Tuesday 25 July 2023





READ Ecclesiastes 3

Ecclesiastes 3:1, KJV

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven":

Look at God's word. How sweet it is? Ecclesiastes 3 opens with, "to everything there's a season and a time to every purpose or intent under the heaven". If to everything there's a season, then it means to say, each of those things designated for their specific season could only thrive and flourish in their specific season only. Take a look at what we plant. Due to the climate or weather condition, coupled with what sort of season we are in: probably of moderate rainfall, heavy rainfall, little rainfall, dry season etc, all determine what we choose to plant in them. And for each season, there are researched and already found out seeds/plants that'll survive in them. However, if you want to witness the power of season or test it, plant in a season what is not meant for that season. Even if it ever survives, you'll see that the yield would be little. Why? A specific season has ability to facilitate or hinder growth. There's a natural and supernatural help God Himself gives to humans to rise in achievement, calling or mandate when they're in their ordained seasons. In your season, you yield your increase and strength. It is your bounty you give and not otherwise. 

It's this law of season which the Lord knows to be correct that He is trying to create a reversal for when He says in Psalms 92:14  that, "they shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing". Let's ask, is that possible? Yes. But does it happen to all men? No! Only those who believe in it enough and worked in it. Some aged people are still yielding their youths or strength though already old. They're still preaching, teaching, writing, counselling, advising, winning souls, and parenting but some could be all together hindered even by sickness or an immediate terminal death. 

While to everything there's a season (season is the garment sewn for everything to fit or fall into); there's time for every purpose under the heaven. "Under the heaven" means on earth or in this earth realm where humans live. Time is what is given to purposes and intents. The garment fitly sewn for purposes is time. Every purpose or intention needs to be fitted into the hole of their time: a specific time of operation. That's why Jesus couldn't do anything until His hour came in John 2. When it did, look at the instruction He gave them (John 2:7-8). 

He immediately knew what to do. He was not short of words. It came as a spree with powerful grace irresistible. Why? The time to make provision abound has come. Provision will multiply but first at its time. Time is what you're given to do every purpose on earth. Now, first your 24 hours but more importantly a revelatory time when you can assuredly gather that God is ordaining you to carry some steps. Such moments don't fail. That's why we have a record about the sons of Isaachar who understand and know what Israel ought to do per time (I Chro.12:32). That's what I'm talking about. Knowing when to act or implement something. Knowing this is its time unfailingly. Such deciphered time always come with their own imparted grace and loaded benefits ready to help you but only if you'll move and enter into that time first of all. Let me describe what this time for every purpose is clearly again. 

Let us say you're in a field of much wind and there a portal opens with a ringed mouth and a hollow inside but ready to carry you in a jiffy and with a great whirlwind speed into heaven. However, there may be a condition  which is unless you take it (by entering into it), it can't carry you nor will you arrive at your destination. You may desire being carried on a journey but if the vehicle or opportunity for such journey avails itself and you refuse to take it, you shall not amount to anything though with all the grace and help brought you that hour to leverage and get to heaven. That's why that place says, "and a time to every purpose on earth". There's a time for every purpose. If you have hundred things planned out, if you're a man of the Spirit yet with good sense, you can say with me that all will take its time to fulfill. That's what God does not want you to miss. He doesn't want you to make the mistake of piling too much on your faith at once. Look at me, it's God's intention to give you rest also while maintaining speed. If you'll find the time for each purpose and decipher the season where that thing could flourish or be appropriately done, you shall be the noblest and blessed amidst men. You will clap God and worship Him for having led you, guided you and tutored you towards patience to take each thing at their time. When you do a thing at its time, all the benefits you should derive from that thing done at its season or time would be given out to you. You'll see all appear to you one by one and you'll be full of awe at God's blessings. Look, it'll always be more than your expectation or calculation. That's the truth. Everything is only fitting at their times. Find the time for that thing. Let it loose only in its granted, given and blessed season. That's when it can grow and it won't become stunted - an image of mockery. Anything that people don't do in its time is what struggles or thrives to survive and that's because it has many hindrances surrounding it. How interesting it would be if it's after being a mother you say you want to go to school? Yes, you can. You may even finish eventually but your testimony will be that of struggle. You won't be that free to face academics and that'll be because you missed time. You could have read without baggages as a single where all your time would be for you but what have you done to yourself?  You misprioritized purposes. Your scale of preference is faulty. Your arrangements are wrong and didn't follow suitably. That's why you're always getting late to the lecture room. That's why you're the one always borrowing notes to copy. You don't even have time for research as a family man again. Why? The thought of bread on the table is what is choking you. I can therefore assure you that if by your own doing, you let a purpose or an intention in your life miss their time of grace (where they could be done smoothly), you'll pay for it and even if you survive it, it'll be by much blood, struggling and hardships. Find time and discharge purposes in them. 

