Thursday, 22 July 2021





Genesis 22:14, KJV

"And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: as it is said to this day, IN THE MOUNT OF THE LORD IT SHALL BE SEEN."

What testimony? God requested of Abraham, Isaac (his only son) who ought to remain a consolation to him. Abraham obeyed God and off to Moriah he went. 

Where we agree obedience at heart precedes our action is where God agreed Abraham had slain Isaac already though was about acting it out. You might have obeyed God on a thing but because people haven't seen your body act it, they may call you disobedient or a rebel. God won't mistake you for another. God sees obedience in the heart even before its physical and open manifestation. Men however don't until their naked eyes can bear them witness.

Abraham was about killing Isaac when a voice stopped him from above. God sees he has released what he cherished most and has not preferred Isaac over Him. God has given Abraham a clear instruction that he can't pretend he didn't hear because it was a painful one. For some Christians, when God communicates easy things, they hear but when they hear hard instructions, they pretend it was not God they heard. They'll rather want to hear and hear until the idol in their heart is given them as instruction or direction. Such people will fall into trouble at day's end. 

What did the voice from above say as Abraham picks the knife?

Genesis 22:12-13, KJV

"12 And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me.13 And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son."

God testified Abraham fears him because he has not withheld Isaac from Him. Pay attention to God's emphasis on "thy only son." Giving is easier when one does from his abundance. A possessor of one thing will want to retain it. But Abraham still sacrificed his only begotten Isaac. That's hard. It was after this something significant happened as if it was not a reality. God gave Abraham a ram. A ram from nowhere. At a very tight corner when we thought all hope was lost for Abraham and that Isaac was forever gone, Isaac made a come back. He reentered the ring! We had thought, Isaac is dead but a kind of substitution happened. An image of Christ substituting us in His death. The testimony is "on the mount of the Lord, there shall be provision." If where Abraham didn't think of, a miracle bursts forth from there, where you never think of or had only thought less of, miracle will come from there. At a time when your hands are shivering and you're asking, "is the show ending now and forever indeed", you'll receive a return into performance. You'll continue. You'll persist.

To you who is in dire need of provision, miracle or an expectation, you'll see your answer show up. Wherever your ram is, let it appear. A spouse can be a ram. You've been expecting a show up of him/her for long yet without appearance. I'm hearing, "on God's mount, it shall be seen." What you're seeking shall be found.

That ram just appeared. Abraham didn't call for it but divine provision made it available. Your provision also, ready made will appear in Jesus' name.

PRAYER: Is a spouse, money, promotion, healing etc your own ram? Ask and it shall appear. Lord, let me always make a comeback.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1 Samuel 1:1-2:21, John 5:1-23, Psalm 105:37-45, Proverbs 14:28-29

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Wednesday, 21 July 2021





Job 23:12,KJV

"Neither have I gone back from the commandment of His lips; I have esteemed the words of His mouth more than my necessary food."

Whose words do you esteem? Imagine a pupil whose friend keeps asking 'will your dad buy the toy for you as he promised?.' That's a question challenging the father's integrity. The boy must have known his father well enough to be persuaded of his father's promise. The word and food are struggling to have the attention of people also. Food has gained many because it comes to us naturally. Hunger reminds us of eating. Not eating reminds us of health failure and death. Meanwhile, we fail to see the many dangers that lack of words from God's mouth can bring. Greater havoc! Many have given their allegiance to what they put in their mouth thinking that real survival comes from it.

Many, many people rank food as being important over instructions from God's mouth. You can't do without eating in a day. Shouldn't you also live with instructions from God per day? Stop deceiving yourself and face reality. When food is graded above what God would have said, you'll soon be in danger. Do you know there are business men who will eat and take all sort of drinks in the morning before going to work who don't see it more necessary to enquire and secure words from God's mouth concerning their businesses and lives? Yet, this same people do not have a prophet watching their back. Not long, his investment collapses and he experiences a quick down trend for having not received words from God's mouth. Survival is on food but real survival is on the words that stems forth from God's mouth to you.

