Monday, 1 November 2021





READ I Samuel 17

1 Samuel 17:48, KJV

"And it came to pass, when the Philistine arose, and came, and drew nigh to meet David, that David hastened, and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine."

If something is danger and you perceive it so, will you not have sense enough to flee from it? It is absurd if that's what you swiftly go to embrace. This to David shows Goliath was at all not a threat. David saw Goliath as his opportunity. The profit he must take from the market place at once. He didn't withhold but went for it. If you know opportunity as opportunity, won't you embrace it? Whenever Satan wants to scare people away from their inheritance, he'll camouflage opportunity as Goliath and presents it so to them. That's why people are afraid of what is tall. Like adults who want to scare a fella, Satan will be saying, "come and see in a sarcastic intimidating way". So, they'll flee. O Lord, redeem all children of glory, whose is the head of Goliath and his sword but who have suddenly turned back from honour. You may wonder, why would he do that? Was he not afraid? I said he was not. I had said if a thing is an opportunity to you, you'll know because you'll have  assurance after assuredly gathering and believing it so. It's this knowing that will develop a concretized base in you towards propelling you into an action of faith. Don't forget that when David got to the battle field, he had every chances to be discouraged or flee. Did we not see others flee including Saul as Goliath speaks? Was David not human as well? However, why didn't he flee? Unknown and unuttered to anyone, David was receiving an urge to go ahead. From nowhere, a boldness rises in him to take on the job. Somehow, God didn't allow him see as men do see. God rather helped him to see like God would see: unfearful and seeing the job at hand as nothing but which could be likened to the lion or bear he had killed. 

1 Samuel 17:36, KJV

"Thy servant slew both the lion and the bear: and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be as one of them..."

God changed his perspective of seeing things. God changed his heart to be made ready and strong for the task. People said, "are you crazy? Don't you know what you are saying but he kept being crazy because what was urging him on wasn't conventional or general revelation to all. David kept asking, "who's this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the army of the Lord." If Goliath is uncircumcised (not having the Abrahamic covenant of circumcision). David has. So, from that revelation, he knew he has God on his side. When you're to face a harder task but begin to regard it as one of the simplest tasks you delivered on the last time, then you ought to be checked. Your temperature ought to be taken! No one says that whose confidence isn't protruding from somewhere. What thing has presented itself to you that looks like Goliath but is your opportunity? God said I should commission you to draw near to it as it draws near to you. Is it an exam, fee or debt to pay, surgical operation to do, childbirth, interview, answering a query etc, draw near to it. Don't reverse. It's not a threat. It has no strength but is only big. You're a covenant carrier in the spirit. That guarantees you winning. 

PRAYER: [Act to be done]. Get any liquid, preferably oil (to symbolize Holy Ghost). Smear it on your head and receive what I say. "Receive effrontery and the power that confronts, make light of big problems and see through the needle of faith.


Obadiah 1, Hebrews 2, Proverbs 26:13-22

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Sunday, 31 October 2021





Acts 10:11-13, KJV

"11 And saw heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending unto him, as it had been a great sheet knit at the four corners, and let down to the earth: 12 Wherein were all manner of fourfooted beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls of the air. 13 And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter; kill, and eat."

God must have mercy on all those Peters who have received instructions but are tarrying carrying it out. God brought an opportunity to Peter in a sheet that looks like an alien vehicle. It was to evangelize the Gentile nation. It was a killed, dead and made ready opportunity. God had prepared even the house of Cornelius he'll be contacting first for him. It was so much a slain opportunity for him that he didn't had to minister Holy Ghost to them before they received it. Those one's eagerness, estimation and faith drew it to the shock of all. It fell on them. It was Cornelius who thirsted knowing God because God must have put it in him since He desires to reach the Gentile nations according to afore prophecies. In reaching souls, ministers take the gospel to them on their own initiative. It was a reverse in Cornelius-Peter's case.

