Friday, 13 August 2021


BENEFITTING FROM THE PRAYER OF JABEZ: A Teaching For Those Who Want To Change Levels

I Chronicles 4:9-10, KJV

"9 And Jabez was more honourable than his brethren: and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, Because I bare him with sorrow. 10 And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested."

There is the conventional crying or action while there's the unconventional. Jabez cried! He cried! Why did Jabez call on God? He cried because he wanted to change his situation. The situation Jabez met himself was not his creation. Whether it was however his creation or not isn't the ultimate. Where the matter is is changing the situation. You can't forever mourn the past when you should take responsibility for the future. Jabez had been cursed subtly at birth and he needed to break off from this pronouncement that has been moulded into a yoke which yielded to him undesirables.

On that note, he called on the God of Israel. He attacked and addressed a particular quarters. He knows every good and perfect gift comes from above. Now, before he cried, he came to the discovery of something not good. He got to a place where having spoken with himself, he decided not to continue that way again. He must off course have seen a lot of disgraces and embarrassments which brought him to himself to say, "enough!" He wanted freedom and he set his mind on it and not any other thing. If you had met Jabez at this time and had asked him what he wanted, he would have mentioned one thing, "change." Jabez knew what to address and then who to address. It was God he called unto. He didn't cry to the mother and say, "make another pronouncement." You must know where to face, who to appeal and draw your requests on.

How many people are tired of where they are, who they are and the repeating happenings in their lives? Until you are tired and wanted a turn of event, you can't take a corresponding action. Jabez got to this brink. He got where he knew nobody would turn things for him except he does it himself. Therefore, like Jephthah, he took his life into his hands and advocated for his cause from the Father. He petitioned God. Like an angry man, he refused to leave God alone nor be comforted. God saw the desperation and signed his demands.  

Come and see contention in the spirit. When Jabez cried to God, it is equal to fighting that curse or label put on him in the spirit. There was a violent reaction. Things shook in the spirit and what was the result eventually?

Jabez then became a new being. One who could be described as being honourable than the children of his mother. But that was not Jabez before. A new Jabez now walks the town. Hallelujah!

Today, may your identity change. May you be known otherwise from the past. May there be a turning and a wide distance from how you're negatively described to how you'll begin to be positively described. 

But before any of these will happen, you must come to the realization of your condition. You must be pained. You must be angry to have a new life. When you are, then you'll see new ideas, actions etc flooding you as practical steps by which your life, status etc would change. Jabez prayed. You may not necessarily pray but rather may take actions which you've never taken before that will bring that new dawn on you.

PRAYER: Sensitize me to what I should resist. Let my awareness lead to unconventional acts to desire change. I receive a distinction that deviates from past's reputation.



Read John 5:1-9

John 5:3-4, KJV

"3 In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of the water. 4 For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had."

May we not be left alone to ourselves and devices. May divinity always join with us at all times and greatly when ministration is sought after.

What can you do unless there's a stirring? The water itself won't move. The congregation will just be still with nothing to jump for joy for. In these Solomon porches were laid many impotent folks. When there is no activity, everybody sits down quietly only in expectation of what can bring activity. There's only one thing that does that. It is the stirring of the water. Until that move of God, you won't see the craving of these invalids to get healed. No one will make an attempt to be healed.

With the description in our reading, we know what becomes consequent at the stirring of the water. The impotents rush into the water seeking healing of whatsoever diseases they have. You see, there can't be movement, race or competition to outrun another unless an angel has stirred the water and is visible to each that the water has been stirred. 

The stirred water is off course an empowered water with healing virtue residual in it. Afore then, it lacks power to turn anything. Does that tells you that natural can't become supernatural until super joins it. That 'super', God is the custodian. Such armed water is what they rush to meet and interact with.