People strengthen themselves with physical food and jettison strengthening every facet of their lives with what God will have to say. Real and cooperate danger! You see, God has more than enough to say to you. Your not coming at all is what barricades this free flow of privilege information. Motor accidents, plane crash, building collapse, stock collapse etc would still happen but words that you have waited on God to receive early in the morning or at afore times will save you from such. Even, if you're given a prophecy and you're the kind that despises and mock divine things, you'll still have fallen victim of what the prophecy had predicted. Mind you, receiving words for your life and others you're responsible for must be on daily basis. That's the key to your continuous survival on this earth. That's why the word was said to be steady and uninterrupted. 

Matthew 4:4

" takes more than bread to stay alive. It takes a steady stream of words from God's mouth." MSG

It must be continuous word. Why it should also be ever progressive word is because we receive and are given physical meat daily. We thrive on that right?

Luke 11:3

"Give us each day the food we need" NLT

Each day means daily. This is the principle of continual existence on the face of the earth. Even, gods and goddesses' worshippers rank communications and directions from their deity first of all. The priest daily consults his oracle too. He knows today will be different from yesterday and tomorrow from today. Shouldn't we therefore learn this wisdom better seeing it is written clearly in bold prints for us. Life is filled with uncertainties and unforseen contingencies which makes our daily receiving more important. Don't negotiate this today. Start a relationship with God by becoming born again and qualifying for notices.

PRAYER: May I not negotiate intimacy with you. Teach me waiting and receiving. Hint me of future occurrences. I won't fall victim of evils to come.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Kings 13:1-14:29, Acts 18:23-19:12, Psalm 146:1-10, Proverbs 18:2-3

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Tuesday, 20 July 2021


TUESDAY - 20th JULY, 2021



Matthew 5:18, KJV

"For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled."

Nothing as promise or prophecy will tarry and be held back from being fulfilled in God's Word. Until all is fulfilled, heaven and earth: this one we're in can't end. So, if you find any promise in the Bible that's claimable or that awaits fulfilment, you can take it to God to fulfill it in your life. 

You will be helping rapture to come faster if all these promises and prophecies are fulfilled on time. That's how to hasten Jesus coming apart from preaching the message of the kingdom to the ends of the earth. 

Just like heaven and earth would pass away but not a jot or title of the law would pass without being fulfilled, so also, many things can happen against you yet all will eventually be to the fulfilment of God's promise to the least item that God has predestined you fulfill here on earth.

Who am I sent to? Heaven and earth may pass away but one thing stands, endures and is unshaken. You will fulfill all despite contention, rivalry or the struggle.

Psalms 46:2-3, KJV

"2Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;  3 Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof." 

If a mountain that's firmly planted on earth should suddenly relocate and be planted in the sea, you should know that's disorderliness. A disordered world is what's playing out. So also, when heaven and earth passes away (that looks like a kind of disorder of the cosmos system). Despite that, God's Word won't fail. 

Let there be roarings, threatenings, delays etc against you. Yet, you'll fulfill all to the latter. Not that heaven and earth won't pass away. They will but the Word of God or the law is not minding them. It must come to pass despite their own sureness to come to an end. 

Let the sea roars. Let all sorts of experiences come your way. One thing is sure, you'll accomplish all. So shall it be.

PRAYER: Lord, in the midst of roaring contrariness, I fulfill all to the latter. 

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1 Chronicles 24:1-26:11, Romans 4:1-12, Psalm 13:1-6, Proverbs 19:15-16

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Monday, 19 July 2021


MONDAY - 19TH JULY, 2021



READ Hebrews 11

Matthew 5:18, KJV

"For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled."

Look, whatsoever wants to happen, let it happen. We have an anchor that holds the soul. If the devil wants to rage like a storm, his raging can't stop what has been fixed for you to happen.

I heard in my Spirit, "heaven and earth shall pass away, but nothing the Lord has planned for you: which He has told you of or which you're yet to know of shall go away unfulfilled."

Many times, we may get to a juncture where we ask if we will ever amount or become in this one life. We may be pressing and sowing good labour of righteousness, believing if one do not yield, the other would do. That's not bad. He that won't work shouldn't eat as the Bible admonishes. However, we can get to a place where despite all these, we wonder if we're really progressing. We may ask, "Am I spending my life well at all." Is there satisfaction here for me? All these questions bothers on purpose and destiny. 

May I tell you that your worrying can't change anything. Men of old received their report by faith. That's why the Bible says, "by faith, the elders receive good report." It is not by worrying or weeping things are possessed. 