However, when the move of Peter came that he should jump into, Peter was arguing with God. Tradition was fighting him. He was giving excuses why he can't go. Yet, "God kept offering him this opportunity over and over again." God kept showing His love and persistence that he should be the one and first choice to do the assignment for Him. God kept saying, "rise, kill and eat." He was saying, "have it. It's the opportunity and assignment I brought to you. Be the one to carry this oil; to discharge this responsibility." However, it all turned on deaf ears until something unfortunate happen. Do you want to know? The sheet withdrawn. The aliens returned! The opportunity was retrieved. The curtain was taken back! Though it was Peter that went to first evangelize the Gentile nation but because he did not surrender his will to "rise, kill and eat", this assignment was collected and re allocated to one sinner who later came to be known as Saul of Tarsus or Paul. God is sending to tell stubborn, waiting for a bigger sign children that if he should withdraw the sheet after his act of persuading you over and over again, you'll be grinded. You'll only be landlocked in Jerusalem in the great cathedral that looks like a graveyard and be doing administrative works. He won't send you to the field where you could see what will kill you but won't kill you because of God's faithfulness to you. It is either you append your signature to this paper by rising, killing and eating now in that simple manner or you forget a come back for life. Once the sheet is retrieved back to heaven, you're on your own without voice or sound. Do you know God is a wise and careful God. If he had came to Peter by saying, "Peter, I want to evangelize the Gentile nation, will you go?" Peter would have said yes because he'll see the honour of being such honourable vessel that God will use to contact those of strange languages. However, God didn't come realistically. He came like a man you'll think was just administering questionnaires that he won't use. He gave him a trance and asked him the same question while presenting him the same opportunity. Alas! Peter backfired! God could have given you mild persuasions. Yours may be sweet witness or inclination towards a thing or a place. That's that thing. Act it out immediately. Rise, kill and eat. You'll then see how much God will be committed to you on that journey and in that place though you did not even hear an audible voice while stepping out or see an angel. I pray you won't miss your sheet. You won't miss your opportunity. When you're being persuaded to come and have something, may you see it worthy heeding. May the spirit that despises, belittles, mocks or disdains destiny and great future not creep into your life for deceptive purposes.

PRAYER: You Aliens of heaven (that we know) who have brought the sheet, don't repent of your packages for me. Let me remain your first choice always. I append my signature.


Lamentations 3:40-66, 4, 5; Hebrews 1, Psalm 119:129-136

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Saturday, 30 October 2021





READ Acts 10

Acts 10:11-13, KJV

"11 And saw heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending unto him, as it had been a great sheet knit at the four corners, and let down to the earth: 12 Wherein were all manner of fourfooted beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls of the air. 13 And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter; kill, and eat."

When I asked the Lord, "how to gauge it has become an opportunity?" His reply was, "it will present itself." If it's not available, it's not opportunity. So, don't take it. In John 5, we didn't read that it was any of the invalids, priest or any fellow that goes to stir the water and say, 'it is ready, now leap and be healed." It's not what any man initiates. God sovereignly does at His time. None of those invalids lobbied for the favour of healing being done them. They only waited. How does their waiting translates into your experience today? It means, you should continue to do what you're doing - which your hand has found doing with all your might now until the time to change position has come. You may be a banker, driver, mechanic etc, continue being that. When the time has mature in God's mercy for you to leave that place to a new place, something like a violent reaction in the spirit will happen. When it does (without your initiation except that you're praying and fully expecting the 'trouble' to happen and the cloud to gather), that's when to go swiftly and take the opportunity. You will then dip the cloth in the dye; resign at work; relocate to a new destination or even break that relationship! Opportunities will always come slain. It will come presenting itself to you. It will give itself to you as take away. As long as you have the eyes that sees, you'll see this is mine to take. Don't come before the great congregation testifying God has done it all when you were the one going all around to see that the water is stirred. What I'm hearing is, "it will present itself. It will come dead. It will come prepared."

When it's an opportunity, the only voice you'll be hearing is "rise, kill, eat Peter." Was it Peter that made ready all those animals for himself? Was it Peter that led down that sheet? God did but what was God telling him to do, "act and take this opportunity!" Opportunities that you must take which will be righteous opportunities that won't deviate from "it's the blessing of the Lord that makes rich and adds no sorrow will always come dead". It will come ready made and you'll know because if there's any demand following at all, it won't be unrighteous nor seen as demanding by you (the righteous). 