PRAYER: Lord, give me the knowing of times and what they're meant for. Grip my spirit with a purpose when its time comes. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Chronicles 14:1-16:14; Romans 9:1-24; Psalm 19:1-14; Proverbs 20:1

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Monday 24 July 2023





Read John 2:1-8

John 2:3-4, KJV

"3 And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine. 4 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come".

"Hour" here is best interpreted as, "time". So, it should read like this: "mine time has not yet come". Not that it's literally speaking of sixty minutes that make one hour where a definite event must happen. While that could possibly be anyways yet in its true sense, "hour" there is "time" and it means my moment or time of operation has not yet come. 

From Jesus' confession here, we have a glimpse into knowing there's a time to move and a time to refrain. Mary has good intention but she misses divine timing. Surely she must have contacted the outworking of God at home through Jesus which is why she's bold to make such recommendation to the disciples that whatsoever Jesus asks them to do, they should do (John 2:5).

Meanwhile, Mary came too early. Her coming too early made her miss divine timing. Jesus will work. He as well knows their need but one thing is just not right. After proper scanning and deciphering, Jesus could arrive at the one thing that was not right and that's his hour of operation that has not yet come. He wants to work but He's being restricted because He has not yet come into his hour or time of operation. 

Probably I should explain using these instances. If you've learnt some things about William Branham, one of it would be that he may not be able to minister unless his angel first comes. This is no joke. William Branham is one of the accurate prophets who ever lived but this man always experience hindrance in that he would not know what to say or do unless his angel arrives. Once the angel comes (which even the audience would feel), astounding prophecies and miracles would be wrought through this earthen vessel. But until then, he's like any other human being. Even if he moves, nothing will move and that's because his hour, his time, the moment he must seize and be carried has not yet come. 

If you ask me how I author the devotional, I'll tell you it's by inspiration and that's no lie. What I hear is what I write. However, once the sensation, feeling, burden and pressing to write comes, I must understand that this is my hour to teach. So, I could remain locked up for hours and even half a day (the longest I had gone) just writing. At that time, grace, anointing and all the necessary resources needed to write is being facilitated me. So, when Jesus told the mum, "mummy, do we have business together? Mine hour has not yet come!" Jesus was doing two things at the same time. He was addressing the hurried and hasty nature of his mother. He's trying to help mummy learn how to wait until it's God's time of operation. That was not an insult. Mary was not offended anyway but hasty spirit or nature must be dealt with in you if you'll ever be used by God. Unless He's moving, you don't move. If you do, you'll be like Samson in operation who found out how simple a man could be when he's not divinely aided by God's Spirit again. However, when the hour comes, Jesus didn't have to make another announcement shouting, "my hour has come" or in William Branham's word, "my angel has come" or in my word, "my anointing has come". No! Rather, He gives instruction. Since it's time, things will happen (as if of themselves) though we know it's by God's involvement. At the arrival of that hour and time of occurrence when that miracle will fit time, season and then meet needs, water must of a fact turn to wine. It may be water but it'll be praised by anyone who tastes it as wine. That's what happens when your hour, your angel or your anointing has come. Effortlessly, you'll do the special. Mountains become levelled. Tarrying before God without eating becomes easier. Something of God will just wrap you over, delight you and suspend all other cares. That's because of the time you're in. 

When your time comes, gates and doors will crack open of their own accord. Let me include that ancient doors that your predecessors knocked until they died at its feet shall of its own accord flee and rush to open. It shall see you and fear. That would be because you're keeping your divine hour (a moment God is at work for, in, through you). A slated moment when all life's events must gather together to work for your good. 

Mine hour has not come. How golden those words are to me? So that I'll know when to enter and when to go out. All activities are timed and slated. When no pot must be filled, He refrained. Jesus had nothing to prove. He didn't say, I'll show you I have the money to travel abroad and the next thing is 'peew'. He didn't. He didn't say they were testing Him. He rather discord with missing time to saying, "when my time comes, I shall do as you're suggesting". But it will only be until then. You, receive light to see your hour has not come. Or else, you'll go with the wrong man. But if you'll be comforted that this blessing, opportunity and goodies they're flashing isn't yours to take, you'll easily let go of it. If Jesus does a miracle there and then at that request, it would be His honour and to God's glory but He'll have successfully breached His timing and would have for once be in disobedience but he resisted and conquered hastiness by saying, "mine hour has not yet come". As you are, quickly open to Ecclesiastes 3 to read about the types of time that be. It'll do something to your spirit. It'll make you sensitive to what time you're in. You'll be able to decipher when and when not. Those two are unanswered questions in our world today. "When and when not!" May the Spirit of right time, it is time, or it is not time rest on you. 