By faith, some receive their dead back. Abel though dead was still speaking. By faith, Abraham though dead in body was still made alive. Mouths of lions were shut by faith and some escaped the edge of the sword by faith. You then wonder and say, "just too many by faith." Don't let your faith droop down. It's a shield that mustn't fall below. Let it stand firm. Keep believing for that great future and you shall possess it.

Your consolation is this. The least of what God has destined for you can't pass away. If an iota of the law written would not pass away unless it is fulfilled, I am persuaded all written for you shall be fulfilled also. 

You will wear everything out. Some of us are very concern and covetous Christians. Covetousness here isn't sin nor bad. We rather covet that all God has written for us should come to pass. We want to release albums and be known for music, be a renown preacher, control politics of nations, be relevant in the academics, be known to the going down of the sun etc. God is saying, "the myriads of all these things won't go without being fulfilled." God takes note of things a lot. He doesn't forget even the smallest of things. That's why that place says, "not a jot or tittle" shall pass away. Do you know what a jot is? Pick a pen and make a dot somewhere. That dot is a jot. Did you see how small it is? If a jot of what's written in God's Word won't pass away without being fulfilled as God had promised. It means the least and most little of your dreams shall be fulfilled.

God will so much help you to the extent that you'll fulfill all. Just to the latter. Completely, wholly without leaving one behind. It's like eating in a dish and not even leaving any remnant behind. Everything shall be licked up totally. You'll live all your dreams. You won't owe destiny.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1 Chronicles 24:1-26:11, Romans 4:1-12, Psalm 13:1-6, Proverbs 19:15-16

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Sunday, 18 July 2021


 SUNDAY - 18TH JULY,2021



I Kings 3:23,KJV

"Then said the king, The one saith, This is my son that liveth, and thy son is the dead: and the other saith, Nay; but thy son is the dead, and my son is the living."

Welcome all users. It's time to wing today's revelation to you. Get ready to trap and soak it into your spirit.

One thing the devil runs after is that which still breathes. As long as it still has the breath of life, then it will qualify for Satan's attention. Meanwhile, if it is dead, stinking and rotten, such is generously ignored by the devil.

The devil doesn't waste time on oranges that has no water in it nor glorified with sweetness of fluid. He doesn't throw sticks at such oranges. Meanwhile, if need be, he could spend years; years over years to reach and pluck down that singular orange that's the delight of God.

What were these prostitutes fighting for in this passage? A child right? Which of the child? Dead or living?

The devil isn't after what is spoilt or ruined. He's actually after that drum which still sounds well when beaten with sticks. The plan of satan is to tear that drum also. The devil doesn't want it give joy to anyone nor produce rhythmical sounds that's danceable. The devil is in outright and very serious flight after all the living children.

Here are two prostitutes at the king's court. Each of them were shouting two different things. Their poems didn't rhyme at all. It was cacophony of noises that day and the king would have shouted on them if not for toleration sake. One appealed "my lord, we both stay in the same room. We both had children. This one slept on hers and while I was sound asleep exchanged her dead son with my living son" which is why we are here. The other also responded "noo, what a liar you are! Yours is the dead child while mine is the living child." If that child were to be with defect or he's physically challenged, none would have fought that hard to have him. They fought over this child because he was still alive, breathing and in good health condition. Who doesn't want that which is good? Have you seen people fight over a man or woman who's insane before? That won't be anybody's prince or princess. If you're observant, you'll see that the dead child didn't receive any attention. None of the woman even brought him to the court. It was only the living child that a debate was on and he was therefore presented for settlement. Who opens a book and turns to the chapter of dead children? They're not fit for the earth again but the worms who await them.

Look at the devil fighting over what is not his. Look at the devil wanting to get the living child. Look at the devil pursuing a man with the call of God on his head. Not long ago, I began to flashback and  look at how much attacks have been unleashed on me and how much the devil want me forfeit ministry and forget it. The devil want to bury my voice while still alive. He wants to make me living dead which is the same plan he has for other anointed ministers. Whenever the door of ministry opens, it's as if the door of temptations opens with it. The devil in his brutality and full use of weaponry is running after all the living children. He knows case is closed over all dead children. He knows a minister that has been buried whose funeral has been concluded is completely useless against him. He knows he can't threaten him. He knows a dead baby can't cry any longer. He knows a sound from him if he makes any at all can't wake up anyone. If he does, that's by resurrection which only the Messiah: the Resurrection and the Life can perform Himself. However, the living child has a terrible cry. It cries always because it's living and has Araulah (God's breath) in me. He knows unless his burial ceremony is performed, he'll continue to disturb him. That's why the devil took the living child by night and even followed it to the court of king Solomon to see its end. The devil has great plans. Don't think they're sweet. He wants to make concerted effort to see that the living child becomes dead. What was the other prostitutes' response when the king said the baby should be cut into two and given to each of the prostitutes?