PRAYER: Give me 'dead' opportunities. Those that come slain and adds no sorrow.


Lamentation 2:7-27; 3:1-39; Philippians 1, Psalm 119:121-128

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Friday, 29 October 2021





Acts 16:10, NIV

"After Paul had seen the vision, we got ready at once to leave for Macedonia, CONCLUDING that God had called us to preach the gospel to them."

Having a vision is not enough. Seeing what to do or where to go: the opportunity to leverage on is at all not all answers. By experience, I even know that's not where you'll have the greatest battle of being obedient or stepping out. It is in RESOLVING: settling for yourself from the first premise of who speaks and what He says while then taking action by that. Resolving is hard. Do you know why? We don't want to kill Isaac which we have known in hope of what probably may or may not come. They'll say, "a bird at hand is better than two in the bush." But if you can resolve.... If you can like a man who has lost his sense: pack your bags, go take that flight even without knowing whither you're going or anyone there, you have waved to see the divine and God's supernatural hands. You must first resolve. You must say, "it's settled and that your life is not yours." You must not love your life unto death. If you're this steadfast, scaring you or boring doubt in you will be difficult. Paul resolved. What follows?

Acts 16:10-11, KJV

"10... assuredly gathering (concluding) that the Lord had called us for to preach the gospel unto them. 11 Therefore loosing from Troas, we came with a straight course to..."

The Bible says, "assuredly gathering." That's resolving. That's deciding. That's drawing the final line which you can't reverse. After that, what happens? The Bible recorded again, "loosing from Troas..." That is, they let go of Troas to go into the future of better things God had for them. The day they loosed from Troas, they murder their past with hope for the future ahead. They set their minds and their commitment to the new place. You may be experiencing doubt. God might have spoken to you and you may still remain where you should have loosed from. God spoke to Abraham yet he was still in his father's house. 

Genesis 12:1, KJV

"Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country... unto a land that I will shew thee:"

You might have been spoken to and might have revealed your loosing from Troas to the authority over you but without his go ahead. You may need to stay and ask God to convince him. He that spoke to Cornelius also convinced Peter. It doesn't mean you did not receive correctly or you should let go of God's witness to you which has great reward. Don't force your way. Let God bring all men to the agreement of what he has told you. For those who haven't resolved however, may you assuredly gather that you should carry that step. May you have prove in your fist. Resolution is key! Bless you today, tomorrow and the next.

PRAYER: While at any cross road, teach me to resolve. I receive correct interpretation of God's communication to me.


Lamentation 1, 2:1-6; Titus 3; Psalm 119:113-120

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Thursday, 28 October 2021





Read I Chronicles 19

Acts 16:10, KJV

"And after he had seen the vision, immediately we endeavoured to go into Macedonia, assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us for to preach the gospel unto them."

Let me show you as shown me why people are naive. Why like a wet kitten they shiver and hesitate in mind and then in action. There's one antidote for hesitation. Prove! Test! Be guaranteed! If you're with the medication called assurance, you will risk stepping out. Once you are, why should your reason still be clouded and your body not move? Paul in the Macedonian vision was said to have taken action after "gathering assuredly." After that, he resolved and said "indeed, God has sent us to Macedonia." In John 5 which tells the story of the invalids waiting for the moving of the water, why they always rush toward the stirred pool (their opportunity) is because they have proved it first of all to have been stirred - not by any person but by that visiting angel. The Bible didn't tell us their verifying process of this truth. We don't know whether they do see the angel appear in all glory and light. We don't know if it's a whirling sound of water being turned with strong force they do hear which always notifies them of taking a bold move towards the stirred pool (their opportunity). Whatsoever it is, they do test and within a twinkle conclude "it's time to launch."