PRAYER: I receive understanding and perception for operation at mine hour. I won't miss my time, its grace, angel and anointing.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Chronicles 11:1-13:22; Romans 8:26-39; Psalm 18:37-50; Proverbs 19:27-29

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Sunday 23 July 2023





Judges 7:9-11, KJV

"9 And it came to pass the same night, that the LORD said unto him, Arise, get thee down unto the host; for I have delivered it into thine hand. 10 But if thou fear to go down, go thou with Phurah thy servant down to the host: 11 And thou shalt hear what they say; and afterward shall thine hands be strengthened to go down unto the host. Then went he down with Phurah his servant unto the outside of the armed men that were in the host".

Hmmmm! What a God! What a thing! What a leading! What a divine moment! What a divine precipitation! Brethren, I like to speak nothing else today than God's great and miraculous acts. This event here is one of them. I'm just amazed and again amazed at how God could draw a line here that'll meet with another there. That's why prophecy amazes me. Prophecy is one thing that even when under debates must find pathway for its own fulfilment. You can't roadblock it. If God's mouth says it, it must be it. And if you'll like to hear, many leadings with the instructions given with them are just prophecies seeking expression. 

How do you explain this? God leaned Gideon and his men down to a few 300. He did this so at victory there won't be any claim of whose the glory should be. This must have consequently made Gideon very doubtful and scared. How could we conquer by 300? Human resources is one of the things needed to win battles. God sees this and it reveals in His word to him: "but if you are afraid to go, go down to the host first". God wants us operate from faith and not fear. As we walk with Him, He wants us to do so in a strong believe but Gideon is far from this status. So, God decides to take him on a journey of experimentation where he could see things for himself. But before then, God told him he'll hear them saying something and by that, he'll be strengthened. Obviously, God knows what those would say but He intentionally kept it back from Gideon. He wanted Gideon to discover how great He is so much more that He won't need proofs any other time before he acts on His demands. So, what happens on reaching the edge of the enemy's camp?

Judges 7:13, KJV

"13 And when Gideon was come, behold, there was a man that told a dream unto his fellow, and said, Behold, I dreamed a dream, and, lo, a cake of barley bread tumbled into the host of Midian, and came unto a tent, and smote it that it fell, and overturned it, that the tent lay along. 14 And his fellow answered and said, This is nothing else save the sword of Gideon the son of Joash, a man of Israel: for into his hand hath God delivered Midian, and all the host. 15 And it was so, when Gideon heard the telling of the dream, and the interpretation thereof, that he worshipped, and returned into the host of Israel, and said, Arise; for the LORD hath delivered into your hand the host of Midian". 

Look at Gideon's expression when he heard the thing being said. He worshipped God. That's the height of how he could say, "thank you Lord. When you say it, you always do it". He was full of awe. He probably had not seen this anywhere in his life. However, let's turn our attention elsewhere. Let's consider the works God does to ensure Gideon met it just as He had said. 

First of all, God had to give a dream to one of the enemy's soldiers. Then, God ordains that the arrival of Gideon would be timed to the communication and interpretation of that dream. God solely does this. That's the divine coincidence in that event. It was God who slates the meeting of both Gideon and these two men. While Gideon is on a mission and he knows for which reason he has gone out, these two men are just taking-over and found tools in God's hands. He gave one the dream and he gave another the interpretation. That's all Gideon needed to hear and it happened right on time. Gideon didn't delay in arrival and if he had delayed in arrival, God also must have delayed these two's interaction until they could serve into his hands. 

People of God, there's no length God can't go to fulfill His words. As a matter of fact, one of the things we should all be afraid of is prophetic word being spoken against us. Rather, we should endeavour that it'll be spoken for us. Once spoken, it is like a flood of water that'll eventually find its own path. Even if there was no ready made path, wherever it turns (even if there is resistance), it would make its own path. How do you explain the fact that while Joseph's brothers were trying to eliminate him, they were actually sending him on divine mission and furthering the dreams they wanted unfulfilled? You see, God only used them as tools. God keeps winning over Satan in our day to day encounters. Satan would plot this and God in the wisdom that Satan couldn't see would overthrow it. 

