Sunday, 30 January 2022





READ Genesis 27:1-25

Genesis 27:20, KJV

"And Isaac said unto his son, How is it that thou hast found it so quickly, my son? And he said, Because the LORD thy God brought it to me."

I pray for you, the Lord will bring it to you. When the Lord brings it to you, you will locate it easily and your time of wandering shall be saved. 

Isaac was old and he knew not the day of his death. To this end, he called Esau his son to go hunting and fetch him meat such as he liked for preparation of a delicious meal. He'll need to bless him before his death. They wouldn't know that Rebekah spies on them and has heard all. 

While Isaac was jealous for Esau, Rebekah was concerned for Jacob. They each have their team member and one they were loyal to. May you not lack your man. It was Jacob's man (her mother) that helped him or else destiny blessing would have jumped him over. May God give you those who will watch your back and the back door for you. That was Jacob's advantage in today's reading. It's also your leverage in this life.

Where critical decisions will be taken, may you have those that will fight for you.  On that note, Rebekah therefore instructed Jacob to bring two kids from the flock which she'll prepare into the kind of meal Isaac loved. Jacob's fear was eliminated and this plan was carried out. When Jacob got the food ready for Isaac, Isaac was shocked at how the process of getting a bush meat could have been so shortened for anyone. So, he asked, "how is it that you were so quick about it?" That question shows Isaac was not ignorant of how tedious hunting for animals could be. It was also a means of verifying who came. Jacob however said one thing that my emphasis will be on today. He said, "because the Lord thy God brought it to me."

We knew God didn't bring anything to Jacob because he didn't even go hunting. He only lied since the animals he prepared were domesticated animals. However, let's leave all those to concentrate on the feedback of Jacob to his father which is actually a possibility in any Christian's life. 

Do you know God could bring things to you? We all know that it took Esau a considerable longer time before he appeared before Jacob. What if as soon as he got to the wild, he didn't have to spend much time but a shorter one than he spent before God brings it to him.

People of God, God is still in the business of bringing it to His children. Twenty of you can be primary school mates. You started all together from the beginning but after twenty five years, some of you might have gotten why they're in this wild (life or earth) while others are still roaming around to find a perfect game or even find their foot. When you meet some of them and ask, how are you doing? How's family? They'll have evidences to show for it. They already have those things and on every matter of life have been helped greatly like the Lord helped Uzziah. If it's on purpose, they're already functioning big time in the anointing of their callings and details of their careers. Nothing is just lacking because their names are fledgling brands that are now being noised around at their level. When God brings it to you, struggle is eliminated. The house some are not eating but saving heavily to build can be given you. What the world is dying to have, cutting corners to achieve all can be delivered at your doorstep. Gift and inheritance are two means through which God can bring it to you apart from reaping a bumper harvest in what your hand has found to do which can give you quick acceleration to achieve. Favour is another way of quickly gathering. 

I pray for you that when you go out in the morning to fetch what to eat, it will quickly come to you. While scouting for what to bring home, you won't meet a predator. All the things that a man needs to be a man or woman in this life, may the Lord God of Israel, Isaac and Jacob betray them into your hands so that your journey will be quicker over your mates. Receive it.

PRAYER: God, you're a betrayer and deliverer of good things needed for life unto my bosom; give to me on time.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Exodus 10:1-12:13, Matthew 20:1-28, Psalm 25:1-15, Proverbs 6:6-11

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READ Mark 11:1-10

Mark 11:3,KJV 

"And if any man say unto you, Why do ye this? say ye that the Lord hath need of him; and straightway he will send him hither."

I want you to see that you'll be doing yourself a great favour if the Lord beckons on you and you hear. Men can call you with a no at hand for them. If the Lord does, I'll say, drop that which you have in your hands and follow. Jesus sent the disciples to go to a place and bring a colt tied on which no man has ever ridden. What a virgin it was! He, knowing they might be questioned gave them words to answer them. It wasn't that Jesus had afore preplanned with the colt's owner. The utterance which would communicate to the hearer, "the Lord has need of it" was therefore given to the disciples. That's the currency with which they went on that journey. 