The devil in I Peter 5:8 also don't strike unless he has seen somebody who has made himself ready to be devoured. He becomes assured of that first of all. You know, Satan also do prove all things before he holds unto that (a specific one) which is true. The Bible says, "can you carry fire in your bosom and not be burnt? [Proverbs 6:27]. We were also warned not to make provision for the flesh or else one will be assisting Satan against oneself. Doing that gives the striker the strike. Once he sights those who are tempting themselves, he comes in and it always results big for him. You see, he also learns the psychology of striking and entering action with boldness. It has never proved otherwise for him except where God wants to deliver his lawful captive from him. So, we can gather from these three places that the successes of the entities (Paul, the invalids and Satan who prowls to devour) result due to having proved all things to be certain before taking action. They moved because there was a verified reason to be spurred. That one can't be debated. They settled it first of all. Are you persuaded of who has spoken and what you've heard? Paul spoke of being persuaded. 

2 Timothy 1:12, KJV

"...for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day."

Before you will be persuaded, there will actually be more than an option before you but one will be more convincing than others. You'll just have high assurance that that one will work. You will tend or lean in vote or debate in favour of that one than others. That's God's leading. If you go for it, harvest will result. That's how to do market calculation and then strike. Here, you will need to know again and again how God speaks to you and be persuaded of who has spoken to you. Paul referring to this in another place was speaking with strong emphatic emphasis that: 

Acts 27:23-24, KJV 

"For there stood by me this night the angel of God, WHOSE I AM, and WHOM I SERVE, 24 Saying, Fear not, Paul..."

Note "whose I am and whom I serve". Once this is settled, move even if the hills are being removed right before your face into the sea or if thousands and ten of thousands are falling away by your sides. Shivering stops when we gather assurance. This emboldens us to enter action as a striker and stop being a shiverer. It's time you tunnel your way in!

PRAYER: Enliven, embolden, equip, guarantee, assure me Spirit of the living God. My mountain is made strong.


Habakkuk 1, 2, 3:1-19; Titus 2; Proverb 26:3-12

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Wednesday, 27 October 2021




ON GOD! - NOW Series 005

READ John 5:1-6

John 5:3, KJV

"In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of the water."

May God come through for you. If He has not, you'll have to stay put. You'll have to lay low. Unless there's a move, no one moves. You can't manufacture what is not there. If you do, it won't yield to you. Today, I am caught up in the Spirit of the Lord and wholly praying that God will show you His mercy. I'm praying that God will at this time come for you. Unless He comes, you won't stop hoping, anticipating and remaining on tip toe. Until He comes, you'll still be desirous of your situation being amended. Why are we all looking unto heaven? Why were the invalids all seated with rapt attention and observation? They were waiting for their situation changer. The herald of joy whose feet announces healing. 

"...waiting for the moving of the water."

An elderly friend of mine who trades in Forex as a master was explaining the movement of Forex charts to me sometimes ago. He was saying, "once this happens like this and that happens like that, it's then he'll make his move and take the profit." You know, it's like getting into the flow of something when it flows. Great generals have learnt one thing: when to strike and when to refrain! Until what that my friend said would happen the way he only best knows how to describe happens, he will rather patiently wait for it to happen that way. He is not in a hurry. He has said his life depends on being awake while following the charts intricately with minor distraction. I was shocked at the rapt attention he gives to that thing. That's all because of money and it does pays him off.

Did you see the wonder of God also? We are needy ones who seek the big God for his needs. So, we wait. We all are leaning on God. It is He we have found to unburden to. All of us are just pilgrims at His corridor and balcony. Do you know how many in the whole world send requests to God daily? They want to collect from God. Pullings here and there. All on God.The invalids represent each of us that will always have a need to meet. Unless God shows up for us, we'll but continue to pray, trust and exercise faith.  That place says, "waiting for the stirring of the water."

The opportunity to come is the stirred water. The bus they must not miss; but till then, they will be seen waiting, observing; at readiness and attention to take this opportunity and ride on its ability, potential and what it has to offer to settle their need. It's like a man whose debtors must pay him before he settles his obligations. He'll wait till then. 