Brethren, God is in charge. He is taking thought for you and you'll see that some men will soon come under command to be used for that purpose for you. When God moves, the whole earth stands still, awaiting to receive what instruction He'll next give. It is His given instruction that plays out in His will (that must triumph) that everybody plays out. Gideon is a part player and those two soldiers are. According to ordainment, they must speak when he could hear and that was when they did. They didn't speak before or after arrival. They were slated to play their roles and when it pleases God to press "play", the dreamer is relieved from where he had been paused to begin to talk. We may also thank God for how God guided Gideon to that camp and to the specific people who had the words he needed to hear with them. Why didn't he arrive elsewhere at the at that camp and not where his word is? I'm thinking he should have gotten lost. God planned it however. Everything to the latter. Because God is involved, Gideon was guided to go in the direction where he could only find those two. Indeed, where he chose to go is where they too were. This is God's doing and it's marvellous in our sight. Unless we question why some things happen the way they are, we may not believe this reality and not regard them as booked acts that are slated to happen. Until you question why it was at forty years it now occured to Moses to visit his brethren and not any other time, you may not understand that events are usually slated and even for a time (Acts 7:23). Some things will not happen to you at any other time but at a specific chosen time. Those of you who are from ancestries where negative flows and Satanic influences are in operation would agree if researched that it is the age your father made a misstep you also made a misstep. Why, that's a cycle in operation. It has rebirthed itself over you. 

But I pray that every negation slated to evolve like a time bomb in your nearest future, let them be disarmed. May God frustrate and render powerless all dates and meets of the future that you must not keep appointment with. However, you'll be on time for divine meets and dates. As you go, divine coincidence will happen for you. Your feet will be guided to where events critical to your winning in life and fulfilling purpose shall be achieved. You won't go in vain. When you go, scheduled meetings and divine appointments are rather what you'll meet and keep. So shall it be.

PRAYER: God, send me to those with my words and divine resources. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Chronicles 8:11-10:19; Romans 8:9-25; Psalm 18:16-36; Proverbs 19:26

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Saturday 22 July 2023





I Samuel 30:8, KJV

"And David enquired at the LORD, saying, Shall I pursue after this troop? shall I overtake them? And he answered him, Pursue: for thou shalt surely overtake them, and without fail recover all".

Don't be one of them. One of those who carry a step nonchallantly or presumptuously. Let it be that it is a step of instruction. A step of command which you're now seen obeying. 

The truth is this, He who says overtake will overtake for you. When all was carted away, David enquired in order to pursue or refrain. He asked God if he should pursue and whether he'll overtake. God agrees to it telling him he'll have all those as his experiences. Now, the truth is this, that raiding party has long left and it is naturally difficult to decipher where they'll be. A three days journey separate both of them. However, He that says pursue and you'll overtake will always make provision for what His mouth has said in order for it to be fulfilled. This is the miracle that I love to see. This is the kind of miracle I want God to fulfill in your life so that what you hear God tells you is what you see performed sooner or later. May it be unto you just like He has said. That thing is a miracle and you'll experience one if He authors what you do. 

From a "pursue and overtake" word of God to David, he sets out and God who initiated that journey begins to take thought for him. As they journeyed, they came upon a sick one who was brought to David and revived. This sick one is however a servant to the Amalekite raider who owns him and had raided Ziklag. You see, when God is taking thoughts for you, He'll put things at different junctures for you so that His intent for you might be fulfilled. People won't know they're there for your sake. They'll be serving God given purposes to you even when they might not see how they're doing that. They'll call it coincidence or accident that your path crosses with theirs but we know that that's God's providence and orchestration. It is destiny meet and not anything less. 

What did this Egyptian say? That he's a servant to an Amalekite who had raided Ziklag and burnt it with fire but that his master had left him behind to die three days ago when he fell sick. Now, something seems not to be adding up. That Egyptian ought not to be found by David or his men alive. However, it didn't occur to his master that he could be the string by which they'll fetch him. If he had known, he would have executed him and not leave any trace behind. But it must come to pass that David pursued and overtook and recovered all. For this to happen, God made leverages for it to happen. One of such works of His is this Egyptian who had to fall sick, be left alone to die (and not murdered) but kept alive for three days and nights until he could serve the purpose for which he had fallen sick, had been left behind and forsaken to die of his own.

From there, David knew the way to this raiding party and caught them unawares. At the end, it was like God had told him. The Bible records this.

I Samuel 30:18-19, KJV

"18 And David recovered all that the Amalekites had carried away: and David rescued his two wives.  19 And there was nothing lacking to them, neither small nor great, neither sons nor daughters, neither spoil, nor any thing that they had taken to them: David recovered all.

Imagine, "David recovered all".