The Lord has need of it? Yes. That's His demand. If it is, let's give Him. You should be humble to learn from today's teaching. He they met didn't delay them after they said the Lord has need of it. They immediately let them go with it. What the Lord has need of is what He can't but get. That's how it should be though we have known some for their obstinacy and disagreement even in the face of the Lord has need of it. These are of the group who won't let go. These are of the set that their possessions are too weighty for them to part with. These are those who disdain God and do not esteem Him in act but can confess Him as Lord till tomorrow. For no one esteems God really that doesn't do so when sacrificial demands are made on him. Pharaoh won't let Israel go but Israel had to still go. God will do it even if it will be by strong arm.

The Lord has need of it! In the Yoruba culture of the Nigerian people, their ancient monarchs are known for exercising absolute authority. This authority was so far reaching that the king could see a lady and say, "she pleases me well. I'll have her for wife." All can't but agree even if they're not well pleased. It is the king. It is royalty that has made demand on them. It is not a man of mere presence. They'll even be honoured becoming in-law to the king though he's one with many wives already. How much more God to you? If the Lord requests of you a thing, He should have it. That's when there's nothing in God's will you stretch at without obtaining. It is the Lord that has need of it. It doesn't matter how costly it is. It's obtainable. If men would obey these ancient kings, how much more the Royalty that gives royalty to royalty? We should see and fear. Jordan saw and fled. You must be touched also. The Lord has come. If He tells you I need you for this or that purpose, let go. Don't struggle with God. He only wants to bring you to a great estate. When the Lord told Peter to lend him His boat which he did, the Lord rewarded him with the catch he has never caught before. Afterwards, the Lord made a final demand on him by saying, "follow me and I'll make you fishers of men." You can tell whether after Peter's heeding of this call he wasted away or grew in relevance. Is there any God has been saying, "I have need of you to but who's withholding?" Are there parents there who are withholding their children from their God's need for marriage? Those words have not changed. It is still, "the Lord has need of them." You should hear, be touched and submit. Come to the acknowledgement that it is the Lord and not the disciples you're seeing in their irrelevance who have come to make the tender. 

PRAYER: Lord, I submit to your demand over me. Nothing I possess will be held back from Your service. All that's mine is Yours and Yours first of all.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Exodus 8:1-9:35, Matthew 19:13-30, Psalm 24:1-10, Proverbs 6:1-5

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Saturday, 29 January 2022





READ Psalm 105

Psalm 105:17,KJV

"HE SENT a man BEFORE them,even Joseph,who was sold for a servant."

God in His infinite mercy will not leave us comfortless. He always plans ahead because He has foresight. Israel is the beloved, covenant nation of God. They have special spot in God's heart. God is always committed to keeping them in existence. Israel/Jews had faced terrible attacks and persecutions down the line of history but they have emerged survivor and not a victim. God always has a strategy for keeping them continuous. This is one we're studying.

Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers so they might terminate his dreams. However, it wasn't men that sent Joseph there but God who was working out His will. God only used his brothers as the vehicle to hasten him into this special assignment or destiny. In Gen. 45:5-7, Joseph who had knew why he came to Egypt comforted his brothers not to be grieved for selling him off but to see the purpose behind it. Permit me to say, it was God who gave Joseph off to be sold that the Israelites might not perish by the reason of the 7 years famine to come. Everything was God's doing all along! Off course, that made it marvellous or baffling!

Joseph kept telling them, I was sent here to preserve and keep a remnant for Israel. "God made it so and had made me even a father to Pharaoh. I have a position of influence to preserve you by providing food  for you until this famine is lifted. This is why I was sent here" [Paraphrased].

Though his life was hard as a pioneer who went and cleared the path for others to have a stress free journey; he didn't take it for granted or ignore his calling. Have you asked why you are first amidst many brethren. It's because the call of a pioneer, saviour and care-giver is placed on you. Why would God send you ahead of others and specifically anoint you for success if not for you to preserve lives with your influence, power, wealth or status? Where Joseph got to, nobody in Israel had ever attained such office even amidst people of strange tongue. While many Christians celebrate prosperity and greatness and danced all around; they have not for once enquire why they have come to such great estate. Why I'm I great? For what reason did I graduate faster and at a tender age? Why I'm I the only succeeding fellow here? These are questions of purpose. A Joseph must know he is not created and made great for himself but that he might be useful for the uplifting of others, especially those that are  immediate to him. Some people's eyes would look at you, when it does, give what's in your hands.