Currently, I'm also waiting for the stirring of the water in a particular area. I've been trusting God to take a step for years. Once the water is clearly seen to have been troubled, I'll be signalled it's time to act but I'm awaiting Him to show off with the final confirming sign of stirring the water as He assures. That's going to be the last sign that will say I should get into active activity of that thing. Until then, I'll have to be full of ears all around my body to detect when the opportunity has presented itself for me to take. I must be able to hit the candle stick or wicket sticks with the ball once that time strikes. The stirring of the water is what signals the jumping into the pool. Without that, no waiter launches into the pool. You may be ready like sin that crouches at the door or like a lion that prowls around looking for whom to devour. However, if the opportunity do not avail itself, you can't still take it. I therefore pray that there will be the stirring of the water now. Let there be a violent reaction. A great warming up. A great signalling and awakening. Let your opportunity, my opportunity, our opportunity show up. Let the transportation we will take show up. I ask for an eruption. A great violence and reaction in the spirit which will birth a physical manifestation in reality that will signal you to move. My spirit picks an image now. It's of sprinters awaiting a shot into the air. You will hear that shot. You won't tarry again but go on this long awaited journey of expectation. The shot is shot, sprint!

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 52; Titus 1; Psalm 119:105-112

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Tuesday, 26 October 2021





Read Psalm 142

Luke 5:6, KJV

"And when they had this done, they inclosed a great multitude of fishes: and their net brake."

Whenever we gather, we don't do to come and sight see. We come to hear what Word God will speak which we can salvage or gather for ourselves and by that wage a good warfare. God has proved Himself faithful again. There's bread at hand. He said I should tell you that the "obedience side is the reaping side!" Let not that man think to himself he'll gather when he has refused instructions. Have you read today's passage? Jesus said, "launch out into the deep" to one Mr. Peter. After much reluctance, he did. Until then, something was not said of that process and until that was witnessed of him, the process also was not complete. What is the witness said of his action?

"...and when HE HAD THIS DONE (obedience side), he inclosed a multitude of fishes (reaping side) and his net break (reaping ride)."

Take it again. When he had what done? ...Cast the net into the sea. After taking that step, then he reaped. I'm hearing again, "don't let that man think he'll have a thing to show to all who has refused instruction(s). The obedience side is the reaping side." Until then, you can't enter into the reaping side let alone reaping ride. You, press that pedal and see what appears to you.

May I tell you what was brought me by angels with wings. They had earlier initiated me into their counsel. They said, "every instruction given but yet to be carried out is a debt you owe!" Only God knows how many debtors there be in the body of Christ and how much they owe. You may be financially buoyant yet owe debt with cries of "when will you pay railing at you?" Debt shouldn't be thought in terms of money only. There are debtors of vows all around also. Until you act out what you know the Lord wants you do, your hand is still not clean. Something is there by which you can be taken into accounts. If you do it, you're free of God!

"The obedience side is the reaping side and the reaping side is likewise the obedience side." If you want to enter into the spree of harvest and you really desire that, you'll climb in by the handle of obedience. It is it that opens what is closed. Instruction given but not acted is like one not given at all. Peter desired fishes and it showed in how he toiled and did all night. When his opportune time came to make it and blow real big, if he had refrained from acting on "launch out into the deep", none of his expectation would have been rewarded though he wanted profit. Expectation isn't as important as action. 

Those of you mourning and saying God has refused to satisfy you early, check if you've been despising instructions. Don't stop working the general ones and let roll of the personal personalized ones. Once you reconsider, automatically, things will begin to work as if your labour isn't involved. If you really desire to profit and take profit out of life, then you must live by "what is God saying, what has God said and what will He say? We call it daily word. They're words to be cherished than your daily necessary food. They're words by which you can't live alone. If you really want to succeed, then pay attention to these words for their suited given opportune time (Matthew 4:4). ...and may I tell you something? None of God's instruction is burdensome to act out! So, act!

PRAYER: Let the practice, practical and experimentation side be my obsession. My harvest shall no longer delay as I steps carry. Thanks Lord.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 49:23-50:46, Titus 1:1-16, Psalm 97:1-98:9, Proverbs 26:13-16

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