It was as God had said unto him. People of God, let it matter to you that it is God who ordains your path before you. Let it be that it is He who authors the journey you take. Let it be that the words of His mouth are what you live out. Let it be that until He speaks, you don't move. It will be to your saving. If He authors it, you're bound to find it like He has said. Our problem may be laziness or little persistence to pray and find God's will that must be done. However, if before you run, you'll enquire, you'll be led, guided until the purpose of your enquiry is achieved. Yesterday, I told some people that God is an operator. In your journey, pursuit or journey of destiny, He knows what phase to kick-start next for you. He knows what plane to put you on next. As you near the completion of one phase, He'll anticipate and precipitate for your sake by beginning to put on ground another phase in which you must live and be carried. It is God who knows when one phase has ended in your life and when you must enter or kick-start another. So, He'll kindly make them unfold. As you're about taking the next ship to your next destination, you'll just see that it's easy. Things will just be possible. Like that Egyptian who was found at a needed time by David's men so that they might recover all - achieve their intent for launching out. In same manner, God likewise will put help, guidance and leading at necessary junctures for you. You'll just see that the opportunities to actually get that thing done is availed you but if you had tried that earlier, it wouldn't have worked. That would be because the timing was not right then though the purpose correct. 

Look at me, I am Olusola ADEJUMO, M'Wings. I am not lying but rather saying the truth. This thing I'm preaching is what has happened to me and is happening to me. I have not only read it in the Bible but it is also my experience. It became it and I can testify that if you or any work you do or any mission you undertake is the direct birthing of God, He'll see to it all until it is fulfilled. This morning, I pray for you that God will put necessary helps, guides and leadings for you where they should be. You will find men where you should find them. You'll be blessed with the gift of men and women. You will find the next ship, vessel or transport system to take which will lead you to where God has destined. That Egyptian was that to David. That was the ship they took. When they needed that ship was when it appeared because God took thought for them and had arranged it there. That was when they crossed path with him. You'll meet things at junctures where you think, "but now, I need God to show up". I remember one day I left out to check for somebody. I was using Google Map for guidance to that described neighborhood and house and I was getting it. Just then, when I got to where the house is, I discovered there's another problem in locating that person. But just then, some two kids saw me outside and said, "you are this and that. Our mother told us about you. Come in. She's on her way". That other boy who talked was in Basic 5. I was shocked at how when I needed a help and guide to take me further, one appeared. I also wondered at why they could guess I was the fellow who was told them would come. They were expecting somebody in myself but I knew that's all they knew. Even when I later met with their mother, she told me I was considerably younger than she had imagined. She thought the fellow being recommended to her would be much older. I didn't mind however. I have heard that often about myself. So, I knew no one described me to those boys but I needed to be taken further. I must not be stranded. God must take thought for me and it's a sort of miracle that it was when I reached those boys could be found outside the gate as well. I don't take even minor things for granted. When the Holy Spirit is working for my good, I know. I'm not just trying to dedicate those accomplishments to Him. He created them!

Look at me, provision has been made for you. Things will play into your hands. It'll be so in order for all that God's mouth has said may come to pass. Believe this that at your next juncture you'll be taken further until you arrive and achieve the intent of ever launching out. You're a destined child. You can't get lost. You have a destiny that's written down already and must be like that unto you. You'll be carried. Fasten your seat belt. God's next transportation system is almost here. Get ready, get ready, you will travel and travel far!

PRAYER: Father, order my steps.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Chronicles 6:12-8:10; Romans 7:14-8:8; Psalm 18:1-15; Proverbs 19:24-25

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Friday 21 July 2023





Psalms 90:14, KJV

"O satisfy us early with thy mercy; that we may rejoice and be glad all our days".

It really gripped Moses, the man of God. Look at the way he expressed himself to God with a great exclaim and heartful feeling. If there's one thing he seeks for Israel at this time, it's that He'll satisfy them early with His mercy. There's one thing being filled with God's mercy does to your soul and your body. It makes you robust and not lean. You'll be fat fleshed and buoyant on the inside. For this, he cries and suggestively prays saying, "O satisfy us early with thy mercy". 