There's a reason why you're alive. Joseph forgave and didn't allow grieve or bitterness blindfold or strangle his purpose for which he was sent ahead others. You might have been your own sponsor to becoming such a great one. Others might have ignored you and sold you off to failure and nothingness. However, do look beyond this and live the expectation of heaven hanging on you. Assist your siblings and know you're raised for them. There's a reason for your being sent ahead or before others. While they are in Canaan,you are in Egypt to prepare the ground for their future. You're their provider and preserver. Rise up and live to your task.

PRAYER: Lord, may I not disappoint Your expectation and people's over me.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Exodus 5:22-7:25, Matthew 18:21-19:12, Psalm 23:1-6, Proverbs 5:22-234:1-5:21, Matthew 18:1-20, Psalm 22:19-31, Proverbs 5:15-21

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Thursday, 27 January 2022





READ Psalm 127

Exodus 1:11-12, KJV

"11 Therefore they did set over them taskmasters to afflict them with their burdens. And they built for Pharaoh treasure cities, Pithom and Raamses.  12 But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew. And they were grieved because of the children of Israel".

Why should they be grieved? Were they not the oppressor? Who should be grieved? The oppressed or the oppressor? You have heard said often that "silence is the best answer for a fool". I'll say it has its application in real life situations. If someone does all to get you angry while you keep your calm, do you know because you're not emitting the responses for which you're being frustrated, he might get frustrated. He'll get disoriented and wonder at why you never acted in response to his action despite all. Such people tend to leave you alone finally. They'll drop comments like, "He's a dead man! Let him be!" It rather gives the tormentor joy when you're emitting predicted feedbacks of his tormenting you. The more you get angry when insulted, the more insults he hauls at you again and again. Why? You keep meeting his expectation.

In today's reading, Pharaoh set task masters over the Israelites to afflict them. We read this report which says, "the more they're afflicted, the more they multiplied and grew". Now, this reaction as we saw yesterday defied the Egyptian's action at the Israelites. They ought to diminish and begin to go into extinction because no natural man continues reproducing in high fertility under unfavourable conditions. However, theirs was difference. At the observation of the Egyptians that this thing ain't working, they were shocked and thrown into dread. If they were wise, they ought to search "why?". Seeing the contrary, the Bible says, "they were vexed and alarmed because of the Israelites" AMP.

Is the oppressor not frustrated now? First, they were angry that their moves to stop them didn't work. Secondly, they were scared of the Israelites because it just doesn't make sense for any natural man to continue in high birth rate at their level of slavery. You may not know but let me tell you, there may be those fearing you currently. So much more that when your paths are to cross, having sighted you from afar, they would escape you. You might have been bewitched and enchanted spiritually without it working or showing in tangibility forms the enemy wants it seen. You may not know. The Israelites probably didn't know also that afterwards, the Egyptians dreaded them. But after all, your enemy himself would attest to the fact that you can't be shaken, removed or conquered. It makes such who have fought you without winning to respect you the more. Many of them if they're not the hardened type like Pharaoh will by so be moved unto repentance. They know how esteemed and powerful their bewitchment is. They've fashioned it at many who ran mad or died but seeing you not been affected would set them on enquiry. At their new birth, that's when you'll hear all the long story of how they tried bewitching and bringing you down but which didn't work. In their search for the whys, they came to know your God. May that be the testimony in Jesus name. Tell anyone who's making searches and going on the journey of enquiry of you to continue. Whenever they try, they'll always meet a wall which is God. They'll seek to curb, curtail, restrict and hinder you but all will be to no avail. Their labour will be vain labour because God won't build with them [Psalm 127:1]. Lacking God's support or acknowledgement, you remain the champion unconquered.

PRAYER: Make me impregnable. Teach me right standing with you. I clear my conscience of all things violating my righteousness.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Exodus 4:1-5:21, Matthew 18:1-20, Psalm 22:19-31, Proverbs 5:15-21

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Wednesday, 26 January 2022





READ Gen. 50:15-20

Exodus 1:12, KJV

"But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew. And they were grieved because of the children of Israel".

Due to the blessing on you, you'll defy the situation. You can't but burst the wine skin and outperform.

