do you know there are business men who will eat and take all sort of drinks in the morning before going to work who don't see it more necessary to enquire and secure words from God's mouth concerning their business and lives? Yet, this same people do not have a prophet watching their back. Not long, his investment collapses and he experiences a quick down trend for having not received words from God's mouth. Survival is on food but real survival is on the words that stems forth from God's mouth to you.

People strengthen themselves with physical food and jettison strengthening every facet of their lives with what God would have to say. Real and cooperate danger! You see, God has more than enough to say to you. Your not coming at all is what barricades this free flow of privilege information. Motor accidents, plane crash, building collapse, stock collapse etc would still happen but words that you have waited on God to receive early in the morning or at afore times will save you from such. Even, if you're given a prophecy and you're the kind that despises and mock divine things, you'll still have fallen victim of what the prophecy had predicted. Mind you, receiving words for your life and others you're responsible for must be on daily basis. That's the key to your continuous survival on this earth. That's why the word was said to be steady and uninterrupted. 

Matthew 4:4

" takes more than bread to stay alive. It takes a steady stream of words from God's mouth." MSG

It must be continuous word. Why it should also be ever progressive word is because we receive and are given physical meat daily. We thrive on that right?

Luke 11:3

"Give us each day the food we need" NLT

Each day means daily. This is the principle of continual existence on the face of the earth. Even, gods and goddesses' worshippers rank communications and directions from their deity first of all. The priest daily consults his oracle too. He knows today will be different from yesterday and tomorrow from today. Shouldn't we therefore learn this wisdom better seeing it is written clearly in bold prints for us. Life is filled with uncertainties and unforseen contingencies which makes our daily receiving more important. Don't negotiate this today. Start a relationship with God by becoming born again and qualifying for notices.

PRAYER: May I not negotiate intimacy with you. Teach me waiting and receiving. Hint me of future occurrences. I won't fall victim of evils to come.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Kings 13:1-14:29, Acts 18:23-19:12, Psalm 146:1-10, Proverbs 18:2-3

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