Tuesday, 7 January 2025




HERE COMES RACHEL WITH THE SHEEP - Unorthodox Daughter Series 001

Genesis 29:6, ESV

"He said to them, "Is it well with him?" They said, "it is well; and see, Rachel his daughter is coming with the sheep!"

This verse is one of the strange verses you might see in the Bible. Strange in the sense that it says a female child comes with the sheep. You might need to check who the Bible says come with the sheep again and again. But irrespective of how long or how many times you check, the name you'll find there is that of a female child or lady, Rachel. 

Why would Rachel come with the sheep? To come with the sheep here doesn't mean ordinarily following the sheep without having a thing to do with them. It doesn't mean as the sheep are being led to the well, Rachel follows them so that she might fetch water for the evening or cooking. Rather, she follows the sheep because it is her job to follow and see to their welfare. This immediately arouses our suspicion if Rachel is ever a shepherd or shepherdess. Is she called or regarded a shepherd ever in the Bible? Would Rachel make it into the prestigious record and hall of fame of those who keep sheep or cattle in the Bible? Was she ever inducted by a specific identification as a shepherd or is this all we have as evidence to guess whether she's indeed a shepherd or one who just follows the sheep?

In days to come, you'll be seeing this with me. This is the story of the girl who comes with the sheep. I once read a story. It's the story of a boy who caught a wolf, hid it under his clothe from his commanding officer but won't cry (as not to arouse any suspicion) even as the wolf bites him. That story dubbed him, "The Boy Who Won't Cry." How should I dubb Rachel as given away by this passage if not as, "The Girl Who Comes With The Sheep." Even if there are no further biblical proves to ascertain if indeed Rachel is a shepherd, I'll be doing some good comparison of Rachel with another closely related woman of the Bible so that you might see that there's something peculiar and extraordinary about Rachel who the Bible describes as coming with the sheep. Something gives her away as a shepherd. It sets us thinking and that's the fact that, "she comes with the sheep." Looking into the Bible, that is not the testimony of many female children, girls, ladies or women. They are rarely described as "coming with the sheep" or as "shepherds." As such, let us focus the light of analysis on Rachel, the lady and daughter who comes with the sheep.

PRAYER: My girl child is distinct. She isn't inferior but loaded with gifts and armed with high calling just like any esteemed male or man.What a man can do; a woman can do also!


Matthew 6:1-18 & Genesis 18-19

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Monday, 6 January 2025




FULL OF THEM - Full of Them Series 006

Psalm 127:5, NLT

"5 How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them! He will not be put to shame when he confronts his accusers at the city gates."

The Bible didn't say, "how joyful is the man or woman who has one?" It rather says, "how joyful is the man or woman whose quiver is full of them." We all know what a quiver is. We know it houses arrows. But beyond that, arrows housed in a quiver are in a state of continuous sharpening as they grind, press or go to and fro in the quiver. The quiver houses and sharpens therefore. That's the function and role of any parent. Not only to house, provide shelter and other welfare for their wards but to train them for destiny purpose or for their individual calling. 

Arrows in a quiver are being reserved for use. There's no arrow drawn from the quiver by a shooter that undergoes another sharpening before being put to use. No! No one does that. It is believed that they are ready already. Only that they're in a waiting state. Getting ready for demands to be made on them or for their names to be called for a specific purpose. 

A hunter might see an antelope now and draw an arrow from the arrays he has in his quiver and shoot it at that animal. The purpose that serves would be killing the hunt. He might draw another only for the purpose of making a mark on a tree or plucking something from a tree. So, arrows don't have the same specific assignment though all might hope to be sent on errand when there's a debate, clamouring, accusation and struggling at the gate. 

Just like a father or mother do have his quiver full of them, a nation can have her quiver full of them. So much more that when they're counting world renown, influential or most impacting persons, they'll keep referring to a particular country. There's no way you can talk of Nobel Laureates and not remember the Jews who off course are of mixed heritage/parentage of Blacks. Such people would mean the gifts their ethnicity or country has given to humanity or the entire human race. Those are therefore arrows that have gone out of the quiver of that nation to bless the world in Invention, Fintech, Science or what have you. 

A day would come when people would ask, "what has your own nation contributed or for short, what have you contributed?" May you be able to say in the midst of that jangling and accusation that, "do you see that person? He is from us. You see that other person, he won a Nobel Laureate and he's our citizen." It is that that settles the matter. 