The expression "O" also means an expression of appeal. He's actually begging God. He's pleading with Him that He should do one thing for them - to bless them early. You see, it should be our prayer that what God wants to do, He would do early. If it's financial independence, stability of health, promotion, child birth, being in purpose etc we desire, it's our prayer that we are satisfied early with it. You must know that it is not without a purpose that Moses cried. Moses just didn't open his mouth to pray that way. He did in anticipation of a consequence - "that they may rejoice and be glad all the days of their lives". Let me use an instance. Imagine someone who's looking up unto God for the fruit of the womb and has not received such for years. Do you think the fellow will have any satisfaction wherever? They may have wealth but there's none they want to comfort it with. So, they're desperately asking for satisfaction in that they'll have their own. And let me make a point, when you're not satisfied or you have an area of your life not yet fulfilled, it will tell on you and tell on other areas as well. Have you not seen people who just begin to grow lean and sickly because there's a particular thing in their lives not met. Yes, there's a missing link. Do you also think it is of no consequence when the Bible says, "hope deferred maketh the heart sick... (Proverbs  13:12, KJV). When the heart is sick, when the soul is bowed down by unhappiness, it can't but reflect on one's body and general welfare. One would just lack strength, motivation and joy to drive life. That's why a need fulfilled is as a tree of life.

"but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life.. (Prov.13:12). 

It will invigorate you. You'll be filled with vigour and you'll tend to ressurect to responsibility and new life with renewed energy. Tree of life offers life. It offers mobility. Another reference to "tree of life" as literally written and not interpreted takes us back to the Garden of Eden also (Gen.2:9). Obviously he who eats it won't die any longer. However, we know that the "tree of life" as being referred to here in Proverbs is reputed for stopping decay and deterioration. Instead of being depressed, your mountain will be strong because your needs and desires are met. You won't go down. So, if a desire or need met is as a tree of life, it means it's like eating fruits or being filled with food when you've been hungry before. It'll bring about the receiving of invigoration and new energy to run and keep up with life. 

Moses prayed, "O satisfy us early with thy mercy" and then, "that we may rejoice and be glad all the days of our life". Let us stay put here. It means without being satisfied early with mercy, rejoicing all the days of one's life is automatically hindered. It means even if there are joys in other areas and there's one impediment in another which refuses to be cleared but tarry, it means one will not have joy as long as that unfulfilled desire tarries. However, if all of one's needs is met - the greatest of them which is to have soul satiation that you're living out destiny or your purpose on earth, it means you'll be happy all the days of your life. Occasionally not having food at home won't be problem because you have what is greater than that and could secure food. A man in purpose is the most secured man on earth. They don't live insecure and distracted by envy since they're doing theirs and they know it's accepted likewise before God. 

God's intention as I'm hearing this morning is that we may rejoice and be glad all the days of our lives. Due to His intention to deliver us this, He will ensure we are satisfied early with mercy. It costs God nothing to continually give you unmerited favour in the midst of  your human best possible until you get to the top of your mountain or vocation - where at a tender age, you're a governor on earth but more importantly also, in the Spirit. Why in the spirit also? It's because your throne in the spirit is what'll protect the your office and status on earth. 

God wants you to rejoice. Look at people who have everything early, their lives get better for it. No link is missing and no room is vacant in their lives. It doesn't mean they don't still encounter hardships. That's common to all man but look, they don't have a deferred desire and so are robust. They are filled to the brim with joy of being satisfied. He has daily bread. He doesn't hunger and he doesn't beg. He has shelter and he has a family that brings joy. He's living in purpose and he's touching lives. What else should we thank God for? On occasions, when such remember how much God has satiated them, all they do is to lift up their hands and sing praises and rejoice. When you're satisfied early, you consequently rejoice. That's the one permissible thing to happen to those who have been blessed, comforted, assisted, financed, sponsored this early. Once they become that early, the joy of early fulfillment will continue to grow as they walk that road. They'll continue to be bigger and bigger unto the perfect day and as far as we know, with each level of landmark, growth and ascension comes its own joy. I pray for you that you'll no longer mourn again. I am God's anointed and as He that is called to say restore, I declare that wherever you've been robbed of joy or what could have given joy to you, let there be a restoration now! It is the joy of the Lord that can become your strength - making you inflated, robust and active. Receive it. Currently, I'm seeing dew falling from above. I'm seeing it settle on you. Receive heaven's blessings. Receive a top up even on the blessings you already have but which is not complete. Any vacant space and room in your life where you've been crying to God for satisfaction over and haven't received till hitherto is met today. You're satisfied. I say you're satisfied this day with mercy that you may rejoice, celebrate and be happy all the days of your life. Nothing is wrong building one's house that early and being under one's tree. There's a joy that comes from seeing your kids and wife playfully play in your own house. Receive that. Everything that'll make you satiated and come to the stage of being fulfilled, God is rendering to you now. So shall it be. Amen!

PRAYER: Lord, thank You for sealing that area of my life and coming to meet my needs. Be praised Yahweh.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Chronicles 4:1-6:11; Romans 7:1-13; Psalm 17:1-15; Proverbs 19:22-2

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Thursday 20 July 2023





Genesis 40:15, KJV

"For indeed I was stolen away out of the land of the Hebrews: and here also have I done nothing that they should put me into the dungeon".