I Kings  3:26,KJV

"Then spake the woman whose the living child was unto the king, for her bowels yearned upon her son, and she said, O my lord, give her the living child, and in no wise slay it. But the other said, Let it be neither mine nor thine, but divide it."

God wants the living child to live on. The devil want it gasp for air until life drops out of his body. The devil want him substituted in ministry. The devil want his assignment truncated. That's the devil for you. He wants him take offence and be bitter; becoming selfish and engrossed in himself, still thinking he's right and very right. He is on his heels whistling after all living children. If you're alive, he's after you. If you've just been resurrected and restored, he won't suffer you to be alone. You must even be careful because you've been his client once upon a time.

Now, listen to my decrees which are God's decrees. May all living children escape and survive the attacks and the claims of Satan over them.

May the devil misses target over them. May they not allow sin as to open him a door to enter. May all who have fallen bounce back in astounding resurrection. May there be a great surge, quickening and movement as it was in the valley of dry bones. Dry bones...rise! Living ones... live on!

God's decrees!

PRAYER: God of all flesh, give me your whole armour to survive in battles. Lord, give me an intercessor in the secret place and an advocate at the court.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1 Kings 19:1-21, Acts 12:1-23, Psalm 136:1-26, Proverbs 17:14-15

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Saturday, 17 July 2021





READ Mark 11:1-10

Mark 11:3,KJV 

"And if any man say unto you, Why do ye this? say ye that the Lord hath need of him; and straightway he will send him hither."

I want you to see that you'll be doing yourself a great favour if the Lord beckons on you and you hear. Men can call you but with a big no at hand for them. If the Lord does, I'll say, drop that which you have in your hands and follow. 

Jesus sent the disciples to go to a place and bring a colt tied on which no man has ever ridden. What a virgin it was! He, knowing they might be questioned gave them words to say. It wasn't that Jesus had afore preplanned with the colt's owner. The beat which He believes would communicate to such, "the Lord has need of it" was therefore given to the disciples. That's the currency with which they went on that journey. 

The Lord has need of it? Yes. That's His demand. If it is, let's give Him. You should be humble to learn from today's teaching. Those they met didn't delay them after they said the Lord has need of it. They immediately let them go with it.

May you for another or any with something for you let go at hearing God's voice. May God persuade them. What the Lord has need of is what He can't but get. That's how it should be though we have known some for their obstinacy and disagreement even in the face of the Lord has need of it. These are of the set that won't let go. These are of the set that their possessions are too heavy for them to part with. These are those who disdain God and do not esteem Him in act but can confess Him as Lord till tomorrow. For no one esteems God really that doesn't do so when sacrificial demands are made on him. Pharaoh won't let Israel go but Israel had to still go. God will do it.

The Lord has need of it! In the Yoruba culture of the Nigerian people, their ancient monarchs are known for exercising absolute authority. This authority was so far reaching that the king could see a young virgin and say, "she pleases me well. I'll have her for wife." All can't but agree even if they're not well pleased. It is the king. It is royalty that has made demand on them. It is not a man of mere presence. They'll even be honoured becoming in-law to the king though he's one with many wives already. Yet, there's honour, wealth and delight there. How much more you as a child of God? There should be nothing in God's will you stretch at without obtaining. It is the Lord that has need of it. It doesn't matter how costly it is, it's obtainable. If men would by cringing or feigning heed these kings, how much more the Royalty that gives royalty to royalty? We should see and fear. Jordan saw and fled. You must be touched also. The Lord has come. If He tells you I need you for this or that purpose, let go. Don't struggle with God. He only wants to bring you to a great estate. When the Lord told Peter to lend him His boat which he did, the Lord rewarded him with the catch he had never caught before. Afterwards, the Lord made a final demand on him by saying, "follow me and I'll make you fishers of men." You can tell whether after Peter's heeding of this call he wasted away or grew in relevance. 