Is this not how you should be taught to receive from God's anointed men? At times, when a minister prays or makes declarations, the congregation or those lacking in estimation treats it as casual. They just stand still. No rushing to the altar. No standing up to receive. No lifting of hand or showing off in a posture that only faith and hunger drives. Lack of faith at every ministration is why ministration is being wasted. It's not that God has not been showing up. If there's a provision made ready for you but which you don't partake of, will it benefit you? If when the water was stirred, nobody gets into it, will the first man on contact be healed? Did you see why people have taken God as a liar and His anointed men as scammers. However, that was not the attitude of those at this pool's side. A stirring of the water draws all of them towards the pool. They will immediately seek to tap, touch and key into it for their healing. They know once this move of God is exhausted or bypassed me, I'll have to wait till a season I can't predict. Even if that season comes on, who knows if it's not another that would be the beneficiary of the stirred water?

I'm perceiving by God's Spirit to tell you that when proclamations are made by any anointed, it is your responsibility to say, "Amen. I receive it." What you esteem will show in how fast you absorb and receive such. If the mercy of God is limited also, how many people will receive of God's goodness with their slowness and sluggishness in receiving? Much education is becoming madness to some people. Instead of enlightenment, it rather causes more blindness. There are the set who will say, "what connection do receiving has to do with happening." Okay, stay there and let your yoke remain from generation to another. Medical science don't break yokes. It is the anointing! Until anointing ploughs that road open, medical science can't come in. 

Look, when the anointing comes upon the anointed, God draws near to show His willingness. It is not the man now but the God of the man. Without the stirring of the water in today's passage, a person on contact can't be healed. Yokes will rather continue bugging people down. Without God showing up through His anointed also, same happens. Problems aren't solved and burdens aren't dissolved. So, it is an act of God's generosity when the anointing hits somebody and under that influence makes pronunciation that addresses people's matters. Any that receives it will be set free, made whole and blessed. If God's willingness is available to minister; there should be people's willingness to receive. 

Let me ask you, how swift do you attend to divine receiving? Your life depends on it. Those invalids were left to the mercy the stirred water has to offer. There are moments when humans can find themselves in problems money can't solve. Such declarations are therefore very important to your salvation.

I pray for you, you won't be slow at heart nor dull of hearing. Your perception will be opened. Today, I bulldoze your problems and burdens by God's anointing on me. What is the sickness, disease (curable or incurable) you have reports over? Receive a different report now. I plough through your land and declare healing and open heaven on you. So shall it be in Jesus name. Amen.

PRAYER: Lord, may I not lose awe for You. May I see and move at once. May I not offend You through those you've put anointing on. May my disbelief not be counted as sin.





II Chronicles 26:15, KJV 

"And he made in Jerusalem engines, invented by cunning men, to be on the towers and upon the bulwarks, to shoot arrows and great stones withal. And his name spread far abroad; for he was marvellously helped, till he was strong."

I want to believe apart from the pride of ascension or achievement that fights people off the height of success, there's a strong demon specially deputized and delegated by Satan to see to it that any man up there comes down. Pride is a demon itself. 

Uzziah started as nothing. Having partnered with God, help untold was brought into his life continuously to fill his nothingness and make him into something that could be boasted of. This help was constantly given him until the Bible described him as having reached a place where he became strong. Do you know what it means to be strong? It actually means being able to stand on one's own now. "Being strong" there brings the idea of a child who can now walk on his own without needing the parents to balance or stabilize him ( taking thought for him that he may fall while walking). However, you'll realize that that child can't say he is done with the parents yet. 

Everybody that can now stand should beware. Don't be deceived that your being able to stand means God is done with you or He should be utterly removed and His inputs. No one removes God that survives it but that's where Satan wants success and your being made strong (at your level now) by God push you to. He wants you get to a place like Uzziah where you begin to disdain holy things.

II Chronicles 26:16, KJV

"But when he was strong, his heart was lifted up to his destruction: for he transgressed against the LORD his God, and went into the temple of the LORD to burn incense upon the altar of incense."

Don't get to where you see your being strong as an excuse not to ask for further help again. You can then despise fellowship and prayer. Prayerlessness and not intimating with God again shows your sufficiency and independence of God.