That is why the man whose quiver is full of them is joyful. He is joyful at what they can become or be used to do. Imagine if it were one man who fathered Pele, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos. They'll be deemed to be arrows from that man sent into different spheres to have effects. That's why that man is not described as "happy" having only one but having many and having them fill up his quiver like Joseph who brought Ephraim and Manasseh from between his knees. His father asked, "who are these?" His reply was, "they're the children God has given me in this place."

When you're questioned or when the need arises, may you have representatives to present. May your family, nation, continent not lack such great men that we can look back and in turn dubb as arrows because they manifested as same. Indeed, happy is the man whose quiver is full of them and that's because he can and will be represented well. 

PRAYER/CONFESSION: I am not ordinary but mighty and renown. When national saviours and deliverers  are called, I am one.


Matthew 5:21-48 & Genesis 15-17

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Sunday, 5 January 2025




YOUR QUIVER IS FULL OF THEM - Full of Them Series 005

Psalm 127:4-5, NLT

"4 Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior's hands. 5 How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them! He will not be put to shame when he confronts his accusers at the city gates."

I pray for you, "you will not be lean in spirit, soul and body. You will not be deprived." Have you seen those expecting for long but who haven't received before? It doesn't have to be expectation for a baby now. Such eventually become weary and if care is not taken, dry! They'll lack joy or any motivation. For them to do what others are doing speedily and effortlessly, they'll need a doze of encouragement or stirring for same. This is when by experience you can learn how the joy of the Lord is usually anybody's strength. Anyone without joy is usually weak even if he is not hungry. However, God is changing your narration today if you're in the region of my description. The Bible is very very clear and specific when it says, "the land of Zabulon, and the land of Nephthalim, by the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles; 16 The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up" (Matt.4:15-16). Now, God didn't flash His light to any other place but on those and to those who are in the region where darkness is. Those are the people who need that ministration and God gave it to them. Everyone who's where they are who has become weary or dry because they lack the joy that comes from being blessed or having received, God is answering you today. 

The Bible says in Proverbs 13:12 that  "hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life." The Bible says, "how joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them." What a thing when your quiver is full of children! Quiver here is metaphoric of your house, person or entity. "To be full of" means to have abundance of something. That made me say God is set to give you abundantly until you can have the testimony of your own quiver being full of it. However, this blessing can be decided by you like the manna that is measurably gathered according to what each man can take or eat (Exo.16:21). However, God is ready and not withholding from you blessings that'll fill your house. 

Your quiver - house or knees will be full of them. Henceforth, you'll have one or two to show for it. When there's a call at the gate awaiting a response, you'll have one or two to answer and attend to same on your behalf and for God and His kingdom's sake. When it concerns finances for the kingdom, you'll have wards to respond. When it concerns being deliverers for their nations, you'll have one or two that'll be called deliverer of this nation and recognized so. Today, your face is saved and you evade disgrace. Because of this blessing which Yahweh shall therefore give, instead of being lean, you shall be fat like the tree of the Lord that is full of sap. You'll be joyful and remain joyful. You're not deprived of any good thing. Your hand has it all. 

PRAYER: I am full of joy. Anything that'll complete my joy is received in Jesus' name. My children are notable - men of renown in their fields and callings.


Matthew 5:1-20 & Genesis 12-14

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Saturday, 4 January 2025





Psalm 127:5, KJV 

"How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them! He will not be put to shame when he confronts his accusers at the city gates."

Do you know that in every culture there's a respect that follows you especially if you raise notable children? Having or raising notable children - ones that can confront the enemy at the gate is not only the heart cry of many people but is also the outcry of God. God is looking for representatives everywhere. God is looking for ambassadors everywhere. One thing that amazes me is this. There's no where where God is not represented. Even if it seems that a place has been islamicized or notable for resisting the gospel, never think God is handicap and has no one who fears Him or does His will there that would be ready to defend and sanctify Him as holy. God is well represented everywhere even if He only has a pint of people or just one. Our God is never stranded. In every nation, aisle, valley, mountain, jungle, city and even home, He has someone who He could take and use for His own glory. He has someone He could breathe Himself into (inspire) and have him or her do His sovereign will. 

People, just like parents desire having children in order to escape disgrace or embarrassment, so also do God desires having children who would carry His aroma, name, values, emblem and institution worldwide. While Satan has gone to town creating needs in the lives of people and causing them harm, God is looking for those to fix into the seven mountains of the earth and every place where humans could be found to destroy the works of the devil and bring down His kingdom on them. 