One of the greatest marks that there's a destiny to fulfill is to observe God watching over where you should be at a particular time. There's a process and in the infinite will of God, He knows if you have ended one so He might onboard you into the next. I have taught a lot on destiny; being the lucky, fated, chosen one or the star boy/girl by using Joseph. Only that it didn't come out in the devotional. 

Joseph is a boy that something can't but happen for. From the special interest of his father in him to the giftedness of revelation he displays early, we might be curious to put at heart that something is special about this boy. Not only special about him, but that God is deliberately watching over His Words to fulfill it over him. 

Joseph said, "for I was stolen away from the Hebrew's land..." He didn't want to leave but he had no choice. He was carted away by being sold into slavery by his brother. At arrival in Egypt, God was at the point of collection, bazaar and banter. He fetched him a master. It was Potiphar who bought him. That's one of God's provision for Joseph - he must meet Potiphar in his life. From here, he got a transfer to jail when he was lied against. God knew when to pedal him into the next stage. It's here he met the man who will be his connector to the king. 

And all came to pass just like that. He ascended prime-ministership and have all those years long prophecies fulfilled on him. He saw his brothers worship him indeed. He was just full of awe at God and what He had said 13 years ago. What a thing! I can surely tell you to wait for your prophecies to manifest. It may tarry but it shall not lie. It shall yield itself and be fulfilled. 

You see, if in your destiny fulfilment, you need to be transported, don't worry about transportation. God will organize one. I found out that what we don't have faith for is what we don't have an inner convinction over. If you're convincted and there's a witness in your heart saying your destiny is over the land or seas for you, then God has a way of sponsoring you there. Joseph got to Egypt though he had to be stolen away. He didn't pay for transport. If his brothers must bow to him, he must need get to Egypt and God did bear him to Egypt. Every step he takes is God taking it with him. Be assured that destiny would happen. If you've read Buchi Emecheta's Second Class Citizen, you could see the idea of destiny being hinted at in this novel. No one is available to send Adah, the protagonist to school. Her Pa is dead and her Ma is remarried. As typical of Igbo belief in those days, girls don't need education but Adah has passion for education. Though his younger brother, Boy has been enrolled in school before her and has hope of continuing his education using the family savings kept for same purpose, she has none. To go to school, she had to thrust herself forcefully to school and would not have been enrolled if not by the law that forces the hands of her parents. Now at Pa's demise, will her education stop? No! Adah has a strong sense of purpose and won't stop comforting herself. She stole some shillings given her by Uncle Vincent to buy steak to buy her common entrance form into Secondary School. In the midst of all these, she heard the voice of her spiritual guide (I believe it's God that the author didn't want to declare as God) but the author calls it, "the Presence" saying to her, "you must go, to school you must go and to one of the best schools". At the end, Adah's performance in her entrance exam secured her a scholarship and this is how she got a scholarship to attend one of the best schools. 

In the series of teachings I did on being the fated, lucky or star one (which is still available for your reading), I highlighted marks of destiny and special future in people. One of it is that they have a prophecy or there's a clear cut divine involvement in their lives. On occasions in the novel, Adah keeps hearing the Presence assuring and reassuring her. This is not different from how the Holy Spirit relates with Christians. I believe you sure have a life to live and a destiny to express. On this note, be assured God is committed to you. You'll reach. You'll surmount all mountains and arrive. You will have destiny meet. 

PRAYER: Lord, provide me assurance and reassurance all the way.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Chronicles 28:1-29:30; Romans 5:6-21; Psalm 15:1-5; Proverbs 19:18-19

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Wednesday 19 July 2023




THEY ARE AT YOUR DOOR - At Old Age Series 003

Acts 10:19-20, KJV

"19 While Peter thought on the vision, the Spirit said unto him, Behold, three men seek thee.  20 Arise therefore, and get thee down, and go with them, doubting nothing: for I have sent them".

At times, we don't know how close we are to the handles we must take and the blessings by which we must be blessed. One time, I had a vision of a stream flowing from a source distant from where I was at that river. Then, I had a special understanding that this stream flowing was not just meant to pass by. It must be tapped into. It must be maximized. It must be taken and utilized by those it appears or offers itself to. God has given that stream to pass and pass by a path as to cross path with some people so they could tap into it. However, their utilization time would differ. Some are at its source but as it continues to flow, different men would tap into it at their different spots and times when this flowing stream reaches them. What must not happen is for this stream to keep its flow until it gets to you but bypasses you without you becoming what you should become by it. This stream is grace to become what you should become. It is the availed destiny resources. It also signifies the hands of time offered you but which is constantly ticking and is on the run. It has reached some (who have done with it as they liked). Now, it has departed or is departing from them to others who could do with it as they'll choose. That stream doesn't flow backward. That means once it passes, it passes. Once time is used, it is used. 

