Thursday, 31 March 2022





READ Acts 6:1-4

Genesis 39:6, KJV

"And he left all that he had in Joseph's hand; and he knew not ought he had, save the bread which he did eat..."

Responsibility brings prestige and not vice-versa. We must know what to give priority to that causes other things to exist. You can't seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness and not have all these things added unto you (Matthew 6:33).

In today's passage, Potiphar took no thought for anything he had except the food he ate. He has found a trustworthy fellow in whose hands everything blossoms that he could delegates to. You might therefore mistaken Joseph as the hard worker and Potiphar as the eater only! You might turn to defend Joseph for being made the donkey and abuse Potiphar for his laziness, neglect and inaction. 

There's prestige in that act of Potiphar leaving all to Joseph. However, what cause it? That's typical of men of status. Many of the works they should attend to are being attended to by others. Do they just choose to be excused in order to be gallivanting around?

Despite the fact that Potiphar left all that concerns the household in the hands of Joseph doesn't make an irresponsible man out of him. It was the so many demands in his hands that warranted his looking out for whom to delegate to in the first instance. Potiphar was the chief of guards of Pharaoh. In those days, politicians do go on campaigns even outside their countries. At this time, Egypt rules as a world power. Imagine the responsibilities in the hands of any attached to Pharaoh in government. So, when Potiphar left household duties to Joseph, it was not to be sleeping and waking up but to rather give attention to utmost important things. 

One thing that's typical of all high leaders is that they free their time from things that could waste it or divert it from its ultimate focus. Potiphar already had much at hand and if he'll perform effectively in order to satisfy Pharaoh who had enlisted him, he must seek to see how his works could be cushioned. Why make a priority of domestic matters when national matters cry out for help. From earning commendations for national jobs well done, domestic matters receive life, allocation and resources from which they take their being. Off course, there's a place of giving attention to family. This is where Potiphar might have missed it which might have caused the wife to descend so low as to have the head of slaves, Joseph in bed. Of course, that's who she sees daily. Potiphar was therefore revealed by this event as one that rarely stays at home. That's why it was not until Potiphar arrives that she shows him the false evidence she has against Joseph and further accuses him to him. Only a busy man is not always available.

What am I saying? If you embrace the work, you'll have the prestige. Potiphar was doing the work before it got to a place where he was too big to continue taking thought for some issues. So, he had it delegated. You can grow to a place also where your social media accounts are managed for you; where domestic workers are the ones who does the laundry, cooking and cleaning. This won't just come by desiring it but by living the life that gives it.

There's no one that gives himself to the demands of his calling or career that won't one day face the consequence of enlargement faced in verse 1 of Acts 6 that warranted needing further hands. Once enlargement steps in, such is going to be besetted on every sides and would begin to look for escapes. In seeking solutions, he'll have to drop off some lesser duties to embrace higher ones on which his life hinges to preserve his relevance. This is where the apostles of the Lamb got to before they say, "look out for yourselves men that are full of certain qualifications and let them see to this matter. As for us, we'll major in the ministry of the Word and prayer." It wasn't that they were exercising pride by saying they can't serve tables again. We knew they once did. 

So, as a leader, know the wheat from the shaft. No what to delegate from what to cling to. That's your salvation from being idle also. It isn't pride that Potiphar no longer takes thought for petty issues (when a Joseph is there); higher responsibilities called him to come up hither.

Don't just salute people as the boss (those enjoying life only) or think they have all the time to spare when you discover they don't do domestic or ordinary tasks daily. No. They're still as busy or busier than before despite the jettisoning of those tasks.

Whenever there's a jettisoning, it is the elimination of a lower task for a higher and riskier task. So, the task is still tasky. So, don't covet a big status if you can't live out its responsibilities.

PRAYER: Lord, teach me what to pay attention to as I scale the ladder of leadership. May I not have misplaced priority.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Deuteronomy 16:1-17:20; Luke 9:7-27; Psalm 72:1-20; Proverbs 12:8-9

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