Do you know what you have is what you may not ask for? When a man is totally filled and lacks nothing, he can easily be  tempted to say, "he needs not God." By the time realization will happen, a thing without remedy or difficult to remediate might have happened. When we pray, we ask for help. All of us are strong in degrees different from each other both in the spirit and the physical - as it concerns earth's goods. This doesn't mean we should cast away God. Ever be humble and continually ask for more. If you agree you're totally strong indeed, you won't know there's stronger after strong and strongest after stronger. With God, blessings and equipping are in levels. He'll test you with little to see if you'll follow still.

PRAYER: Lord, may I be like a child irrespective of your blessing on me. May I never stiff. I move on with you in my spiritual journey. The I've arrived sense won't satiate me.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Numbers 28:16-29:40, Luke 3:23-38, Psalm 62:1-12, Proverbs 11:18-19

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Thursday, 12 August 2021





READ John 4:1-41

John 4:25 -26, KJV

"25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things.  26 Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he".

There's someone or some people that we esteem their words to be the final conclusion. A professional in his field has that enjoyed from us. When we are confused over a thing or argues a thing which couldn't get resolved, we may resolve to ask out what is proper or the correct of the things being argued and fit for practise from such professional whom we believe to know better.

The conversation between Jesus and this woman should win your attention. It started from a request for water which consequently leads to the talk on the partition of the Jews and Samaritans and then the living water. Later on, the gift of the Spirit is triggered and Jesus by word of knowledge discerns some marital issues in the life of the woman. Later on, their talk gets heated as to where is the right place to worship - " in Jerusalem as Jesus said or the mountain where the woman's ancestors had worshiped". To this, Jesus said, "a time is coming when you shall neither worship in this mountain nor Jerusalem. The Father seeks worshippers in spirit and in truth".

The woman not willing to continue arguing gives up arguing at the face of tiredness, confusion and the unsatisfactory resolve Jesus has given and say "Christ comes who is called the Messiah, when He comes, He'll tell us all things". He'll tell us all things means " He'll tell us as one ordained to know what is proper, what best to practice.

Now, with what she has said, you can by that infer yourself that she didn't agree with what Jesus said about not worshipping in that mountain, Jerusalem or worshipping in spirit and in truth. According to her, their fathers worshipped God in that mountain. It's a thing that has been of old and now that Jesus is contesting it with a saying that Jerusalem is a place to rightly worship God and then with a saying that what matters is to even worship God rightly in spirit and in truth irrespective of where one is; now, she's confused and her confusion is revealed by her leaving the matter for someone known as Christ, the Messiah to settle when He comes.

The Messiah has appeared but was missed at His first coming. Many didn't esteem Him so because He didn't come like a warrior who would deliver Israel from the ruling Roman empire. They didn't know the Messiah or Saviour didn't come for physical deliverance to possess a government on earth for Himself. So, since Jesus didn't fit that description, He was exempted by many as Who their Messiah could be.

In today's passage, this woman couldn't identify Jesus as that Messiah which is why she said "the Messiah comes who will tell them all things". Whereas, the Messiah to be believed and whose testimony is to be esteemed has spoken to her the truth to know and even stands before her. The conclusion of the matter and the best answer ever was what Christ told her. Only that ignorance was fighting her until Christ Himself said," I am the Messiah that speaks to thee". Until then, a cause to reexamine the facts didn't come to her neither did she ask like she later asked, "could this be the Messiah?"

People seeks to court the final answer and final solution like this woman seeks the Messiah who will tell it all. What are your doubts, questions, challenges? Today, not tomorrow, they're settled. Don't wait for a word to come in the future to attend to you, Christ has been revealed already. 

I John 3:8,KJV

"...For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil".

So, all devil's works in your life are hereby erased.

PRAYER: Lord, give me revelation of those to esteem, give obedience to and receive. May I not postpone my salvation till tomorrow.

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Wednesday, 11 August 2021





Read John 5:1-9

John 5:3-4, KJV

"3 In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of the water. 4 For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had."

May we not be left alone to ourselves and devices. May divinity always join with us at all times and greatly when ministration is sought after.

What can you do unless there's a stirring? The water itself won't move. The congregation will just be still with nothing to jump for joy for. In these Solomon porches were laid many impotent folks. When there is no activity, everybody sits down quietly only in expectation of what can bring activity. There's only one thing that does that. It is the stirring of the water. Until that move of God, you won't see the craving of these invalids to get healed. No one will make an attempt to be healed.

