Monday 27 September 2021





Read Acts 6:1-5

Acts 10:9, KJV

"9 On the morrow, as they went on their journey, and drew nigh unto the city, Peter went up upon the housetop to pray about the sixth hour:  10 And he became very hungry, and would have eaten: but while they made ready, he fell into a trance"

Peter would have eaten but while the food was still being prepared, he went to pray. While he prays, he had a trance.

I'll like you focus your mind on Peter praying and some people cooking for Peter. He was not busying himself with prayer and thinking of when he'll cook. Many want prestige but they don't want responsibility. Peter got to a place where by responsibility, it is no longer his to look after some things. That's what some are intentionally looking to be relieved of yet they're not spending their lives on any purposeful thing that vindicates them of their desire. 

I ask, "responsibility or prestige?" In this month, I have only cooked three times. My eating throughout this month has been by ordering or eating out. Don't think another thing. That act of no longer cooking came as a result of some other responsibilities. I have some demands on me that makes it totally hard to cook. After getting home in the evening from the day's work, that's when I'll start another work even till midnight. My rest has been little. Considering that, if I want to be effective and deliver within fixed schedules, I needed to free my time of what another could do for me to assist me.

That job I was doing obviously gave me enough money that could cover for my food without my feeling it. So, I went for that. A superficial young chap may see that and wish he's also not cooking but commands someone around for it. Yet, he won't know I've being cooking all my life till this month. That's where having a wife comes in also for relieving of duties. 

This is where I now understood those high executives who have maids, drivers, P.A. etc. You see, your office or the kind of responsibilities that begin to come your way can fetch away from your hands some other duties. You'll just see that some duties are now obsolete. Even the new at your hand can become obsolete when you're promoted and need to leave it for a junior officer. If you look at high government officials or those individuals who have made their marks, they don't give attention to some lowly things. They rather pay for them. Many of us have abused them and called them lazy because we thought they were trying to escape responsibility but not at all. They are the busiest if you don't know. They're even busier than you. You might have said, "what will I need a maid for?" It's because your work is not yet overstretching. When it does, you'll have people to take care of many things in your life. You'll even have a secretary!

When I look at the Bible, I saw that the disciples were not trying to look bossy when they drop assignments or delegate it. They only want to keep their focus and let their priority be on the utmost concern that they shouldn't be diverted from. Do you remember Satan could have wrapped the apostles into the ministry of serving food if they had not separated between the most important and important.

Acts 6:2-4, KJV

"2 Then the twelve called the multitude of the disciples unto them, and said, It is not reason that we should leave the word of God, and serve tables.  3 Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business. 4 But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word."

Now, what happened there occur because of a population explosion of the church. So, some were neglected as an oversight because they didn't have much hands to equal the population at hand. When your prayer begin to be answered and growth of all kind begins to take place in your life, some good problems will show up. The 12 said it doesn't make sense for them to leave God's Word to serve tables. They chose the job to stick to and the one to employ hands for.

This is the life of high executives in the real world. There are those that rarely sleep yet they must sleep. Is it the time you have to sleep you'll now consider giving to dry cleaning. Why don't you pay for that service to free your time? That's that life. That's why some professionals are still in demand. At times, if you meet great people functioning in their Adamic mandate like the twelve in their Jesus mandate, you may say they're wasting money because he has a gatekeeper, guards, cooks, cleaners, drivers, secretary, head of house staff, utility manager etc. It is not. If he's careless, he'll suffer loss and as not to suffer, he must learn effectiveness. Just like he's busy, the wife is also since she has a career or business she's growing. That also has rubbed on the children who are beginning to be known in their fields. They rarely do house chores themselves because they must be relevant where they're looking for them. It is not that they were not groomed from the start to know all those just like their parents could do it. Growth only has shown them priority and that isn't sin, pride or laziness. 

Our race is against time and to do much more where God has called us, jettison what isn't very much the details of your calling to embrace for life what is the core of your assignment that will keep you relevant in this world. 

PRAYER: I receive the strength of a high leader. I operate by wisdom to rank needs.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Isaiah 41:17-43:13, Ephesians 2:1-22, Psalms 67:1-7, Proverbs 23:29-35.

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