On the morning of 17th July, 2023, God told me that we don't know the full import of time again since we measure the passage of time by the ticking hands of the clock. So, we have a kind of consciousness that time doesn't finish. We rather believe that it'll be recycled to us. So, when we watch the hands of the clock or watch tick cyclically, we just believe we can stretch forever and wait for eternity - keeping our cool to take our time. No! That's danger. Rather, God flashed before me the "hour glass". God said we know time is far spent and irretrievable by the amount of sand left in the upper jar. When a baby is born, his time is still full like the sand unspent in a side of the hour glass but then, it begins to dissipate. By looking at the hour glass, the truth of time having passed many or passing many etc will hit them differently. Wastages will therefore be cut short while they strive for accuracy. Don't waste your time. Ask critical questions, have them answered and continue doing them. What should I do? Who should I marry? Where should I live? Which church should I go to? Find these and others, then continue doing what you have gotten right. Don't be swayed. 

God is the orderer of paths. One miracle that I have had even before I got admitted into the university was being led or guided. I knew it would be the University I graduated from I should attend. I saw it in a dream. I knew I'll become very great there as well. This is a prophetic life and it is such that is marvellous in our sights. I have left myself into the hands of God to do with me as He desires and to carry me wherever He wills. I can slap myself on the surface of His sea and I know He'll carry me to safety and arrival where the table is furnished for me. What God has slated me to have is what I call, "destiny meet". My journeys are different and I believe yours too. 

Emissaries went out from Cornelius to bring back the man, Peter. The location picked in the spirit was not lesser accurate. He dwells with one Simon the Tanner whose house is by the sea side. As in, looking at disclosures being made without using GPRS or Google Map, God knows how to web your path into another. He knows where individuals live and when He's ready that two paths meet, He'll ordain it. Meanwhile, let me reinstate that it is what the Lord does that's marvelous. 

Peter prays on the house top at this time. He has a trance and ruminates on what it means. Just then (as those ones seeking for him reached for the door), God communicates to him to go down because three men are looking for him. This is a special meet. God rose somebody up and rose another to meet him. In the last testimony of Reinhard Bonnke that I shared, you'll observe that Bonnke was almost being turned away by that woman at the door but just then, George Jeffreys came downstairs and with a deep voice says, "let him come in". When two must meet, God does all to ensure they meet. He always watches and guide the process until contact is established and the slated happens. Imagine Cornelius being desired of God to hear the gospel by sending him to Peter and sending Peter to him. Yet, they are separated by not small miles. It doesn't matter where he or she is; even if it's across the sea; if you have to do with him or her, God who watches over divine processes, meetings and destinies will order you to meet. They not only met but God told Peter not to doubt them but go with them. All these great effort because somebody in Cornelius, his household, close relatives and friends must be born again. God is a loving investor. He'll invest in you if He sees you're critical to His future programmes and He'll not leave you unharvested when He keenly observes you're already feeling after Him.

One thing is given to Peter to do, to preach the Word of life, to instruct Cornelius on what he must do. That's all. For this reason, they must cross path. This may be the only time they'll cross path but on this occasion, no escapade from contact must be made. It must happen and it did. From two ends of the earth, two were connected. I pray for you, may you catch up with your prophecies. May you meet up. Cross path with those critical to God's plan for your life. You know, I kept thinking on why George Jeffreys had to come down at that time Bonnke was almost being turned away from the door. That's divine ordering/slating I see there. That's divine leading and providence also. George Jeffreys came down on time like Peter came down from the roof top to meet those who look for him. Imagine! I pray for you, you won't miss time. You'll be on time. Whenever it remains little to miss time, the covenant on this ministry as echoed by the Spirit of life in the Bible would hasten you up. It'll always be on their hands they'll bear you up lest you dash your foot against a stone. They not only bear up or upward, they bear forward as well. Where you should be on time, you won't be late. Angels will make your path straight before you. They'll clear the way for you. You will meet those you're seeking. It shall be a destiny meet. You shall be received and accepted.

PRAYER: Lord, no matter the distance and the hindering factors, let me meet with my destiny connector. I have a destiny meet. Plot us together. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Chronicles 28:1-29:30; Romans 5:6-21; Psalm 15:1-5; Proverbs 19:18-19

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