With the description in our reading, we know what becomes consequent at the stirring of the water. The impotents rush into the water seeking healing of whatsoever diseases they have. You see, there can't be movement, race or competition to outrun another unless an angel has stirred the water and is visible to each that the water has been stirred. 

The stirred water is off course an empowered water with healing virtue residual in it. Afore then, it lacks power to turn anything. Does that tells you that natural can't become supernatural until super joins it. That 'super', God is the custodian. Such armed water is what they rush to meet and interact with.

Is this not how you should be taught to receive from God's anointed men? At times, when a minister prays or makes declarations, the congregation or those lacking in estimation treats it as casual. They just stand still. No rushing to the altar. No standing up to receive. No lifting of hand or showing off in a posture that only faith and hunger drives. Lack of faith at every ministration is why ministration is being wasted. It's not that God has not been showing up. If there's a provision made ready for you but which you don't partake of, will it benefit you? If when the water was stirred, nobody gets into it, will the first man on contact be healed? Did you see why people have taken God as a liar and His anointed men as scammers. However, that was not the attitude of those at this pool's side. A stirring of the water draws all of them towards the pool. They will immediately seek to tap, touch and key into it for their healing. They know once this move of God is exhausted or bypassed me, I'll have to wait till a season I can't predict. Even if that season comes on, who knows if it's not another that would be the beneficiary of the stirred water?

I'm perceiving by God's Spirit to tell you that when proclamations are made by any anointed, it is your responsibility to say, "Amen. I receive it." What you esteem will show in how fast you absorb and receive such. If the mercy of God is limited also, how many people will receive of God's goodness with their slowness and sluggishness in receiving? Much education is becoming madness to some people. Instead of enlightenment, it rather causes more blindness. There are the set who will say, "what connection do receiving has to do with happening." Okay, stay there and let your yoke remain from generation to another. Medical science don't break yokes. It is the anointing! Until anointing ploughs that road open, medical science can't come in. 

Look, when the anointing comes upon the anointed, God draws near to show His willingness. It is not the man now but the God of the man. Without the stirring of the water in today's passage, a person on contact can't be healed. Yokes will rather continue bugging people down. Without God showing up through His anointed also, same happens. Problems aren't solved and burdens aren't dissolved. So, it is an act of God's generosity when the anointing hits somebody and under that influence makes pronunciation that addresses people's matters. Any that receives it will be set free, made whole and blessed. If God's willingness is available to minister; there should be people's willingness to receive. 

Let me ask you, how swift do you attend to divine receiving? Your life depends on it. Those invalids were left to the mercy the stirred water has to offer. There are moments when humans can find themselves in problems money can't solve. Such declarations are therefore very important to your salvation.

I pray for you, you won't be slow at heart nor dull of hearing. Your perception will be opened. Today, I bulldoze your problems and burdens by God's anointing on me. What is the sickness, disease (curable or incurable) you have reports over? Receive a different report now. I plough through your land and declare healing and open heaven on you. So shall it be in Jesus name. Amen.

PRAYER: Lord, may I not lose awe for You. May I see and move at once. May I not offend You through those you've put anointing on. May my disbelief not be counted as sin.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Ezra 10:1-44, 1 Corinthians 6:1-20, Psalm 31:9-18, Proverbs 21:3

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Tuesday, 10 August 2021





READ I Samuel

Ecclesiastes 9:7, KJV  

"Go thy way, eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart; for God now accepteth thy works."

Unless you're released, you'll have to tarry. What will make you tarry is the answer of peace that's needed. No one will force you to but you'll voluntarily see the need for it. Even when it is not taught, one somehow comes to learn that he can't but wait. Need drives people to tarry. Even if it has not been a usual act previously, it does immediately. Fellowship can be voluntary or forced. Never wait until a need in your life forces it on you. Cultivate it, let it grow into a habit until you begin to enjoy it.

Hannah wept and cried for a child. It was from a bitter heart. Eli complicated it when he mistaken her for a drunkard. At the putting of things into proper perspective by her narration, the man of God, Eli now seeing correctly puts a seal on her prayer and releases her.