God, while testifying of Abraham says, "for I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment; that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him" (Genesis 18:19, KJV). "After him" to do what if not to abide by all God has commanded should be done? It is when all these are adhered to that Christ's values and the kingdom's are spread, imbibed and practiced by all. God is looking for those to use as His extension, rod, arm or witnesses to the world. How I pray that you'll have an opened eyes to understand and say, "God, if you give me, I will give him back unto you." It is such people with the heart of Hannah that God is answering now. God does not want to give to lose again. He's giving to gain more. When He sows Jesus (through His death), He reaped all of us. While Jesus conquers hell, death and the sting of death, God is expectant that you also will arise like a colossus in your calling, get administered and indeed manifest as arrow sent on errand. If God has you, He shouldn't be reproached any longer. If you're there, you should stand up for God and the kingdom. Therefore, God is seriously counting on you. 

PRAYER: Lord, I am ready to stand for you when the need be. I carry the flag of Christ's kingdom. The gate of hell shall not overcome wherever I am.


Matthew 4 & Genesis 9-11

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Friday, 3 January 2025





WHY GOD GIVES TO ALL - Full of Them Series 003

Psalm 127:4-5, NLT

"Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior's hands. How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them! He will not be put to shame when he confronts his accusers at the city gates."

There's a reason why God gives to all of us. It is so that none will appear before Him empty handed. It's also the reason I'm perceiving God might want to give to you too. 

It's so that when asked or when requested of, you can bring forth one or two from your quiver or from in-between your knees. God does not want you to be without feedback. Effective communication is said to have taken place when a feedback or response is received. In same manner, you cannot be deemed to be effective or responsive until you have children that can answer for you. God wants to give you yours. It is the will of God for you in particular to be blessed and to carry yours. God shall not withhold any good thing from you. "Any good thing" the Bible says. 

Psalms 34:10, KJV

"The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the LORD shall not want any good thing." 

Psalms 84:11, KJV 

"For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly."

YOU are both a God seeker and an upright man. Today, God wants to give you so that by that one or two issues you will have, you'll be able to wrought and defend His will at the gates.

What God is looking for are representatives of Him and His values everywhere. He's looking for those to reproduce Himself through and thereby pass Himself to generations to come. If you'll stand well as one through whom God could pass Himself to your kids, why won't God give you two or more? Why won't God fill your quiver with them? He knows that having children won't be for show or the afflicting of the barren as Penninah did to Hannah (I Samuel 1:6). He rather knows that your having a child will be to be able to stand unashamed and speak with the enemies in the gate. If there's one enemy that we are called to confront and destroy his work, it is Satan. Jesus manifested for that purpose and everytime we realize sonship, we ought to be destroying - wearing out, tearing down, degrading and making null the works of the devil.

I John 3:8, KJV 

"...For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil."

God has found no other to use than human beings or vessels sold or given to Him. Those God would likely find readily available and useful are those who have been raised with that mindset and for that purpose. That's the purpose those children in your home should serve. That's the purpose those kids in-between your knees must discharge at growing up and realization of themselves. It doesn't necessarily mean becoming pulpit ministers but rather fulfilling same purpose irrespective of where they are. Nothing else. Just that. 

May God open our eyes to see that God is raising seeds for Himself at this particular moment. You must know the time that has come upon the world just like our theme for Year 2025 says, "We Know Our Time." At this time, God is seeking those who can go around, bring the challenge to the enemy and destroy his work wherever they find it. Will God find you and your seeds useful?

PRAYER: Lord, I accept your will over me and my kids. I submit to it. Be it unto us according to your word.


Matthew 3 & Genesis 6-8

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Thursday, 2 January 2025





WILL MEN PUT IN YOUR BOSOM! - Full of Them Series 002

Luke 6:38, KJV

"Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again."

I said, "good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over...will men put in your bosom." Say, "amen" to that! This Year 2025 might be reaping season for some of you. The Bible is clear saying, "to everything there's a season and a time to every matter on earth" (Eccl.3). Some seeds might have been sown earlier on in your life. You might have even forgotten them. However, they shall be raised to speak for you. Resurrection or remembrance of seeds afore sown is a big biblical reality. The Bible speaking of Abel says in Hebrews 11:4, "by faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh." Also, we read of Cornelius. 

 Acts 10:4-5, KJV

"4 And when he looked on him, he was afraid, and said, What is it, Lord? And he said unto him, Thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial before God. 5 And now send men to Joppa, and call for one Simon, whose surname is Peter:"

Though Abel was dead and possibly buried, his blood still cries or speaks. That typology means a long buried or sown seed could come back to speak. You might have sown your seeds (which is typical of having buried them) but you shall find that which you have casted on the water (Eccl.11:1). It is not lost. No good doing ever disappears. Rather, it is being accrued as deposit for you. It has been going into your investment and savings plan. That's why the Bible admonishes us not to be weary of good doing.