Is there any God has been saying, "I have need of you to there but who's withholding?" Are there parents there who are withholding their children from their God's will for marriage? Those words have not changed. It is still, "the Lord has need of them." You should hear, be touched and submit. Come to the acknowledgement that it is the Lord and not the disciples you're seeing in their irrelevance who came to make the tender. 

I pray that like a man lacking strong will, you'll follow God just like that once this demand comes. May God persuade any that's contending on making a release somewhere. May you not be hindered from the future you could have featured in with this man or woman likened unto Jesus. That colt later was honoured just like Jesus. People were spreading clothes and branches on the ground for it to pass. You can't go with a special demand on you and not be made special on the road of that demand. You, give it a try.

PRAYER: Lord, I submit to your demand over me. Nothing I possess will be held back from Your service. All that's mine is Yours and Yours first of all.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1 Chronicles 24:1-26:11, Romans 4:1-12, Psalm 13:1-6, Proverbs 19:15-16

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Friday, 16 July 2021


FRIDAY - 16TH JULY, 2021



James 4:7, KJV

"Submit yourselves therefore to God. RESIST THE DEVIL, AND HE WILL FLEE FROM YOU."

"Resist the devil", the Bible says. The consequence of resisting him is only one: He'll FLEE FROM you not FLEE TO you or your embrace.

Don't accommodate. Stop accommodating but rather refrain him firm in your faith. Stamp your feet on the ground and say "no" to him.

The devil is actually a coward and a cheat. However, he'll try you. He'll come around into your parlour and see if you'll say, "welcome or otherwise". How do people say welcome? By giving the devil a foothold. By intentionally giving space and allowance to temptation. By not rejecting attacks and things going contrary to what God has expressly said, given freely and had promised in His Word. They rather take it for God's will or act which may not be.

But once you take action by becoming furious... He'll flee - not to you but FROM you.

You're actually a commander and there's only one thing soldiers hears: commands. Once you say, "no" to the devil, he'll shift off your space.

While some ought to resist, they're tolerating, permitting, granting and cohabiting with the devil. ...and the devil is not careless taking such advantage as leverage. If you give the devil a ride in your car, don't think he'll quietly sit down and watch you drive. No! He's never contented but hungers to spread. His goal is to kick you out and take over the steering wheel. He wants to have an established kingdom which no one can contest with him but which is firmly, solely and wholly concentrated in his hands. But God has called all Christians to debate gaining of controls or full controls with the devil. So, you're a debater! He is already in the world as the prince of this world but we can debate him from entering, mastering or collecting our own domain which we have carved out as a conducive atmosphere for Christ: where Christ must be glorified and reign in continually. 

So, don't give the devil any foothold that can graduate into a stronghold. As soon as you begin to notice misbehaviour in your children, lack of submission in your wife, lack of understanding and end of love in your husband and sluggishness in your life/business or career, bring out the assault rifle of prayer and fire the devil. 

The word "resist" depicts a struggle. A thing you're resisting doesn't fold its hands also but tries to push you back even as you try shifting him off your own ground. The picture of wrestling and two wrestlers resisting each other is immediately pictured. The devil like a boxer might want to stand tall to you in the ring of life but another issuance says, WHOM YOU SHOULD RESIST FIRM IN THE FAITH.

I Peter 5:9, KJV

"Whom RESIST STEDFAST IN THE FAITH, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world."

"Firm or steadfast" suggests not wavering but persistence in resisting until the devil is resisted and flees. The devil at your first saying of "get behind me" might not heed you. Do you know why? His thinking is that you're probably doing guess work on whether he (Satan) is involved in your activities or not. Your persistence in resisting is what would clearly prove to him that, "come here O boy, this fellow has seen me o." Only then will he hurriedly pack off your property and go off from touching what is yours. So, be sure the devil is around indeed. That's what would concretize your resisting firmly. Right knowledge produces right acts. 

You're born again and so can resist him. So, who will resist the devil with me today? Wherever you may be, take a minute to say, speak or pray something to resist, refrain, rebuke and disallow the devil.

PRAYER: Lord, forgive my rebellion to You. I rebuke the devil's activities in my life, family, business, ministry etc. No in road for you.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1 Chronicles 16:37-18:17, Romans 2:1-24, Psalm 10:16-18, Proverbs 19:8-9

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