I Samuel 1:17, KJV

"Then Eli answered and said, Go in peace: and the God of Israel grant thee thy petition that thou hast asked of him."

What could have been a tarrying for very long for Hannah was brought to an end because a response was given on time. From this passage, we see how prayer is a two way thing. Hannah prayed to God and heard God respond through Eli. When you bend to pray, it meets that you must collect feedbacks. Often, feedback is the prove that you climbed up. You must have something to present.

Hannah was exempted and released. God is merciful. He beholds people in their affliction. May He sees you too. May your prayers, work and acts be acceptable in His sight. May what you have brought not be thrown back at you. May it rather commands God's respect. May it lead to your release from the place of personal affliction of one's soul with fasting.

PRAYER: Lord, appear to me through the anointing and the anointed. Put a crown on my prayers.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Ezra 4:24-6:22, 1 Corinthians 3:5-23, Psalm 29:1-11, Proverbs 20:26-27

Powered by Morning Wings Ministries. Share with others in English, French, Arabic, Swahili and Chinese. Enquire or counsel through +234 80 77 63 85 50 or +234 8137 04 68 12 II & Blog @

Monday, 9 August 2021





READ I Kings 3:1-15

I Kings 3:4-5, AMP

"4 The king went to Gibeon [near Jerusalem, where stood the tabernacle and the bronze altar] to sacrifice there, for that was the great high place. One thousand burnt offerings Solomon offered on that altar. 5 In Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream by night. And God said, [b]Ask what I shall give you."

When you impress, you will reap the consequence. There's an impression that really impresses. How I pray that you will impress rightly so that you can reap where you've sown impression. 

Any who impresses is like a sower who sows weeping, he will doubtlessly come back to reap in joy. The day you begin to do something with all that's inside you (not considering cost) is the day you've begun to walk on the road of impressing those it may concern whether you do it to be seen or not. While we're not taken thought to be seen and applauded necessarily and first of all by men, yet excellence that's practised consistently which is our aim and trademark can't but earn us the reward of having rightly impresses someone. 

Solomon without even taking thought for the reward of impression just did his own as unto the Lord (and not to be seen by men) and the surprise of impression jumped at him. He was baffled when the Lord goes to the uttermost by asking him to fill a blank cheque He presented before him. Though it was in his dream yet I could see an element of surprise not written there there.

Do you think somebody just get turned on the inside as to say, "ask anything of me which I shall do for you?" No! Solomon had sacrificed 1000 burnt offerings before then. That was what impressed God. God must have muttered and thought to Himself, "how could he have done that?" To Solomon, what he did was not costly to him (though costly indeed). It was not costly nor a thing to price before doing because it was his love for Jehovah that propelled him into going to that extreme to give to God. When you know the value of a person, you can expend and consume uncountable on them.  No wonder, God in a burning passion and like one in utmost forgetfulness (hypnotized) comes back  to tell him to name anything at His own (God's) expense. It's like a child who has impressed his parents by passing a respected exam which made the parents tell him to request for anything afterwards to commend, compensate, celebrate and approve of his labour and high sacrifice. The withdrawal is on the parents. He has sacrificed to impress them ahead of time. Now is the time of recompense and return.

Today, I heard in my spirit, it is time to impress God, Jehovah, the One that matters most. When you please Him, He only can make your enemy even be at peace with you. Then, you can strive to earn the blank cheque of any man that you should satisfy and surprise.

As for us in Morning Wings Ministry, we've satisfied and impressed Jehovah. The voice that I heard not long ago was "this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased, listen to him." Our reward for satisfying Him is that people shall listen, take cognizance of us and give their obedience to us worldwide. So says the Lord God who authors us all!

PRAYER: Lord, teach me sacrifice for you. May I be willing to give you of what you've given me.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Ezra 4:24-6:22, 1 Corinthians 3:5-23, Psalm 29:1-11, Proverbs 20:26-27

Powered by Morning Wings Ministries. Share with others in English, French, Arabic, Swahili and Chinese. Enquire or counsel through +234 80 77 63 81 20 or +234 8137 04 68 12.