As one of the intervening techniques of curtailing Israel from multiplication having noticed they're of great populace and then mightier, Pharaoh made them slaves while making their lives bitter with all sorts of rigorous work. Israel was afflicted but Israel didn't bear the marks of affliction. It ought to be that Israel would diminish, die off and become a minority. However, contrary to that evil curbing technique of Pharaoh, Israel was reported to have grown the more! The way it was reported shows God Himself was fighting silently for Israel to prove a point to Pharaoh that who could have a thing decreed except He the Lord says it. For it was written, the more they were afflicted, the more they multiplied and grew. Isn't that contradictory? If you have two plants, which one should thrive or die out when one is being watered while the other isn't? I think the seed being afflicted by not watering should die off. Reverse is however the case for Israel. Israel thrived, survived and stood straight still. That's why you could hear of an orphan somewhere making it despite the lack of support or favourable condition. If you had seen the frown on Pharaoh's face, you wouldn't doubt that indeed the Egyptians were unhappy because of the Israelites (who kept multiplying).

Do you know that under the harshest conditions, surviving is actually a provision for God's own. Isaac sowed in the land and reaped hundred fold yet that was during famine! [Gen. 26:12]. You know that wasn't right. Something had been reversed and didn't work according to the law of nature there. Spiritual influences and forces working through the covenant - lineage's blessings and the personal promise of God to him to sow in same land were what mastered what should have been into what eventually became testimony. Your case is different son and daughter. When A is being done you in  expectance of B, you'll be manifesting Z to the shock of all. You're redeemed to cause shocks, draw awes and make eyes blink!

Are you in a country where prosperity is far from the common man? It once happened but that was when Elijah was eating balanced diet. Another economy will support you when one withers off. Egypt afflicted Israel but Israel never manifested the outcome of their bitterness towards them. Who are those troubling you? At day's end by the time they measure it, they'll see they have not achieved their aim and would be grieved. They'll be unhappy and say, "despite all". Do you know why? You're like a jeep specially built by its manufacturer to be rugged and survive bad roads and harsh conditions. You have in you, on you and around you things that would strengthen you to withstand and survive where the heathen under the same condition falls and collapses. The fiery burning furnace that the three Hebrew men withstood is what slay those who only drew near it. What preserves those ones? They're of a tribe that God is committed to. Devil, do your worst. Fight madly and in anger act in fury, I'll not look like your desire. Say that, " you won't look like Satan's desire". Like Israel, you'll cause awe of outgrowing restrictions. Disadvantages become advantages for you. It will be said of you that limitations rather and actually furthered you. He who works all things together is at the mill mixing what Satan, life and people are throwing at you to become reasons for which you'll testify. You're a tribe that disappoints the devices of the crafty, so that their hands perform not their craftiness while they're grieved until they're brought to repentance or at absolute refusal - destruction.

PRAYER: Father, let me outgrow boundaries. I breakthrough hedges. Make me the testimony tribe and a testimonial to my world.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Exodus 2:11-3:22, Matthew 17:10-27, Psalm 22:1-18, Proverbs 5:7-14

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Tuesday, 25 January 2022





Hebrews 12:2, KJV

"Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God."

You must know that to be distracted is very easy. The very reason why you must intentionally practice selective looking. In today's verse, we are told to look unto Jesus. Looking unto Him and remembering some things about Him can keep us through our own hard times.

Literally, a thing you look unto is a thing you focus your gaze on. Your concentration is on such. Jesus in that verse is said to be taken as our model who endures shame for the joy set before Him. If we take Him as our model and continually remember how He struggled to win, we also would be mindful enough not to let go even when it's tough. We can't say we are alone or have nobody who has passed through the challenges we're passing through even if it's not the same challenge or situation.

A thing you constantly set before you is what you see. That's why the Psalmist says this.

Psalms 16:8, KJV

"I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved."

The remedy to not being moved in this life is setting the Lord before yourself. Something will come around that's enough reason to be shaken or moved. You'll be tried but those who will remain like hills surrounding Jerusalem which can't be moved will be those that have set the Lord before themselves. When you set God before yourself until He constantly takes the elegant place in your life (your right hand side) - showing importance and priority, you'll see that you can't be moved. Those who can't be moved are people who are constantly meditating and have established a strong belief in God. They've given Him the place of God who's all able. They're those who also creates the mental picture of the Almighty and His almightiness before themselves while putting themselves in constant remembrances of His miraculous acts. These are people who like David have not forgotten in a hurry the past works of the Lord but could firmly reminisce and say, "the Lord that delivers me from the paws of the lion and the bear will deliver me from this uncircumcised Philistine also." Those that would remember God's great act in the past are those who can have Him believed to be able to settle future risings.