Galatians 6:9, KJV

"And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not."

Same is written in II Thessalonians 3:13. It says, "let us not grow tired of doing good." The Bible even says some have entertained angels without knowing and obviously for this reaped a harvest and blessing greater than what they have sown or given (Heb.13:2). Examples would be Abraham and Lot. 

However, I'll like to draw your attention to a place in that verse that says, "good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over will men put in your lap." Yesterday, we read of Joseph bringing forth blessings of children from between his knees. Today, we're meeting a like word that says, "...will men put into your bosom or lap." How many of you has something being weighed unto you or into your lap before? Or has anything being weighed to you that you need your lap or bosom to cringingly support its weight or quantity before? That shows it's massive or very much. 

That's why the Bible suggests the idea of measuring it into your lap or bosom. Your lap or bosom is much more wider than your arms. Your bosom not only comprises your lap but your upper temple and a part of your belly area (for support). A thing weighed into your lap or bosom has much space to occupy than the one weighed into your arms. For this reason, God is saying the harvest you'll have in return for having given or sown in service for His cause or humanity's is such that'll be abundant to the extent that it'll be measured in your bosom. Or did you not hear the description of that blessing? Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over will men put into your lap. 

Say, "I don't collect small small things. What I collect and that which is measured to me is always big and over weighing. They are big big things."

That it is coming as a good measure isn't okay. It'll be pressed down (to accommodate more), shaken together (to be evenly distributed on all sides to also accommodate more) and after all these are done, the result would be that the blessing to be given to you is now running over. That's what would now be collected, carried and emptied into your bosom or lap as if it were a truck sand of tipper being offloaded unto you. At its offloading, how would it look? It'll fill the space. It'll exert weight and occupy space. Amazing things are your portion this year. 

You see, the kind of blessing that's allowed in your life are those that fit these descriptions. The kind that when estimated or valued, we must pass through the "good measure stage, pressed down stage, shaken together stage and running over stage." Such blessing in anybody's bosom isn't small. It is huge and collosal. Receive the story of your big things from now!

PRAYER/CONFESSION: Good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over blessings will men put in my bosom this year. I am enlarged to receive my enlargement. I receive my big big things. Oh! Visitation of big things.


Matthew 2 & Genesis 3-5

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Wednesday, 1 January 2025





THE ABUNDANTLY BLESSED MAN - Full of Them Series 001

Genesis 48:12, KJV

 "And Joseph brought them out from between his knees, and he bowed himself with his face to the earth."

The image being painted here vividly reminds me of a picture where my father has two of my siblings in-between his knees while the rest of us surrounds him. This imagery of having children - not one in between one's knees shows having abundance, being full or being blessed. 

I know that some might choose not to marry, let alone give birth. It is by this they'll be marked as eunuchs for the kingdom of God if their dedication is for God and the furtherance of the gospel. There are other eunuchs anyway (Matt.19:12). However, having children and having them as arrows in a quiver paints the image of a blessed man.

The Bible says in  Psalms 127:3-5 "3 Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. 4 As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. 5 Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate."

Note the statement that says, "happy is the man that has his quiver full of them." Now, take that statement and compare it with the imagery of having children in-between one's knees as portrayed by Joseph who has Ephraim and Manasseh in-between his knees. You'll observe that what that suggests of Joseph is the picture of a blessed man. A man that has and has and is comforted because he has. He's a man that has and can be said to lack nothing because he has the crown of creation as his reward! He's a fulfilled man - not lacking in joy!

The Lord is starting this year with the fact that He wants to make your quiver full of them. He wants to make your knees to be full of them. He wants to bless you with one, two or three so that you can bring them forth from between your knees for certain purposes as fit their callings and destinies. 

For waiting fathers and mothers, God has not forgotten you and it is not ordinary that God is leading me to proclaim to you that your quiver shall be full of them. The valley of dry bones is not in want of bones. It is full of them (Ezek. 37). Why should you be in want constantly for children? Does it seem you have none now? When others are pushing their own forward or bringing them out of their knees in fanciful and ecstatic joy, it looks as if your own knees are empty. However, Jireh (the Provider) says I should tell you that you shall not be disgraced. You shall have and to 'spare.' You shall have and have to send on errand. You shall have and have ones that'll become pride of parents. So shall it be. Welcome to a New Year where you're full of all blessings!

PRAYER: Father, my quiver is not empty nor is my house void of joy. Abundance upon and all around me as I journey this year. 


Matthew 1 & Genesis 1-2

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