Have you set the Lord before yourself? If He's not your focus, your meditation all day till He is giving a place in your life where He reigns as very important in your matters (to the extent that you can't do a thing without consulting Him), you'll easily be lost or give up when the storm arises.

PRAYER: Lord, may my daily practices show I've set you before me and that you're at my right hand. May I not be moved. May I see you as a worthy model to look unto and to.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 50:1 - Exodus 2:10, Matthew 16:13-17:9, Psalm 21:1-13, Proverbs 5:1-6

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Monday, 24 January 2022





Read Exodus 2:1-9

Exodus 2:4-5, KJV

"4 And his sister stood afar off, to wit what would be done to him.5 And the daughter of Pharaoh came down to wash herself at the river; and her maidens walked along by the river's side; and when she saw the ark among the flags, she sent her maid to fetch it."

Do you know that the Lord is faithful? The heathen must know and cover their mouth with their hands. Saints in Christ must see and to Him glory. Look, if there's no hand to receive you, one hand won't let you down. Even before your arrival, He takes thought for you. 

The case of Moses reveals a God that won't let you be stranded wherever and at whatever time. It doesn't matter those who are watching how your end would look. If no strand of hair falls off without God's knowing, it means nothing happens to you without God's acknowledgement and permission first of all also. From this, you should draw assurance that you're always in the hands of God even if you're alone now. Moses was just a baby. His own case is worst than Joseph's. Joseph was an adolescent sold into slavery though without parents or one to point to as a familiar face. Moses when he was dropped by the river found himself in a bad condition than Joseph. He was not only without parents but defenseless since he was just three months old. What can a baby do if an ant or snake crawls on him? If we agree he's against these protected, what would he do if a hand comes to collect him away? He wouldn't have resisted. That's why God ensured Moses fell into the right hands.

To test whether God is faithful or not, one character proved God for us though she did out of curiosity. Moses' sister wouldn't go. Something held her still to continue to watch this season movie and see where it would end and where Moses would fall. She therefore hide herself in the bush at a vantage distance where she could see any transaction happening to baby Moses. What a connection between the siblings. Blood is powerful indeed. It brings two or more together in unbreakable bond. While she watches, she saw in queenly garments a figure arriving at the river. What could this mean? That's how the woman drew Moses from the water. As the contemplation was going on, she came out and suggested if her royalty would need a nurse. Yours truly, that's how the boy's mother nurses her own child. Imagine that! When it seems there was no hope, God rose one for Moses and preserved a prophet for Israel. Is it not because of situations like this that we have a scripture like the one below written for our exhortation.

Psalms 27:10, KJV 

"When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up.

Don't forget that clause, "the Lord will take me up." If that's the only verse you remember when you're deserted but surrounded, you'll beat the devil cyclically again and again. Are you a student on campus lacking support? It may not be to your sponsors' joy but don't forget God will take you up. Adoption is a reality. I was adopted on campus by many parents. Different people put money down at different times I needed it. My father had passed on and the burden was just too heavy on my Mama. Are you a missionary or minister who's forlorn in the field? Is the quarterly widow's mite promised you not coming again? The Lord will take you up. Wherever and on whatever you feel this is the end; may I announce, that's the beginning. My Father, you're the One I cry unto day and night. You also freely gave Jesus to us. If you gave this your best, will you withdraw any other good thing from us? Will you not rather freely give us all things to enjoy? I affirm it can't but be. I pray for all forlorn and those at a juncture where like Moses' sister watches what would become of themselves and their situations. It may look like you're in the midst of the sea and you're drowning. You might even have taken some gulps of water but salvation that arises in Zion for Israel shall arise for you today. When you're in no man's land, at the verge of being finished or on the road of being ended, help in time of need: an immediate help shall come your way. If Pharaoh's daughter didn't miss her time but hearkened to God to move to the saving of Moses when an invisible hand stirred her up, none would miss his time to aid you.

PRAYER: Your faithfulness is proven. Moses' sister waited and saw it. I am waiting, let me see it.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 48:1-49:33, Matthew 15:29-16:12, Psalm 20:1-9, Proverbs 4:20-27

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